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All about Xeloda



  • Lynn1
    Lynn1 Member Posts: 209
    edited October 2011

    Hello Divas!! 

    Apple:  sounds like you are staying busy with the shopping and cleaning. good for you!!

    Marybe:  Sorry about the issues with your dad and driving - bless you as you deal with all that.  I totally understand what you are saying and I feel exactly the same way about future chemos!  I am worried that if X stops working, my only options will be the "big guns" and all the se's that come along with them.  I guess I worry more about QOL than anything else.  At some point, I think "living" turns into mere "existing" and I don't want that for myself.  Feel free to PM me if you ever want to vent/chat.

    Well, I have started the ball rolling so to speak on reducing my hours at work.  I got a note from my onc saying he fully supports my telecomuting 2-3 days a week.  I've notitfied our IT Dept. that I need my laptop updated so it will work from home, and I'm working on my "speech" to give my boss when he returns from vacation next week.  I hope that I can start this new schedule in early November.  Wish me luck!!!

  • Unknown
    edited October 2011

        Thank you ladies for all your kinds words.   Yesterday I was just feeling totally good friend from way back in Jr. high stopped by my Dad's house cuz she was in town also.  I went to the door in my pajamas, with my hair sticking up all over the place (asked my hairdresser what's with the hair, thought gray was supposed to be coarse and wiry and mine is baby fine and flies all over....she said that is GRAY, yours is WHITE) no makeup, not even moisturizer, in other words looking old and feeling even older.   I told her, you know I look around this house and see all that is still left to be done (have been working on it for about 3 yrs now) and my dad does not appreciate it, now I have to worry about him losing his marbles since he went out and bought that car and it has finally hit me that I do not want to have to take care of my father (sounds cruel and selfish, but it's the truth) , my own house is a mess and I cannot begin to even think about cleaning out the basement and Tim is certainly no help whatsoever, and I know my cancer is progressing and I have to do something, but I don't want to feel like crap and I am just totally overwhelmed and I burst into tears. She said she is amazed it hasn't gotten to me before now, but by the time she left I was feeling better. Even though I had said I did not feel like doing anything, I decided to scrub the one wall that still needed washed down, then I thought well I guess I could do a little painting and got a coat on that wall and did an extra coat on the ones that had been done where I could still see the primer underneath and then next thing I knew I was feeling good. I think I need to be doing these projects, just as I need to work. So then that afternoon I told my Dad, Now I know you aren't going to like this, but we ARE going to have a Christmas tree (he had told me the day before he didn't think he needed one put up) and I am going to have a big party at your house and invite all the friends I still have here and you can even invite some of yours and it will be an open house. I have been working hard on this place and we are going to finish up the bathroom and the room I have been painting on the 2nd floor and then we will be done (not really, but as far as I am going...he would not be happy at all with an island in the kitchen) and I want to show it off. And he said Well, that will be fine. So life is back to normal.

    Today I am going to the hospital and the onco's to get copies of records....the onco at MDA wants to see all my blood tests, names and dosage and length of treatments , everything.....and then we will go from there.  When and if he wants to me come back there, I am going.  And if my onco does not feel like he can work with him, I am going to go to the other local onco I consulted with who told me it is good for me to explore every avenue there is and he would be doing the same thing if he were in my shoes. 

    So I am going to be busy today, am back to "normal" (none of that new normal crap, my normal), and sort of have a plan so am thinking things are not so bad. And tonight we are going to see Arlo Guthrie tonight.

    Have a good day everyone and thank you for living up to your diva status and supporting me.  

     Edited to vacation plans for now, but if I were to go somewhere it would be Switzerland or Ireland.....islands and beaches are not my thing.  I also still want to see Bruges after looking at socalledlisa's photos.     

  • LivingIt
    LivingIt Member Posts: 52
    edited October 2011

    Hey Lynn! Congrats on deciding to ask for the change in work venue. I can almost see you in your comfy chair and bunny slippers, peering out a sunlit window as you solve someone's problem over the phone between sips of your favorite steamy beverage. 

