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Radiation recovery



  • april485
    april485 Member Posts: 1,983
    edited April 2013

    To all my Rads sisters, praying that none of your loved ones were in harm's way yesterday. My daughter works in a law firm as an attorney in downtown Boston and until I heard from her, I was a basket case. I had so many phone calls to return last night from worried friends and relatives. She is safe. Her two colleagues who ran in the race are safe. She is still waiting to hear from a law school buddy who runs the race every year. Still nothing from him. She is scared to death. I think she is calling the hotline today with his name to see if he is among the casualties/injured. Pray for Alex, ok?

    Gotta run..late for work. Hugs to all and Kate, it is great that your ex remembered the same thing as you did.

  • RunFree16
    RunFree16 Member Posts: 649
    edited April 2013

    Kate, I love hearing about your first marriage!  My parents got divorced after 27 years and my mom remarried, but she still called my dad her "biological husband" and felt very close to him.  Now both her former husbands are gone and she missed them about equally.  Have a great time in Chicago---you deserve some real R & R!

  • BUNKIE10
    BUNKIE10 Member Posts: 670
    edited April 2013


    Well the thyroid Dr called this morning to say that the results of what he got  were benign however he feels he did not get enough he wants to repeat it to be sure. I have not scheduled yet. It is just never easy is it?

  • gemini4
    gemini4 Member Posts: 320
    edited April 2013

    April, I live in metro Boston, but we are away for school vacation week right now. I was sitting on a beautiful Florida beach when I heard the news yesterday. Horrifying and surreal. I have heard that my friend who ran the race is fine. My heart breaks for all who have been killed, hurt, and had to witness the nightmare. Prayers for Alex, and keep us posted!

    Circling back to rads, I'm slathering thick SPF 50 on the rads side of my chest while in the sun . I see a faint line from my swimsuit so I will wear a shirt to be on the safe side.

  • brooksidevt
    brooksidevt Member Posts: 1,432
    edited April 2013

    My second ex husband makes me really appreciate my first.  You'd think I would have learned.  With my downward trend, nix on any #3!

    Kate, my suggestion was that, as I know you like all your details organized, you might like a logistical preview of your treatment, "Is there an area that is cooler than the rest?"  "Can I reserve it?"  "How often does the nurse need to chart?"  "What information is she required to ask of me?" 

    With this last question, I'm reminded of my first day at radiation.  The techs asked me what area they were treating.  Did I mention I'm a detail person?  I didn't know exactly where the field was, so I just said, "I don't know."  Silly me, I expected them to respond by outlining the area on my chest, or a chart, or something.  Instead, they just stood there, stunned.  Apparently, they cannot treat a patient until she confirms the treatment.  Hurriedly, I said, "Right breast."  They returned to life.  Anyway, no need to respond to this message.  Enjoy the heck out of your trip!

  • katehudson25
    katehudson25 Member Posts: 1,939
    edited April 2013

    Hi April.

    So glaf your daughter is safe and her two  colleagues. I pray that Alex is safe too. Hugs, kate

  • katehudson25
    katehudson25 Member Posts: 1,939
    edited April 2013

    Hi Runfree,

    I am leaving for Chicago in less than 24 hours, and I an so excited. my children made plans for every night and we'll go out to restaurants every night. Two of the afternoons I will see cousins, and we'll go out to restaurants. I have one afternoon free, so mall shopping will be great. On my final afternoon there I will be with my oldest granddaughter. I will probably gain ten pounds from all of the restaurants, but I will have a blast Hugs, kate 

  • katehudson25
    katehudson25 Member Posts: 1,939
    edited April 2013

    Hi Bunkie, I am so glad that the results you got so far are benign. Sorry that he has to test more tissue. I am sure those will be bening too and I'll pray for bening results. Hugs, Kate

  • MostlySew
    MostlySew Member Posts: 1,311
    edited April 2013

    Brookside, that's just too silly, I'm still giggling.  You must post it on the thread here entitled You Know You're a Cancer patient When:"  or YKYACPW for short....there's some great stories out there!

    Sab....Oh dear, a collander for darth vader?  Now I really must see this T-Shirt.......  Has she ever ventured up to my neck of the woods (Sebastopol)?  If you or she have the time, we've got a renowned scrap artist (Patric Amiot) living here and all the neighbors on his street have scrap art pieces in their yards.  they're just so creative.  He loves using collanders (boob, and headlights) and lots of old dials (clocks, oven timers etc.) for eyes and on and on....really a must see.  Don't know how your T-shirt will compare, but I can't wait!

