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After Radiation



  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858

    I think GmaFoley needs a huggggggggggggggg too.And dont read the article in your state of mind...We did it and its over.PERIOD. no looking back now....That article is wonderful for the world to know before the RADS.Just wondering why no one ever posted it on any other thread....and if it was how the HELL did we all miss that one!!!!!

    damn this bc sure does suk.....

    Another huggggggggggggggg to all of us......we need all the hugggggs we can get.

    God bless and keep the faith..K

  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978

    Thank you Jo and Granny... I needed that... Going to my primary tomorrow after work... the nerve pain is so bad, the PCP put me on neurontin.. I waited a few extra days because I started on the arimidex that week too... now I'm not sure about the SE's that have cropped up - so confused  ... scared my hubby one night (day1) because  I quit breathing about 10 times in an hour - he had to get me up and put me in the recliner... (yes I have apnea but can't afford a sleep study) - but the next night (day 2) I remembered to put my mouthpiece in for my grinding teeth - and he said I didn't stop breathing like the night before... but this morning (day 3) I woke up and my jaw was clenched so tight my teeth hurt... so what drug am I taking to make me do that??? I don't expect an answer..just venting... My head is killing me - plus since I started Rads I have gone from 2 meds to 6!!! I just don't want to fight any more and I want the pain to stop Cry.

    ... As I said - I'm just venting  and thank you for the hugs !!!! On the other hand, I will listen to suggestions..

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    GMA - Vent away Sweetie.  I know this is a tough battle but you are much stronger than you think you are plus you have such a wonderful bunch of gals that will stick by you and help you through this.

    Have you talked to your RO and/or MO about all that is going on?  Perhaps he/she can help you sort this out.  It may be advisable to stop the Arimidex until after rads are done.  That way you can better determine what is causing all the problems.  That may be a good place to start. 

  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978

    Jo: I've be done with rads going on 4 weeks... the RO and MO keep passing the buck so I just decided to call my PCP.. When I say this, let me explain.. I told the RO that the oxycodone wasn't helping with the pain, that I was sure it was nerve pain...he just said," it is normal, you will get through this"... and left it at that .. they put me on Aleve, which tore up my stomach, so added prilosec.. stomach is still bothering me but can't take the aleve... Then after this - 2 days later I talk to my MO - told him about my pain and he said... "Thank goodness its not my fault" and then told me I was to start Arimidex... and wouldn't talk about the pain issue just gave me a pep talk that "it is normal and you will get through this".. What the !@#$%?? I got fed up because saying that isn't helping the nerve pain - Oh and then MO suggested I keep going through counseling during my treatment with arimidex... nerve pain ppl!!! - that is when I called my PCP's office and she put me on the neurontin (last week) and said we would have a talk in a week - which is tomorrow.. The RO was great while I was in treatment and now its like its not their problem unless I go to emergency... I don't get how they can be so nice one minute and turn their backs the next??

    Sorry I'm venting again.. guess its the night for it.

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    GMA - Just vent all you need to.  My RO was such a friggin' moron I wouldn't give him the time of day.  Once I was done with  rads he did not even want to see me. Hell, they have gotten their money from the insurance and our co pays now they are done.  I first found out I have lung damage from rads (left sided BC) - RO tried to downplay it and said there wasn't anything he could do for me.  I also have permanent nerve damage from rads and had to go to a pain specialist to find that out.  My wonderful BS sent me to him.  Anyway, he put me on amitriptyline 25mg for 7 days and now I am on 50mgs.  I also had toe joint pains as a result of rads.  The medicine is not addictive and has an added bonus of a sedative.  I have heard of neurotin but have not tried it.  My primary doctor is writing the refills for the amitripyline and I can go back to the pain specialist if I really feel the need to.  I am told I will have to stay on this medicine for the rest of my life.  BC really is the gift that keeps on giving.

    Seems it is left up to us to be our own advocates and insist on treatment.  Thank goodness for all the good information on this website.

