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  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,262
    edited January 2012

    mkw - Did you have chemo?  If so, how long between end of chemo and surgery in October?  Did they look at your white blood cell count pre-surgically?  I would be surprised if stopping supplements two weeks before surgery would allow enough time to compromise your immune system.  How long after surgery did you develop an infection?  Sorry - I am really curious, aren't I?

    mrochon - Maybe wait until pre-op to ask about the supplements/vitamins?  My hospital pre-op is only 4 days prior to surgery, and the PS own pre-op is the next day - not enough time to stop early.  Hmm...

  • Lifeafter
    Lifeafter Member Posts: 298
    edited January 2012

    I take a scrip for Vitamin D2 and get B12 shots. Dr Oz actually had a very informative show on last week about the importance of these vitamins in our bodies. I saved it. It's everything I've complained to my drs about and they all ignored. And he talks about having a really high folic can mask low b12 levels (that's me). My folic acid was extremely high and my b12 was on the very low end of the normal scale. I was in the 200s. His shows are not always informative. I find he usually glosses over stuff and does not get specific. This show was. Check it out if you can. All of us in here will relate to that show!

    Off to let my daughter in the house. She blames me for locking her out even though she's the last to leave...really? *rolls eyes*


  • redninrah
    redninrah Member Posts: 366
    edited January 2012

    Ladies, is it possible that someone who h radiation, the skin is too difficult to stretch???

    Is it common ?

  • Beebop
    Beebop Member Posts: 29
    edited January 2012

    Surgery it is. Either tomorrow or Friday. I think I will feel a lot better once the TEs are out, but dreading the drains. Can anyone tell me how long you had drains in after TE removal? I am supposed to go to Florida a week from Saturday, but will not go if I still have drains. Ugghhh.

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,262
    edited January 2012

    red - yes, the skin is way more fragile and there are often challenges associated with expanding radiated skin.

    bee - are you definitely having drains?  I have had them for TE's being put in, but not taken out.

  • Lifeafter
    Lifeafter Member Posts: 298
    edited January 2012

    Bee - I had one drain after TE removal. Surgery was Thursday night, saw my PS on Monday morning and he removed it. I was so happy! I had very little output, I don't think I needed it at all but my PS leans on the very cautious side. So I know no matter what I will have a drain. Friday I was groggy from the meds and still a bit groogy Saturday. I had a bad reaction to the anesthesia that time, I don't know why. But ask for a nausea patch, that will help. Other than that, I was up and moving around. Despite being a little groggy, I felt LOADS better. You really have no idea how the infection makes you feel until they clean you out. I slept well too.


  • Beebop
    Beebop Member Posts: 29
    edited January 2012

    SpecialK - He said there would be drains. One on each side.

    Michelle - Thanks for sharing. I feel a lot better about it now. I always ask for the anti-nausea meds. The biggest problem I have is I have a hard time coming out of the anesthesia, but the Doc said if I feel like I need to spend the night, he'll make sure I do.

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,262
    edited January 2012

    bee - bummer!  I have found that activity is definitely tied to drain output.  Staying as quiet as possible will help minimize what you are draining, so maybe you can have them removed sooner.  Do you usually discuss type of anesthesia with the anesthetist?  They can vary the method if you are sensitive to certain medications - also taking the TE's out is a much shorter surgery than putting them in, usually, so maybe you will be under for a shorter time and hopefully feel better afterward.

  • Kyta
    Kyta Member Posts: 273
    edited January 2012

    Bee - I've lost track of what drains I had with which surgery, but I'm pretty sure I had a drain when the TE was removed but it came out less than a week post-surgery and there wasn't much drainage at all. I hope you're able to make the Florida trip, but be sure to take it easy while you're away…no marathon shopping days.

    Re stopping vitamins before surgery….I had my pre-op appt recently and they didn't say I should stop the vitamins or any meds before/after surgery, nor was it listed in the surgery booklet not can I recall in previous surgeries being told otherwise. My oncologist told me way back to stop taking tamox for a couple of days prior to surgery and a couple days after.

    I also feel so badly for those of you who have young children while going through surgeries and TE problems….certainly adds a layer of complexity to the whole situation. 