    Brookside, I loved your suggestion of going in early to chemo to get the lay of the land, and find out what's going to happen.  Reminds me of my 2 hour appt before hand with my RO.... I also like to know what's coming and those chemo nurses are so caring (at least the ones who give me my prolia shot) I'm sure they would be helpful.  I'm going to tuck that suggestion in the part of my brain labeled.....what was that label?  ah well, will try to remember that one anyway!

    Gemini...Florida, sun, fun, rest, relaxation...great way to celebrate the end of rads and active cancer treatment!  Spf50 is a great idea and the extra shirt too...don't want to add any agravation to that poor radiated breast!

    Bunkie....I am so so sorry that you've got to have another needle biopsy.  that just plain isn't fair!  You've had enough already.....  Ok, we'd better do some great treats for you sweetie because knowing what you're facing might even be a bit harder this time!  Perhaps we'd best bring along some wine......yep, wine and cheese for sure!  Northern California produces some fabulous wines...and I'm in the heart of the wine country.

    April.......I'm so sorry to hear about Alex.  Prayers are with him and all the people affected by that tragedy.  Let us know when your Daughter finds him.

  • rmlulu
    rmlulu Member Posts: 1,501
    edited April 2013

    Oh Sweet Kate,

    Thank you for sharing your love story. How heart warming:). It is nice to know that someone who knows our history cares & shares a heart moment ... Yes you are special and held dear to all! Never are loved:)

    What time do we need to be ready ...we're all trying to get our pocket buddy carry ins ready for our trip to Chicago! 1st class would be best...more room for us in pockets and there's food&drinks!

    Have a wonderful time Kate!



  • katehudson25
    katehudson25 Member Posts: 1,939
    edited April 2013

    Brookside I know exactly where you are coming from when you say your second husband makes you appreciate your first. My 3rd makes me appreciate my first. Such a funny story about your first day at rads. Hugs, Kate 

  • gigil
    gigil Member Posts: 916
    edited April 2013

    Hi Ladies. DH and I decided to escape the 6+ months of snow in Minnesota, and headed to Florida. We have a Disney Vacation Club time share. It is a beautiful sunny day and we are headed to EPCOT. SAB you inspire me to wear my pedometer and log some miles!

    Kate enjoy your trip and your children and grandchildren.

    Josie, I have a distinct memory of going for a celebratory lunch after my last boost. We went to a fresh-Mex place and I could hardly taste it! It got better quickly.

    Enjoy the day! GiGi

  • katehudson25
    katehudson25 Member Posts: 1,939
    edited April 2013

    Hi Cindy,

    You all need to be ready by 5am Los Angeles time tomorrow to get to LAX at 5:30. Our plane leaves at 7:3o. Dress warm only 40 degrees in Chicago. Be prepared to eat hearty we are going to a number of good restautants in Chicago.Can't wait to have you all in my pockets. After we get checked in at the airport the party will begin. First stop the bar for a bloody mary or in my cae a glass of chardonnay. Hugs, Kate

  • katehudson25
    katehudson25 Member Posts: 1,939
    edited April 2013

    Hi Gigil,

    Enjoy your vacation in Florida. Glad you could escape the cold and snow. I am headed towards cold, but I don;t think Chicago will get snow. Have a great time and get lots of sun and rest. Hugs, Kate 

  • SAB
    SAB Member Posts: 1,121
    edited April 2013

    Bunkie- This is for you:  "AAAAAARRRRGGGGHHHHHH." I am happy the first biopsy was b9 though, and look forward to hearing good news again!

    GiGi- Go girl!  I know you can log some serious mileage at Epcot.  I hope that you enjoy some Florida sunshine (you too Gemini)  I was raised in NE Ohio and I know about long winters and gray skies.  

    Kate- What a sweet story.  As for packing, I guess I better bring my running shoes to work off all that restaurant food.

    April-Thankful that your dd is safe.  

    Sew-My dd's boyfriend is from Santa Rosa, so they wander up that way occassionally.  I will mention Patric Amiot to her.  Sounds like you have a pretty cool looking neighborhood!  Dd started as a painting major, then switched to illustration (so she could afford to eat after college) but along the way she fell in love with printmaking.  She told me this last time (as I nabbed one of her prints) that she had to switch to printmaking to "feed your need for art mom." She's a new printmaker, about a year now, but has already had some notable moments. I really don't have any idea what she's thinking about for shirts, and she probably has no idea either Smile

    Well I have one of those awful do-things-around-the-house-you've-been-putting-off days. My best goes out to the ladies who are finishing up this week, hang on you're almost there!