    Marybe,  The house really does sound like its comming together. I have done lots of that kind of work and it is so satisfying. The party idea is fabulous! Is it really time to start planning holiday parties? Wow. I guess it is. Whew! Made it!! lol 

  • LivingIt
    LivingIt Member Posts: 52
    edited October 2011

    Question on Chemo: 

    What are the "big guns" of chemo? Ive only had three (taxotere, avastin, x). My onc says Navelbine might be next. I wish I had a game plan about when to say when. You just never know how each one is going to hit... blah blah... Scans tomorrow.  

  • K-Lo
    K-Lo Member Posts: 826
    edited October 2011

    Are Taxol, adriamycin some of the big guns? They're softer via Abraxane and Doxil but the basic drugs are old hard-line standards.

    BIG VENT/UNLOAD: (Zoh said we could)

    Wish me luck. Gonna ask MO for definitive bone tests. Sometimes I feel like she wants me to wait until it is a problem in my life. She says PETscans are not helpful in prolonging life. So, her philosophy is to get your regular scans and speak up if something bothers you.

    Well, the irony is my back didn't bother me until the scans showed Te bone thing getting bigger. So I have to admit That I am obsessing. But again, it's my BACK. I like to use it to stay vertical.

    Marybe, I have to agree that you push yourself real hard. Were you always a high achiever?

    I know I feel like, well, if I'm not scheduled to check out on hospice, I should pull my own weight.

    Which is down a little. My weight. From walking. So MO has to be proud of me!

    Lynn, have you started new routine yet? It's a big relief to me (us) that you are taking better care.

    Treso, it's alarming how charming I feel........ With white snow-fro and a rash on my face!

  • jeanieb2
    jeanieb2 Member Posts: 130
    edited October 2011

    Marybe - Sorry to hear you were having a bad day yesterday.  I am really glad to see you are feeling much better today.  I sometimes think we try not to deal with it and just go along like everything is normal and the people around us see we are doing normal stuff but they have no idea how we are feeling and our minds are working.  You are definitely entitled to have days like that, you can't be the "Happy, Happy, Joy, Joy" person all of the time, that would mean you are not normalLaughing.

      Livingit - I hope and pray your scans come back good, you keep on fighting but make sure you take lots of "me" time to rest and do some things you want to do. 

    Lynn - I am so glad to hear you have started the ball rolling on being able to work from home.  I am sure the boss will be glad to have you continue to work and be glad you are willing to do it from home.  I know it will make a difference in your energy level, that will be two hours extra for you to rest or do what you need.

    Apple - It is good to see you doing some fun things along with the dreaded things like cleaning.  Although I find myself setting here when I don't feel good wishing I had the energy to clean and I can remembering how I wished someone else would come in and clean for me because I do not like to do it.  It is funny how we want the things we can't have or do, kind of like going to the dentist and having a filling, they tell you not to have any carmel or anything sticky, well, what do you suppose I want right then and there, yep, sticky carmel and I don't even like carmelLaughing.

    K-Lo - You make me laugh, I love reading your posts.  I have to agree with you on the pulling your own weight, I tend to do that also, even when I feel like crap, in my case that is a lot to pull around.  I have not lost weight, in fact I have put on about 5 pounds and am very discouraged with that.  I hope after I have my left "Frankenboob" fixed the 31st that it will still be nice enough to go outside and walk for a month or so.  Maybe that will help, if not I will just go to the Y, but when I go there I think I have to walk for an hour on the treadmill, they said if I did that I would not have any energy left to do anything else so make it 15 minutes not 60.  We shall see.  Keep up your sense of humor, it helps put a smile on faces:)

    I am getting discouraged that the X is not taking my markers down.  I wanted it to respond within the first 2 cycles and it has not.  They were up another 25 points, I know not enough to worry about and could have been much worse.  I think another thing I feel so nauseated most of the time and of course there are days I have no energy.  I think I have it in my mind that X is not like chemo and that I should feel good and have energy while taking it.  I am very lucky though as I have only had the nausea as a side effect, other than the allergic reaction, which I am still kind of watching to see if it happens again.   I will have scans in December to see where we are and hopefully we will know if this stuff is going to work.  It just seemed like it should work before now but the onco said it could take several months, has anyone else been told that? 

