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  • VioletKali
    VioletKali Posts: 97
    edited February 2020

    I had ZERO problems with Toremifene. My wonder Onc left the practice because she moved out of state, and her partner refuses to RX it for me. Tamoxifen was awful for me.

    I am back on OS to show my new Onc that I am willing to compromise, but it is sucky. I want what little estrogen I already had back.

  • salamandra
    salamandra Posts: 761
    edited November 2020

    Wow, apparently it's been almost a year since I started on toremifene! In case it's helpful for anyone in the future, it is still working great for me. I had some heartburn for a bit (though not as bad as starting tamoxifen) but other than that it's been very smooth sailing side effects wise and I'm still grateful every day I take that pill and not tamoxifen.

    I'm also super grateful to these boards and ladies like VioletKali and NWAartlady and others for even mentioning it. My oncologist would *never* have suggested it and it's thanks to these boards I had the opportunity to try before resorting to OS+AI.


  • hippmark
    hippmark Posts: 102
    edited November 2021

    Thank you Salamandra (amd others) for your post about Toremifene. I was reading the side effects of Tamoxifen/AI and I just shriveled into a prune knowing I would soon be on them myself. I take Paxil and don't want to go off it, which you have to with Tamoxifen. The AI's side effects are almost to scary to look at, especially having 5 years (or more) in front of me.

    I was already looking for an "alternative" to either one and this has possibilities that look at being just as effective but possibly less side effects with my mental health. Which is already shaky!

    Like you, I would be certain it is not something my upcoming Oncologist would recommend.

  • VioletKali
    VioletKali Posts: 97
    edited November 2021

    My Oncologist(the GREAT one) was foreign, so she was well versed in approaches from other countries. Toremifene is common in other countries. I would totally take it if someone would RX it for me, but I am on nothing because I refuse to compromise QOL.

    I am a well stabilized, 22 year in treated, woman with bi polar disorder. This means that my mental health is Paramount. Toremifene NEVER once affected my mental health. Tamoxifen did