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  • Mgster
    Mgster Member Posts: 80
    edited November 2013

    I did not have drains at my exchange surgery either.

  • sandra4611
    sandra4611 Member Posts: 1,750
    edited November 2013

    Yes, he told me one drain on each side. I think Moon's doc told her she would have drains too. She has gotten them for every breast surgery she's had. So have I. You are going to have fluid build up after any surgery, so it makes sense to have a drain.

  • RoseBuds
    RoseBuds Member Posts: 28
    edited November 2013

    hi all, I had my TE's put in just over two weeks ago and the problem I am having is the skin on my chest has become super sensitive to the point it feels like bad sunburn if anything come into contact with it. Does anyone have suggestions as to what I can do to make this better. Please tell me with will get easier!


  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,258
    edited November 2013

    cjc - I don't think most people do have drains with exchange - I did not, but did have drains for three previous surgeries - but some do as the post above indicate. Some of that depends on physician preference, previous surgical history, and some depends on the amount of pocket work done during exchange. Just ask your PS the plan for you specific case.

  • denise4603
    denise4603 Member Posts: 61
    edited November 2013

    My weekly PS appointment is tomorrow. I am draining in the 40's so I know he will not pull them even though it has been over 10 weeks. Activity doesn't seem to affect the numbers either way. My husband thinks I should decline a fill this week to see if that helps. I am tempted to try it, but what if it works and he pulls them next week? I will be afraid to get the next fill from worry about fluid getting backed up again. ARRRRGH!

  • aviva5675
    aviva5675 Member Posts: 836
    edited November 2013

    Some wont pull til under a specific amount, mine was under 30 cc for 24 hours. Some will pull after a certain number of weeks regardless-- feeling that the risk of infection after that time isnt worth it. Every one is different. I had one drain out in 2 days, the other after 2 1/2 weeks, for bmx. I had no drains after my lx.

    Ive been told by him no drains for exchange surgery. Fingers crossed thats true.

  • denise4603
    denise4603 Member Posts: 61
    edited November 2013

    My guess was right. He didn't pull them. He said he would probably pull one next week regardless of drainage since it has been so long. The other he wants to wait longer.

  • sandra4611
    sandra4611 Member Posts: 1,750
    edited November 2013

    Sure am getting sick of this TE. I haven't had a fill for a month now, so that's not it. I'm just tired of it. I want so much for life to go back to the way it was before cancer. Obviously that can't happen but every time I see that grossly swollen TE, it just hits me over the head again. Cancer! Cancer! Cancer! The implant side looks so natural and even though it is 1/3rd the size of my own breast, I don't mind. It doesn't trigger any negative thoughts. But that damn TE sure does. These days there are lots of twinges that bring a grimace to my face for a few seconds every few hours. My upper chest aches, my skin is shiny, and the lower ribs have had it. It's like the TE is just too big now.

    I have (as we used to say in the military) "10 days and a wake up" until surgery #3. The TE will go away, the PS will do some repairs to all the scars from surgery #2 plus new pocketwork, put in a new smaller implant, take out my good implant (sniff-sniff I will miss it) and replace it with another smaller implant to match.

    Waiting is hard, no matter what stage of this journey you are in.

  • Jtapp9
    Jtapp9 Member Posts: 34
    edited November 2013

    Sandra, sorry you are just not feeling yourself lately. Just a few more days now!!! :). My exchange will be on the 16th. I'm very excited to move on. It has been determined that my left TE has a leak towards the top of it because the nurse fills and plumps it up each time and within a day the upper pole is a bit flat again. I couldn't really see it that much until my fill last week when the right side went up to 800 cc's. Then I really noticed when the left "deflated" It is camouflaged good in a bra and since my exchange is only 3 weeks we are going to just deal with it. Waiting now for advice and opinion from whippetmom! Hope you are having a better day today!

  • sandra4611
    sandra4611 Member Posts: 1,750
    edited November 2013


    A leak! Oh no! How did it happen?

    No sleep for me last night. I tossed and turned for 2 hours, finally got up and read, cleaned the living room, made tea and toast. Tonight I think I'll pull out the Ambien bottle. I did this before the first surgery too. On the surface I'm fine, but obviously my subconscious is a wreck.

  • Jtapp9
    Jtapp9 Member Posts: 34
    edited November 2013

    I have been using Ambien since after the first surgery. I used to sleep like a log but I guess I unconsciously was protecting myself after surgery and would automatically wake up EVERY time I needed to roll over or move. It hasn't went away yet. I still toss and turn. PS's nurse prescribed me Ambien, which seems to work, so I'll probably talk to my PCM about get a prescription.

