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Radiation recovery



  • arabiansrock
    arabiansrock Member Posts: 40
    edited October 2020

    Can anyone give me any idea how long the breast swelling lasts after completion of radiation? When does the shrinking/perking up start? I had to get a new bra my cancer boob has swollen so much (or I wasn't wearing the correct size to begin with). Just wondering how long I will be wearing bigger size so I know how many to invest in. Don't want to have to do laundry every day to have a clean bra, but also don't want to waste money. If this bloody thing gets any bigger I will hit people walking down the street!

  • ctmbsikia
    ctmbsikia Member Posts: 773
    edited October 2020

    I went braless thru radiation. It could be just wearing the bra is causing the swelling. Just a thought? Until I was healed which was several weeks after I wore 100% cotton just pull over sports bra (like you wear to bed) until I felt healed and OK to put a regular one back on. I got rid of any with underwires too. Hope you feel better soon!

  • flashlight
    flashlight Member Posts: 311
    edited October 2020

    Hi arabiansrock, I finished radiation the first week in March and couldn't wear my regular bra until Aug/Sept. I wore my post surgical cotton bra all through radiation and after for comfort.

  • arabiansrock
    arabiansrock Member Posts: 40
    edited October 2020

    thank you for the comments, 6 months of swelling is a lot!!! I bought some nice stretchy soft ones but my RO said "support, lift, wear a strong support bra!" And I ride horses, and the bouncing is starting to hurt so def need support for that. So It sounds like I may need the larger size for many months after before the swelling goes down and shrinking begins. lovely. I am not one who ever wanted bigger ones. In fact I was hoping cancer boob would end up smaller after radiation because my healthy one has always been smaller, so I thought they might get close to matching.

    I was also hoping to avoid the turning bright red, but I am only 8 treatments in and starting to pink up already. I think I have already lost the burn battle. Oh well.

  • flashlight
    flashlight Member Posts: 311
    edited October 2020

    arabiansrock, My daughter is a horse lover too!! She said Arabians are a challenge, but she loves them. Maybe you could get a more supportive bra for when you ride and another for comfort? Aveeno skin relief intense moisturizing cream in a jar for extra dry skin worked for me. What cream or lotion are you using? Some mixed in aloe vera gel at bedtime. I only used that after the boost.

  • ctmbsikia
    ctmbsikia Member Posts: 773
    edited October 2020

    I really missed the boat when it came to wearing proper support. I wished I would have joined here when I was first diagnosed, but found my way here during radiation. I also wish BS would have had it on post op instructions.

    Anyway, since you love to ride and certainly the RO is not going to say you can't I think the larger size and best support you can get will be OK. Just be careful!

    While I realize some things just happen and maybe it wasn't all my fault, but this is where I missed the boat. I was folding laundry about 2 weeks post op without a bra and wala-a seroma came. Still did radiation without issue, other than healing skin. Then while at exercise class one day I think I dropped a weight on treated breast. Now, there's stuff showing up on every single test I take. Mammo, US, and MRI. I've only had (1) round of imaging that was perfect since surgery. Had a biopsy in Jan 2020 and it is fat necrosis. Last month Mammo again come back in 6 mos. developing something or other. It's a real pain. That's why I ask you to be careful.

  • arabiansrock
    arabiansrock Member Posts: 40
    edited October 2020

    flashlight - arabians are definitely a challenge if you are not used to them. They are more sensitive - responsive than other breeds, and you have to work very tactfully with them. They have a reputation for being spooky idiots, which is undeserved. There are a few spooky ones, but mostly they are extremely level headed if exposed to the world, and they LOVE children, and go out of their way to take care of the little ones. I am using Jean's cream (aloe vera and Vit E main ingredients), CeraVe moisturizing cream, and CeraVe Healing Ointment. 3x a day. I do have supportive bras for riding, RO keeps saying "lift" If I lift any higher they will be bumping my chin! She won't let me wear any comfy bras except for sleep.

    ctmbsikia - that sounds horrible - a weight dropping on your breast! I think I would have shrieked from pain! Sorry to hear things are showing up, hopefully it is all just damaged tissue trying to clear itself out and get replaced with healthy tissue. I wore a bra 24/7 for 3 weeks after surgery, the supportive kind. BS insisted. Also she would not let me do anything for 3 weeks. She looked straight at my husband when she said "no lifting anything heavier than a glass of water for 3 weeks".

    thank you for the warning to be careful, I am, the horses are actually very careful around me right now, I kind of wonder if they know. My dog, however, keeps trying to walk on my chest, ugh.