    I hope all of you have a good day and are able to get out and enjoy part of the nice Fall weather before the snow flys, well here anyway, I know some of you are lucky and will not have to worry about that.  I have to say, winter is my favorite time of year, I love the snow, snowmen, Christmas, the lights, trees, just the festive atmosphere.  Everybody, well most everybody, are happy and kinder during this season.  I am ready to listen to Christmas carols.  Turn on the fireplace, hot cup of coffee, cider or hot chocolate, snuggle under a blanket and watch the world go by.  My family and friends think I am nuts but that is ok, maybe I am.  Enjoy the day. 

  • K-Lo
    K-Lo Member Posts: 826
    edited October 2011

    Jeannie, I get worn out if I do 30 minutes. For me, 20-30 minutes every day works.

    Zoh, do you want us to ask about the scans or do you want to be " lalalalalala" until you talk to the MO?

  • jeanieb2
    jeanieb2 Member Posts: 130
    edited October 2011

    K-Lo - How do you feel about doing the scans just when needed?  If you are having a problem will your doctor do the scans then or does she just wait for the next 3 or 6 months, whatever your schedule is?  My onco will do the scans every 6 months unless I am having a problem they will do them sooner.  It is interesting to see the difference in how doctors treat this.  Thanks for the advice.  I will try the 20 to 30 minutes and see what works the best.  I am still in the "non-chemo mode" and am having a hard time getting in the "chemo mode", of course my body reminds now if I would just learn to heed the warning.

  • blondiex46
    blondiex46 Member Posts: 2,726
    edited October 2011

    Am reading/lurking...X is back and so is the guys should be so proud of yourself....this is far from easy and don't be so hard on yourself, plz....

  • GatorGal
    GatorGal Member Posts: 750
    edited October 2011


    I loved my job and resisted retiring on disability. The fact that I was out for a week every three weeks convinced me to retire on disability. I never thought that was fair to my students. I should have been thinking that it wasn't fair to me. I came home every day and napped for several hours. The job left me no time to take care of me. Do what you can to take care of yourself! If you can go out on disability, do it. I haven't missed work for a moment and so appreciate being able to sleep until I am ready to get up. Do it ..... For YOU!

  • justjudie
    justjudie Member Posts: 196
    edited October 2011

    Hello divas,

    I am glad to see Marybe is feeling better. I am back on X starting today and have already had quite the Big D....but have taken Lomitil and hopefully it will settle down. Tomorrow I see the ortho doc re: this broken ankle, it will be six weeks now that I have not been able to put ANY weight on it. He had better say I can at least START to walk on this f$&@!;:!$@ leg or I swear I will tear it off!! I CANNOT lay here one more f,;$&@:; minute!!!

    I feel pretty oh so the F:($&!? city should give me the key!!!


  • Unknown
    edited October 2011

      Judie, Hope you got some good news from the doc.

    Glenna,   For me work is good medicine.   I really enjoyed it when I was off for two weeks, but I was also happy to get back to work.  But it is probably a bit different for me since I have never really suffered from fatigue.

    I actually think those of you who are having the SEs are sort of lucky because even though my onco says there is no corelation between SEs and the effectiveness of a treatment with me if there are no SEs, it isn't working.  So the fact you are having SEs, most likely means it is working.  Like the halaven, my hair was falling out and the tumor markers went down, not a lot, but they went down....then the hair loss stopped and they climbed back up.   I am praying it works for all of you.

    Big guns...Hmmmm. .I suppose it depends on the person, but adriamycin is not an easy one...they don't call it the red devil for nothing.....and Ixempra is supposed to be a rough one.  But then again it just depends on the person.  For me Abraxane was the most difficult one.....gemzar, navelbine, methotrexate, cytoxin, halaven, and now the Xeloda were not bad so far as the SEs, but also they did not work for me. 

    Just got back from the Arlo Guthrie concert....he did a really good show and I dont know where I have been all these years, but I honestly did not know Woodie Guthrie was his father. 

  • justjudie
    justjudie Member Posts: 196
    edited October 2011

    I bet that was a GREAT concert, Marybe!! I would LOVE to see Arlo Guthrie. Yeah, Woody was his dad.


  • Treso
    Treso Member Posts: 68
    edited October 2011

    Jeanieb2 and all you ladies out there who would like someone to clean for you once a month for the next four months, check out the site:  I have not used it yet (if I'm too tired, I just don't clean!) and have gotten this info from my in town support group.

