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Arimidex - Coping with the SE's



  • ClaudiaMetz
    ClaudiaMetz Member Posts: 136

    Do you spread the biotin out during the day?

    I have been on Arimidex for 6 months.  I seem to be getting a little more cranky.  My life is so crazy I don't know if it is the medicine or my stress filled life.  I am trying to cope.

  • spunkyboobster
    spunkyboobster Member Posts: 563

    Patti-You may not have any side effects, or they may subside after a time. I had achiness and hot flashes in the beginning and now, about a year on anastrozole, I don't seem to have any SE's. (hope I didn't jinx it Wink)

  • sherryh16
    sherryh16 Member Posts: 95

    AnnieLane~  Thanks for your input.  I had no idea pre-chemo about the possibility of the lack of hair after taxotere.  I just assumed it would grow back following chemo.  While it is, it is slow and extremely thin with much scalp showing through.  It came in completely white, which I sort of expected as I've been coloring for years even though I'm only 57.  I have colored the new growth twice so far, just to see hair better and feel "normal".  With the anastrozole I've had some minor SE that have come and gone.  The stiffness after sitting seems to be most prevalent for me.  I would hardly think about the cancer if I could just get rid of the damn wig!    I'm going to give it two more months and hopefully by September my hair will be full enough to forego the wig.  I'm using rogaine and have been taking 5000 mcg biotin for months.   Hair please grow in ;-)

  • pattithenurse
    pattithenurse Member Posts: 57

    Thanks women for your input. I picked up the med today. I can't figure out why I'm sooo weird about it. I just don't want to diminish my activities. I seem to be more emotional over this than the chemo and tomorrow is my last radiation treatment.I never had any hot flashes or sweats during menopause but now I am and I haven't started this med? This Sunday I can eat raisins and gin! Maybe it's the anticipation.........once again! Just need to get on the road I guess! Take care all..................

  • AnnieLane
    AnnieLane Member Posts: 757

    Sherry, I was 57 too when this started (turned 58 yesterday) and had stopped coloring my hair about five years ago. I grayed prematurely, but was actually very happy with my pre-chemo mostly salt with a little pepper color and got a lot of compliments on it. It's coming back pretty much the same color it was. I wore hats, caps and buffs, but never got a wig during chemo. I've just started going out without anything covering my head unless I'm going to be in the sun. I don't think it looks too bad. I'll have to update my profile pic soon.

  • loral
    loral Member Posts: 818

    Annie..Happy B'Day

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,955

    Yes, Happy Birthday. DH is prematurely gray and I'm still more pepper than salt at 72. Both my kids have more gray than I do.

  • ClaudiaMetz
    ClaudiaMetz Member Posts: 136

    I have a health coach with our insurance company.  She is a nurse and really listened to what I was saying.  I have only talked to her a couple of times.  She suggested PharmaGabba to help with anxiety and trouble sleeping.  Here is the one she suggested:  Also told her how I was almost having PMS symptoms and she said to check with my oncologist to see if having this creme would help. It is: Micronized bioidential progesterone cream from a compounding pharmacy; typical formulation 100 mg per gram; typical dose is 50-100 mg daily, applied topically.  Anyone know anything about this?

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,845

    I don't know it you should mess around with progesterone. I would clear it with my oncologist for sure.

  • ClaudiaMetz
    ClaudiaMetz Member Posts: 136

    I will do that. 

  • sherryh16
    sherryh16 Member Posts: 95


  • pattithenurse
    pattithenurse Member Posts: 57

    Happy Happy Birthday Annie!!! Wishing you continued health!

  • pattithenurse
    pattithenurse Member Posts: 57

    Thank you Spunkyboobs-The reassurance from others is helping me get over this tremendous hurdle!

  • AnnieLane
    AnnieLane Member Posts: 757

    Thanks, Ladies for the birthday wishes! We will really celebrate when my daughter and three granddaughters arrive tomorrow and I have a couple days off from work. My granddaughter who had 3 lumpectomies for the phyllodes tumor has a July birthday too, so we'll celebrate together. She's about to turn 17.

    I've been on the Arimidex a week now and so far so good. My MO said I could wait a month after rads if I wanted to, but I didn't want to let this build up in my mind as a bigger deal than it needed to be.

  • firestorm531
    firestorm531 Member Posts: 25

    Annie - Happy Birthday!!!

