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Survivors who have used only alternative treatments



  • luv_gardening
    luv_gardening Member Posts: 362
    edited April 2011


    "evil, ugly, depraved and disgusting" when used to describe another member are against the BCO rules and I request you withdraw those remarks.  Factual information is fine, and I agree that some of Nanay's actions have been very upsetting to readers and we don't know what is motivating her, we can only guess, but is hatred and abusiveness any better?  

  • mackers67
    mackers67 Member Posts: 16
    edited April 2011


    I have a feeling that the family have very little money and this is a revenue for them. As probably each time you click on the site nannay and family will make money.

    We are probably making her site more famous by the minute. As you all know how many readers just surf this site and will be clicking on their site...

    I believe theirs is a genuine need, but she is exploiting it commercially to pay for whatever treatment assistance the family needs...

    Apple being a stage 4 myself... i don't know what to say, I feel very upset for you, can't get the words out if my head and I know all your friends on stage 4 board would be shocked and hurt for


    The nannay situation is best case scenerio.... it could be more sinister and she is commercially for profit intending to sell alternative treatments ie herbs etc. As shes already selling advice...

    Awful, but we should ignore the website and not give it any more advertising space...

    Love xxxx

  • Hindsfeet
    Hindsfeet Member Posts: 675
    edited April 2011

    If nanay is doing something offensive, privately let her know. Are we the judge to make a case against nanay? It is not good ediquette to hang someone's errors before the world to see?..That's called gossip. Has bco become a gossip board? We are here to help one another, even if the person coming to the board is an advocate for someone else. Gentleness and kindness gets a lot more done than belittling.

    What motivates nanay....hmmm....unless you felt her pain, struggles, search, fears or walked in her shoes, you will never know. I suspect her motivation was born out of the love for her mom...I prefer to look at the best in one's motivation. We all seem to be overly zealous and passionate in our opinions.

    I have been graciously corrected a few times through a few p.m's. I learned.

  • konakat
    konakat Member Posts: 499
    edited April 2011

    It`s not gossip.  She`s provided info about her public blog HERE and used some of the women HERE.  I love my Mom too but I wouldn`t use or disrespect others here to demonstrate that love and concern for her healthcare.  Self-centered, careless actions IMHO.  All I can say is grow up!!!

  • mackers67
    mackers67 Member Posts: 16
    edited April 2011

    Have you seen the viewing figures for this thread..... Says it all!!

    How many are being directed to nannays site?!?!

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 244
    edited April 2011


    apologies for posting on my blog about what our similarities are despite all the long list of differences. but that is my blog, I could probably remove the link to BCO as well as your nick names, but you cannot prevent me from posting what I would want to put in a blog.

    you have all the right to call me evil as well. for the record, I am not earning revenue from that site at all. its personal and unless the moderators kick me out of this forum-- I will keep posting my thoughts -- ...

  • Ang7
    Ang7 Member Posts: 568
    edited April 2011


  • orange1
    orange1 Member Posts: 92
    edited April 2011

    I am sure this won't win me many friends, but screw it, here goes....

    I think Nanay has shown poor judgement regarding posting other's words (or her interpretations of other's words) in her blog, but I don't think she meant any harm.  Why not just ask her to please stop instead of all the piling on.  Its worse than middle school.

    As for misinformation - there is misinformation all over these boards - conventional and alt.  Usually a few people come along to correct it and everyone moves on.  This seems like a f**king lynch mob.

    Nanay seems to be very manic and maybe a little insane - probably because she is so worried for her mother.  I know I was TOTALLY insane after my diagnosis.  Do we have to be so mean?

  • mackers67
    mackers67 Member Posts: 16
    edited April 2011

    I don't believe that... Why advertise on a personal blog site?

    I think you should have more respect for the ladies on this forum... I lost my mother at a young age and a few years later my father, so I do have some insight into how your feeling... As difficult as it is for you looking after your mother you can not possibly understand what it is like to actually have breast cancer yourself.

  • Hindsfeet
    Hindsfeet Member Posts: 675
    edited April 2011

    I want to add here that I did not look closely into nanay's blog...I did not read any of your post there.  If she copied yours without your permit then it would be good to comfront her, again privately. If she is using her site, which I do not know to make money for medical bills than power to her. I have no problem with women being creative to help pay for the medical bills. Medical bills can be overwhelming, especially if you are trying to help your mom or parents.

