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  • Katarina
    Katarina Member Posts: 99
    edited December 2011

    Hi Everyone -- the surgery was fast. I went under at 12:30 and was awake and ready to go home at 3:30.  I could feel pain on my left side - where I had a modified matectomy and no pain on my right (cancer) side where I had the radical modified mastectomy.

    2 drains. Ugh. However I'm much stronger than when I had my BMX / TE put in. I like the feel of them as they feel more like my original girls. I'm a bit smaller than a D cup but they are perfectly shaped.

    I panicked tonight when I felt like I was getting a fever. I was 99.1 but then prayed to God and asked my son to also pray that my body would not reject these and I could keep going forward.

    I learned I'm allergic to percocet as I am to morphine --- makes me itch all over. My vicodaine works well and I really don't need it now. Advil does the job.

     If all goes well I'll get my drains out on Tuesday.  Thank you all for your best wishes. 

    I really agree with all the women who say the exchange takes a load off. I really feel like my old self.  Just perkier.

     Merry Christmans everyone and I will send prayers to all of you as well. 



  • DLL66
    DLL66 Member Posts: 448
    edited December 2011

    Thanks for checking in Kat & jbennett!

    To all, Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays & may 2012 bring you all health, happiness & beautiful, successful reconstruction results! 

  • Tatina123
    Tatina123 Member Posts: 312
    edited December 2011

    Merry Christmas!


  • momof3infla
    momof3infla Member Posts: 333
    edited December 2011

    Hi ladies, glad to hear all these surgeries are going well.  Ann, how are you feeling??

    I'm still feeling stronger everyday, sleeping has been an obstacle.  No pain, just uncomfortable. Last night I slept pretty good though, probably from Christmas wearing us out.  Is it just me or are any of you getting really emotional?  I get all weepy about 3 times a day when I think about Christmas and New Years.  What a darn year it's been - I'm ready to say goodbye and good riddance to 2011, that's for sure. 

    I don't see my PS until Jan 3rd, and we start expanding 60cc's weekly.  Please let this go without any complications.  I hope everyone has a very Happy and Healthy new year!  XOXO

  • seacretgardn
    seacretgardn Member Posts: 18
    edited December 2011

    Hi ladies, I had bmx on Nov 1, 2011 with TEs. Didn't know at that time I would be looking at 5 months of chemo then rads or I'm sure that would have changed my decision. I already felt I didn't want immediate recon, but was reassured by bs and ps that it would help to aid in a positive recovery.

    I now feel "trapped" with these TEs. Barely filled, the muscle spasms are so intense that I can see the ports poking through my skin. I feel like they are squeezing my chest so tightly that I lose my breath. I also began getting night sweats right after surgery that have continued. So if course they want me to take something to "relax" . I will relax when they are out!

    I feel like my body has so much to contend with just from surgery, and now with chemo, and I really feel like I'm rejecting these foreign objects. I can't relax or stand to think how long I may have to wait for removal.

    Has anyone elected or had to have their TEs removed during chemo? And if yes, how were you able to heal?

    Thank you so much for listening and any advice or encouragement.

    I wish you all well with your decisions and your healing.

  • fluffqueen01
    fluffqueen01 Member Posts: 1,801
    edited December 2011

    Mine came out during chemo due to infection. I healed just fine with no problems other than being unhappy that I had the infection

  • Tatina123
    Tatina123 Member Posts: 312
    edited December 2011

    Dear Seacret,

    I had to stop in to say that I too am getting night sweats since my BMX in Sept. About three times a night.....before the BMX I would have them when it got close to my period, but now, they are nightly.

    Aside from the TE infection, the removal, and replacement of it last week, I'm doing okay. No muscle spasms. What is your PS saying about the muscle spasms?

    Take care,


  • momof3infla
    momof3infla Member Posts: 333
    edited December 2011

    Seacret...I had my right TE removed due to infection, and it's been almost 4 weeks since I've had it back in.  I am pretty uncomfortable at night, especially where the fill port is.  I think because it's right up against our skin.  As the filling starts, I'm hoping that the uncomfortable feeling will decrease.  I can see it outlined just under my skin! It really only hurts when I'm laying down though. I also get night sweats occasionally. Good luck, but know that you are not alone.

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,262
    edited December 2011

    Hi ladies!  How are all the recent surgery peeps doing?  Did everyone have a nice holiday?  I am waiting until tomorrow for Christmas - DS is flying down in the morning so we have not opened gifts or had the big dinner yet.

    seacret - have you discussed muscle relaxers with your PS?  Doesn't seem right that you are having muscle spasms.  I have to say that after my BMX my overiding feeling was of not being able to take a really deep breath, and that pressure continued for quite a while.  I am almost at the end of fills and nowhere near as uncomfortable as I was at the time period right after BMX.  I am always "aware" of the TE's but not in significant pain.  I have had night sweats for the last 10 years, ever since total hysterectomy/oopherectomy.  Some nights are worse than others - I have become very particular about blankets, sheets and PJ's.  I am like the princess and the pea!