    RO yesterday did skin check and said I have cracking in my IMF. So now she is giving me mepilex to put on it, but it has to come off during treatment. I asked about using it from the get go for protection and she said no. we wait until you have a problem. I prefer to be proactive but... She also said I am really swollen. I was like yes I told you that last week and you weren't impressed. I guess now she is, I have to ice the swollen one. 2 weeks down, 2 to go.

  • rmlulu
    rmlulu Member Posts: 1,501
    edited January 2022

    Happy New Years y'all!

    Wow, it's been almost 10 years...

    Sitting by the fire wondering how y'all are doing.

    Josi - how is your family, sweet grands, and your job?

    Diane - those boys are growing so fast. Are they playing sports?

    April - have you been kind to yourself? Tired any new adventures?

    Brrokside - tax season us here again...busy? Winter white out your way.

    GiGil - how are you doing? Hope you are comfortable with your plan (((squeeze))) and still star gazing?

    Have you tired skyview app? It's very cool check it out.

    Joan - how are doing? Enjoying retirement? Visiting out west? Let me know when you might be in CO this summer. Maybe we can meetup...Lone Tree CO.

    I have been trying new things and discovered that I enjoy golf! It's outdoors on beautiful courses, you can walk for exercise, and it's very social...oh and there's food and drink afterwards. Best is there are prizes for game days! My husband and I just won our 9 hole couples championship....what a hoot

    Mainly, when Covid hit all my indoor activities got put on hold. Golf was a lifesaver so I decided to learn...still a tango every once in a while.

    Hope to hea from y'all...



  • brooksidevt
    brooksidevt Member Posts: 1,432
    edited January 2022

    So happy to see you! I rarely check back these days, but just passed the nine-year mark and it brought me right here. I'm a golfer now too. For years, I avoided it like the plague but, surprise--it's fun! Of course, I am too much of a beginner to have to worry about my score.

    I'm retired, but have doing taxes every March and half of April, and this year started doing a little bookkeeping. Absolutely love this stuff!

    There is a lot of snow outside and a feral cat is trapped under the el (a shed attached to the house). I've been pouring food down through a hole in the floor. I also maneuvered a shallow dish through the 2-inch opening and can pour water down there too. Poor cat. Tonight, my youngest is coming up to go skiing. He'll be able, I hope, to open a very heavy trap door and maybe the cat can come upstairs, maybe even sleep in the laundry room, which is heated.

    Feeling good here. Looking forward to hearing from you again.

  • rmlulu
    rmlulu Member Posts: 1,501
    edited February 2022

    Brookside - good to hear from you! After tax season, check out site Great info and lessons. Glad you are doing well. If you ever head west and want to play...let me know...I'm game

    Just got an all good for my 9 year check up. Yeah.

    Yesterday, a sweet fun feisty TX BC sister loss her hard.

    Love to all



  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,980
    edited October 2022

    Hi to my friends at Radiation Recovery,
    I see that the last post was February 2022. I am no help - I haven't been around since Fall 2021.
    In case any of you gets email notifications, maybe we can have a reunion here or send PMs.
    I think of you all often. Brookside, RMLulu you are the most recent here.
    Thinking of all the ladies who were active here for the last ten years.
    Most I assume have moved into recovery and a busier life.
    I have found it hard to keep up with all the social media and emails and texts that happen every day.
    I am 11 years out from breast cancer and radiation; and four years out this month from ovarian cancer.
    Surviving this long from Stage 3 ov ca is a blessing. Life is good...lots of visits to grandkids, one grandkid got married,I am retired from working and DH still works. We travel a lot.
    I will try to post a photo with DH from August in Colorado. We just had the last of the wind and rain from the Florida Hurricane which made it to New York as a fragmented storm.
    Best wishes to all the recent ladies who are undergoing or recovering from radiation.
    Hope everyone is well.

