Oh, Jen have a piece of Key Lime Pie for me at the Six Toed Cat. Mmm...... Send pictures of the sunset if you get a good seat at the pier.
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Did you fly down? Could that have set it off? It's probably rather hot and humid compared to where you left also. That could contribute to it also. Drink lots of water,, fist pumps in the air,,, MLD,,,,0 -
We drove. It is hot and humid, is this a preview of what my summers will be like? Do you take the sleeve off to swim? I have some amazing sunset photos, I will share! We had key lime pie at the Southernmost Point Restaurant, so yummy. Best meal was, believe it or not at Jimmy Buffets, what an awesome burger! Him a cheap date).
I can see my knuckles this am. So that's a good thing.
On another note, that hunk of a massage therapist eliminated my cording in just two visits. Yay!
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Southernmost Point Restaurant -- great pie too!!!!! Beautiful sunsets -- someday we will get back there. But this year my husband let me pick where to go on vacation, since I was preoccupied last year with surgeries, chemo, rads and other things. We are going to San Antonio to see my BFF and then on to Galveston. But for now, here I sit with my foot in the air due to my big toenail being removed because it turned black and lifted from the bed. Doctor said it wasn't due to chemo, I say BS!!!!
Enjoy the rest of your vacation Jen. Be safe, be smart, be careful driving home.
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NoMatterWhat - I agree. You had Taxotere - ergo nail problems. Why can't these darn docs just admit they don't personally know all the side effects. Or that there are lots more than they regularly see. Or that 6-10% isn't a very encouraging number when you're part of that group. I may still lose one of my big toenails yet. Hope you don't have to keep your foot up too long.
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Yum,,, key lime pie!! Glad you can see your knuckles, Jen,,, hope it continues to improve. Drink lots of water!! Thanks for the lovely sunset pic too!
Sucks about your toenail, nomatterwhat,,,, geeeez,,,,
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So today I had the varied reactions to my sleeve and gauntlet. I was working at a fiber arts festival for a friend. I am totally unskilled in creating yarn, tending llamas but I faked it today. I wound already created yarn into balls and talked to people about llamas. I had on short sleeves. I got "What is this on your arm", " Did it hurt when I shook your hand?" and "Are you a breast cancer survivor? Me, too". I change my mind about answers. Sometimes I am abrupt, sometimes I educate and sometimes I say as little as possible.
Am I alone or do you also change how you react?
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Yes, it depends on who it is and what my mood is that day. I also wear a carpel tunnel brace and that usually takes the focus off my sleeve. However, when someone asks me what this is on my arm, I usually tell them it is a sleeve and change the subject back to their bill they need to pay and don't give them another chance to ask any more questions about me. And now I am wearing a medical shoe since I had that toenail taken off. My husband says I look like "Robocop".
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I, really do not like being asked about my sleeve...for I would not ask another person about their health issues....That issue has almost been a constant for me. I most often am very abrupt. You can try to educate people but really, most of the time only stupid people ask a question like that....Liz
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yeah, I remember I had told folks at the start of the junk about what was happening, then did not see a certain woman for months and when I saw her she asked if I was done treatment. I said no that I was only starting rads. She said OMG, you must have been misdiagnosed! like huh? then said she had heard of a great MO in Princeton and I should call them. I will admit, if I was a MO I would likely be very happy to work out of Princeton as very pretty!
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I have to agree!!!!!!
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I must confess that I have a sicko desire to burst into tears and make them feel bad for being nosy. You know say something about how if they knew me, they would know how painful it is to talk about it. I have never been able to pull it off though. We did not have children and when coworkers began to ask IF, I wanted to do the same.
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I get asked about my sleeve all the time. I think people are just trying to be friendly. If it's a person I don't know (like salesperson) I just say: 'oh I had surgery' and leave it at that. If it's a friend - they know if it's an acquaintance I say 'it's for lymphedema for breast surgery'. Somehow people don't ask follow up questions.