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474
    edited April 2013

    Good morning ladies.  Bunkie, the fact that the limited tissue biopsy was benign is a great indication of how it is in general.  I am so sorry you have to go through yet another one.  Since they were not able to get enough tissue to biopsy, the next step was surgery to remove the right gland.  If this happen please don't worry.  I had it done, it is a very easy and relatively painless surgery.  Not at all traumatic as it is done under general anesthesia.  The left lobe compensates for the loss of the right, so no need for thyroid meds.  They test every few months and it is still within normal ranges.  Big pocket party for you when you go Sweetie.  Deep breaths, this is not too bad.  You are strong and we'll help you through whatever lies ahead.

    April I can imagine the angst you felt yesterday with the terrible bombings.  I am really glad you finally reached your daughter.  I can imagine how wonderful it felt to hear her voice and know she is okay.  Such a terrible and senseless tragedy

    GigiL Your Florida getaway sounds perfect!  Just relax and enjoy that wonderful warmth.

    SAB, you wear me out just reading about those long hikes.  Good for you, I bet it feels amazing to be able to do that.  I just walk here through the subdivision but that feels good too.  You will have to let us know what your daughter comes up with for those T-shirts.  She sounds like a lot of fun.  Great that you got so much quality time with her.  Sounds like a perfect way  to spend a day.

    Josie, you are almost done and these last few boosts are nothing.  Hurray, happy dance when you finish.  You have been very strong and held up like a trooper.  I do think each and every one of us fighting this disease are all troopers.  Not a crybaby to be found, you ladies are all such troopers and working hard toward kicking cancer to the curb where it belongs.  We all refuse to give in to this disease. 

    Brookside....your post gave me a chuckle.  How funny answering the easiest questions totally go over our heads.  LOL.

    Sew I love seeing you back and doing what you do best....cheerleading and greeting all the newbies.  You are such a source of comfort (and information) to so many!  The new ladies are just starting the journey many of us have been on awhile.  It is nice to help answer their questions and assure them there is life after rads!

    Have a great day ladies.  I am thinking of you always, and sending lots and lots of healing energy your way.  Hugs too, always hugs!

  • Waitingforthenextstep
    Waitingforthenextstep Member Posts: 124
    edited April 2013


              I like your story, sounds like you have a lot of happy memories there.  You were asking about meds.  Prochlorperazine is Compazine, a pretty common nausea medicine.  Ondansetron is Zofran, also anti-nausea is given as a pre-med for chemo also.  I had both.  They are not overly strong, I had no bad reactions.  Enjoy you trip, have the best time.

  • katehudson25
    katehudson25 Member Posts: 1,939
    edited April 2013

    Hi Sab,

    Can you bring 2 pair of running shoes so you can run off the calories I'll gain at the I so much admire your motivation. All that exercise is sure to keep you thinking positive. xoxo,


  • SweetCaroline2
    SweetCaroline2 Member Posts: 28
    edited April 2013

    To katehudson25-

    I completed my chemo on 7/6/12, although with different drugs than you will be getting. I recommend that you look up the website The info that my MO gave me about my chemo drugs came directly from this website. The thought of getting chemo is scary, but the drugs used are so much better than  even 20 years ago. Drs. now have wonderful antinausea drugs at their disposal, and as long as I took the meds the MO recommended ( cortisone pills both before and after chemo) and applied the Sancuso skin patch, my nausea was minimal. My MO gave me very strong antinausea meds by  IV during the chemo. Fatique was an issue, especially the first week after chemo. I had been working out with my eliptical every day prior to diagnosis, but found I did not want to the first week after chemo because of the fatigue and for fear that it would make me nauseous. The second week I began slowly on my eliptical- without looking at my speed, doing whatever felt comfortable. Each day a stepped it up a little more, and by the third week I was feeling pretty good and it was time for another treatment. All in all, it was not nearly as bad as I had feared. The medicine to bring up my blood count (Neulasta) caused my some bad joint aches, but my MO gave me some potent pain reliever to make me comfortable. However, I was grateful to not be working and I did not cook any meals- my husband brought home healthy food from the local health food store or whatever I felt like eating. I hope you are able to give yourself a break. Chemo lasts for a few months and damages both cancer cells and healthy cells, so it is like being ill or injured- you have to give your body a chance to heal. Also I developed peripheral neuropathy from the taxotere and normal sensation in my feet is slowly returning. If I had a problem that wasn't an emergency, I emailed my the nurse practiioner working for my MO and she was very quick to respond with advice, treatment, or whatever the situation required. 