    Konakat...You are making absumptions about me to make such an absurb statement. That makes me think that alot of other such opinions are also mere absumptions.  And you are making fun of me? My? And goody Eve -- you don`t seem to mind people using others` words without permission.  So you`d agree to someone taking your words out of context and promoting their ideas that may be contrary to yours on a blog, say, that doesn`t like alternative therapies or is super-pro chemo.  How generous of you!!  THIS IS ALL AN ABSUMPTION!

    Konakat...I'm not saying what nanay did is right...just don't hang someone's dirty laundry in public...not nice. If what she did hurt you...tell her privately. What's crazy here a bco is that there are those here who like to distain people publically on bco for all the world to see.

  • konakat
    konakat Member Posts: 499
    edited April 2011

    MODERATORS -- Hint, hint.  Perhaps some moderation here, please.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 244
    edited April 2011

    evebarry, WOM, sheila,

    sorry for bringing you along to this.. but since I am already at a point that I have shared so much about my personal life-- there is no more going back.

    they will be all over my blog anyway-- and I cannot retrack my opinions just because they are offended.

    If I did violate BCO rules-- then I am open to be disciplined.. I have removed my blog links to this well as the nicknames of the posters..

    again I mean well-- thanks for understanding..

    they can never change the fact that I love my mother and my daughter and this is the reason why I am way too involved for my own benefit.. the environment we live in is soo toxic-- it requires people to stand up and let everyone know about it-- despite the dangers of being attacked personally and abusively.

  • konakat
    konakat Member Posts: 499
    edited April 2011

    My apologies Eve.  I assumed that in your non-comment about her disrespectful actions towards some here and generous defense of her actions was an approval on that. I was surprised since you are respectful to others feelings. My apologies for that erroneous assumption and rude comments directed at you.  I don`t apologize for any comments directed at Nanay though.

    Edit to add:  Forgot to mention that I did assume that you would see the sarcasm in my (absurb) statement.  I really never thought you would approve of the misuse of your words!  Anyway, sorry for any problems I may have caused you.

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,782
    edited April 2011

    Hello members:

    We'll be contacting some members privately, but in the meantime please, everyone, let's have some restraint and civility. I know we're all concerned that someone new to this forum might read inaccurate information or unsupported advice, but seeing members so hostile doesn't truly show what you all are either, darn it! 

    Judith, and the BCO team

  • suzieq60
    suzieq60 Member Posts: 1,422
    edited April 2011

    Nanay - are you going to remove the comment on your blog about Apple - it is way way out of line. How dare you call her "sooner dead than not". This is the most awful thing anyone could write that can be read by that person.

    Evebarry - did you see what she wrote about Apple (see above) - you try to defend her?

  • Hindsfeet
    Hindsfeet Member Posts: 675
    edited April 2011

    nanay, while looking for another thread, I happened to stop here and saw what was happening. I am so sorry. I wouldn't want anyone from bco to be treated the way you have been, not even those whom I disagree with. I knew that if you broke a bco rule it was unintentional. I know what you've done is out of love for your mother. Hugs

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 244
    edited April 2011

    evebarry! WOM! Sheila!

    this is really going to be soo toxic for you and sheila.. since I do not have BC and I can take it on without stress-- just leave me here..

    you don't have to defend me!!

    but thanks anyway..

    just for the record, I am pleased to see the stats on my blog picking up-- but I do not want to waste time expecting cents from google -- ! I have a full time job that can ensure my mother has the best care... may not be something conventional but.. it will  be enough to ensure she gets the quality of life that she or anyone on this thread deserves..

    evebarry, WOM, sheila,

    let us all take some time away from this all-- for your sake. I will come back later.

  • Ang7
    Ang7 Member Posts: 568
    edited April 2011


    Please read what Suepen wrote...

    I believe that explains the "hostility."

  • Hindsfeet
    Hindsfeet Member Posts: 675
    edited April 2011

    suspen...I should let nanay defend herself. I have not read the blog. I can't defend her in what she said, but I can forgive her. I don't know what sparked nanay to say that to apple.  Like I wrote earlier, we all get a little over passionate, and sadly, we all have said things that hurt. I am sorry apple that was said about you. I have had someone say that to me as well.