  • msphil
    msphil Member Posts: 185

    I too camisoles, they are great, God Bless, and stop looking back as someone here mentioned, and get on with your life, I did and am now 17 yrs cancer free(Praise God).  msphil

  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978
    Jo. can't take the amitriptyline.. It made me stop breathing at night...wish I wasn't so sensitive to meds..Undecided hense - the neurontin.
  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545
    Gma - Bummer! Frown  Hopefully the neurotin will work for you.
  • Sandeeonherown
    Sandeeonherown Member Posts: 1,781

    Granny/Rita- the radiologist did not say anything about the wire bras..the massage thereapist who specializes in lymphodema said she would help me get into them again and the woman at the lymphodema clinic at the hospital said to watch out fo rthem as they can block your lymph nodes form draining I think if I use common sense and do not wear them all the time, I shoudl be ok...I wore a tank top pone day and a sports bra andother and my favourite bra the is my special occasion bra...will now go back to norstrom's when I am in the states this they have Norstrom's in Tampa or Miami?

    Dolphon- i did not feel tired before or after but my ribs are only now sarting to feel better. I have spent the last 7 months with my hand pressed against my upper ribcage..somehow brings less pain. hurts on both sides...does not hurt as much now but I am doing a lot more stretches an dht epaddling really helps too, oddly enough

    rohanna- I stopped peeling within a couple of weeks....7 months later, the 'tan' is almost gone on my left takes time so keep your skin well hydrated and well creamed up so it does not get drier

  • Sandeeonherown
    Sandeeonherown Member Posts: 1,781

    Oh..and I am joining in on the grop hug...I always tell everyone you need 4 a day's a big one coming at you all!

  • Elizabeth37
    Elizabeth37 Member Posts: 43

    Hi all can I join. I just finished Rads yesterday  

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246

    congrats momoftwo,   now let the healing begin!   do you have any plans for all your free time!lol i'm 3 weeks out  and just slightly tanned around the boost site and the axilla ,lucky compared to most,i  have a sharp pain on rare occasions but its only momentary and have not needed anything yet,        

  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978
    Congrats momoftwo:  welcome to the next step in your treatment - HEALING Smile
  • rohanna
    rohanna Member Posts: 154

    Thanks, Sandee. I decided last night to keep using the Bio oil for the near future. It's making my skin (breast, hands, arms, cuticles) look really good. I'm still getting the sharp pains in my breast so I'm going to ask the onc about it in 2 weeks.

    ((((((HUGS))))) to everyone! 

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    momoftwo - Welcome to the after rads group - let the healing begin.

  • Elizabeth37
    Elizabeth37 Member Posts: 43

    Thanks every one. I have been just staying home it feels so good not to have to go any where.My skin itches so much,and still pretty tired but I want to thank you all for shareing what you have been through it sure helps when you know you are not alone.I had Lump, no chemo, 30 Rads 5 were Boosts and now waiting to be put on Tamox X 5. Hope everyone has a great day

  • walley
    walley Member Posts: 195


    Hope you heal really fast.It does get better.Just try and get rest nowWink

  • dolphins0412
    dolphins0412 Member Posts: 15

    Welcome and Hugs to all,

    You gals are the only ones that understand so I'm gonna ask you.  I work 60 miles from where I live.  I teach 1st grade.  Right now today I am 4 weeks post rads.  I am also very tired most days.  I don't really know why.  I have had nothing but drama since I got sick and not it's not my drama but family just the same.  I could move closer to my work no problem and have a shorter work day or stay and work 5 twelve hour work days.  I am worried that I won't be productive enough for my students.  I pray that I get my strength back soon so that I can handle 24 six year olds all day.  The problem is my hubby and his part time job.  It seems like a no brainer but I need to hear it from someone else. 

    Thanks ladies

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    dolphins - The reason you are so tired is the after effects of rads.  It does get better you just have to give it time.  I don't know how much you have to work in the summer months but perhaps you should consider a move closer to your work.  Shorter work days may be just what you need.

  • dolphins0412
    dolphins0412 Member Posts: 15

    jo1955, I have not worked since March but have been very busy running family here and there with no rest.  I figured it's the rads also.  The hubby thinks because I am done I should be spunky.  LOL Just isn't happening yet.  I know It will come back and I need to be patient.  Moving makes sense to me as well.  If not only because there are no jobs where I live and won't be for the next 3 to 5 years.  With rising gas prices and all the other that goes with it.  We wanted a country lifestyle but it comes with a price.  I don't know just blabbing and talking it out here helps.  I was thinking I was being a little selfish.l  I am the bread winner so I think I should get some perks.  If I stay where I am I'll get up at 5 and get home between 5 and 6.  It just doesn't seem like much of a life anymore. 

