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  • Tatina123
    Tatina123 Member Posts: 312
    edited October 2011

    Hi Sundermom,

    My PS office told me to start massaging the area of where the TE used to be.  A light massage is what I'm doing -- morning and night. 

    My infection caused a 3 month delay -- I don't know about an extrusion.  Was there an infection present?

    Let us know how your Thursday appointment goes......sending you good thoughts!

  • fluffqueen01
    fluffqueen01 Member Posts: 1,801
    edited October 2011

    Debbiey-i had two nodes which I assume were removed because even though the sentinel was clear and the testing they did during surgery, they don't know about micro cells until they send it to the lab. At least that was what I thought. I will have to reread my path report.

  • momof3infla
    momof3infla Member Posts: 333
    edited October 2011

    I had to wait 6 months, and my 6 month wait is coming to an end next month.  It really hasn't been a bad wait - I actually welcomed the break, and I feel like I'm a lot stronger now than I was.  I just went out and bought the Hibiclens antiseptic and will wash, wash, wash the week of surgery. 

    On another note, a friend from high school had a BMX this past Tuesday. 19 of 21 nodes have cancer and she is devastated and terrified.  I hate BC!  Went to the Tampa 3 Day walk yesterday down in St. Pete to cheer on some ladies who were walking for me. I laughed, I cried, I cheered. It was so beautiful and moving. I want to do it one day when I'm put back together. 

  • Rennasus
    Rennasus Member Posts: 642
    edited October 2011

    Momof3: I like your line "When I'm put back together." I feel like I am being held together with scotch tape and staples. Metaphorically speaking, of course!

    I was in my PS's office last week and askedwhat type of TE I was getting replaced. (I couldn't remember what I have in on the other side and wanted to know then.) The nurse asked if I wanted the operative report from my mastectomy. I said YES PLEASE! I thought I had every record I I could have from my surgeries (I like combing through them, makes me feel in control or something).

    In the mail on Saturday I received my surgeon and my PS's operative reports. Six pages of reliving my mastectomy. (What was I thinking? I didn't really need to go there again.)

    I mention this b/c in the record it details the axillary sentinellymph node dissection. In my case, The axillary trail content was dissected and 3 lymph nodes were noted to be colored deep blue. These were harvested, frozen and analyzed. No cancer was found, though my surgeon removed a total of five additional nodes (it doesn't say why on the report; I think he was playing it safe; on final path, all 8 nodes were clear).

    I have Allergan 500cc Style 133 MX TE's, and was filled to 400ccs intraoperatively. That surprised me, as when we later spoke, PS told me I had 350ccs! 400 seems like a LOT.

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,262
    edited October 2011

    ren - that does seem like a lot if your max capacity of the TE is 500cc.  I have 550cc Mentor and I think I had 200cc, or 220cc surgical fill.

  • Tatina123
    Tatina123 Member Posts: 312
    edited October 2011

    My goodness, I feel like I've been slacking!  I have no idea what I was filled at during the time of surgery. I was told that I probably only needed one fill and would be done within three months.  Of course, that was tossed out the window when my TE got infected.  Now, you've got me curious and I'll get those answers when I see my PS in a few weeks. 

  • fluffqueen01
    fluffqueen01 Member Posts: 1,801
    edited October 2011

    I just check my pathology report and it says they received two for testing, which were clear, consistent with the test done during surgery. I can't find anything that said any more were removed on any of the reports, so I am assuming that is it.

    I think I am going to go for the lipo under the armpit.

  • Kyta
    Kyta Member Posts: 273
    edited October 2011

    Hi Sundermom - Hope you're doing ok. Question - it sounds like you've lost an implant vs a TE. You mentioned that you were 'done'. Did you have an infection or some other problem with the implant?

    Ginger - I'd like to hear more about lipo when you go for implants. My PS has never mentioned this to me, so curious to hear what your PS is saying. thanks 

  • fluffqueen01
    fluffqueen01 Member Posts: 1,801
    edited October 2011

    Mich-mine is going to lipo a small armpit area during exchange friday. It is kind of fatty in a spot. When he goes to make nipples in three months or so, he will do liposuction fat grafting to fill in or perfect any areas. From what i understand you dont end up with a significant reduction. Its not like full blown lipo although there is a lady on another thread that did a full lipo while she was having fat grafting done. Ps cut her a deal since he was already doing it. It was not all covered by insurance tho.