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You are right, it all depends on who asks and how. A man stocking produce in the grocery store said "so you had lymph nodes removed", I kept walking and did not smile. A sweet little lady might get an different answer. A child usually gets a brief answer appropriate to their age.
I must admit that I do not want a career as a breast cancer survivor. I have grown to hate the color pink. In October when the store clerk asked it I wanted to "donate to breast cancer", I had to choke back "actually I have given more than I ever imagined including body parts and money." My husband asked me if I needed the whole month of October to be "aware" of breast cancer.
End of rant. I am lucky, I am alive and my lymphedema is mild compared to many.
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I'm right with you about hating pink and the whole October thing. It reminds me every minute that I have cancer, when sometimes I'd rather forget
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I also vary my reply. If I say it is lymphedema, I often end up trying to explain what that is. I have been known to respond tersely : lymphedema - Google it!
Normally I just say something like: I have issues with swelling in the arm. And that is often enough. Sometimes I will elaborate: I had treatment/surgery for (breast) cancer, and my arm swells as a result.
Depends on my mood and who is asking, and how. I think the question I hate most is: how long will you have to wear that for? That really upsets me, for some reason (go figure)
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I, Truly believe at this point for does not matter who asks....for when they brings me back to all I went through.....4 surgeries in 5 months......I can tell you....I really am not KIND with my answer....Liz
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Liz, it is your right and if they have never been through this sort of thing, then stuff them on dumb questions
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I agree with the whole pink thing, it just made me angry last year. It's almost like sports fans, I'm now on team Breast cancer so I should wear pink and put a ribbon on my car. I found out that October was also squirrel awareness month so for every Facebook post a caring friend sent me about breast cancer I posted a photo of a squirrel.I have a mammogram tomorrow. We didn't do it six months ago because there was so much swelling from the LE in my breast that the discomfort was to much and I refused. GRRRRR is right!
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I have a pink ribbon on my car with the word "survivor" across it. I am proud to be a survivor and have had several ladies come up to me and tell me that my ribbon reminded them to get their mammogram. So if it helps one sister to catch this beast early and possibly save her life, it has done it's job, pink or not.
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I don't really mind when people ask me. I do stumble on the answer, but usually what rolls off most easily is, "it's a compression sleeve that controls swelling from a surgery I had recently". It doesn't typically go further than that.
I have a pink "never quit" slogan on my car window. I like that people probably wouldnt realize what it's about unless they've gone thruit too.
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Are you home Jenn? Waiting on pictures of the sunset. I want to see the picture of the southern most buoy. We are going to San Antonio in a couple of weeks to see my BFF and then on to Galveston for a week of "toes in the water and my a** in the sand" relaxation.
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I'm home. Scroll up, I posted a sunset pic while I was away....
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Beautiful -- I want more! LOL!!!!
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About subbing squirrels for pink ribbons, what a hoot!! Made me split my sides laughing. Thank you. I needed that this morning.
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October is also Pit Bull Awareness Month. I prefer to spend the month telling people what fabulous dogs they are. That's how I counteract all the pink stuff on FB in October..
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I, Have come to HATE the color Pink.......Men would NEVER let this happen to them....Liz
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Agreed. Do they even have a color for prostate cancer?
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I'll post a few Pit Bull's next October along with my squirrels.
About prostate cancer, you guys nailed it. Men would not put up with a prostate cancer month with all the trappings.
Back to why I hate, GRRRRRRR hate LE. I've been using the pump (for arm and truncal) every day for 3 weeks which means I get to skip the massage, right? Wrong. I had the breast LE under control before I started daily use of the pump but it's become really bad over the last few weeks. I saw the surgeon today and I'm going back to the LE PT for 20 more visits to undo the damage not doing MLD massage has caused. Looks like I will be adding MLD back to my daily schedule. This is turning into a part time job with no pay, no vacation and no benifits. I'm really looking forward to this becoming no big deal. I know that will happen but It's taking a long time to get there.