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Arimidex - Coping with the SE's



  • Layla2525
    Layla2525 Member Posts: 465

    For us newbies,the Arimidex is an aromatase inhibitor right?  What is Effexor? Aromatase is needed by the body to make estrogen and if thats stopped then you cant make the estrogen which makes the cancer grow? Is that right? I was reading an article about a study where scientists trying to see what was better the AI or the Tamox but when it study was over,they thought AI had a tiny edge over Tamox but then they had to do another study cuz they thought the AI was causing cogitive whole bc experience causes cognitive disfunction! I keep getting my PS & BS appt confused. Thank goodness the 2 dont look alike. Yep got my pillbox ready,learned that from my fiance who is a heart patient taking several pills a day.  Femara is another AI? Are the side effects the same?

  • Jean0078
    Jean0078 Member Posts: 21

    Thanks for the reply. Hopefully this anxiety will taper off over the nect 4-5 days. This is crazy. Does anyone know of studies in regard to Evista and its effectiveness. I have a friend, stage 2 nodes invovlved, who has been NED for 15 years.  She took the Evista for 5 years and had good luck. How is that different from Anastrozole? 

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,955

    Layla--Arimadex (anastrazole), Femara (letrozole), Aromasin (expmestane) are all aromatase inhibitors. After the ovaries stop making estrogen aromatase turns fat and cholesterol into estrogen.  These drugs interfere with aromatase.  ER+ bc cells start to grow and multiple when exposed to estrogen.  All of the AIs have a similar side effect profile, but that doesn't predict which woman will have which effects and how intensely.  Many times a woman taking one AI (arimidex for instance) and has joint pain and stiffness so bad she has to stop it can take another (femara, for instance) and not have the side effects as badly.  It's a trial and error game.  Effexor is an antidepressant that is also used to calm down hot flashes. 

     Evista is used for prevention of mets or recurrence in women with a high risk of invasive bc.   Women (on the usual treatments) who took Evista to maintain, improve or protect their bone density  were found to have a statistically  lower rate of recurrence or mets.  Evista works somewhat like Tamoxifen by binding to estrogen receptors, but not triggering them.  This keeps real estrogen from binding to the cancer cells and triggering growth and reproduction. 

    The whole estrogen receptor thing is a 2 part process:  estrogen has to bind to the receptor, then "trigger" the associated function (growth and reproduction).  So estrogen receptor positive bc can be blocked in 2 ways--by eliminating estrogen in the body so there isn't any to attach to the receptor, or by introducing something that will bind to the receptor but not trigger the associated function,  In either case the bc cell doesn't get the message to multiply and eventually dies off.  

    edited becuase I can't seea to spel corectly today

  • chatsworthgirl
    chatsworthgirl Member Posts: 197

    Hello.  Been absent from here for a while.  I saw the radiation oncologist on January 30th.  He said there would be a meeting of all cancer dept doctors who discuss various patients and treatments and mine would be discussed as to whether or not I would need radiation and would call me.  My regular onc had told me that I most likely would not and after the meeting with the radiation onc I saw him as well and he reiterated that.  I haven't heard from anyone yet and I know this is stupid but I am not calling for fear someone will tell me I have to do radiation. 

    The other issue is that my onc said I would not take Armidex until after radiation.  I am wondering how long you can wait to start Armidex after chemotherapy (that's assuming no radiation).  I had my last chemo on December 9. 

    Any advice or input?


  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    I took my first Aromasin today after a two month break from Anastrozole. Cognitively I feel normal again and I hope I don't go back to space cadet, aphasia plagued and limited. I also hope I don't have all the pain I was having before. My hands only recently stopped hurting. Praying I can manage this and sleep normally.

  • valjean
    valjean Member Posts: 1,110

    Ginger ~ I was going to PM you soon to see what you had decided to do but you just answered my Q. Did you get my PM before?

    Good luck on the Aromasin/exemestane.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,017

    Ginger - can't remember if you used wrist splints when on Arimidex?  If not, USE THEM if you get pain in hands

    Layla - effexor is an anti-depressant.  one of the only ones that can be taken with Tamoxifen.

  • Jean0078
    Jean0078 Member Posts: 21

    You girls are a god send. NativeMaine: you are very knowledgable ( or however you spell that). Thanks.Can't wait for this stuff to leave my system. I feel horrible, like I have lost control of myself. Far cry from less than two weeks ago when I was all around Hawaii and planning another vacation in England for this fall. Will I ever get back to me? This came on so suddenly it can't be regular depression. Chatworth: My last chemo was Dec 19. My Dr. said I could start the anastrozole anytime. So by New Years I felt great so started it. Felt Great until Feb 5 when all hell broke loose. 