  • sundermom
    sundermom Member Posts: 98
    edited October 2011


    It was an implant, but I can't seem to find a specific discussion relating to lost implants so I've kind of camped out here. I was done. I had recently had my nips reconstructed and had set up tattooing for January. One of my surgical incisions just kind of popped open last week and exposed my chest wall all of the way down to the implant. Of course, I was on vacation. I had to be stapled back together and then return home to have surgery to remove the exposed implant. I have nothing. I was told I have to heal and nothing, not even an expander, can go back in there for 3-6 months. There was no evidence of infection and my PS doesn't really have an explanation for why I just "unzipped". He did say that radiation (and I had a ton) can compromise your ability to heal. There is hope that I could go right back to an implant and bypass re-expansion as long as things stay nice and loose. That's why I asked for any suggestions to keep things pliable. Fingers crossed!

  • ginger48
    ginger48 Member Posts: 1,437
    edited November 2011

    Mich_M- she did some fat grafting over the top of the implant at the exchange surgery. She took a little from the top area of my chest near the armpit and she took some from the hip area. I cannot tell at all that there was some taken from the hips (damn shame) so it must have been minimal. There is plenty there to spare! Those sites are the sorest and most bruised. everything else is healing nicely so far.

  • MTnester
    MTnester Member Posts: 147
    edited November 2011

    Saw my ps today, he didn't like what he saw. I don't like it either! My left side is way behind the right even though they've had the same amount filled each week. Today I got 120 on the left and only 60 on the right, and old lefty still looks pathetic. I live three hours from my ps. They asked me to monitor it and call them Friday, but when I left we were discussing possible surgery dates to replace the TE. It's as if they were saying " monitor it this week but we think it's got to come out". Compared to getting the cancer diagnosis, this isn't nearly as scary, but it's incredibly frustrating. Especially since I asked them about the left side leakin after fills almost two months ago (I get some fills done in my hometown clinic and see the ps every three weeks). And theyve witnessed the leaking after fills firsthand!

  • sundermom
    sundermom Member Posts: 98
    edited November 2011


    Wow - you get 120cc on one side at a single fill? I was crying out in pain after 30!!! It's very interesting to me how we all seem to tolerate the expansion process so differently. I hope you see some improvement in "lefty". Having problems with the reconstruction process has been liking adding insult to injury for me and I have great empathy for anyone having to persevere through this additional challenge.

  • MTnester
    MTnester Member Posts: 147
    edited November 2011

    Sunderman, my right side hates me right now after 60cc's! My left side doesn't have even the tiniest twinge of pain. Another argument for the suspicion it's all leaking inside of me. You put it so well, it is insult on top of injury. I haven't been mad yet in this whole diagnosis/surgery process but right now, I'm mad. Righty is filled to 720 and old lefty is like a kitchen colander, draining out. It should have 780 in it after today and yet it's smaller than the right. Phooey on the whole mess right now.

  • Rennasus
    Rennasus Member Posts: 642
    edited November 2011

    Sundermom: How soon after your exchange did your implant proplem present? That is scary to get that far and have that happen.

    Question for all you ladies who have had your TE put back in after it was out for several months... what can I expect re: pain, lifting, movement, etc.? I'm trying to determine if a friend should fly out to help me after surgery. My DH will be taking 3 days off work, plus the weekend, so I am thinking hasving her here may be overkill... Am I crazy? 

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,262
    edited November 2011

    ren - my PS is very cautious about driving, so that presented some problems for me after the TE put-back, he always makes me wait a while before I drive. I also had some unusual pinching from swelling that caused some pain initially but resolved soon after.  Other than that just the same as when the TE was removed.

  • Kyta
    Kyta Member Posts: 273
    edited November 2011

    Ginger and fluff - thanks for the info. I see PS late Dec before my exchange in Jan and will ask her if she ever does the lipo/fat grafting stuff….sounds soooooo appealing. Would love to lose some fat from somewhere!!

    Hi sundermom - sorry to hear about losing your implant when you were so close to the finish line. That just sucks, plain and simple. And of course, it would have to happen when you're on vacation!! I'm hoping your PS can put in a new implant without having to go through the expander route. Re massaging, my PS suggested Bio Oil, which I've been using religiously since my TE was removed and eventually replaced. Massage as forcefully as you can without causing pain. 