    Not sure how I sprung a leak... Nurse has said for 3-4 weeks that she thought it must be leaking because the upper pole would end up flat again in a day or 2. I kept insisting that it wasn't and that the TE was just settling more towards the bottom. THEN when the other TE finally got up to a decent size, I realized that yes the lefty was losing volume and going back down. It only goes down so far. The nurse said the leak, which could be a defect, is apparently towards the top of it and when I GET the fill it will slowly leak until it is below the hole and then it stops, which is why I haven't went flat totally on that side. Of course now I have quit squishing that one around so much when I'm putting oil or lotion on I guess I was only making it worse by pushing the fluid to the top toward the leak! Its only saline though, so we're not concerned and my exchange is is 3 weeks! woohooo :)


  • sandra4611
    sandra4611 Member Posts: 1,750
    edited November 2013

    I got a prescription for Ambien before my first surgery but the doc said I could take only one 5 mg tablet no more than three times a week. It is pretty addictive he said. I understand Ativan is even more addictive. Since I wasn't able to sleep at all last night, I'm taking an Ambien tonight and going to bed early.

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,258
    edited November 2013

    Often if there is a fold in the TE it will actually be punctured during a fill, or it can be a defect - it happens more often than you would think.  The problematic thing is that they are filling blindly so they can, and do, make a hole with the fill needle.

  • cocok
    cocok Member Posts: 12
    edited November 2013

    Has anyone had a chiropractor adjustment with the TE in place? I really need a good "back crack". There are a some chiropractors who can adjust you while standing up (kid of like a big bear hug), rather than lying on your stomach, which is a no-no with the TE in chest. I'm concerned about pressure on the TE, even if only from a big hug.

  • raynaj
    raynaj Member Posts: 24
    edited November 2013

    Hi Ladies: I have been reading a lot on this thread and I have come to the conclusion that you can get infection with tissue expanders at almost anytime and even when you are taking antibiotics. I'm wondering when some of you got your first infections?

    I am 8 days post op for DB MX with TE's and everything was going well, I got the drains out on Day 5 but today my LB is starting to feel swollen above the TE and into the armpit it is also tender to touch, no redness or heat yet.

    I had a lumpectomy first on this breast in May and ended up with a bruise or fluid build up in it that actually felt to be about 3 inches, they did ultrasound it and weren't concerned, I guess because I was planning on having them both removed anyway.

    Has anyone ever had this experience with a problem in the breast that had a problem before.

    How long did you wait until you told someone about it, I'm not sure its anything yet but I suppose if redness and heat show up that might be a better indication that something is wrong?

    If there is infection and I am currently on antibiotics do they immediately take it out or keep trying the antibiotics for a while and what do they do if its a sernoma (not the right spelling)

    Thank you for any advice you can give me.

    Love, Rayna



  • jnprsn
    jnprsn Member Posts: 59
    edited November 2013

    Hi Ladies, Looks like I have another cellulitis. Actually, its the same area that never healed. Back on Bactrim. PS aspirated both areas and there was puss in both. He sent them out to be cultured. Results may take a while with the holiday weekend. Once he gets the results and knows what type of infection it is, he will probably change my antibiotics. This is all the result of chemo not letting my body heal to get over this infection. Its so disheartening and I'm so depressed.

    Now I read that radiation can cause cellulitis too? Has anyone gotten cellulitis from rads? Thank you.

  • sandra4611
    sandra4611 Member Posts: 1,750
    edited November 2013


    My infection showed up as a fever on post op day one after a BMX with immediate reconstruction with implants. I was on antibiotics since just before the surgery began the day before but it didn't prevent the infection. The skin on the top of that breast was a lavender color and puffy. By post op day three my fever was 103 and the whole side of my breast was scarlet red and purple (although I couldn't see it for myself.) The docs changed to a very strong antibiotic, IV Vancomycin and after 7 days I went home, still with the IV and a visiting nurse. A week later I had surgery #2 to remove necrotic tissue and muscle plus the implant, and replace it with a TE. I stayed on IV Vancomycin for 3 weeks after the second surgery. I never got a seroma because I had drains all that time.

    Next Friday I go in for surgery #3 and I'm really worried about infection. This time my doctor is putting me on IV Vancomycin right away. Fingers crossed - no complications this time.

  • raynaj
    raynaj Member Posts: 24
    edited November 2013


    Boy it sounds like you haven't had a very good time at this, I'm sorry for all you've been through. I hope your surgery on Friday goes smooth and no infection. I have just had my surgery and things seem okay, I'm just a natural worrier. From what I've read you can still get infection days or weeks after surgery and on antibiotics as you did.

    You will be in my thoughts

  • denise4603
    denise4603 Member Posts: 61
    edited November 2013

    Good luck Rayna,

    Hope it turns out to be nothing, but always call just in case. Best to catch it early.


