I need to get the longer gloves. I would not have evendors thought about those but I truly need them. I love to play in the yard! Right now with all the wind we have had there are lots of small sticks and limbs in the front yard. When. It warms back up I want to get them to the back of the property to the "burn pile". Makes me angry when I have to remember to "put gloves on" for basically everything in my life!! Since the round of cellulitis in December (excuse the wording) shit got real! For all you ladies who have experienced cellulitis how long does the spot stay sore? It was never painful just felt bruised with a hot knot in it. The hot spot and knot have been gone since I finished the antibiotics but it' still slightly sore. Just curious if this is my new normal.
Hugs to l the ladies of LE!
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I love yardworks also but not good at it. I just love to see my flowers bloom and now we got the tree blooming now. It is so pretty.
Hugz, radiation really can make me tired, sometime I think it is worse than chemoon fatigue. I’m on the end of the last couple weeks I can feel that. Here is picture of the Tree blooms.
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It’s gorgeous Paulette. I still have about three months before I get my blossoms. I usually bring some buds in and force them to bloom. Just because I love to bring the outside in. I’m forcing pussy willows right now. It’s the first pretty thing out now here.
Gardening is my passion also but my property is too big. I’ve switched to some hard scaping to make it a bit easier on my old body!
I know I can dump 5 pounds every spring just from gardening. Of course I know I can gain 10 at a snap of my fingers. One step forward two back.grrrr
Mark a X on your calendar each day you go to rads. Soon you will see that your finished rads for good! It’s a good visual for a count.
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Wanted to update you on my vaccines - Tetanus, Hep A and B have been done in the leg. Then I was blessed with not having to worry about the Yellow fever vaccine that can only be given in the arm - Rwanda lifted the requirement - I don't need to get it. So all that is left is the pill form of the Typhoid vaccine. Picking it up today. I suspect from what everyone is saying, will be sick for a week during the process. Anyway, I didn't have to have any vaccines in the arms :-)
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GMA. Yeah hooray. Let us know how your trip goes. Stay well hydrated if your sick with next vaccine and remember water is our best friend. Oh and no heavy luggage. Find young strapping gorgeous rich available man that has NO BAGGAGE in anyway shape or form and have him help you. Also have him join you on trip to fan away the mozzies
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Thanks, Mrocks and others who echoed her suggestion. I'll check out that product. Oh, Hugz, I smack myself in the face frequently when I put the stupid sleeve on. The neuropathy and arthritis in my non-surgical hand makes my grip stink.
I was disappointed to learn that my LE had worsened despite using the pump. I'm hoping an effective donning aid will help me tolerate the sleeves better.
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VLH. No matter how much you want to watch yourself pull up the sleeve don't look. A girl here detached her retina punching herself. I've hit my nose a few times. Lesson learned for me! Yes a donner type applicator is absolutely going to keep you from going insane. And it saves your sleeves cause your not tugging and over stretching them. I have arthritis in hands also soI know what your talking about. My hands are uselessly weak.
Rats about pump not as effectient for you. Grrrr
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Arthritis in my wrist is making it more difficult to get my sleeve on - can anyone recommend specific donning slippies & gloves that would make it easier? Thanks in advance!
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JKL this is the one I use. It lasted about five years till the stitching tore apart. Get from A lot of us girls buy there. Great customer service and refunds. Decent prices. There are many more types at that website
Some girls and some with bigger arms like the ones that look like a plastic tube or wire ones.I would think they would be great for arthritis hands. I've never tried.
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Hi everyone, I had 23 nodes removed from under my rt arm (side where the Breast .ca was) ONLY 1 was positive, but I had to start wearing a sleeve several months after surgery.. ok no problem except for the holes I keep putting in them putting it on!!! So maybe this will help, (I hope). One other thing, CAN'T understand why insurance won't cover the cost of sleeves but will cover 1,000's of dollars for lymphedema therapy, instead of maybe 6 sleeves a yr!!?? What did my Mom always say?? "Penny wise and pound foolish" HAVE A GOOD DAY!
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Hairnomore- your mother is so right! My insurance has been far. They have paid for all my sleeves. I'm so afraid that will come to end. LE isn't easy on the pocket or time! I have not pulled any holes in my sleeves but I sure to stretch them out. I have 4. 2 I rotate every other day. I have one cool pattern I wear with certain short sleeve tops. One new one that I'm saving!
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Thanks, Hugz! I'm going to order that plus a donning glove (getting ready to travel & want to make sure I can get sleeve on & off quickly, if necessary).
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I’m sad to hear the pump is not helping much VLH, I’m doing radiation now, and hoping and praying the pump will work for me. My arm is swelling up a little and I hope it’s just reaction from radiation not retaining fluid. I will find out after dee weeks.
Hairmomore your mom is right, I’m glad my insurance paid for my sleeve, but I only have two, will need to get more soon.
