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spot compression mammography

luvvyk46 Member Posts: 13

has anyone ever had this and had cancer missed.  I had the spot compression after my mammo showed grouped calcifications and architectural distortion.  Spot compression showed no definite evidence of those. Ultrasound didn't say anything about them at all but showed many cysts including a complex cyst.  Radiologist suggested follow up US in 3 months.  BS didn't care about the complex cyst but wanted to follow the calcifications and distortion. Suggested a follow up mammogram in 6 months. I was going to just wait and enjoy my summer but I am somewhat confused now.   Have dense breasts as well


  • luvvyk46
    luvvyk46 Member Posts: 13
    edited April 2011

    But what about specifically the spot magnified mammos?  Anyone still have something missed after one of those performed?

  • NJDevChick
    NJDevChick Member Posts: 5
    edited April 2011

    Mammos from what I read are difficult to read with dense breast.  I would get the MRI too for peace of mind.  I think it would always be in the back of my mind. 

  • luvvyk46
    luvvyk46 Member Posts: 13
    edited April 2011

    Thank you JBinOK.  I was going to just wait and see but with the confliction between the Radiologist and the surgeon I have asked for the 3 month follow up US. I told them if it still showed the complex cyst I wanted a core biopsy. I also asked for an MRI due to the dense breast issue and the distortion. Haven't heard back yet. Probably won't now that the weekend is here so will see on Monday. Does an MRI show calcifications?

  • luvvyk46
    luvvyk46 Member Posts: 13
    edited April 2011

    So even though it was indicated as benign in your case, they took a biopsy anyway?  I'm beginning to think that in any areas of suspicion such as the calcification/distortion area and complex cyst, that a biopsy should just be done instead of waiting and watching.

  • lisa-e
    lisa-e Member Posts: 169
    edited April 2011

    luvvyk46, I had a spot compression mammogram because to look at an area of calcifications and an area of architectural distortion.   After the spot compression mammogram, the radiologist said that the pattern of the calcifications indicated DCIS and I should have a biopsy.  I did and it was DCIS.  However, in the spot compression mammogram, the area of architectural distortion did not appear to be abnormal.  In reality, it was a 0.8 mm IDC.  My surgeon felt the skin retraction it was causing, so removed it when I had a lumpectomy for the DCIS (they were in different quadrants of my breast).

    Like you, I had dense breasts.  Therefore, my rad onc asked me to get an MRI before I began radiation.  It turned out I had another tumor.  They were able to find the area with ultra sound for a biopsy.  

    If I were you, I would push for an MRI, if you can find a radiologist who has read many of them. 

  • luvvyk46
    luvvyk46 Member Posts: 13
    edited April 2011

    Lisa and JB .  Thanks for your response. I am going to pust for the MRI and I am also going to have my cyst biopsied. Better be safe. Still waiting for the DR to get back to me on my questions. Has been over a week. Will go somewhere else soon.

  • luvvyk46
    luvvyk46 Member Posts: 13
    edited April 2011

    Well my OBGYN got back to me this morning after I emailed and asked what was taking so long for a call from them>  He questioned my thoughts on the 3 month US and biopsy of the complex cyst. Said cysts are benign. Looked at my report and said the spot compression mammo showed everything was normal. I told him that the radiologist suggested a follow up 3 month US of the cyst and the BS negated that but wanted to do a 6 month mammo to follow the calcifications and distortion. (calcifications and distortion that are normal?)  So I said I was confused with the different opinions and would like the MRI. He called the BS. They discussed it and he just called back and said for me to call in to get my MRI scheduled. He said I am not the typical case and because of this they both agreed that an MRI was the best test for me. He said he wished they could do that on every woman. Best screening test possible. So I am going to call now!!!!

  • luvvyk46
    luvvyk46 Member Posts: 13
    edited April 2011

    Call back from the BS office. They want to see me again before they schedule the MRI. So it probably won't happen now. Frustrated. Have to go on Thursday. Wish the OBGYN had just scheduled it himself.

  • luvvyk46
    luvvyk46 Member Posts: 13
    edited April 2011

    Well went for my short visit with the BS. He wa very positive. Ordered up the MRI and said he would fight the insurance company if they negated it. Said they need a baseline MRI done for me because I have so much going on and due to the very dense breast issue (his words). Also I am right at the changing age where the risk goes up even more so with the 3 tests, (mammo, us, mri) they will be able to follow me more productively. Great visit. Gave me much more confidence in this guy. Test scheduled for May 5. Waiting again.......