    Ann - how are you doing?

  • momof3boys
    momof3boys Member Posts: 63
    edited December 2011

    Maybe ask your plastic surgeon about Valium for the muscle spasms? I had my BMX and TE's put in on 11/11/11... My PS still has me taking one Valium at bedtime. He insists that it's needed to relax my chest muscles. I can't disagree with him. I'm healing very well, no complaints in that department. Except I'd pay $500 to sleep on my belly for one night, I swear!

  • ginger48
    ginger48 Member Posts: 1,437
    edited December 2011

    Seacret-I had the muscle spasms and valium at night to sleep. My body was definitely rejecting the TE's. Spasms stopped right after exchange. You can have them taken out if you want. If I had realized that was the problem, I might have chosen to do that.

    Momof 3boys- What I would give to sleep on my belly! I have had my exchange but still cannot get comfy on my side or belly. I hate sleeping on my back...

  • annalive
    annalive Member Posts: 286
    edited December 2011

    Hey SpecialK & Momof3infla - I'm feeling better than usual. Working my way through the IV antibiotics through Jan 3. This Teflaro antibiotic doesn't make me feel icky as the Vancomycin/Cefepime IV combo did last month. I am somewhat bothered by this sore plump area next to the removed TE, under my armpit. I'll ask PS about it tomorrow. I hope it improves since I am looking at maybe spring/summer 2013 until I can continue with another kind of reconstruction, allowing plenty of time to heal after upcoming rads. I know the look won't improve, though -- very bumpy and wrinkly since PS decided to keep what skin had been expanded, to help with recon later. It is so ugly it made me cry a few times in the days after the TE was removed. I am using just a fluff in my bras at least through rads, since I hear I won't want anything heavy touching the irradiated area.

    Seacretgardn - I had Valium for muscle spasms after fills and it worked fine. I didn't have my BMX/TEs until after chemo.

    Katarina - praying those new implants will not cause you any trouble. No more fever, I hope.

    We weren't near family this Christmas, but talked to many on Skype/phone. DH and I went to Downtown Disney, ate some good seafood, and went to the new Muppet movie, which was funny enough to take one's mind off of problems. A great day out, but predictably tiring before evening.

  • Rennasus
    Rennasus Member Posts: 642
    edited December 2011

    Hi TE ladies! Hope y'all are having a relaxing post-holiday!

    I seem to be healing well from my TE being put back in. Incision still not fully closed but close. I'm still sleeping on my incline pillow and have yet to take a full-on shower (I hold a folded towel over righty to keep it dry). I see PS on Jan. 3 (same day as you Momof3inFL!). I am still having more trouble than usual sleeping (likely b/c I'm not flat on my back) but I am going to keep up exactly what I am doing until PS tells me this thing is closed! ;-)

    Sounds like everyone is doing well post-surgery. Please take your naps! I am heading to a late one right now. Christmas really wore me out... fun but -oh-so-tiring being Mrs. Claus! 

  • Katarina
    Katarina Member Posts: 99
    edited December 2011

    HI All,

     No fevers or infections - so far. I'm looking at my new girls and realize they are not as big as my originals. It's too early to tell what they will look like after they've been there a couple weeks. Time will tell. 

    Drains out tomorrow. Yippee.



  • Kyta
    Kyta Member Posts: 273
    edited December 2011

    Momof3 - your post really resonated with me. I was diagnosed and had my first mx n December (just before Christmas) 2 years ago and was very emotional. And yes, getting weepy 3 times a day is totally normal….I was exactly the same. Don't be too hard on yourself. What you're going through is perfectly normal, and within a few months you'll feel much better.

    Hi Katarina - Hope you  get your drains out on Tuesday and you continue to feel well. I saw my PS a few days ago but forgot to ask her if she normally does drains at exchange….I hope not.

    Seacretgardn  - I didn't have chemo so can't comment about that. It's your decision about whether or not to keep the TEs. I'm hoping you can avoid an extra surgery and keep the TEs, and maybe just not get any fills until your treatment is finished? You've got a lot on your plate, and treatment is the most important thing. Reconstruction will wait for you.

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,262
    edited December 2011

    seacret - I think any doc would be hard pressed to do an elective surgery during chemo because of the risk of non-healing and infection.  Even though you are very uncomfortable I would wait until a month after the end of chemo before I went into surgery.

  • seacretgardn
    seacretgardn Member Posts: 18
    edited December 2011

    Thank you as always for your insight, sharing your experiences and compassion.

    Tatiana, the ps removed all but 130 ccs in each side. She agreed to no additional fills for the time being. The muscle spasms are the worst the first week of tx and at night. The night sweats, which I used to get prior to a period ( I'm 53 now), began a week after surgery, and I feel are related somehow to the TEs. ps has no explaination, just offers pain meds. I'm foggy enough!

    Specialk, I know you are right about elective surgery during chemo. Im hoping that between chemo and rads there may be opportunity to have them removed. I know others go through rads with TEs, I find it so difficult to imagine.

    momof3 infla thank you for the encouragement. I wish you the best as you move through the fills and exchange.