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Detached retina...ZOINKS! That's terrible. :-(
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hello ladies, looking for advice please. My effected side has always been a little bigger then other following BMX and implants. My effected side is a bit swollen on top and side of implant, my underarm is numbish all the way down my arm. I have no redness and it's not hot. I did shovel heavy snow 3 days ago but I also had a root canal a week ago. I had antibiotics and z oak to protect from infection. I saw this just a typical LE? I have had feeling before and wore ab a sleeve but now with root canal inn so nervous. Thank so for any help
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Estep, your original post was several years ago and I was wondering if your Lymphedema is better???? I have it in my right arm... I am right handed,, I hate the elephant looking arm and hand and I especially hate the compression garments I have to wear EVERY FRICKIN DAY!!! I sleep in a big bulky garment, I have to use a compression machine 2 times a day for an hour each time...... I thought the surgery was going to be "issue" but it turns out my arm and hand are worse. I had to quite my job as a Pre-school teacher because I wasn't able to write...I hope you are better... I was just checking in.. Prayers for you my fellow sister....
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Well, I did it. I finally punched myself on the face putting on my damn sleeve. I have a busted lip and it's probably going to bruise. I (4 letter words of your choice) hate LE!!!
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Boo, Vargadoll! 😣 I smashed myself between the cheekbone and jaw yesterday, but not enough force to bruise. Thanks to the caution about eye damage posted here, I am trying to remember to face away when donning the sleeve or I would have smacked my nose.
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Oh VargaDoll - so sorry. Hope the healing doesn't take too long.
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I have a mean left hook! I still can' believe I did it! I was on a hurry and tired to. I have not been getting much sleep my girl (adult multiple handicapped child) is not sleeping but a few hours the past couple of nights. I have been up since 1:33 am now! Just thought I would pass the time and creep around BCO.
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vargadoll. OH NO! It’s justthe worst news. Grrr I hate face punch’s and no sleep to boot! So sorry!
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Hugz4u- she slept last night! ! I got to skeep from 11 pm until 7! I am a renewed girl! I feel like I can tackle my day now. Yesterday I wanted to cry so bad but couldn't. ...I guess I'm totally out of tears after the past few years. Hope everyone has a great day. We have sleet and ice this morning and cold wind chill. Good day to read up in my LE books!
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vargadoll. Wow that’s an excellent sleep. Something that you are hugely aware of is looking after your special needs girl.mothers work in awesome ways to make our children more comfortable and it does tire us beyond words. With le and your girls daily needs that certainly is a challenge and I just want to say I appreciate your efforts. Sending an overly big bouquet of virtual red roses your way! Don’t look back, keep moving forward! We’re here to help you with grrrr rotten lymphedema
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Reporting in: I hate le more than my eyes being poked out with hot irons.
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Is anyone else super sensitive around their SNB scar? I'm a year past radiation treatment and 15 months past surgery, and I still cannot STAND to have anything near that scar. I'm looking for new undergarments that won't cause fluid accumulation on the side of my breast (a new problem that started with an unfortunate dermatological procedure that went deep), and everything is cut so the seam will be at the perfect place to rub my scar. I want to find a shelf camisole that is lower cut, but I don't see anything online. I was told to try different things, compression vs no compression (I don't have these issues when I choose to not wear anything under my shirt, like on the weekend, so I'm thinking loose is best), but I don't know what to buy or try. I did have to cut away the side of my sports bra on the side to give some clearance around the scar, but I worry a camisole would fall apart.
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I only have one scar from the lumpectomy and SNB. Both procedures were done from one incision. (Which is possible the cause of my LE) my scat doesn't hurt at all but there is lots of "mature damaged tissue". Hope you find a fix soon!!!
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Thanks! One of my friends told me to just be a
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gb. Go for it. We have to improvise when it comes to our sensitive skin on our surgery’s. I’m best with nothing. I do slip on a Cami with foams to look filled out in special public situations.
Today at the gym I had a tee shirt with colourful banner across masectomy scars so no one could even tell I was braless. My implants don’t move much so all is well.
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Ladies wanted to ask for your opinion/advice on something. I have not been diagnosed with LE & am doing everything possible to not end up with it even though we don't know whom will or will not develop it regardless of how many nodes are taken. Its bad enough having to worry about the dreaded C reoccurring but also have to worry about developing LE can add a bit of stress. I have been going to the pool to help with my lymph flow as well as doing daily stretches & drinking lots of water & i have my sleeves/glove to use when i exercise, or fly (which i have not yet as im too darn scared to fly but that's another story ) but wanted to ask if getting a PT massage every month is beneficial. I found a wonderful lymphatic clinic & have already booked my 2nd appointment but wanted to know your thoughts on this. Should i just do the self massage myself or am i overdoing it? Im just trying to be proactive but don't want to overdo things if they are not needed. Thanks so much ladies for you advice/opinion
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I wish I had I could have my LEPT do a massage every month or two. Unfortunately she's connected with MD Anderson so every visit has to be approved by the RO. I'll be interested in the answers.