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Arimidex - Coping with the SE's



  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978

    DocBabs: the doc took me off the arimidex for one week to see if the headache went he is having me start back on it to see if the headache comes back... if it does he told me to stop it and call him... I will pray your cough settles down so you can get your surgery over with and get to the healing part!!!!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,861

    Nioxin shampoo and conditioner also works well if you are having hair thinning/loss problems. A post-menopausal friend of mine was put on tamoxifen because she already was dealing with severe osteoporosis  prior to diagnosis. She has done well on it. I think the most important thing is to find which anti-hormonal works best for your own medical situation (including dealing with SEs) and then stick with it.

  • tinat
    tinat Member Posts: 2,235
    DocBabs:  Hope you feel better by tomorrow.....I want you to go first so you can tell me everything will be OK next week Laughing.  Fingers crossed for you!
  • slinky
    slinky Member Posts: 166

    Ruthbru, my doc told me to wait three weeks and then start the Tamoxifen.  They sell Nioxin at Costco - so I might give it a try.  I was on Tamoxifen regularly and the SEs were very mild.  It sounds much more attractive than Arimidex for me.

  • bedo
    bedo Member Posts: 1,431

    Tnaks gmafoley,you are a genius.  I took it yesterday morning and slept like a baby.

  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978

    bedo: lol I just switched to dinner time to take mine - still woke up with a headache... while I was going with my DH for his doc appt I decided to have them check my blood pressure - my normal bp is 127/78 - today it was 146/96 ... he suggest Fioricet for the headache so I could try to stay on the arimidex.. they said there would be no problem with the gabapentin??? for nerve pain... I left a note for my MO to see what he thought of that idea... waiting for docs to return calls is the pits.... I feel like a pharmacy now...

    edits were spelling and grammer

  • beau
    beau Member Posts: 149

    HI Grammie,

     I guess that I read your post with mixed emotions: in this strange world of cancer, I am glad that the cause of your headaches is possibly identified, even though it is high blood pressure, which, under normal circumstances, would be upsetting to hear. It is a controllable problem. I don't know the drug, Fioeicet, but I take Avapro when my blood pressure is elavated. Usually 1/2 a pill does the trick. I hope that high b/p is the problem and that Floeicet solves it. Check out the site Drugs. com if the MO takes a while to get back to you - I find it very useful when I want to look up a drug's side effects and interactions with other meds. The other thing to mention is that when I was on chemo, I cut out all spicy prepared foods like thai and chinese cusines, and ended up with low blood pressure (no take out foods or tomato sauce, etc meant that I had almost no salt in my diet) so you might consider adding diet changes to your arsenal to see if that helps. That said, I still had elevated blood pressure when I started arimidex and still have it on high energy days. 

    Anyway, pursue this course of action for a couple of weeks. If the headache persists despite the new meds, then you can always revisit your decision. Best, Beau 


  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978
    Beau I've never had a blood pressure problem before - the MO is thinking that the headache might have caused the blood pressure to go up OR that the arimidex caused the HBP and caused the headache... the fioricet is actually a pain med for headaches with a muscle relaxer in it.. MO said give it a try and if it doesn't help quit the arimidex immediately and call him. He will then start me on Femara instead... so far the headache is tolerable.
  • Sandeeonherown
    Sandeeonherown Member Posts: 1,781

    All righty..this looks like the right thread to ask my questions regarding AI's...specifically Arimidex...I sarted tamoxifen in November 2010, while doing my rads...continues on and in February was suddenly tired..thought it was a weird 'post radiation' reaction (but had not read about that) so eventually researched women and heart...had a heart attack on March 21s (mild, no damage to the heart) and was taken off tamoxifen as soon as my oncologist heard the news...the cardiologist discharged me with "hereditary factors and Tamoxifen as the reasons fo rmy heart I have been hormone free sinc emarch....and now that I am offiially is time to put me back on something...arinidex was anyone else on tis thread (or another one you folks may be on) also someone who has had a heart issue andxis now taking plavix and a few other medications? My blood pressure has alway sbeen on thexlow end of normal andxmy choesterol was low and is even lower on pills now..but the question remains....what is the scoop on Ai's and heart....not just the research, which I will check...but your experiences....this is scaring the crap out of me...just when I started to feelsafe again, you know?


