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  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,258
    edited March 2013

    ren - Hiii!  Glad things are going well!  This thread has been pretty quiet - a good thing if it means the ladies on BCO are not having too many TE troubles, but I miss everyone!

  • Not-Me
    Not-Me Member Posts: 50
    edited March 2013

    Hi...I will speak up.  I had BMX on 3-5 with TEs....and they are somewhat painful.  I was small before, and A, maybe that is why this is uncomfortable?  I go in for a fill this Thursday and am at 150 cc so far.  

    I could do the change out in June, but thought I should wait until Oct/Nov due to my extreme active lifestyle.  But I will see what the PS says, due to rads on the bad side, nine years ago.  

    Hope everyone else is okay?   

  • roadwarrior28
    roadwarrior28 Member Posts: 161
    edited March 2013

    Not-Me - I was an A-cup before as well. I am now up to 380cc which on me is about 36B (according to the lovely fitters at Nordstrom). My goal is to get to 450cc and be a C-cup. As I go further along they have gotten more tense and sometimes painful, usually when I turn the wrong way or bend too much. I've also slept on my stomach accidentally a few times and woke up with them throbbing. All in all though, it's tolerable. 

    I plan to have an exchange mid-summer

  • LeeA
    LeeA Member Posts: 1,092
    edited March 2013

    I apparently have a leak on the left side (cancer side) tissue expander.  It has slipped down and/or folded over on itself.  I'm very lopsided but I guess breast cancer has left me with an "oh well, nothing I can do for now" attitude.  The other day I took three swimsuit pad thingies and used them like a prosthesis of sorts (stuck into a bra).  I'm waiting to find out if I need radiation and just figure que sera sera until the day of exchange (which seems to be in the distant misty future at the moment Smile).

  • fluffqueen01
    fluffqueen01 Member Posts: 1,800
    edited March 2013

    Lee...someone else on here had a leak. They filled it up weekly I think to keep the skin Stretching until until she could exchange. I think she was pretty far along though.

  • Romey
    Romey Member Posts: 22
    edited March 2013

    OK everyone...I will be 7 weeks out from my BMX with reconstruction and I am STILL having so much pain. Mainly in my sternum and ribcage. The PS had put me on Prednisone Pak the first time I complained of this pain because he thought it was from the suture area. They worked well at the high level, but as my dosage decreased the pain came back, just not as bad. I finished my fills 2 weeks ago today and am around a big B small C size. I take Advil during the day and Valium at night (which no longer seems to be helping) I was up half the night Friday night with the pain. My pre-op visit is Apr. 22, I'm getting so close, but last night with so much pain and frustration I'm considering calling the PS office and see if I can get my exchange surgery moved up from May 2nd. REALLY is it normal to still be so uncomfortable so long after surgery? I asked my PS 2 weeks ago at my last fill and he said "Well sometimes it takes a full 6 weeks to recover from everything". Did others of you have pain the WHOLE time the TE's were in? Any suggestions for surviving the next month if I have too?

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,258
    edited March 2013

    not-me - honestly you are not really far enough out from surgery to be free of pain.  Your pain is stemming from the stretching of your pectoral muscle, not a natural thing - nothing was ever meant to be underneath it so it is a process that will require some time for your body to adjust to.  I do't think your previous breast size has any bearing because that was made up of tissue, which is in front of the pectoral muscle.  Remember that you are in charge of the fill size each visit, and the frequency of fills.  Only do what you are comfortable with - I am an advocate of "low and slow" but many plastic surgeons don't like that approach.  What is your thought on delaying exchange?  In what way will that be of benefit in terms of active lifestyle?  Most of us are much more comfortable with implants than we were with TE, so I would think that you would want that to happen sooner.

    Romey - am I understanding that you are 7 weeks out from BMX and done with fills?  If so, that is why you are in pain.  IMHO that is way too fast.  You body is still healing on the inside, and Prednisone, while a good anti-inflammatory, actually inhibits healing in post-surgical patients, so it slowed you down from that perspective. 