    Lynn1:  Good luck talking to your boss.

    Marybe:  Glad you're feeling better after your projects.  I always feel better after acomplishing something like that.  My mom is 92 and would LOVE it if I would move in with her but, I just can't do it, take care of myself and move along with my life.  We get along great and she is still pretty good mentally for 92 (although the paranoia drives me crazy but, I know she can't help it) but, I just can't do it.  It is so difficult when roles reverse.  Did Arlo do "Alice's Restaurant"?  That must have been a fun concert.

    K-lo:  Well, I don't have a rash on my face to sport but I sure love the tears that stream from my eyes continuously.  Oh, the nose running with no notice to grab a tissue is really attractive, too.  I leave a trail of fluid wherever I go.

    Livingit:  Good luck with your scans tomorrow.

  • Lynn1
    Lynn1 Member Posts: 209
    edited October 2011

    Marybe:  I'm glad your Dad agreed to the Christmas party.  I think that will be great for both of you!  You do need to show off all your hard work!!

    Livingit:  Thanks!  Now that I've got it in my mind, I am really looking forward to this change!!  As for your question about the "big guns", I guess I was referring to ones like Ixempra or Taxotere (as an example) where the se's just seem so harsh.  Not that X is a walk in the park, but not as bad as those seem to be.  Ok, to be honest, the main thing is I have my hair on X.  I know, I know, vanity is a terrible thing, but I can't help it.  Even when my feet were peeling so bad and my DH was like "are you sure you want to keep trying this one", I was like heck yeah, my skin can fall off all it wants, as long as my hair stays put!!  How crazy is that?! 

    Kathy:  My onc is sorta that way.  We do scans at regular intervals UNLESS there are some new se's.  Now I'm on an every 2-3 month schedule, but when I was on AI's, it was every 6.  However, I think if you are worried and an additional scan would give you peace of mind, then definitely ask for it!  I have not started my new routine yet....boss is still on vacation, but I will talk to him when he's back next week.  Paperwork with HR should be pretty quick, so I'm hoping that maybe I can start on Friday, 11/4.

    Jeanie:  My onc said we would scan again in December too, so we can have scanxiety together I guess!!  I think it does take a couple of months to work.  I had my 1st scans 9 weeks after I started, and it showed improvement.  If you have only done 2 cycles (6 weeks), then it may indeed be too early to tell.  Hate it that you have to wait till December though.  I love the fall, but Christmas is my absolute favorite time of year!  Like you, I LOVE all the sights, sounds, and smells of the holiday.  I go crazy decorating and such!!

    Blonide:  How are you doing today?  You started back last Thursday, right?  Is fatigue the only se so far?  I really really hope this new plan will be easier on you.  HUGS!!!

    Glenna:  Thanks, but I don't think I'm ready for disability yet.  Heck, the telecommuting 2 days was a hard one for me to swallow, even though I'm really warming up to the idea now.  For the most part, I enjoy my job and I need the full salary and benefits as long as I can get it.  I'm so glad it worked for you though, and I appreciate your suggestion.

    Judie:  Hope you get good news about your ankle. I can only imagine how difficult this has been for you!! 

    The last couple of days, I've been having bathroom issues....warning TMI coming up!'s like I can't go, can't go, then when I do, oh man.  It's not really diarhhea, but definitely some urgency, if you get my drift.  I just worry one of these episodes is going hit during rush hour traffic!  And, this is soooo weird about my feet!  Ok, this cycle there is hardly any redness or peeling, but are they ever tender!!  I bought some socks that are black, but made like athletic socks -- thought I could wear them to work and they would offer more cushion that dress socks.  Wrong!  They are not soft and it is like I can feel every thread!!  Owie!  I can't wear them!!  How bizarre!!!  Anyone else have that??

  • jeanieb2
    jeanieb2 Member Posts: 130
    edited October 2011

    Lynn - I have only done 2 full cycles and 1/2 of one because I had a reaction, and I am on the 7 days on and 7 days off so really I only had a total of 17 days of treatment when my markers were done.  I am hoping that when I go November 17 I will have had 2 more full cycles for a total of 45 days of X, does that make any sense?  I will probably have scans on the 13 or 15th of December so we can have the scanxiety together.  We will hope they both come out with good results.