  • divinemrsm
    divinemrsm Member Posts: 6,621

    Sixty miles is quite a long way, even when you are not recovering from any kind of treatment! I have always favored working closer to home.  I work 5 minutes from home, DH is 10 minutes away when he goes to work.  Imo, there are just so many benefits to living closer to where you work. You might prefer to live closer to the community in which you teach.  While I know some people who commute such as yourself to and from work, I think it takes its toll after so long.

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503

    Dolphin seems like a no brainer to me.  You have to have a good quality of life and is living in your car really a good life?  Not to mention the gas prices these days.

    msphil-congrats on 17 years cancer free, it gives us all hope.

    motheroftow congrats on finishing rads and joining our group.  Hope you heal quickly.

  • crog234
    crog234 Member Posts: 324

    I have a question.  Tomorrow will mark 2 weeks since my last rad.  They told me to continue to use the creams for about 2 weeks after I finished rads.  Has anyone found that they needed to use the creams longer than the 2 weeks?  I have no peeling, no itching anymore, just dark brown.....



  • 3monstmama
    3monstmama Member Posts: 123

    Dolphin, I agree with the others---move closer to where you work.  And since you are the main breadwinner with a full time job, let husband do the driving.  and while we are at it, lets smack your dh with a big stick to knock some sense into him about your recovery

    I used to have a long commute.  I can't tell you how draining it was to keep going and that was without any rads.  When I stopped the commute and moved closer to my work, it was like getting out from under a weight.  Remember, a long commute like that takes away from time you can sit with your feet up or garden or try a recipe or watch tv or whatever.  And whether you realize it or not at the time, it adds to the stress in your life.

    Even after you are "done" whatevertheheckthatmeans with rads, you still need to work on your lifestyle and decreasing stress.  So think of getting rid of the commute as you doing something for you to help keep you healthy.

    crog234  use the creams as long as you like.  I think 2 weeks is the minimum.  Lots of women seem to find that they like what it does to their skin so they just keep using it.  I used mine until it ran out.

  • dolphins0412
    dolphins0412 Member Posts: 15

    Crog, I still use mine too 4 weeks out.  Seems to help. 

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    Morning gals!  Hi Kantalope!  I didn't think I would have any more problems "After Rads"....But then I've been noticing my left ankle, and lower leg swelling pretty bad....I looked this up, and yes it is possible after cancer surgery, especially with the MammoSite device that it is Lymphedema.

    Have any of you gals had this happen so far away from your breast?  I wore a compression stocking last night, & the swelling moved from my ankle to my lower leg.  It looks like I have those rolled up socks around my leg, that we used to wear in high-school!    The Site I was reading said, that if you press on the swelling with your finger, and the imprint stays, it is Lymphedema, and not Edema....Could this possible be it?  I had my surgery on Dec. 4th, 2009...

    No, I don't have an Oncologist, just a Radiologist, and a Primary Care....So I guess I should ask my PC, because people get this without breast cancer surgery, I think...

    Hope you are all doing alright....xoxoxoxoxo

  • dolphins0412
    dolphins0412 Member Posts: 15

    Chevyboy, I have swelling in my legs as well.  Is it from rads? I was going to ask my dr Friday.  Sometimes they hurt so much it feels like the skin is going to split.  I was wondering if it was from the tamox.  Anyway my thoughts are with you and I will let ya know what he says.

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503

    Crog, my RO told me to continue using the rads cream for two weeks then switch to a good vitamin E cream for a couple of months.  I finished in late Jan and I am continuing to use my creams.  Don't know if I really need to but I am going to have a MX next March after I am good and healed and am hoping for a NSSM so I want my skin to be in the best possible condition that it can be in.

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    Chevyboy - Where in the heck have you been girlfriend?  Missed you and glad you are back.

    Dolphins - Like some of the others have already said, seems like a no brainer to me - I would move closer to work.  With the gas prices and the total state of the economy these days it only makes sense.  Living out of your car is not the way to go.

    Corg - I do think 2 weeks using the creams is the minimum.  I finished in Dec and went back to using my regular lotions after the new year.  I used Lubriderm anyway so that is a good cream.  I did not burn bad - just had to deal with topical infections and didn't "tan" at all. 

  • crog234
    crog234 Member Posts: 324

    Thanks to all that answered about the creams.  I guess if I can stop using the aquafor and use one of my own creams I might not mind as much.  That aquafor is some messy stuff!!!!!!
