Calling all triple negative breast cancer patients in the UK
Kew Gardens spend 11 months a year nurturing their orchids in private then bring them out for display for one month. It'd be nice if they were on permanent display! Orchids are expensive, of course, but if you buy one in a pot, it'll last a few weeks so works out no more than cut flowers every week. I always like to have flowers in the house.
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Hello Susie,
I was so enthralled by your beautiful orchid display on an artist's pallet. I thought it was absolutely stunning and I immediately imagined it as the kind of painting that I love and that I would put on my walls.
Sylvia xxxx
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Hello Gill,
I was glad to see your post and sorry to read that you have been having more problems. I do hope you will soon be feeling better. When do you think you will be free from your chemotherapy journey? You must be fed up with all of this.
We all have to look forward to Spring.
Sylvia xxxx
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Hello viewfinder,
Thank you for your kind words and for that beautiful photograph. I have never seen a plant like that.
How are you doing? How is your sister doing?
I went out for the first time yesterday in two weeks and was so glad to get out. I feel Raymond and I are both on the mend.
It is sunny today and the daffodils are blooming everywhere.
Take care.
Sylvia xxxx
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Hello Susie,
Thank you for those lovely photographs of the orchids in Kew Gardens. They are so beautiful. It is so therapeutic to look at these flowers.
By the way, I agree with the comment you made some time ago on the thread, namely that we should all concentrate on the huge number of people surviving breast cancer. The media thrives on bad news and they are always into doom and gloom and sensationalism. I have stopped reading the newspapers!
Do you paint at all?
Take care.
Sylvia xxxx
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Hello Mary,
Thank you for your PM. I shall try to answer today.
Sylvia xxxx
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Hello Sylvia,
No, I don't paint. I tried a drawing and painting class in 2010 and then remembered that I literally don't like getting my hands dirty.
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Hi, Sylvia
Please don't feel you must do a lengthy reply, but I am so glad you are better. I don't think, in the years I've known you, that you have been so wiped out before. I can't tell you how happy I am to see that Raymond and you have gotten through this bug with the help of a codeine syrup to block the coughing. I am afraid I went a little ways into Kath's dark place, thinking of possible diagnoses for you! I am back out into the light now, I am so glad for you that you could get out and about and the weather was nice.
Love, Mary
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HI, Gill
I think you have had one of the most difficult chemo journeys of all of us, you must be so tired of being in the hospital. It just shows how differently we all react to these drugs, and I do recall when you said you had a high dose because of the metaplastic element of your TNBC.
Yes, February has been hard on all of us, except for Susie, who has been busy soaking up culture in good health. Susie, the orchids are splendid, I also splurge on flowers for my table once in a while, really cheers the place up.
Get better, Gill. I think your chemo journey is finished, right? And now you can recover at your own pace.
Talk to you soon, love
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Hello everyone,
I am posting this photograph of an invasion of birds that happened a few days ago. I heard a lot of noise and then I saw these black coloured birds flying in from all directions. There were a lot more sitting at the top of the tree than are in the photograph. It was truly an invasion. The tree is a sycamore in a neighbour's garden. Raymond took the photograph.
Sylvia xxxx
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Hi Mary,
I felt just as helpless as you did about Sylvia, and am so glad that she is back out in the world again. I think we all get the Winter blues a little, even if we don't get seriously sick. But where I live, we are lucky to have mostly mild weather. I have never had to function in a Midwestern or European Winter. I'm so glad that you had a nice trip to St. Thomas and St. John.
There is no sunshine here today, and we are getting minor flooding from the rain. If this didn't cause such damage and chaos, I would enjoy it more. It certainly put a damper on Valentine's Day on campus.
Take care and stay warm,
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Hi Sylvia,
What a relief to hear that you turned a corner with your illness. I'm sure more rest is in order for you, but I really like to think of you out in the sunshine, getting stronger.
I was cheered up by looking at everyone's beautiful flower pictures, and I'm sure you were too. Whatever you had, it must have been truly formidable. Please be extra kind to yourself.
I'm wishing everyone some lovely walks in in the sunshine, wherever you are.
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Sylvia, so very glad you're feeling better. I'm sure you still need rest so take it easy.
The invasion of birds photo is very interesting. We have that here occasionally. It is a sight to behold (as long as you're not standing under the tree...sorry, I couldn't resist).
My sister first chemo #1 begins on Feb 21st. She wrote that only two sessions are scheduled so doctor can see how the "chemo cocktail" works. Strange word to use "cocktail."
