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Arimidex - Coping with the SE's



  • MENA1954
    MENA1954 Member Posts: 111

    Lee7, me too!  Although I remember waking up a few times during the night,  I also remember that it took me less then usual to fall asleep!  Maybe we are on our way to better nights!  LOL

    Oh yea, talking about S/E, one more  I am noticing which I am NOT liking much, is how my memory is deteriorating more every day since I started taking the "A" pill !

     Unfortuantely I always had aches and pains, so if now I have more, I am probably not even that aware of the change!

    But the memory issue is causing me a lot of angst!!!!!

    Can anyone else relate?


  • Rocket
    Rocket Member Posts: 910

    Having had both chemo, rads, and then adding the AI, my memory is full of holes! I can relate!

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    What holes? I don't remember any holes!?! LOL

  • MENA1954
    MENA1954 Member Posts: 111

    Boy are we all in trouble! I have the log in info saved otherwise I don't think I could log in here again! LOL

    By the way, I want to start a new thread asking everyone the following question" How many of you who are post menopausal did NOT reall experience any Hot Flashes during Menopause and are not experiencing any on Arimidex?"

    It has been proven by several studies that Hot Flashes reduce The risk of Breast Cancer!

    My oncologist concurred with this.


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 942

    Mena I had No hot flashes with menopause, as a matter of fact, I had no mood swings, insomnia or anything else with menopause. I have no hot flashes with arimidex either.



  • Chris13
    Chris13 Member Posts: 112

    I had no hot flashes during menopause, and only an occasional flush now....4 months after starting an AI. So I should be expecting more breast cancer in my future? The SEs are not too bad now, but if anastrozole is not helping, should I bother continuing with it?

    This is kind of a a rhetorical question, as I guess no one has an answer to that.

  • MostlySew
    MostlySew Member Posts: 1,311

    Mena, they sure didn't ask me about that survey...I had the hot floods for years! And now have BC! Is that a double whammy or what.....

    And while my memory is toast....I do remember that........

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    I had Mongo hot flashes - to the point I had a fan on my desk. NOT for during the flashes, but for AFTER, TO DRY MY HAIR. I looked like I just came out of the shower. And, here I am! LOL

  • MENA1954
    MENA1954 Member Posts: 111

    Ok, so far, out of 5 people the results are as follows:

    Mena927        NO HOTFLASHES         Soteria205      NO HOTFLASHES      Chris13            NO HOTFLASHES


    Mostlysew        HOTFLASHES              Moonflwr912     HOTFLASHES


    Can you tell me what % are you positive for estrogen?  % progesterone?


    What I don't understand is why  those of us who never experienced hotflashes before  still don't, even with the Arimidex?  Aren't Hotflashes a sign that the body is low on estrogen?

    The study did not say that women with hotflashes did not get BC, just that the risk was cut down by 50%


  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    I am 98% estrogenic, and 35% for progesterone.

  • MostlySew
    MostlySew Member Posts: 1,311

    Mena I was 99% Er and 82% Pr . Oh, and my sister didn't have hot flashes, is 3 years older than I (68) and so far hasn't had BC ( knock on wood) if that helps your stats any....

  • patty9999
    patty9999 Member Posts: 43

    I didn't have major hotflashes. Mostly just at night when sleeping. Although, if I remember correctly, it took me over three years of getting thru menopause. Now on arimidex, again just hotflashes at night. I certainly hope this doesn't mean more bc. Although my grandmother (55 years ago) and my mother (25 years ago) both dealt with second bouts.

    I'm going in to see my mo this coming week to check out a small lump in opposite side that keeps coming and going over the past two weeks. About the size of a pea. I used to get cysts all the time. Hoping that's all this is.

    As for er/pr percentage, I'm not sure I was ever told. Will check my reports tomorrow.

    And bone scan results won't be in for a week or so. I'm keeping my fingers crossed. Found out my mom had arimidex prescribed to her the last 3 years. But I'm not sure how faithful she was taking it. She didn't take her tamoxifen as prescribed 25 years ago either. Patty

  • schatzi14
    schatzi14 Member Posts: 906

    No hot flashes with menopause..the odd flush...NO hot flashes with Arimidex...I am only 5% ER+...seems stupid to take it but the MO insisted!

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 942

    Men's I'm ER+95% PR+35%... No hot flashes during menopause or with arimidex.



  • Chris13
    Chris13 Member Posts: 112

    No hot flashes during menopause, only a rare and brief flush now. 95% ER/PR.

  • patty9999
    patty9999 Member Posts: 43

    Where do I find er/pr percentages? I have my pathology report from first biopsy says er+ Allred scores 5+3=8/8. Pr+ Allred scores 2+2=4/8. Oncotype testing er score of 11.1. Pr score of 6.5. Her2 score of 9.0.

  • MENA1954
    MENA1954 Member Posts: 111

    Patty999  I found the ER and PR levels on the pathology report from my stereotactic biopsy.

    funny how I have looked at all the reports over and over, and although I knew that besides the IDC I also had DCSI but  I never realized  it was very high grade.


  • WaveWhisperer
    WaveWhisperer Member Posts: 557

    I had few and mild hot flashes during menopause but MAJOR hot flashes as soon as I was diagnosed and taken off my Hormone Replacement Therapy. The hot flashes have continued since I was put on Arimidex in June. BTW, I was 99 percent ER and PR+. Worse have been the night sweats, when I wake up soaked.