    Ren - agree with SpecialK that recovery when having the TE put back in was pretty much the same as when the TE was removed. I guess the amount your PS fills you during surgery would impact your level of pain post surgery. I think having your DH around for a few days will be fine. I didn't need help other than the day of surgery and the next day, then pretty much just stayed put on the couch watching TV for a week.

  • jbennett38
    jbennett38 Member Posts: 72
    edited November 2011

    MTnester - I follow this thread because I had a leaky TE.  When my PS was trying to decide if my left TE was leaking, he did not do fills on the right.  When it was determined that it was, in fact, leaking he replaced it and filled it during surgery to around 260cc.  I had around 320cc in the right. My PS was able to "catch up" the left pretty quickly to the right but I didn't have over 700cc. Hopefully it won't take you too long to catch back up! 

  • survivor11
    survivor11 Member Posts: 430
    edited November 2011

    Hi ladies been gone awhile unfortunantly because I've been in the hospital with Mono, Hepatitis A, anemia and hypothyroidism. Hasn't been a fun 2 weeks and am told by docs that I will remain under the weather for about another 4 wks-chemo, the gift that keeps on giving.

    Have tried to keep up with the posts, glad to hear everyone seems to be moving forward.

    So before I landed in the hospital I saw 2nd PS, who I love. He said we will replace Lt Te on Jan 6th and hopefully shot for exchange in May. May end up with a decent summer after all, we'll see.

    Do have a question-skin over where Lt Te was is tight in some areas, actually the area where the bottom of the TE was-right were the red area appeared. Will the massage loosen this up? Just afraid it has scared down since that is were they removed some internal tissue.

    Hope all is well with everyone.

  • ginger48
    ginger48 Member Posts: 1,437
    edited November 2011

    Dawn- So glad to see you back and posting and so sorry for all that the last couple of weeks have brought your way. I was hoping you were just taking it easy. I do not have an answer to your question; hopefully somebody will be along soon who does. Just wanted to say welcome back and glad to hear you have a new PS that you love.

  • survivor11
    survivor11 Member Posts: 430
    edited November 2011

    Thanks Ginger.

  • debbiey
    debbiey Member Posts: 43
    edited November 2011

    Hi Survivor, Hope you are feeling better. I hope the prospect of having your TE  reinserted in January is making you feel positive. You will be able to have Christmas off and start back on the recon road next year. Has your wound totally healed. Mine is not yet fully healed, however I am still hoping to get reinserted on 19th Nov.

    Special K thanks for node info. I think the first few months after being diagnosed have been wpied from my memory. It is all just a blur of pain and saddness which I have tried to erase from my mind. My biggest worry was always the children. I was 12 when my Mum was diagnosed and I remember the fear I felt, so I always tried to appear upbeat for them and almost pretend everything was fine. After a few months I couldnt do it any more and I had to face up to things. I can remeber things from then so alot of the things the oncologist said at the begining have been forgotten or remembered totally incorrectly. 

    Speak soon Debbie

  • momof3infla
    momof3infla Member Posts: 333
    edited November 2011

    Welcome back, Survivor!  Wow, I'm so sorry you had to deal with all of those things:(  You are one tough cookie!!

    I'm seeing the surgeon who did my BMX for a 6 month follow up tomorrow morning. Anxious and don't know why. Probably because all of the previous times I saw him, it was during the terrifying time of being diagnosed, etc... Hopefully it will bring some closure.

    Thanks (Fluff I think?) for the info on the Hibiclens antiseptic/soap info for before surgery. I went to Bed Bath & Beyond this morning and got 2 foaming soap dispensers and it works great! I'm going to scrub down the week before surgery:))  I'm still a little concerned that the left TE isn't as big as it should be.  I only have 1 more fill and it just seems like it should be larger. It still feels like a rock, and probably I'm just paranoid.  I'm going to discuss with PS at pre op appt on Nov 14th. If something is defective, then she may as well go in and replace it while the right TE is being replaced on Nov 30th. I certainly don't want an additional surgery!  UGGGHHH!  Why do we have to put the boobs back on??!

  • TerriD
    TerriD Member Posts: 438
    edited November 2011


  • Kyta
    Kyta Member Posts: 273
    edited November 2011

    Hi Survivor - sorry to hear about your medical issues…that's a lot to deal with. Glad to hear you liked the 2nd PS and have a date to replace the TE…..2 months will fly by. You have a lot on your plate right now with other medical stuff so the wait probably isn't a bad thing. Hope you feel better soon.