  • Jean0078
    Jean0078 Member Posts: 21

    BTW I started Radiation and have had 7 treatments out of 25. Boy am I tired already but I am laying some of it to the Anastrozole. I am a space cadet already. Had to get an oil change on the car and forgot the charge card . Good thing the clerk realized that. And at Subway paid for sandwich with a $20 and walked off---sharp clerk there too. Now I have to get stuff ready for the accountant for taxes. I will probably forget something.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,955

    Jean--you've really just finished chemo, that stuff will be in your system to one extent or another for another several months. Add radiation and arimidex on top and you have a recipe for exhaustion and emotional upheaval.  Most women are just too tired during rads to have much of any emotional response, and then it all crashes in on them later.  For me it was a year later, and I'm still picking up the pieces and trying to get life put back together again--and I didn't have chemo!  Hang in there, it does get better.  Counseling helps a lot. 

  • Jean0078
    Jean0078 Member Posts: 21

    Thanks Native Mainer- I see you are 5 years out. I guess I am too hard on myself. I think my last year sums it up and probably explains why I felt so good in HI. There I was REALLY on vacation! Stayed with a relative who did everything for me but get me dressed. Beach, Sun, ....

     In a nut shell besides BC, BMX, chemo, rads, meds during the last 6 months, my husband died of cholangiocarcinoma ( bile duct cancer) I was his caregiver. He wanted no one else, and three days before my surgery, my Dad died. Yes, I am already on antidepressants-duh. 

    Love your statement about being too tired to have an emotional repsonse. That would be me. Just now starting to grieve for my husband and myself I guess.  I am 63 so my kids are grown and my daughter lives nearby. She is a wonderful support and your support means alot even though I don't know you.  

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,866

    Oh man, Jean, you have been through the ringer. I am so sorry. Treat yourself very kindly, do things that will be fun and interesting to you and give yourself time. Sending a big hug! ruth

  • ptdreamers
    ptdreamers Member Posts: 639

    Jean0078, You have been through the wringer physically and when you add in your husband and father no wonder you are depressed and overwhelmed. Give yourself permission to grieve and let yourself heal. It will get better but it does take time.

  • beau
    beau Member Posts: 149

    HI Sebm9,

     I think that you might be on to something with the claratin/benedryl protocol. I am going to try benedryl again tonight. I definitely have a lot of joint pain and I think the anti-histamines could be part of the puzzle. I will keep you posted. Other folks who try it, please report back since it would be great to see if others find it helpful (or not). 

    best Beau 

  • Elizabeth1889
    Elizabeth1889 Member Posts: 509

    Jean, You have been through a terrible, terrible ordeal.  I am so sorry you had to go through BC and deaths of your husband and father all at once.  Please be very good to yourself.  

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,017

    Jean - no words to express my sympathy - and respect for you - still standing!  I can't imagine how you do it, and hope your daughter realizes what an incredible woman you are too.  What everyone says - you really have to be gentle with yourself...the stress on top of this @%#^# disease - I hope you can find something very easy, simple, that will help in the long healng process. Feels like too much for any person to have to deal as good to yourself as you can be....

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    Jean welcome to our little group here. I am sorry you have had to deal with all of this plus two huge losses in your life. I did some talk therapy along with antidepressants, they seemed to work well together for me. Come here for some good hugs when you need them. We'll be here for you.

    Hugs Ginger

  • Jean0078
    Jean0078 Member Posts: 21

    You guys are great. Thanks a million! Yes, people have asked me how I did it. I have only told part of the story. Taking care of a dying husband, medical insurance, SSDI ( a nightmare) etc etc. Well, you know.. 

    After four days off that Anastrozole I am starting to feel much better, It actually looks and feels sunny today. That depression and anxiety, stomach pains and upset and numb face were too much. I will not put up with that from any drug.

    I started crocheting a prayer shawl to add to the ones my church gives out. I have several given to me and my husband. It is easy work and I feel like I am contributing something to help someone else. 

  • sebm9
    sebm9 Member Posts: 488

    Beau: great! Let us know how it goes for you. I left a message for my MO and her nurse and they were very excited about the Claritin and are monitoring me. I'm about to go into my heavy allergy season (where I have to use Benadryl instead of Claritin), so this might be an interesting test. When I was on tamoxifen, I couldn't take benadryl  -- and so many other things -- so it's great to feel "normal" again. Whatever normal is, for BC women!

    Jean: Nobody should ever have to endure all that you are going through. You are amazingly strong and centered. I can't tell you how much I admire you!


  • walley
    walley Member Posts: 195


    Do you take the benadryl before bedtime?And how many ?

  • Rocket
    Rocket Member Posts: 910

    Jean, I am so sorry that you have had to endure so much! I am praying that God will give you a strong sense of His presence today. My heart goes out to you.