  • kjiberty
    kjiberty Member Posts: 687

    I had night sweats during menopause and have them again with AI.  However, it's tolerable.  Got the results from my bone scan (first one done 4 years ago--borderline osteopenia in left femur).  Well, now (I have been on anastrazole for 4 1/2 months) I am full blown osteoporisis in left femur and osteopenic in numerous other areas. Lucky me.  Also, they tried to do a zometa infusion on Tuesday, blew a vein, so I wound up getting a Prolia injection (twice annually now).  Has anyone had that injections.  I am kind of achey today, but other than that, okay thus far.

  • MENA1954
    MENA1954 Member Posts: 111

    Kjiberty,  at least you started with Osteopenia, I unfortunately thanks to all the NEXIUM I have taken for my GERD for so many years, am starting the Arimidex with a full blown case of OSTEOPEROSIS!

    I had a bone density test done in 2006 and it was a mixed result, some osteoperosis, some osteopenia. Since then I continued taking that damn pill because my Gastro assured me that it had nothing to do with it.  Well he was wrong!! 

    Since I had a feeling this was going to be the case, I  told my Oncologist about it.  She told me that it usually takes about 2 yrs. to see how arimidex is affecting our bones and then we would decide what to do. She mentioned possibly doing the Reglast ones a yr.  She feels that exercise is what is going to fix my bones...NOT medication!

    I honestly don't think she really understood the severity of what I was telling her.

    So before starting the Arimidex I asked my PCP for a script to  have another scan done and the results were awful!


    This is giving me a lot of anxiety. I always feel like I am going to fall and break every bone in my body!

    I don't want to feel sorry for myself,, I am so thankful to God for everything He has done for me and I know He is going to see me also  through this. 


  • MostlySew
    MostlySew Member Posts: 1,311


      I've had 2 prolia infusions and no reaction to either one.  Actually, come to think of it, my arm might have been a little sore for a day after the first one, I didn't notice anything after the second. I don't know about you, but I'd rather have two shots a year than an infusion monthly!

  • nwest125
    nwest125 Member Posts: 69

    I just had the prolia shot   in Oct and had no SE what so ever.

  • kjiberty
    kjiberty Member Posts: 687

    Mena:  I hear you!  I feel the same way!  I must have had the osteoporosis before I started the AI (since I just started in July).  I probably have gone from the osteopenia to full-blown in the past 4 years.  My MO says I have to lift weights (any weighbearing exercise) at least three times a week. I work FT--I know it's now excuse, but I need to make this my priority.  My bones seem to be cracking a lot when I walk.  This has never been like that before.  I asked her about my S/E's.  She said if I can tolerate them, whatever they are now will continue...She doesn't anticipate them getting any worse (hot flashes, joint pain, etc).  I hope she's right.

  • Chris13
    Chris13 Member Posts: 112

    Not to minimize osteoporosis (I had osteoporosis and osteopenia before the AI)--but most people, especially women, do have it as they age. Broken hips or other bones are a serious consequence....but most people function well despite weaker bones.

    Weight bearing, exercise and some of the meds certainly help. And additional calcium with vitamin D and as some suggest here, prunes. Yes, up to 10 day have been shown to increase bone mass.

  • MENA1954
    MENA1954 Member Posts: 111

    I fully undesrtand that  exercising  is for my own good and that I MUST  make it my priority!

    My problem is that I am an Exercise Procastinator.....My thinking is, I'll start tomorrow!

    When finally that tomorrow comes, it lasts only for a very short time and then I give it up!

    I have joined gyms and lost a lot of money because I stopped going  after a few times.

    Two days ago I actually reconnected my Wii and noticed  that I had not used it in 663 days!

    Now I am curious to see how long this is going to last!

    What is wrong with ME?


  • kjiberty
    kjiberty Member Posts: 687

    Mena:  I TOTALLY can relate.  That's why I have a standing appt. with a personal trainer once a week.  It forces me to go to the gym.  

  • ptdreamers
    ptdreamers Member Posts: 639

    I have had two prolia shots with no problems. Someone mentioned "walk it out" a Wii game. I got it on ebay and have been moving more. As you walk you are actually building a island retreat with treees, benches, streetlights etc. At least it is a way to keep moving. I walk when the weather cooperates but I can easily procrastinate.

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    I have the WII fit. Lots of slow exercises. Just my speed! LOL including deep breathing. And, don't laugh, that was one of the exercises I need to do from my PT in chemo rehab! So I have to go slow (all kinds of problems for me make it harder than it should be) .

  • annie3310
    annie3310 Member Posts: 22

    Good morning all. I've just weighed myself for the first time since I started Armidex a month ago. I've gained three pounds! That doesn't sound like something I should complain about, I know. But I've been eating and exercising the same in that time, so I suspect it's the Arimidex. I'm freaking out because I'd worked hard to lose twenty pounds, coincidentally right before my diagnosis, and then lost a bit more weight during nine months of treatment. The idea of gaining weight now even while eating wisely and exercising depresses the hell out of me.

    What's the experience of you all out there? Does the weight gain tail off? Or is it something that continues, forcing me to eat even less on a permanent basis? I don't have any other AI side effects, but right now I'd trade this one for some hot flashes or even an ache or two.


  • MENA1954
    MENA1954 Member Posts: 111

    annie I have gained almost 2.5 lbs and I know it's from the Arimidex!