  • jnprsn
    jnprsn Member Posts: 59
    edited November 2013

    Has anyone gotten cellulitis from radiation?

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938
    edited November 2013

    cocok, I've gone to the chiropractor monthly after I got my last TE placed. But I had my first TE placed over 2 years ago. I had to get adjusted due to de conditioning because of severe pain. So I've been going every month since then about 18 months. Even with my TES I just am careful to not lean on them now that I am fully filled. My chiropractor is very careful and so far no problem. Good luck.

    Jn, sorry I didn't have RADS so can't help. I got cellulitis from my infections though.

    Rayne I had infections from 6 weeks after placement to as short as two weeks. Hence my long journey full of scenic detours. My P'S never tried to save the TE perhaps because I was allergic to so many abx. He said that he had to take them out. But many other P'S will try abx first. Good luck.

    Much love to all.

  • LilLadie
    LilLadie Member Posts: 22
    edited December 2013

    Hi ladies... It's been awhile since I've been on. I'm glad to her that many of us are getting our squishies. I'm due for mine on Dec 18th! Can't wait!!!

    Rosebuds- how are you feeling? Are you still having the problems with your TE's feeling like a sunburn?

    Everyone- I have learned during this long process to call my PS for everything that doesn't seem right. Dr. Z has been absolutely wonderful with me. Also, learning about other's experiences on this forum has truly helped me! I may not comment a lot lately, but I read this everyday and you are all in my thoughts and prayers!! 😊

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938
    edited December 2013

    lilady, I've got the same date for my squishies! And almost The same first dx! Lol..good luck.

  • LilLadie
    LilLadie Member Posts: 22
    edited December 2013

    Moonflwr- it's been a long road and we are finally on our way! It has been a long 2 years. We may be thousands of miles away from one another, but I will surely think of you that day. Good luck!

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938
    edited December 2013

    Will be praying for you too. 3rd times the charm 3TTC, 3TTC!

  • denise4603
    denise4603 Member Posts: 61
    edited December 2013

    You ladies are my heroes. More than you will ever know.

  • babs6287
    babs6287 Member Posts: 1,619
    edited December 2013

    Hi All

    I had a Left BX last year (8/2012)followed by chemo and 33 sessions of rads. Did great throughout everything. This summer I had a Right PMX with recon of TE's in both sides-again all went well. The PS filled my right side to 300cc at recon and my left to 200 cc. I had 2 fills of 50cc each on the left-was doing fills every 4-5 weeks due to the rads and managed those well too. After my last fill, my left side turned red, hot to the touch and rashy looking down my left arm. So I was hospitalized for a week and had IV anti-biotics followed by oral antibiotics at home. All seemed to heal well and a week after I got the all clear from the PS and Infectious disease Dr my left side turned red again. Throughout, there was no fluid anywhere , all of my blood counts were normal, and I didn't have a fever. None of the Drs really knew what was going on but the infectious disease Dr felt that my left TE should come out "to play it safe" I had it surgically removed yesterday and the PS said he didn't see any sign of infection internally but that he was having cultures done to be sure. They called my rash cellulitis-though they're not really sure that's what it is. I'm wondering-has anyone else had this kind of an experience? Also, before I started down this path I had decided that I would try 1 time and if it didn't work I would forget about having a foob on my left side. Truth is I really don't want to be flat on one side so now I'm looking into fat grafting on my left. The skin doesn't look very loose at all but there is some laxity. Anyone have any experience they can share with me about doing fat grafting w/o doing the Brava?

    Thank you


  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938
    edited December 2013

    sorry. No help from me on Brava. But i did get implants more than once. Cellulitis was my dx too and they took the TE at the first sign of infection. But good luck in whatever works for you. Much love.

  • Love_ESS
    Love_ESS Member Posts: 4
    edited December 2013

    Would like advice. Having surgery Jan 17th 2014 hysterectomy and bladder prolapse - so GYN doing 1st surgery followed by UroGYN to repair bladder with mesh/sling & anchor and close. As for my TE, it collapsed back in August and I've not done anything about it. Male friend wants me to have the TE removed while I'm sedated. (One less surgery! - and I could start reconstruction again later.)

    I don't think I should do all 3 surgeries at once! Worried about pain in all these different areas. Worried that if I have another infection I could really be in trouble! Opinions please!!

  • sandra4611
    sandra4611 Member Posts: 1,750
    edited December 2013


    Your stats show you got the TE two years ago. Was there a delay doing the fills or did you get all the fills and then just decide against going forward with the implant? It's unusual to have TE's for two years. Do you mean that you had saline injected into your TE a year or two ago but it leaked out 3 months ago? How many cc's leaked? What did your plastic surgeon say? Just making sure I understand your circumstances. You mentioned "another" infection. Is that why you've had the TE so long?