  • Sandeeonherown
    Sandeeonherown Member Posts: 1,781

    All righty..this looks like the right thread to ask my questions regarding AI's...specifically Arimidex...I started tamoxifen in November 2010, while doing my rads...continues on and in February was suddenly tired..thought it was a weird 'post radiation' reaction (but had not read about that) so eventually researched women and heart...had a heart attack on March 21s (mild, no damage to the heart) and was taken off tamoxifen as soon as my oncologist heard the news...the cardiologist discharged me with "hereditary factors and Tamoxifen as the reasons fo rmy heart I have been hormone free sinc emarch....and now that I am offiially is time to put me back on something...arinidex was anyone else on tis thread (or another one you folks may be on) also someone who has had a heart issue andxis now taking plavix and a few other medications? My blood pressure has alway sbeen on thexlow end of normal andxmy choesterol was low and is even lower on pills now..but the question remains....what is the scoop on Ai's and heart....not just the research, which I will check...but your experiences....this is scaring the crap out of me...just when I started to feelsafe again, you know?


  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184

    I was just visiting my son up north, and he gave me a physician sample of

    Voltaren liquid along with the gel...I bet it would help some of the aches and pains

    of arimidex..

  • KittyDog
    KittyDog Member Posts: 656

    Fioricet is a good old timey drug for tension type headaches.  It has three ingredients in it....acetaminophen, butalbital, and caffeine.  So watch your caffeine intake if you are using this.  Everybody says it makes our side effects worse on AI's. 

    The other drug is fine better known as Lyrica.  I have been on it for a little over a year now.  I recently tried coming off of it but I started back having the shooting pains and said forget it. 

    Good Luck! 

  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978
    KittyDog: thanks for the info - I am a hard core diet coke drinker for caffeine.. my nutritionist at the cancer center did some research while I was in rads and now that i'm done, is helping me get off the caffeine - she said it would take about 6 months to a year because of how much I drink - we are slowly getting me off the caffeine and carbonated beverages..she also gave me a list of things that have caffeine and you wouldn't know it.. I am working on that because I know its not good for me Surprised.
  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894
    TO ALL--- treatment with drugs b/c someone else had a good experience is not a good approach---------serious study on each drug is important. Genelex is the most in depth drug interaction checker available. It has a 30 day free trial. is the second best drug checker.  It is free, but you have to register. Drug interactions cause thousands+ problems a year. Talking to your doc's is "nice". BUT doc's of any speciality are only familar with the drugs that are related to their speciality. For example, Fiorcet has tylenol /butabial/caffiene.  How does this drug interact with what you are already taking. Ask your pharmasist to run a check if you don't want to do your own search. What I found out in the last  3years (Now-Time  moves on). Is my research found out more that my Onc's/Pharmasicts--------sad but true.
  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,861

    Hi Sandee, glad you are checking in here. Usually arimidex has less and less severe SEs than tamoxifin. I don't know anything about it and heart issues; but hopefully someone will come along who can help you out.

  • jancie
    jancie Member Posts: 403

    Sandee:  I have heard others state that their blood pressure rose on this medication and so did mine.  I was always 118/72 and now it ranges up to 149/92. 

    I am also having some heart issues BUT I don't know yet if that is related to the Arimidex or a side effect of the radiation or chemo or combination of all of them.  I am seeing my PCP next week and he will refer me to a cardiologist.

    I don't want to alarm you by any means and again.....I don't know if this is all related but the heart issues didn't come up until after I started Arimidex in March of this year.

    I have not found anything on the internet yet about Arimidex causing heart problems so that is good news to report!

  • Mary-Lou
    Mary-Lou Member Posts: 630

    Does it make your sugar level go high? I had a call from my Dr today that mine was very high at my Onc visit.  My MD  wants to see me  Cry I wonder why the Onc didn't tell me? Or have someone call?

    I'm diabetic and take meds. After I found out I was stage IV, I just didn't watch my food as well. But I didn't think I would get a call. You can bet I watched what I ate today.....

  • rosieposie
    rosieposie Member Posts: 1

    Hello Girls! havnt been here for a while. I started on Tamoxifen Aug 05 and was changed to Arimidex Nov 07, Im still on it having been extended by a further 2 years. At the start I had a lot of bad headaches which Im glad to say have improved and awful stomach cramps. After a while I noticed my mood was getting low and although it improved I still feel flat. I do have a tendancy to stomach upsets and infections take longer to clear. I can live with it and feel its better than the alternative but will be glad when I can get off it. I tolerated Tamoxofen well. I walk every day and am cutting down on fatty foods it isnt easy getting the weight off! I work shifts so tiredness is a big problem, Im going half time in September which Im sure will make my life easier. To make matters worse I am recovering from a Ruptured Gangrenous appendix (we were on holiday!) hopefully no connection to Arimidex............ Would I go on it again? well yes but I think I would be kinder to myself and cut a bit of slack, I tend to be a bit Pollyanna and I dont think work really understand. anyway good luck girls! x Rosemary

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,861

    Remember exercise, keeping a correct weight, and eating right is the best way to prevent, delay, minimize problems of almost every potential disease and health condition.