  • suzieq60
    suzieq60 Member Posts: 1,422
    edited April 2011
    evebarry - go to page 42 of this thread up near the top and see what Apple has to say. You won't have to read Nanay's blog - Apple repeats it in her her post. She is obviously extremely upset. Nanay may have now removed the posters names but the statement is still there - remove it Nanay!!!
  • suzieq60
    suzieq60 Member Posts: 1,422
    edited April 2011
    Nanay - are you going to apologise to Apple? You've had your chance but you haven't done it yet. You can see everyone is upset with what you wrote on your blog - why haven't you apologised to Apple?
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 244
    edited April 2011


    take it easy! I just quoted apple's post-- I did not edit it can read item #4 on my blog entry and apple's post.


    apologies again. am so sad that we have to go back to this again... I quoted your post and your nick name. apologies. I have removed your nick name and link to this thread...but I cannot remove the whole entry -- so everyone can see what it is all about..

    all the items from 1 to 10 are not my words-- I just quoted your posts-- to show that despite all our differences-- there are at least 10 similarities.

    I am sorry to offend you-- but I cannot remove the whole entry.

  • konakat
    konakat Member Posts: 499
    edited April 2011

    Yes, you CAN delete them. 

    Why not present a summary IN YOUR OWN WORDS of different thoughts you`ve heard, stating that you make no reference to these people`s identities and source to protect their privacy.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 244
    edited April 2011


    that is a good idea-- I can include " no reference to names of the people "quoted" on this entry to protect their privacy"


    just to calm you down, I will pay wordpress so that they do not have to include the google ads on my blog-- that will remove the misconception that am earning "Cents" from google.

  • konakat
    konakat Member Posts: 499
    edited April 2011

    Thank-you Nanay.  I do encourage a summary in your own words instead of quotes.  If someone googles a quote they can be lead to a link to this site.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 244
    edited April 2011


    I am really sorry for hurting you, it was not my intent ...

    I just want you to know that you and your kids are in my prayers... as I have told you in my PM, this are not meant to attack you as a person ( you are beautiful and lovable person inside out)..we have shared a few good moments-- talking about music, piano and our kids..

    I am really sorry. I am always grateful to have known you, albeit virtually... again-- the quote is not meant to offend you-- it was your own words-- and I was wrong for quoting you...

    Is it ok that I leave that entry-- without your nickname and link to this thread?

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 244
    edited April 2011


    sorry, I do not mean to be disrespectful -- but really, if you want me to remove that entry, I guess we also have to ask the Moderators to remove all the assumptions/misconceptions about me-- I have shared so much about my personal life.... and people will tend to go to my blog (even if I do not want them to)--

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 244
    edited April 2011


    I will be offline now as my colleague has been peeking on my computer--wondering what I am doing..

    I will probably be away, for a day, a week or a month..I do not know.

    But if you have anything for me- (be it a correction or anything)- you can email me


    I cannot promise you that.

  • luv_gardening
    luv_gardening Member Posts: 362
    edited April 2011

    Britchick, I don't condone Nanay's actions and I do sympathise with those of you who have been offended.  I'm merely pointing out that insulting remarks are just adding to the problem, against the rules and damaging when done in such concentration to Nanay.  I'm pleased to see that Nanay has now apologised and is changing her site.  I'm not sure if her words or actions have broken BCO rules but she will no doubt be hearing from the moderators if she has.


    I do believe the adverts on any blog are part of the deal to pay for the server to host the site and a pain for any user.  Otherwise the cost of using the server can be prohibitive, but I may be wrong.  My nerdy 18yo knows all about such things but he's at college now.

    Nanay said in her blog that her mother may have to return to the Philippines if she is no longer ill, so that may explain her frantic search for any tests and treatments while she is still in Singapore which is much more technically advanced than the Philippines.  Also there may be no work available in the Philippines so separation could prove to be a difficult and expensive situation. 

  • Lynn18
    Lynn18 Member Posts: 284
    edited April 2011

    Nanay:  I don't understand how you can ask Apple if it is OK to leave her quote in your blog?  She asked you to remove it immediately.  Please do so.