    Claudia - are you only ER+? I agree, clear it with you MO. I have to avoid all things hormonal.

    Speaking of which; wow am I moody these days! I'm also noticing lots of downward swings in my moods...I just want to be a hermit. Actually, what I really want is to revert back to where I was before this ride began; I looked and felt I'm 45lbs heavier and in early menopause. Cancer stinks! Ok, enough whining lol

    On the hair subject - I take 7500mg of biotin daily and my hair is growing at a pretty decent rate...

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,845

    Come over to one of the exercise threads if you want to have some buddies to help you get back into shape. Exercise also helps with the mood swings too. Some of us post on the 'Lets Post Our Daily Exercise Thread' and I know there is another active one that is specifically for people just getting back into shape. I also post on 'Wednesday Weigh In' for that problem area.

  • ClaudiaMetz
    ClaudiaMetz Member Posts: 136

    I have an appointment with my oncologist next week and I am going to discuss the creme.  I know you are going to think this is crazy but I am not sure if I am only ER+.  I was given a huge book that was given to everyone when I went to her.  She went through the things that were relevant to me and highlighted them in yellow.  She highlighted the section that said "Estrogen receptor and progesterone receptor status".  All I remember her saying is you have to take the med for 5 years since my cancer was estrogen positive.  I have looked through everything I have and I can't find a summary sheet.  As I have said before you have so much thrown at you at first that you don't think to ask questions.  The section on HER2/neu status was marked through with an X and the word negative.  Again I have gotten so much information from this site that I have not gotten from a doctor.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,845

    Your pathology report should say. They really don't even know how progesterone ties in with the whole BC thing. But I would be nervous about doing anything that tweeks it anyway. Let us know what your onc's take is on it.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,845

    I just found this on one of BCO's main pages, Dr. W is BCO main medical consultant & is answering a question about Als beyond 5 years.

    Brian Wojciechowski, M.D. says:            

    We cannot yet be sure for postmenopausal women if 10 years of an aromatase inhibitor is better than 5. Those studies are still ongoing. I think we will know by the time your 5 years are up, though. Some have suggested putting women on aromatase inhibitors for 10 years at this point anyway, but I don’t think that’s a good idea given the side effects of the drugs, most notably osteoporosis. For now, the standard of care for postmenopausal women starting hormone therapy is 5 years

  • magnolia57
    magnolia57 Member Posts: 9

    Hi Everyone! I just started reading these postings today, and it'svery helpful. I am starting arimidex tomorrow morning and am more worried about this than any other part of my treatment. I know how important it is,especially in light of opting out of chemo due to a low oncotype score -16- in spite of positive sentinal node. Finished 33 rads mid-June with little problem, lumpectomy very little problem, but..?? The arimidex has to work for me. I have severe osteoporosis already, but it is actually more tolerable with the right kind of exercise. I plan to jump to the exercise thread too as was suggested- always feel good after exercise and it feels proactive. Already doing all the calcium, Vitamin D, glucosamine,chrondotin....due to the joint stuff. I can deal with pain,but feeling dizzy or out of it, nonfunctional etc worries me. Never read the literature that comes with the meds. I am afraid that this will seriously mess with my abiilty to function...have a high stress job with very competitive colleagues, sometimes they are judgemental if I'm not 100% on it.So...all tips, suggestions for staying sane,getting sleep, losing weight, feeling good are gratefully welcomed. Hugs to you all- the guides who help us newbies, all the people who so kindly give their time to answer our questions. Thank you, thank you!


  • florbo
    florbo Member Posts: 32

    Hi Ladies,

    I'm new to this thread.  I have my Arimidex for 2 weeks now, but I haven't taken it yet.  I am planning to start on Monday morning.  Is there a better time to take it?  I was going to start in the morning in case I have any reactions.

    I've also seen the golden raisin and gin recipe.  I've got my stash soaking now.  When should I be taking that once it is ready?  


  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,845

    Take the raisins whenever during the day that you want, same with the Arimidex. Some people say that it interfers with their sleep, so they take it in the morning. I took it in the morning so I wouldn't forget, I bought one of those weekly pill dispensers and put it right on top of my underwear drawer. Magnolia, it should not interfer with your ability to do your job well. Come join us on the exercise and weight loss threads too!