  • survivor11
    survivor11 Member Posts: 430
    edited November 2011

    debbiey-yes, wound is completely healed, now working on massage to loosen it up a bit. I am ready for a little break, I'm really tired of all the medical crap.

    momof3infl-Thanks. You know I get the same thing more and more as time goes on, the feeling anxious when I go see one of my surgeons or docs. Now that the initial dx and treatment are over for me, I think going back triggers all those fearful thoughts and memories of the early stages of all this for me. Kinda like a PTSD reaction.

  • fluffqueen01
    fluffqueen01 Member Posts: 1,801
    edited November 2011

    38 hours and Eday! I am a nervous wreck. Can't sleep, just keep running over the "what ifs" continually.

    I am hibiclensing away and putting bactroban goo in my nose. That is gross. It is like squirting in vaseline and then massaging it around. Ugh.

  • Lifeafter
    Lifeafter Member Posts: 298
    edited November 2011

    Hello everyone, I've been MIA for a couple of weeks.  I was in such a mad dash to get things organized at home to ready myself for surgery (10/28) and I'm starting to come out of post surgery funk.  Surgery went well.  My dr cut out a lot of scar tissue and I'm very sore from that.  The first three days following surgery felt almost like the mastectomy.  Not that bad but the pain was so sharp and I needed help getting up and moving around.  I was in a fog from pain meds this past weekend.  Yesterday was my first day by myself at home for a few hours while my daughter was at school.  Not to bad.  But I found myself wanting to get into trouble by doing things.  It's harder this time around.  I have one arm I can use which makes me forget until I do something with the other that that's a no.  I went to my follow-up today and that tired me out.  Well I went to Target afterwards cause I wanted to get some exercise away from my house.  I still have my drains.  I knew my dr wouldn't be taking them out today.  If they are not under 20 mls of output, they stay in.  Well they have been around 110mls a day since surgery.  Ugh...  I told the dr the pain I was having.  It's hard to sit up and walk...but I know that's mostly the drains.  He let me know what he cut out and then I realized the pain wasn't in my head and it was ok to take a pain pill if I needed it.  I stopped taking them a couple days ago.  I hate taking pills.  I thought maybe I was just feeling phantom pains.  I got home and was really hurting.  Took a pill and got comfortable.  I was really hoping to be able to get out and walk my neighborhood but I don't think that's a good idea right now.  At least not unattended.  He didn't fill the expander, he said he wasn't able to.  My next appt is Monday, I'm sure my drains will come out then and he'll do a small fill.

    I'm going to take the rest of this week off to rest before officially starting to work from home.  I see I've got a lot to catch up on in here.


  • Tatina123
    Tatina123 Member Posts: 312
    edited November 2011

    Survivor: I was so sorry to hear you were sick. I hope you are feeling better and getting the rest that you need.

    Michelle: Taking the rest of the week off sounds PERFECT!

    Take care everyone,


  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,262
    edited November 2011

    survivor - WTH?  How did you get so sick?  I hope you are feeling better soon!  Sounds like you have a plan with the new doc, so that is something to look forward to.

    fluff - don't worry - things will be great for you.  Don't scrub your skin off doing too much hibicleansing!  My BS now advises all pre-surg patients to use it, which is a change from the usual regular anti-bacterial soap.

    mrochon - glad you are put back together - wish you didn't have to be uncomfortable though.  You are impatient (like me!) but remember to just take it easy.  Take the pain meds if you need them, that is why you have a prescription!  It is easier to manage pain than to try to get rid of it if you already have it.  I hate the drains but it sounds like they are doing their job, better not to pull them too early.  Keep us posted on how you are doing.

    I had a fill on Tuesday - 50cc in both sides.  Only my second double fill - for the first time I was really uncomfortable.  Especially on the right side - the non-TEtrouble side.  I am having LE arm issues on that side so that may be why it hurts more too.  Today I am finally comfortable just sitting still.  I was having a hard time getting out of bed!  I had to skirmish around because using my hands to push up on the bed hurt my chest - crazy!  No more 50cc fills, I am only going with 25cc from this point on!  I have a pretty high threshold of pain so this took me by surprise.