    Joan811 Member since August 2011


  • gigil
    gigil Member Posts: 916
    edited October 2022

    Joan., so good to hear from you and that things are going well. I am glad I checked back here and found a post from you. I too have been out of primary treatment for breast cancer for 11 years. Lately I am spending a little time on the Stage IV Mets boards. I was diagnosed with bone mets two and a half years ago. I am doing well. Although it was quite a shock, I am finding life to be quite wonderful and treatment not too tough at all. Right now I am on an AI. Soon I might be switching to a different AI and targeted therapy. Hello to all old friends - hope you are doing well and to new friends. I will try to check back more often. Love, GiGi

  • edwards750
    edwards750 Member Posts: 1,568
    edited October 2022

    Wow - glad several of my BC sisters from long ago are doing well. I think about our group often and wonder if they are okay.

    I am 11 years out too coincidentally; so far, so good.

    We haven't travelled much because of family stuff, DH is working at home. He goes into his office on Wednesdays. It’s been nice having him around during the day. Before he was allowed to do so I might see him at 9:00 every night.

    On a very sad note. My sister died from BC 3 years ago this past August. We were all devastated to say the least. She was my only sister. She lived in Georgia and I live in Tennessee. When her cancer came back the first time it was to her MX scar. She suffered so from drugs that caused more pain and endless scans. When it came back the second time it had travelled to her liver. She was unrecognizable. Heartbreaking.
    She came to the West Tennessee Cancer Clinic here where I was treated for a second opinion. She was in the hospital for 2 weeks before she died. I can’t begin to tell you how painful this has been for the family and me in particular.

    I take flowers to her grave and my other loved ones parents and 2 brothers for every occasion. My BiL is hanging in there. He depended so much on her as did I.

    I pray that they find a cure some day. Too many women have suffered from this insidious disease.

    Anyway thanks for listening.


  • rmlulu
    rmlulu Member Posts: 1,501
    edited October 2022

    Good Evening Sweet Ladies

    It is so nice to see y’all still here… Joan, Gigil, Diane thank you for sharing g

    December will be 10 years for me. I am very thankful for your support and encouragement over the years.

    My stepdaughter has been diagnosed a 3rd time with bc…ugh. It is now in her ovaries. She meets soon with mo for a battle plan. She is 45 married with no children…cancer #### Thus, I find myself reading threads wondering and hoping

    Have enjoyed escaping TX heat for CO. But headed out now.image



  • mistyeyes
    mistyeyes Member Posts: 581
    edited October 2022

    Diane - I am so sorry to hear about your sister. It is so hard to lose a sibling and in such a heart breaking way.

    Thinking of you and your family.

  • brooksidevt
    brooksidevt Member Posts: 1,432
    edited October 2022

    So nice to see everyone and to know you are doing well! Like Cindy, I'm just about to my 10-year anniversary. Last week, my onc ditched me, not just because it's been 10 years, but because they are having a hard time finding docs to work in NH and they're swamped. Currently, they are down two breast oncs and one nurse practitioner. To me, that sounds a lot! I still see the surgical nurse practitioner post mammo for a same-day report and a thorough breast exam. With the teeny-tiny lumpies the new mammos can find, one exam/year seems enough.

    I've been fine, played golf nearly every day this summer, but still a beginner. I'm still working part time, bookkeeping and tax returns. A few of us are planning our 60th high school reunion. This was the year, but as we're old and slow, the actual reunion will be in 2023. This will be only the third our class has ever had. City folk!

    Joan, i was in Wilton last weekend, thinking of you, as I tend to do there, and wondering whether your daughter is still in the town next door?