  • blondiex46
    blondiex46 Member Posts: 2,726
    edited October 2011

    Didn' take long for the nausea and the fatique to kick in...on the 1st week of the 7/7 omg...and am having pain in the lymph nodes under my arm.....CANCER SUCKS!!!

    Thanks Lynn, well yea thursday but forgot to take both of them so really started friday, lol....

    how is everybody?

  • Lynn1
    Lynn1 Member Posts: 209
    edited October 2011

    Jeanie:  Yes, that makes sense! I forgot you were on the 7/7 plan!  We haven't discussed dates for my scans yet, but looking at the calendar and counting cycles and all, my best guess is that we will be very close in dates for scans.  I'm predicting mine for the 14th, with results on the 16th.  We'll see how close I am!  ;-)

    Blondie:  Well bummer!!  At least you are almost done with your week then.  I hope the week off gives you a good break!  Sorry about the pain under your arm!  :(

  • apple
    apple Member Posts: 1,466
    edited October 2011

    well, i got poked last nite by a piece of Corell dinner plate that had broken - right in my left hand, near the thumb.. It must have hit an artery because blood spurted out in pumps.. it was absolutely fascinating.  I applied pressure and cleaned up all the blood and voila , except for a little swelling, all is well.  I was thinking about clotting issues and was hoping my blood would clot properly and it did.

    Livingit..   i had 3 drug failures.. it was pretty depressing and am now happy on Xeloda, even with the stupid side effects.  Hope the next one is your cup o tea.  Don't even think about giving up child.

  • Treso
    Treso Member Posts: 68
    edited October 2011

    Lynn1:  I hear you about the "urgency" issue.  I have had it BIG TIME this cycle (I am 12 on/16off for this last round).  It is getting better now, though.  What's odd is that I seem to have S/Es on my off days.

    Blondie:  I also had pain in what I thought was my lymph node under my arm.  I couldn't really tell where the source was and my onc couldn't feel anything inflamed when I saw him.  Yet another S/E or is this something you've experienced before?  Last cylce was the first time it happened since I started X in May.  It started again this cycle but didn't progress.

    Off to NC vacation (oh, that sounds so good - I wish I could take you all with me or send you wherever you wanted to go!).

  • Zodiac
    Zodiac Member Posts: 1
    edited October 2011

    Hello everyone..

    Well my mom completed her first Cycle of Xeloda after we found out 2 small tumors on her liver after being one year free from bone metastases:)

    She is 50 yrs old.. and im so depressed! Is there any long survivors around here! your presence will comfort me, will she live to be at my wedding next year? :(

    Help :( 

  • Frapp
    Frapp Member Posts: 343
    edited October 2011

    Zodiac:  there are plenty of people on here with mets to the liver that have been around for many years.  do a search in the upper right corner, there is a thread that was asking for long termers that have been living with mets that received many posts.  I don't know your mother's diagnosis or what type of cancer she has, but there is a very strong possibility that she will not only be here for your wedding, but also for your first annaversary and more.

  • LivingIt
    LivingIt Member Posts: 52
    edited October 2011

    Hey Zodiac. Im a liver girl too. Im glad you have this site as a resource. 

    Well, girls, we aways say, "Once a Diva, always a Diva."

    Im off the X cause of crazy progression in my bones and liver. On to Navelbean I guess. (I dont know how to spell it yet.)

    I did go through some dark angry feelings about IT ALL, but am pulling out of the funk nicely thanks to support here and at home. I just needed to freak, I guess.

    I am tired of treatment and the lifestyle of the weak and sick, but its what I have right now and I have so much love and lovelyness in my life that I will enjoy everything there is to enjoy instead of moping around for too long.

    I saw the mom of the 4 year old with stage IV today. They will do aggresive chemo and the girl has a 30% chance of a cure and better chance of some remission. Sounds pretty good to me!

    I feel much better about everything hearing that. I had a kind of an existential crisis when I heard about a little girl with congenital cancer. I mean WTF??? Im off to talk to a grief counselor about all this and get things even more in perspective.

    Thanks to each of you (too long to list) for your PMs and posts and help. 

    Im back in the saddle now! Onward!!!! 