  • nesw
    nesw Member Posts: 24
    edited March 2013

    Romey - I'm over 3 months out and I feel constant sternum pain. I told my ps its like an ax embedded in my sternum. He said the TEs have a metal backing to force forward stretching and its normal to feel the metal edges pushing back against your sternum and ribcage. Sometimes it even hurts to breathe. Some women don't have as much pain. Perhaps it comes down to the size and placement of the TEs. I'm still a month from exchange and just biting the bullet.

  • Keke713
    Keke713 Member Posts: 31
    edited March 2013

    Hy! So i had my surgery on march 1st...the plastic surgeon did a small fill (not exactly sure how much) and i developed strech marks over the last couple weeks...I wasn't filled any ore than my regula a cup size I had my question is, will thee stretch marks keep coming once I start my fills on the 3rd??? And will they go away or fade??

  • IslandGirl50
    IslandGirl50 Member Posts: 12
    edited March 2013

    LeeA - I had a leak in a tissue expander and I was not where I wanted to be with fills so they removed it and put in a new one and I continued with the fills.  It was a defect in the TE.

    So sorry some of you are having bad pain with your TEs.  I had TE in for 17 months and they were comfortable but no real pain.  After fills I would be really uncomfortable (75 to 100 cc at at time) for a day but nothing really bad.  I had to have both TE replaced at different times, one because of infection and the other leaked.  I had implant placed in 12/12.  Much more comfortable now.

    Hang in there.  It does get better.

  • Romey
    Romey Member Posts: 22
    edited March 2013


    You are a very brave person, my patience for this constant pain sure is waneing. I haven't tried cold packs yet, may try that tonight. But OMGosh...BRRRR


  • chickadee521
    chickadee521 Member Posts: 423
    edited March 2013

    Re cup size - I was a small A.  Filled to 650cc, ended up with 450cc silicone implants and am now a 36C.  I took it slow, 60cc a week.  I did have strech marks.  They have kind of faded.

    Re leak - I leaked, my TE was punctured at some point during fills and once fully expanded I leaked.  I was not lucky enough that my PS was willing to fill and wait it out till exchange although there is someone here that did do that, cant remember who though.  I had to wait to finish my chemo and then replace the TE and refill.  

  • fluffqueen01
    fluffqueen01 Member Posts: 1,800
    edited March 2013

    Holy cow, chickadee....that is a lot of overfill! I was filled on the first try to 480 and we were going to put in 450-475 implants. Infection ended that. On the second try, I was filled to 450 and the plan was the same 450. Had to have 425's due to a thin skin area from the infection.

    I remember having stretch marks with the TE 's and they had gone away. I hadn't thought about it in a long time, so I just checked.

  • Not-Me
    Not-Me Member Posts: 50
    edited March 2013

    Hi...can not even imagine getting beyond the 200cc fill (in two days) but have been told at least another 50cc.  I do not want to be large, as I am a runner and want to be able to do that comfortably.

    I am three weeks out BMX, and going back to work in three weeks.  What to do about a bra...I am no longer anywhere near what I was pre surgery.


  • chickadee521
    chickadee521 Member Posts: 423
    edited March 2013

    maybe it was 600.  i think it was 2 fills past where I told him I wanted to be cup size wise.  It was a lot  I was quite huge there for a while.

    not me - i didn't wear a bra with TE's  or sometimes now for that matter.  I wore camis or sports bras

  • psalms91
    psalms91 Member Posts: 93
    edited March 2013

    This is Psalms, my surgery is postponed....I have H.Pylori in my stomach as well.Anyone been there? Also a wound on my right breast due to the same as before, sleeping with a heating pad and fell asleep on it.....I am so depressed.I know I don't respond or talk much but I get my strength from this forum.I wish one day to be able to give back as so may of you do.But I am in a bad place mentally and physically.Thanks for listening.I pray everyone well......Love Psalm91

  • Romey
    Romey Member Posts: 22
    edited March 2013

    So very sorry Psalms. I have heard of H.Pylori, (maybe a side effect of an antibiotic??)  but no first hand experience. I can't imagine how hard it would be to mentally prepare for surgery and then have it postponed. I am sure the dr. wants you as close to 100% when going into surgery, and take no chances. I'm so sorry you have to wait and heal, but you will heal with time. I know patience is so difficult through all this. Hang in there, you will be well and moving forward soon!!