She has a "chemo blood draw and teach" first. Not sure what the teach is but perhaps they give her some instructions. I pray all goes well for her.
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'Cocktail' of drugs is used a lot -- on this side of the Atlantic, anyway. When I was having three drugs for my first three cycles of chemo, it didn't occur to me to call them anything other than a cocktail, though I would have preferred a Manhattan.
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Hey viewfinder
The "teach" in blood draw and teach, is to go over paperwork probably, and tell her about possible side effects, and how to handle them. And what to expect on chemo day, and how to take the meds prescribed to handle possible side effects.
February 21 is 6 days from now, good to get going and get done with it. Yes, they call it a "cocktail" but not the fun kind. I will join Susie, but I will order a good margarita!!
Love, Mary
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Thanks for the info Susie and Mary. I'd have a glass of Cabernet. I know. It's not a cocktail but if I had to have one it would be a Whiskey Sour.
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Hello Sylvia
It's nice to see that you are getting better and so is your husband. Today I am sad as 40 of our soldiers have died due to terrorist attack. Innocent people are killed for no reason. What is happening ?
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Hello Sylvie.and all of You.
I am very happy that you and your husband are getting better every day.
Iim.still un exámenes.
Un abrazote
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My view today, and its still still snowing, and very cold!
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Hola Marias!
Your picture looks much more inviting than mine, although I do like a snow once in a while. Everything is so quiet and hushed when it's snowing hard.
I have the radio on and there are many vehicle crashes and pile-ups, not a good day to be on the road! I was out earlier but will probably stay in the rest of today.
I hope all is well with you, Marias. I think you said you are still having exams. Good luck and I hope everyone can feel well again!
Abrazos, Mary
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Hello Pam,
Thank you for your kind words. I hope you are continuing to feel well and enjoying your work.
Sylvia xxxx
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Hello viewfinder,
I hope all goes well with your sister's treatment.
No one ever used the word cocktail with me.
As I have explained many times on the thread, the different drugs belong to different groups and each group acts on the cancer cells in a different way.
Cyclophosphamide is an alkylating agent.
Fluorouracil and methotrexate are anti-metabolites.
Doxorubicin and epirubicin are cyctotoxic antibiotics.
Docetaxel and paclitaxel are taxanes.
Other drugs that are used are carboplatins and cisplatins.
As I have also said before, when I was treated the dose of the chemotherapy drugs given was based on height and weight.
If you want to have a reference book for these drugs etc. then it is worth buying the British Medical Association New Guide to Medicines and Drugs, 10th edition 2018, published by DK.
If you want to know why you have one regimen rather than another, ask your oncologist.
Keep us informed.
Sylvia xxxx
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Hello Jags,
Thank you for your kind words.
I have heard on the news about the 46 people killed. As you say, it is very upsetting and makes no sense. Wars serve no purpose but they have been with us for ever. All they do is create more wars. The politicians cause them and we the innocent people are the victims.
Take care.
Sylvia xxxx
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Hello Marias,
Thank you for your post and photograph. What kind of bird is it?
What kind of examinations are you having? How are you feeling?
Sylvia xxxx
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Hello Mary,
Thank you for the photograph. I certainly do not miss snow!
Thank you for your PM. I shall answer on the thread later on today. it is best to keep everything on the thread. We are a nice little group and all know one another well enough to share everything. There is certainly a lot going on in the world today and it is not good news. This country is certainly in a mess and our politicians are not doing what we pay them to do, which is to look after the citizens of this country and keep us all safe.
Talk later.
Sylvia xxxx
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Hello, how are You? I'm near Pereira, where my aunt who lives in the outskirts of the city is the coffee zone of the country.
My aunt had breast cancer and she had a quadractomy and was on chemotherapy with letrozole for 5 years. I finish a year ago. Now they have discovered a cancer in the colon is awaiting surgery and treatment to follow. My aunt is 72 years old.
I complicated with my mood and my exams are not good ... I feel sad and sometimes with fear. On the ultrasound of thyroid bed and neck a ganglion came out from the neck under the right ear is very suspicious it is round and without thread have to make me a biopsy. something also came out in the parathyroid glands. I had a parathyroid scan.which says that the parathyroid glands are fine .. I will be telling you more.passa. I trust everyone to continue improving their health. I went to see Auntie because we do not know how we will both be later.
Un abrazote
The bird Isabel Mirla
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