My flat mate uses a slow cooker more often, I use neither.
Do you make quick meals or spend a while cooking?
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mostly quick meals.. but with my pressure cooker can make long cook meals quicker
do you prefer cooking to bakeing ?
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I'm not sure which I prefer, probably baking.
Do you make sweet treats at Christmas or not?
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Yes Love to make Pralines
Do you give your baking away as presents ?
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No, but I used to.
Do you do most of the cooking in your household or not?
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Yes, I'm not sure my husband can cook anything besides canned soup. Lol That's not true. He did help out quite a bit after my surgeries and he did fine.
Do you always cook indoors or do you like to cook outdoors on a grill, weather permitting?
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My housemate sometimes cooks outdoors but I don't.
Do you go to or give barbecues in summer or not?
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I go to some but don't host anymore
I used to have a wonderful outside kitchen and would grill and cook outside all the time, new house doesn't have that.
the next person has rain today
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No, we don't have rain and it's good that it wasn't as hot as yesterday.
The next person looks forward to heating on a cold day.
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No, I'm glad it's fairly warm here for late December. We're in the low 50's!!
Is cold or warm weather in the forecast for Christmas where you live?
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It's meant to be fairly hot here tomorrow: 15C/59F to 27C/80F.
Have you done a lot of your Christmas preparations yet or not?
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I still have some packages to wrap. I'm sorting through what my mother-in-law had bought and trying to figure out who they were for and wrapping those. And then a few big packages that will be a chore. I plan on finishing those up since I will be leaving work early today.
Do you have the week between Christmas and the New Year off or do you have to work?
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Ocean, I hope your present wrapping goes well.
No, I don't have to work but I always have a lot to do.
Do you need more than a few days off to really relax or do you relax easily?
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I think it went OK, Aussie. Thanks for asking!
It usually takes me a day or two to really relax.
Do you relax better at home or away?
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Hi Ocean!!
I definitely relax better at home although there are always things to do there.
Do you relax more when around others or when by yourself?
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Depends on the situation. I like relaxing alone at my house in the peace and quiet, especially poolside. Lol But I also enjoy relaxing with friends over dinner and a glass of wine.
Did you watch New Year's festivities on TV, participate in New Year's festivities, or just stay home and maybe not even stay awake until midnight?
(The latter one was me! Lol I was in bed by 11:00.)
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Hi Ocean!!
We stayed home and watched TV on New Year's Eve. When it was nearly midnight we went outside and saw a few fireworks in the distance but we couldn't see much so we went back inside and watched some fireworks on TV. We stayed up late as usual.
Do you feel glad that it's a new year or not?
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A new year means a new beginning and time to put all old bad stuff behind me, The past year has reminded me as much as you think your in control your not. You must face everyday as a new day.
The next person is ready for 2020
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No, I don't feel ready for 2020! I need a rest.
Do you have a lot you need to do at the moment or not?
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Yes, seems like I always do. Lol
Do you prefer listening to a solo singer with a guitar or a fuill band?
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I generally prefer listening to solo singers because it's easier to hear the words of songs.
Do you find it easy to hear the words of songs or not?
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It depends on the singer. Some singers I can't understand no matter how hard I try. Lol
Do you enjoy listening to instrumental songs at times or only songs with a vocalist?
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I mostly prefer songs with vocals but just instruments can be nice at times.
Do you ever play CDs anymore with all the other technology available now or not?
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Yes, I play CDs quite often. I have my favorites that I play over and over. I do use the new technology but I prefer my CDs. They're like an old friend and I find them comforting.
Do you prefer old classics or new music?
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Hi Ocean!!
I mostly listen to music from the 1960s and 1970s but I occasionally like something new. I don't hear about much new music though.
Do you listen to music every day or not?
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Yes, most days I do listen to music.
Do you watch TV every day or go days without watching it?
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I watch TV most days but sometimes I have too much else to do.
Do you watch TV live when it's aired or record it to watch later?
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Mostly when it's aired but I do occasionally record a show to watch later if we are gone or if it's on late.
Do you stay up late to watch a show or record it to watch later?
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I don't stay up late to watch live shows but I often stay up late to watch shows I've recorded.
Do you find it hard to go to bed on time or not?
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I don't find it hard going to bed on time but I find it hard falling asleep.
Do you fall asleep easily or do you have trouble falling asleep?