  • Faithroad
    Faithroad Member Posts: 165

    HI, I've met some of you on other threads.  I"m new to this one. I took tamoxifen until I was sooo tired/exhausted I was having a hard time functioning and focusing. So I swtiched to generic Arimidex a week and a half ago.  My feet and calves were starting to swell on tamox but even though I've switched to Anastrozol (sp?)  I'm still experiencing swelling in feet/ankles/calves.  Anyone else have swelling problems?

     Thank you.Smile

  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978

    Faithroad: the feet/ankles/calves ache but I don't have any swelling...I was told to keep walking and I have and feel pretty good, but when I walk my hands swell... so I can't help you with this one...

    edit - the feet and calves feel pretty good.. my issues are with my headache.

  • 37antiques
    37antiques Member Posts: 60

    Hopefully somene will know the answer to this - I haven't been taking Arimidex that long, and am slowly adjusting to it.  I understand the SE's should really kick in around the 3rd month, is that also the time it starts to become effective?  I started to have some pain in my left upper (bad) ribcage, seems like it's the ribs, also the return of bloody nipple discharge.  So I'm wondering really, can this just be a quirky SE that someone else has had, or a sign that the AI is kicking in, or a sign of spread?

    I will call the onc tomorrow, I was just wondering if anyone knew offhand, since I still hate doctors, and tests, and being poked!

  • tinat
    tinat Member Posts: 2,235

    37antiques:  Hi, everyone is different.  Some women don't feel any side effects right away, but others do.  Many of the side effects, no matter when they crop up, seem to ease up a bit and others may stick around Yell.  So, always best to keep in touch with your oncologist.  Aches and pains seem to be the most common side effect reported here.  Regarding the bloody nipple discharge, definitely NOT a typical side effect - I would get in touch with your oncologist or breast surgeon ASAP. 

    Hope you get all your questions answered and that you can stick it out.  Most of us have some side effects and most of us find ways to at least ease them.

    Best wishes!!! 

  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978
    OOOO 37Antiques Undecided.. in all my reading I haven't heard that before... But I'm new at this too.. for me, the aches and pains seem to be hitting my weakest spots where I have arthritis (neck and jaw) which is probably why I have a headache... I do know that the arimidex binds all the estrogen out of your system quickly and weird things do happen to our bodies when we don't have estrogen... Good thing you are talking to Onc tomorrow... Please let me know what he says..
  • 37antiques
    37antiques Member Posts: 60

    I'll let you know gma.  I was ok with the early SE's (not being able to sleep, mild headache), but since this is my ribs I am worried that maybe it is slowly progressing, especially since I haven't been on Arimidex very long.  The bloody discharge comes on every now and again, but it has been 3 days in a row, so for sure something is brewing.  Trouble is, I have a very hard time getting technology to be able to see what I feel.  Maybe the discharge will continue and they can finally get that ductogram. Yippie Skippy.  The real kicker is that I have hyperparathyroidism, so I feel crappy anyway, dang blasted specialists certainly take their time in seeing you!  I was really looking forward to seeing what was from the parathyroid and what I am "really" feeling, if that makes any sense.  I was hoping everyone would pop on and say yeah, sure, I have that!  But now I think I may need to brace myself again....

  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978

    37antiques: I'm truly praying right now that you find out the cause and it is something minor that can be fixed.....

    My doc just did some thyroid bloodwork I'm waiting on - thinking the major (not minor) headache could be that my thyroid went wonky... I'm thinking, because lots of the ladies said the headache goes away in time, I will hold on at least until I get my thyroid test back and talk (appt thurs) to my PCP about how to help the headache before I go off and choose to go on Femara (next choice onc made)...What do you all think???

  • don23
    don23 Member Posts: 213

    Does anyone know if caffeine really makes the side effects of Arimidex worse? I never heard this one before. I drink about five cups of coffee daily and I do experience joint pain. Please someone say it ain't soCry

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243

    Faithroad, I have not had swelling in my legs but as GmaFoley mentioned when I walk my hands swell.  So I  raise my hands above my shoulders as I walk  and the swelling subsides. 

    37Antiques, yes, everyone is different so SE's may start right away, one month out, 3 months out or not at all.    Please know that we are all pulling for you here.

    don23, sorry, can't say it ain't so, but can't go the other way either.  But doesn't caffeine dehydrate - that can't be good for the joints.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,861

    With would make me more 'hot flashy' at first. Solution.....drink the coffee while sitting in front of a fan!

    Grma, lots of people who have trouble with one Al are fine on another, so Fermara would be worth exploring.

    antiques, that does not sound like an arimidex thing. Glad you are checking with your doctor. Let us know what you find out.

  • Faithroad
    Faithroad Member Posts: 165

    Thanks Patoo. :-)