    Renn - hope your BFF getaway was fun. Very happy to hear that you haven't had any leakage for a couple of weeks. Hope your luck continues!! 

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,262
    edited January 2012

    All - the only thing I remember being told to stop prior to surgery is aspirin taken for either pain or heart health, which I don't take anyway. 

  • sundermom
    sundermom Member Posts: 98
    edited January 2012

    Bee - I had a drain on the side of TE removal. I had the drain for exactly one week. Even though I was annoyed at having to deal with the drain-pain again I was glad it was there because that sucker was full for the first 48 hours post-op.

    Red- Radiation complicates expansion and implants. Sometimes the skin doesn't want to stretch or you can develop some called capsular contracture around the implant. There are success stories though, so keep the faith.

    First expansion is scheduled for tomorrow. I have to say I'm a little nervous even though I have been to this rodeo before. The TE already feels so tight and it is only at 150 and the other side has a 475 implant. Is it even possible? Every time I so much as sneeze I find myself grabbing my problem side to make sure it hasn't burst open. When will the madness end??? LOL

  • mkw1
    mkw1 Member Posts: 102
    edited January 2012


    I have been taking you very potent vitamins called Life Extension Mix + vitamin e, coq10, beta carotene, b6, b12,kyolic garlic, evening primrose oil, fish oil, probiotics,reservatrol, biotin,folic acid. ip6 with inositol. I am looking to reduce some of the vitamins since it has been almost 5 months since last chemo treatment. Just trying to keep immune system strong. I also read that melatonin can prevent a recurrence. 

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,262
    edited January 2012

    mkw - melatonin (the sleep aid) or metformin (the diabetic drug)?  You are definitely taking a fistful of vitamins but it looks like great stuff.  I am taking about 2/3 of what you have there, and looking to add some.

    sunder - you are going to do great - don't worry!

  • Marcyk
    Marcyk Member Posts: 19
    edited January 2012

    mkw1:  I heard the same thing about Fish Oil.  I had to stop taking it prior to my DMX. 

    Thanks for all the support everyone.  I'll let you know what happens on Friday.  Should I push to keep the TE or trust my PS if he says I need to have it removed.  I'm pretty terrified of having nothing on one side.  Wasn't the whole point of immediate reconstruction so I didn't have to live through that?!  Why is it every reconstruction story I've heard (until I found you guys yesterday) had straight-forward and easy recoveries? 

  • psalms91
    psalms91 Member Posts: 93
    edited January 2012

    Sorry that I am responding so late.

    Mrochon and M-mich-

    Went to see the PS today,no removal of the good TE,just the replacement of the one that was lost.IT has taken so long because I have been scared and holding up the procedure.I decided today to schedule the surgeries,since I hear that my job might be lost in June( work for the school system) I will be schedule in late March or early April. The GYN wants to do the procedure laparoscopically with tubal removement also.

    After I start the reconstruction i will go through with the expansion and the exchange. I am feeling good with the new PS she seems to rock.

  • DLL66
    DLL66 Member Posts: 448
    edited January 2012

    When I had my TE removed there was no drain, but my PS removed mine in his office after removing all the saline with a syringe. Fun times!

    Yay, Renn! So glad your pinhole has closed.

    Good luck, Marcyk. I'd trust my PS, but definitely ask questions if it helps you. 

    redninrah, in my case circulation appears to be compromised on my radiated side. I had a lat flap but my skin on that side still refused to heal due to heavy inflammation. I am scheduled to have an adjustable saline implant put in on that side in 3 weeks. We will fill it slowly & then leave it in once it matches my implant on the other side. How long ago did you finish rads?

  • redninrah
    redninrah Member Posts: 366
    edited January 2012

    Dl66-radiation finished feb 2011. I have an expandable saline. I guess it's softer than other implants, and we radiated girls need to take it slowly

  • chickadee521
    chickadee521 Member Posts: 423
    edited January 2012

    Re MO put be on co q 10, d3, magnesium, fish oil, and said biotin for hair and nails.  I am down to just the d3, magnesium and fish oil.  My PS wants me to stop fish oil and tamoxifen 1 week before and 1 week after surgery.  When I was taking the co q 10 he wanted me to stop that too.