  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,258
    edited March 2013

    psalms - sorry to hear that your surgery is postponed.  Are you on an antibiotic for the H-Pylori?  It is usually a fairly easily solved problem.  Sometimes they give you a combo of antibiotic and Pepto-Bismol - sounds weird, I know!  I had it years ago in relation to a hiatal hernia and reflux, for which I had a GE surgery to close my stomach.

    I have used these as heating pads - you might want to consier something like this where the heat dissipates and will not burn you if you fall asleep with it.

    Hope you are in a better frame of mind soon!  Sending you a hug!

  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084
    edited March 2013

    Hi Psalms, hang in there! Sorry your surgery has been postponed.  I would be frustrated too, getting so close, then change in plans to delay surgery.  You're almost there - just a bit longer!

  • psalms91
    psalms91 Member Posts: 93
    edited March 2013

    Just FYI my surgeon informed me that I am not a candidate for the gummy bear due to the pear shape that they come in and so since I have been expanded ata round angle it would take a lot do revision.....Any one heard this yet?

  • psalms91
    psalms91 Member Posts: 93
    edited March 2013

    Thank you second time around.....I am holding...just cannot wait.

  • psalms91
    psalms91 Member Posts: 93
    edited March 2013

    Special K thanks, I will look into the alternative heating appliance.i have finish my course of antibiotic, feel better but still not at my best in my stomach area...ugh....

  • psalms91
    psalms91 Member Posts: 93
    edited March 2013

    Thanks Romey, yes I am a bit frustrated....but I rather be at 100 %,than not.If I have the chance to do better and be better i will take it before going under the knife.

  • Rennasus
    Rennasus Member Posts: 642
    edited March 2013

    Psalms! So sorry you are delayed and dealing with more %$#@! I thought everyone was expanded in a "round" manner as the TE's are really just placeholders... the finessing comes at exchange. Doesn't seem to be anything to worry about right now, but jot down your questions and be sure to get them answered by your PS when the time comes for your exchange once you are past these hurdles. Hang in there, you can do this! Sending you big {{{hugs}}}!!!

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,258
    edited March 2013

    psalms - I was unaware that whatever shape the expander was dictated final implant shape, I had not heard that.  Have you asked about the Sientra anatomical?

  • psalms91
    psalms91 Member Posts: 93
    edited March 2013

    Thanks Rennasus for the hugs,They are needed

    Special K I will ask

  • olgah34
    olgah34 Member Posts: 300
    edited March 2013

    Good evening everyone! Finally I am back to computer. After my surgery I developed complications, of course, seroma... They say it is common with LATIS...After drains in my back vere removed, some seroma liquid developed in my back , so PS removed it 3 times with a needle, I mean, 3 Wednesdays in a row, and on the 4 Wednesday he put drain back, after that after another week, removed it, all this time I had to keep my left arm close to my body..Do not elevate it, do not knit....FINALLY IT IS GONE,  hOWEVER STD iNSURANCE DOES NOT WANT TO PAY FOR DISABILITY, HOW DO YOU LIKE IT? Doctor did send them papers, but they still" decide"...

    My next operation- squshies will be April 18...

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,258
    edited March 2013

    olgah - sorry that you had so much seroma/drain trouble, but it sounds like progress has been made and looking forward to you getting the squishies!  What is the problem with your short term disab?  Maybe it is the paperwork?

  • olgah34
    olgah34 Member Posts: 300
    edited March 2013

    Good morning, Michelle!  Thank you! I am happy with Latis and PS! I had to go back to work Feb 22, but they ( PS) did not let me, continiued LOA, first for this continuation Insurance paid. However, problems and complications did not go away, PS put drain back on March 11 and told me stay home till April 8, since then Insuranse don't pay, they cannot make a desision...They will call and talk to me... I don't know what to tell them, what  to do if they won't pay? Can they go against doctor's papaers?

  • olgah34
    olgah34 Member Posts: 300
    edited March 2013

    I am thinking now... after 3 coffee cups...Tongue Out Can they ( Insuranse) decide- for this part of your LOA we pay , but for another- we won't! Just don't want to ! It reminds me some people who say- his part of Bible I belive, but another one- I don't! O may be they don't trust my PS, head of department at University?