    Beau, I take three Benadryl at night to sleep along with a Xanax. Otherwise, I don't get more than a few hours a night. So if I start the Claritin, should I take it in the morning? Does it cause drowsiness?

  • beau
    beau Member Posts: 149

    Hi Susan, Walley and Rocket

    Now we are a positive crowd of folks considering claratin/benedryl so let's see how it goes. right now I am taking one benedryl at night because it helps me sleep. I do not take claratin (yet) during the day because it is non-drowsey formula which I don't need since I have trouble sleeping.

    The measures that I will use to tell if this is helping are: 1) my thoumb is on the verge of "triggger thumb", which has happened in the past three weeks. It is very sore at the joint which connects to my wrist. 2) I take one relafen a day (prescription NSAID of Aleve). I would like to stop taking this and take benedryl instead since it wil help me sleep as well. 3) not sure if it can solve the painful feet when I first wake up, but if it does, then that will be a clincher.

     the only downside for me is that anti-histamines can dry out your eyes more and I already have dry eyes so I am hoping that they don't get any worse. 

    Let me know what bothers you most and how you will measure whether if claratin/benedryl is happening.

    Jean, I didn't read back in the thread until this evening. I am so sorry that you have suffered so much. My heart goes out to you. You are very strong to still be moving forward.

     Best to all, Beau 

  • balsie
    balsie Member Posts: 228

    Thinking of you Jean~ My heart goes out to you

  • MamaV
    MamaV Member Posts: 373

    Jean - welcome and please know that you have my sympathy and prayers

    For all of you benedryl success users I am jealous!  Benedryl makes me sleepy for about 30 minutes and then gives me the WORST case of restless legs!  I had the worst time with it when they'd give it to me before my 12 taxol treatments. 

  • Jean0078
    Jean0078 Member Posts: 21

    I cannot take Benedryl as it makes me hyper and I won't sleep at all! for the Taxol treatments they gave be Zyrtec. That is non-drowsy and might be similar to Claritin but I don't know.

    I am happy to tell you that I have been off that Arimedix about 6 days and the depression, anxiety and fatigue are totally GONE! I just have my menopausal nervousness but that is different thanwhat I experienced on Arimedix. Clearly, that drug is not for me, at least not at this point in my hormonal change.  Will be interested in what the Dr. tries next as any hint of the above symptoms and I will stop it. I have a history of depression and will not go there again medicine induced or not. 

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,017

    Hello fellow Claritan tryers ;-)     I've got the generic ( cheap!) Costco version - I usually take it during Allergy season - which is supposed to start earlier & stronger this year cuz of warmth - haven't noticed a difference - but then, given all I do to deal with the SE's - I feel pretty good to begin with.

    One of the most recent "tweeks" to food for me ( no gluten, no dairy ) is to add a lot more Olive Oil to everything - trying to deal with this DRY SKIN all over - esp. difficult for me in winter, even tho I have baseboard heat ( not fored air)...smell like a walking coconut ( shaped like one too) Tongue out

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    I am now about 5 days into Aromasin. I did every other day the first few. So far I have a headache but nothing else and the headache could be from other reasons. I will keep track though!  

    I think I will switch my alergy pill for Claritin, if it works great. 

    I am sure hoping this Aromasin works for me with fewer side effects. 

     Thinking about all of you. 

    Did you ever dream how complicated this journey would become. 


  • GabbyCal
    GabbyCal Member Posts: 46

    Hello ladies - I'd like to poll this group of AI-users about fingernails. I'm dealing with the dryer-than-before skin with lots and lots of lotions, but haven't found anything that helps my fingernails.

    They're so dry, they've been splitting vertically, making little square cut-outs at the ends. The only solution I've found is to keep them cut absolutely as short as possible, heading off the split ends. I also have ridges that run from the cuticle to the end of the nail which I never had before. Someone told me the ridges come from stress. No surprise there!

    As SEs go, this is minimal and just really an irritation. But I thought I'd put this out there since if anyone would have a solution, it would be the ladies on this discussion board.

  • Jean0078
    Jean0078 Member Posts: 21

    I got the ridges, both horizantal and vertical from the Taxol. I find that massaging Eucerin Intensive Care into the nails every night helps. Still not great nails though.

  • mimi1964
    mimi1964 Member Posts: 851

    I find I too have very brittle nails and have to keep them cut short and I have ridges.  They break and split at the base of the nail bed. I also find that my skin is drier than normal and my eyes are very dry, to the point that it feels like my eyelids are sticking to my actual eye.  It is really uncomfortable.  Does anyone have any recommendations of what they are doing to solve any of these problems.