  • Unknown
    edited October 2011

    Livingit,   Happy Trails to you, but I certainly hope you aren't planning on riding away from this I said before I am staying because I like all of you. I found navelbine to be an easy treatment.....constipation and maybe a little neuropathy (it's hard to keep track since it comes and goes with treatments and I don't remember what one did and another didn't......except Abraxane...that will be my standard of far no others have even compared) .  I know of many who did it with good results and not bad SEs and hope that is how it is for you.

    Zodiac,   I have had liver mets for 13 years.  For sure she will be at that wedding.

    Xmas is my favorite time of year also, Lynn......I love decorating and sometimes go overboard. 

    I left my onco's feeling very good today.  We did not do herceptin....figure it was not working either since I had progression.   We discussed a lot of things.  He can't tell me why I don't have normal SEs....said nothing has been "normal" about my cancer from the beginning and he started naming things I have had happen that I didn't even remember.   He is willing to work with the onco at MDA, is going to get my records signed so they can be sent and said he is interested to hear what they have to say and recommend.  So today I got no treatment, but did stop in the treatment room to see some of my pals.  I will go next week for my Xgeva and that will be my only treatment until we figure out what's next.   I told him I would be perfectly happy with something that will just keep me stable if it doesn't give me the SEs....he said there is no free lunch and I know that, but it sure would be nice.  He did say we could up my xeloda dosage, that the dose I was on was low......I didn't know 2000 mg per day for two weeks was low......but he said the fact it didn't seem to do anything at all, increasing it would probably not have made any difference at all. 

    Apple....I had a real visual of your thumb squirting out blood....And I can understand you thinking it fascinating.....some of the stuff that goes on, like my toenail falling off the other night.  I mean, it just makes you stop and think WTF.   Put everyone's SEs together and we could make a movie out of it....bald heads, bleeding hands and feet with skin coming off, swollen lymphatic limbs....we could make the Night of the Living Dead seem tame.....and what good timing, it's almost Halloween. 

    Treso, Believe it or not, Arlo did not do Alice's Restaurant, but it was a very good concert....He talks in between songs and gives you a little history of them and he was really a funny guy. Have a great vacation.

  • LivingIt
    LivingIt Member Posts: 52
    edited October 2011

    ANYBODY WANT A BOTTLE OF XELODA?   seriously, I have almost a full bottle leftover. PM me. 

  • sueper13
    sueper13 Member Posts: 360
    edited October 2011

    Wow, there's been a lot going on here!  Marybe, glad to read you are feeling friskier again.  Reminds me of that scene at the beginning of "It's a Wonderful Life" where Joseph mentions George Bailey and Clarence says, "Is he sick?" and Joseph answers, "No, worse, he's discouraged." I was so glad to read that your equilibrium had returned. (Christmas is my favorite time of year too.  We put lights up everywhere right after Halloween.)  Blondie, hope the 7/7 is less punishing for you.  I had to stop Sunday night because of painful feet and extreme nausea, and started back Tuesday night.  I saw the rad onc today, and I asked why the med onc's estimate of my radiation was ten treatments and the rad onc wants to do twenty-eight.  She answered that she considers my sternal met to be more of a loco-regional recurrence and that her treatment is curative in intent.  I said I was all for that! I have my simulation next Wednesday and should start right after that.  We talked about a couple of days off here and there for the grandbaby, and she was willing to be very flexible, said it might even make the radiation more effective. She will radiate my entire sternum and the mediastinal lymph nodes.  Not sure what implications there are re:lymphedema, but I think it might be different because these are not in an extremity, but within the body. Does that make sense?

    I want to go on vacation and I just got home! Mike has a week off in November, and will go to Montreal where the grandbaby is growing...I will take a couple of days off from radiation and go up for part of this time.  So Montreal in November is my next vacation destination....last time I went at the end of January, don't ever do that if you have a choice.

    Hope all goes well with you and Xeloda on!!! As my May08 friend Noelle says, "Chemoooooooo!"


    P.S. Kathy thanks for gloves.  The lightweight ones are really nice, I can ALMOST sew in them!

  • Lynn1
    Lynn1 Member Posts: 209
    edited October 2011

    Apple:  ouch! you were facinated, I would have been freaking out!  LOL!  So glad everything is ok now.

    Treso:  Enjoy your vacation!!