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,262
    edited January 2012

    marcyk - we all know how hard this is, and you are right about immediate recon - none of us should have these issues but it is the nature of the beast.  You can see that we all have a slightly different experience and reason for losing one or both TE, but the feelings are still the same regardless.  If your PS says the TE has to come out then it really does.  One thing I have surmised after reading all these stories is that it seems to work out better to take it out, let everything heal, and then try again.  Sometimes limping along for months babying things, trying to make it better, then it has to come out anyway and you have spent a lot of time for no progress.  Keep us posted.

    psalms - glad you have found a new PS that you are happy with - that is half the battle!

    red - slow and steady wins the race.  How are you feeling - stronger?  You had a rough time!

    dll - TE removed in the office - fun times, NOT!

  • mkw1
    mkw1 Member Posts: 102
    edited January 2012

    Special K: I was referring to melatonin, the sleep aid.

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,262
    edited January 2012

    mkw - thanks!  I just asked Dr. Google about it, very interesting!  Since I am struggling to sleep it sounds like a good thing to add and I had been considering it anyway.

  • redninrah
    redninrah Member Posts: 366
    edited January 2012

    Special - gd two. Weeks out from diep incisions to belly and one week out from TE and today I drove my car yayyyy

  • Lifeafter
    Lifeafter Member Posts: 298
    edited January 2012

    What a morning! It took me 45 minutes to drive a mile and half to work!  Lots of vitamin talk to catch up on in here. I've got a busy day at work so I'll have to catch up later. Real quick, I take 5mg of melatonin every night. It works! Ambien stopped working for me and none of the other sleep aid scrips work. Xanax makes me a zombie the whole next day. I highly recommend it as a sleep aid. Sometimes I need a little more than 5mg and I'll take 10mg. I'll get in a good block of 4-5 hours before waking up but I don't have any problems falling right back to sleep.

    My second opinion with a new oncologist is today at 3!


  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,262
    edited January 2012

    mrochon - thanks for the melatonin endorsement - I need to try it.  This no sleeping deal is not good.  Good luck at the new MO today.

    red - getting back to normal is priceless, just be sure to take it easy!

  • DLL66
    DLL66 Member Posts: 448
    edited January 2012

    Good luck at your appt, mrochon.

    redninrah, yes--slowly seems to be the key. You finished rads well before me.

    SpecialK, as hard as it has been, I think you are right about taking the TE (& implant, in my case) out & letting things heal before trying again. 

  • momof3infla
    momof3infla Member Posts: 333
    edited January 2012

    Marcy - if your PS says it needs to go, then do it. Your body will feel relief asap. I was lopsided for 6 months, and it really was a welcome break from all the worry and surgeries, etc.. Prosthetics are fantastic, I kind of had fun with them.

    Bee - I had a drain with my right TE removal, and the drain was removed in about a week and a half. There wasn't as much drainage compared to getting the TE put in.  Good luck! 

    Another fill to come tomorrow - then I will have 2 or 3 left. I'm getting antsy to just finish this and have that 3 month break.

  • Beebop
    Beebop Member Posts: 29
    edited January 2012

    Surgery sceduled for tomorrow afternoon to get rid of these darn things. Went to Nordstrom today and got prosthetics and my insurance covers them completely. Feeling a lot better about everything now.

    SpecialK if you take Melatonin make sure to drink a lot of water. It can be dehydrating and gave me headaches.

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,262
    edited January 2012

    bee - excellent on the Nordstrom fitting.  My understanding is that they are current on all the insurance info there and have really great fitters.  Thanks for the info about the Melatonin and hydration.  I am already bad about that so I am glad you told me.  We will all be thinking of you tomorrow - I know this is hard but you will be OK, and hopefully will be feeling better soon and can take your trip to FL.

  • Kyta
    Kyta Member Posts: 273
    edited January 2012

    DLL - seriously, I had to re-read your post a few times…..I've never heard of having a TE removed in the PS' office. Wow, you're brave.

  • DLL66
    DLL66 Member Posts: 448
    edited January 2012

    Mich_M, yep. Had my left TE removed in my PS' office & also had my right implant removed in his office. I just have to remember not to look down until he's done. 2 less times I had to go under anesthesia, I guess!