    Thinking good thoughts for you! (((Hugs)))

  • katehudson25
    katehudson25 Member Posts: 1,939
    edited April 2013

    Probably my last post till I post from Chicago. I am leaving for the airport in 13 hours.I will have all of you packed in my carry on luggage.  Going to see the people I love is the total opposite of the cancer I hate. I will be surrounded by love. I talked to my son's 3 children last night Emma 9, twins Molly and Christopher 5. They said Nana J we are so excited we are going to see you, and we love you so much. I probably used up a whole box of kleenix after that. Then Emma said can we play cards. I said don't we always. I said do I have to be the old maid again. She giggled and said yes that she always wins. I am a pretty darn good card player, and very competitive, but somehow I always manage to lose so she can win. Besides all of my children' sand grandchildren's love I will have all of your love and support too, which will make this trip the best I've everh had in my life. xoxo, Kate

  • katehudson25
    katehudson25 Member Posts: 1,939
    edited April 2013

    Hi waiting for the next step,

    Thanks so much for the info regarding the meds. Are either of these prescriptions as good as Emend? my dr didn't say anything about cancer pre meds. Will I need them?I have an appointment with him the Wednesday before I start chemo.  Thanks so much for your support

  • katehudson25
    katehudson25 Member Posts: 1,939
    edited April 2013

    Hi Sweetcaroline,

    I can't thank you enough for sharing your experience with me. Also thank you for the link to chemocare. It makes me so hopeful that you sailed through it without much discomfort. Luckily I can email MY MO every night, and if I have a problem he will give me a quick answer. Hugs, Kate

  • gigil
    gigil Member Posts: 916
    edited April 2013

    When walking through EPCOT today we stopped to participate in the pledge of allegiance with the fife and drum corp. After the events of yesterday all of that took on a deeper meaning.

    The Florida sun gave us some badly needed vitamin D. Tonight we are tired in a good way.

    Kate my first husband who I married at age 17 (he was 18) always calls me during time of need. He called me at the hospital when my mother was dying. He was in tears, and his call meant so much. Your ex-husband is actually one of your oldest friends, and you share children. I know how much that matters.

    Bunkie I just know additional tissue will also be B9. Sorry you are still having to deal with this.

  • lemon68
    lemon68 Member Posts: 301
    edited April 2013

    GiGi- Enjoy Florida and that sunshine!

    Kate- I am not going to wish you a great trip as I know it will already be the best ever! You are so blessed to have those grandchildren and I know they will cherish every moment with you and you them. Have a safe trip and just ENJOY life. Dont forget to do some shopping!!

    April- Any updates on Alex? Prayer coming from Ohio, let us know that all your loved ones are okay. You and your community are in our thoughts. Senseless acts of violence just breaks our hearts over and over.

  • SusannahW
    SusannahW Member Posts: 375
    edited April 2013

    Christine, thanks so much for your response-I hope you r right, and it is just diverticulitis. So afraid of having colon cancer!

    U r right, work has been the best medicine.


    PS. Tizzy, thanks for the hugs!

  • josie123
    josie123 Member Posts: 1,749
    edited April 2013

    Kate, your post about your first husband brought tears to my eyes(very touching)I actually married my blind date for prom and it will be 22 yrs this Sept.

    April so glad your daughter is ok and I will put Alex on my prayer list.

    Gigil I'm so jealous give Mickey a hug for me!!We promised the kids we would take them last year but financial problems arise .It takes a while to recover from unemployment even with both of us working full time.We're still trying to dig out

    Sew, thanks for your comments about the taste buds thought it might have something to do with Rads

    Now today I have felt out of breath or hard to catch my breath??Not sure why.Should I mention to my RO?

  • Scottiee1
    Scottiee1 Member Posts: 1,790
    edited April 2013're on the wrong ... And yes, I'm positive you don't have anything but diverticulitis....❤

  • SusannahW
    SusannahW Member Posts: 375
    edited April 2013

    Ok, for sure I love you now Christine. I am following your advice about fluids right at this moment. As always, you've made me feel much better.

  • josie123
    josie123 Member Posts: 1,749
    edited April 2013

    Janis,thanks for the encouragement.I am a fighter I try to just get on with my life.Not much can hold me down.If my family sees me lay down in the middle of the day they know I'm either very tired or sick.I guess maybe because I don't allow myself to feel sorry for myself.If I did I'd probably Still be out of a job.There's always someone worse off than you.

  • josie123
    josie123 Member Posts: 1,749
    edited April 2013

    By the way .I found out today that if you need a good source of protein and Yuri out are busy like me Mac and cheese Kraft homestyle.It is microwave and has 14 grams of Protein.It comes in its own little microwave bowl 4min in micro and yum!!