    Zodiac: so sorry to hear about your mom.  No one can predict that, not even doctors, but don't lose hope. As Frapp said, there are many here with liver mets who have lived quite some time.  Best of luck to you and your mom.

    Livingit:  Yep, sometimes we just need to have a freak-out moment.  Glad you're feeling some better now.  And also glad you're going to see a grief counselor.  I think that is a great idea!  I hope they are very helpful for you.  I can "hear" the spunk back in your voice -- go get em girl!! 

    Marybe:  I am very intrigued.  I just had a similar discussion with my onc and I'm still sorta confused.  I'm going to ask him again next time I see him in person.  Maybe he can draw me a picture or something!  LOL!  But seriously....I was on 1,125 twice a day, and we bumped it up to 1,300 on the thought that the more the better.  Ok, so then I asked, well let's say that the next scans are not as good as the last ones, can we bump it up even more? He said, no, because if it doesn't work, then it doesn't work no matter what the dosage.  So why are we trying to increase my dose if it doesn't matter.  I so confused!! 

    Sueper:  wow, that is awesome news!!! I would definitely endure an extra 18 rads since they are talking curative!!!  I really hope that works for you!!  Please keep us posted how it goes and how you are doing on the rads.  Montreal sounds like a great vacation!  Hope you have a great time!!

  • blondiex46
    blondiex46 Member Posts: 2,726
    edited October 2011

    The 7 days ON has caught up to me, is the 6th of the 7th day, off soon, loving that...hope everyone is having a dry not snowy day!!

  • sueopp
    sueopp Member Posts: 238
    edited October 2011

    LivingIt - No, no, no honey, don't go from this thread - we need you!  Divas are boss!  SUE

  • LivingIt
    LivingIt Member Posts: 52
    edited October 2011

    Blondiex: Im glad you can see the light at the end of the week. Time to rest a bit then kick up your heels and do whatever it was that you've been wishing you could do this week - like change the locks!! Seriously, I hope you are doing well. 

    Treso: The leaves must be AMAZING in NC right now. You should post pics for us!

    Super 13: Ive never been to Montreal, but will take your advice about Jan. What will you do once you've played some mozart for the grandbaby? (boy/girl - when is she/he due?)

    Marybe: Im glad you had a good meeting with your onc. Theres nothing like feeling you are in synch with your doc. Its great that he's OK working with MDA. I have used them before and its such a wonderful experience. Im afraid I've lost the plot though.. You said you are not having any treatment until you figure things out. Do you already know what the MDA recommendation is? Are you and your onc choosing between a couple of plans or is it all up in the air for now? Just curious.

    I went to my onc today and had the slightly surreal experience of breaking the bad news about my progression TO HIM. He had been trying to reach my pathologist on the phone but somebody was having a biopsy and anyway he comes into the treatment room and asked me to tell him what the scans said. There is some poetic justice in there somewhere. More so if he'd been up all night worrying - but I'll take what I can get. Anyhow by the end of the appointment he had spoken with the pathologist and my interpretation was correct. The cancer is growing aggresively and my chemo choices are limited. I told him about my concerns about stopping treatment before Im too sick to enjoy it and he felt that my concern was timely. Meaning this party may not last too much longer, I guess. We shall see. Hope for the best and plan for the worst right girls? 

    I did want to do treatment for right now so its radiation to the T spine mets, xgeva for the bones (or whats left of them), Faslodex for the ER+ cells (its been more than a year), Gemzar for the rest as Ive never tried it and its the only first tier chemo that he had left for me.

    So - fatigue here I come! I plan on a very quiet holiday season. Come to think of it, a very clever Mommy would go christmas shopping this weekend in Baltimore. I just may do it!  

    DH was there for the appt and we were pretty sad over lunch. We'd never really talked about the end of treatment before. He is so supportive and understanding, I just cant believe how great he is.  

    I start treatment on tuesday - scans in a month to include a brain MRI.

    Thats me. Im now in bed about to actually MAKE some of those video notes to my kids that I've been promising to make forever!  Can't help but think, I'd better not procrastinate too much. THat and Im gonna loose my BEAUTIFUL 1" of hair... sigh. and my eyelashes.  I just love my eyelashes.. But I babble. Ill leave some room on the thread for someone else. Wink