  • AnnieLane
    AnnieLane Member Posts: 757

    I've been taking my arimidex for ten days now and so far so good. I also take it in the morning to make sure I remember it.

  • marianelizabeth
    marianelizabeth Member Posts: 1,156

    I take it at night. Magnolia, the best thing I have done so far is a Mindfulness-based stress reduction course at our cancer agency. It comes from Jon Kabat-Zinn out of the Uof Mass so just Google MBSR if you are interested. Am now eating my raisins with my cereal every day.SmileMarian

  • claire_in_seattle
    claire_in_seattle Member Posts: 2,793

    I admit to minor symptoms...a bit of achiness, metallic taste, but all is fine otherwise.  I am super-fit and have recently done personal bests cycling.  I sleep just fine.  I took up running this spring to balance out the cycling.

    My brain is in tip-top shape.  In fact, one of my clients comes to me with stuff she can't figure out!

    Off for a 35 mile ride in a few as need to get in major miles as NEXT weekend is the Seattle-to-Portland Bicycle Classic.  I want to be faster for those 200 miles than ever before. - Claire

  • adagio
    adagio Member Posts: 713

    Claire - congratulations on being so fit. So good to see you embrace life and do what you love and enjoy. Go for it!!

  • magnolia57
    magnolia57 Member Posts: 9

    Ruthbru- thanks for words of encouragement about my job situation. I really had trouble after my initial diagnosis with staying focused , almost like PTSD, so I feel like I'm still struggling with a confidence issue. I love the way everyone on this thread are of the mindset to keep moving forward doing the things they love that also sustain them.

    Claire, you rock! Happy cycling

    Marianelizabeth - I will definitely check out the mindfulness course , thank you so much for the suggestion. I need to address that side of this experience along with the physical.

    Oh, I meant to write osteoarthritis on my original post, not osteoporosis the DEXA scan on Monday- hopefully density is okay.

    Happy 4th everybody!

  • claire_in_seattle
    claire_in_seattle Member Posts: 2,793

    Magnolia.....another reason to exercise.  That is how I  keep my brain functioning.  I also use these long rides to figure out things.  Good for the spirit too.  I just did a detour and saw a marsh with a viewing tower that I never knew existed.  Only half a mile from a ride I do regularly.

    For some reason, I don't think my sore glutes have anything to do with Armidex.

    About a year out from treatment, I went through a dry period work-wise.  And then the jobs I went after weren't quite the right fit.  Talk about a drain on the old self-confidence!!!  I think the upshot of this period is that I broadened and refocused.  So stronger and better professionally.  A world of difference betwen now and 18 months ago (and prior to BC).

    I got chatted up by a really good looking guy during my run the other night.  (Note to self to invest in foxier attire.)

    Going back to your job situation, I think that exercise will help.  You will feel better; you will look better; your brain will function better.

    It really is a case of literally getting back on that bicycle.  Because doing this is how you will get your self-confidence back.

    One other thing (and you can do both as I do with cycling trips) is to put together a "to do" list of fun, interesting things.  Then schedule and DO THEM.  That makes such a difference.

    Such as cycling along the shore and the mouth of the Columbia River two years ago.  Spectacular, and a fresh view of the world.  I went camping in the Cascades with friends last weekend.

    Right now, my self-esteem needs a visit to the shower.  Because, though cool today......I think you can figure out why! - Claire

  • spunkyboobster
    spunkyboobster Member Posts: 563

    I took part in a bc study in which I did the Jon Kabat-Zinn mindfulness/yoga progam-it was wonderful.

  • sherryh16
    sherryh16 Member Posts: 95

    Happy 4th to all.

    Had a good day.  Slept in till 7:45, which is late for me.  Spent morning helping my youngest daughter with her resume.  She recently acquired her Batchelors degree in Business Management and is looking foward to obtaining her first "real" job.  Am so proud of her.

    Spent the afternoon weeding flowerbeds.  Actually got both sides of side yard, about 30' each side done--AND--felt good doing it.  Previously been struggling with aches and pains and stamina issues.  I think I might have gotten over the chemo residual effects wall.  YAHOO. 

    Expecting my eldest daugher, her finance and their daughter, my only grandchild--so far-- to come over to light off some fireworks for grandchild. 

    It's a GOOD day!  Happy 4th everyone.