  • luvvyk46
    luvvyk46 Member Posts: 13
    edited May 2011

    Well tomorrow I finally get my MRI.  Has anyone had any reaction to the dye? How uncomfortable is it? How long does it normally take?  I have to go to work after so am wondering how bad of an afternoon I will have. LOL>

  • lisa-e
    lisa-e Member Posts: 169
    edited May 2011

    I've had several MRIs, for my hip and breast related.  Neither was awful, but the breast MRI was quite relaxing.  I just focused on breathing slowly and almost fell asleep. The appointment  took about an hour and a half.   Good luck!

  • awb
    awb Member Posts: 213
    edited May 2011

    luvvy--I've  had many breast MRIs--they really aren't bad at all, just be sure to get comfortable before they begin, as you have to stay very still. They give you earplugs as the "clunking" sounds can be rather noisy. The technician calls into you every now and again to make sure you are doing OK. The only thing that really bothers me is getting the IV into me, but once that's in then I'm good to go. You will feel a little cool sensation as the contrast dye goes in, but just momentarily. I have had a little headache afterwards sometimes, but I think it's just positional, not the dye.  After I get up and move around a little, then I'm fine to go.


  • Emaline
    Emaline Member Posts: 37
    edited May 2011

    I had no issue with the dye at all.  No problems with MRI either. I had a horrible night sleeping the night before, so with the ear plugs in and all, I almost fell asleep.

     Oh when the dye was injected, my arm got cold. So I wish I had thought to ask for a blanket prior to the start of it. So if you tend to be a freeze baby, ask for a blanket.

  • wonderfullymade
    wonderfullymade Member Posts: 2
    edited May 2011

    I have dense breasts and am high risk as well. I had an MRI and two MRI guided biopsies in the last two months due to a mass shown on ultrasound and a asymmetrical focal density. Adh and some adenoid tissue was found. The MRI was no biggie and showed abnormalities that no other imaging revealed. I am sorry you have a reason to be posting here, but am very happy to hear that you are having the MRI. Hugs as you anxiously wait for the results.

  • luvvyk46
    luvvyk46 Member Posts: 13
    edited May 2011

    Hi all. Thanks for your posts. Went today and it was ok. Was pretty cold though as it was out on one of the mobile units. Arms got pretty achey towards the end. I have an appt next week with the BS. Hopefully I get some results before that though. I'm not going to let myself stress. It is actually bright with sunshine outside so I am going to enjoy if for a little while until I go to work.

  • luvvyk46
    luvvyk46 Member Posts: 13
    edited May 2011

    I guess I am more nervous then I thought I would be about my results of the MRI.   Still haven't heard anything. I have a consult with the BS on Thursday that was scheduled when we scheduled the MRI. Guess they will tell me then? If there was something bad would they contact me earlier or wait? I keep checking for my tests to come up online but nothing yet. (This hospital has a system where you can follow your care online)   My kids are starting to wonder why I am going to the doctor's so much and I just don't want to alarm them needlessly. I can't imagine what it must be like once you do know cancer is present and have to play the waiting game.  I really feel for all of you on here.

  • sarahsmom
    sarahsmom Member Posts: 276
    edited May 2011

    Oh, I hate the waiting process, I am sorry!  Sending you calming thoughts. Try to keep busy - spring cleaning? Planting flowers? Whatever works for you! Hugs!

  • luvvyk46
    luvvyk46 Member Posts: 13
    edited May 2011

    I wish I did have the time for such things as those. Instead I work at a bridal salon. Sooo many different emotions involved there. Most of them are really not positive as you would think they should be. Brides are worried about picking the wrong gown or picking too soon. Mothers are very critical. Bridesmaids are just $#$%%^^  . I have already decided to take the summer off as it is the slow season. Can't wait. Having a hard time smiling at these people.

  • luvvyk46
    luvvyk46 Member Posts: 13
    edited May 2011

    Visit was good!  Still following some dense breast tissue in one area but it didn't have abnormal curves so should be ok. Birads 3.  Another MRI scheduled for 6 months to watch for change. Can breathe easier!