    Momof3boys, to be able to sleep on my stomach again will be priceless.

    AnnAlive I hope you heal quickly and feel well.

    Hugs to you all. Goodnight and thank you for being here when it's so quiet and sleep doesn't come.

  • momof3infla
    momof3infla Member Posts: 333
    edited December 2011

    Renn - are you still wearing the compression vest?  I have been gradually going without the ACE wrap.  Last night I wore nothing but a t-shirt and had to get up in the middle of the night and wrap myself up because I was getting some discomfort, especially around the fill port and when I'd take a deep breath or move a certain way.  So I wrapped up and the pain and discomfort went away.  Why is that, I wonder? Weird, but other than that everything is good.  Once I get up and moving there is no pain or discomfort at all.  Incision is closed, skin is clear and white (no redness). Looking forward (I think) to starting these fills. Have a family wedding on Friday over in Daytona - gonna put on my foob and party down lol. 

  • chickadee521
    chickadee521 Member Posts: 423
    edited December 2011

    seacretgarden-I had sweats during chemo totally unrelated to the TE's.  Could that be what yours are from.  Also, I had a leak in my TE and I was not able to have it removed and new one put in until 3 weeks after my last chemo.  So I think SpecialK is correct in that unless there is an infection your PS probably won't want to remove it.  Removing it also might delay your rads so you have that to consider too.

  • Katarina
    Katarina Member Posts: 99
    edited December 2011

    Exchange done and drain tubes out today. Still on antibiotics for next 10 days. So far my body hasn't rejected these new implants.

    Compression bra for 6 weeks - 24x7

    Happy New Year and best wishes to you all.



  • fluffqueen01
    fluffqueen01 Member Posts: 1,801
    edited December 2011

    momof3boys...I was so etermined to have a few minutes on my stomache that I devised a method that i could utilize for about 15 minutes of so. For some reason, it helped. I had several of those microbead pillows from mastectomy. I would put one across my pelvic area and one under the expander area. Then I used a firmer pillow. The TE's stayed just enough off the bed to not be smushed. It was so nice for about 15 minutes and then I moved onto my side, but was able to get to sleep.

  • momof3boys
    momof3boys Member Posts: 63
    edited December 2011


    I'm going to try it! When I was 7-8 months pregnant with my youngest, I scheduled a "pregnancy massage" and told my girlfriend about it. She laughed and said "how are they going to do that?!?! Cut a hole in the table!?!" yes, that's basically how it was. There was a huge indentation in their table where my belly fit! Ahhhh it was wonderful!

  • fluffqueen01
    fluffqueen01 Member Posts: 1,801
    edited December 2011

    That was exactly what I created! My husband just laughed every time. It wasn't perfect, but it did what I needed it to do. I kept sticking my hand under tham to amke sure I wasn't smashing them. Not sure why as I think they can take a fair amount of pressure, but didn't want to take a chance. Good luck...I hope it helps!

  • Rennasus
    Rennasus Member Posts: 642
    edited December 2011

    momof3inFLA: Yup, still in my compression vest. Took a nap today without it, and it reminded me of when i first had these TEs...I could NOT go without my vest! Felt to weird! No idea why it feels better and more contained to be wearing it, but it down. I lived in them for 5 months the first go-round, they are my friend!

    Katarina: Congrats on getting your drains out! Fingers crossed so far so good for you!

    Tatina, how are you feeling?

    MTNester, how about you? How are you fairing with the new TE? 

  • Tatina123
    Tatina123 Member Posts: 312
    edited December 2011

    Hi Ren,

    Feeling much better. The first few days were a bit rough -- I had no idea it would be so uncomfortable and that was a surprise. I wanted my TE back for my birthday which is today and I think I am actually feeling well enough to go out this afternoon with my DH and enjoy a birthday dinner tonight.

    Hugs to all,


  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,262
    edited December 2011

    tatina - happy birthday!!!

  • Rennasus
    Rennasus Member Posts: 642
    edited December 2011

    Happy Birthday, Tatina! Enjoy!

    Trouble in TE Land... I have a yellow spot. On my incision line. But NOT where PS opened it up to put in the new TE. It is near where my last "spot" opened up. I obviously have a circulation weakness in that area. I noticed a speck of discharge for the first time since my Dec. 1st surgery on Christmas Day. This AM when I went to change the bandage, I noticed some ooze. There is no actual "hole" like last time, but the skin looks like it is getting ready to split. I took pics and sent them to PS. But of course his office is closed this week. I have an appt. Jan 3. Will watch the tiny spot until then. To say I am bummed is putting it mildly.

  • Tatina123
    Tatina123 Member Posts: 312
    edited December 2011


    Does your PS have another doc on call to take a look at it or a nurse on staff that is there? I am so sorry about this..... What color is the discharge?


  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,262
    edited December 2011

    ren - oh man...  Sorry, hope it self-corrects.

  • chickadee521
    chickadee521 Member Posts: 423
    edited December 2011

    Oh Ren...I agree with T about finding someone to talk to.