Needing Opinions....Pic Included

KD2011 Member Posts: 10

Okay this is my first post so if I come off as confusing I apologize! I am 32 years old and hoping someone can help!

March of 2010 I noticed what appeared to be dry skin on the bottom of my right breast. It itched like crazy and turned a deep purple-ish red around the dry skin. The skin then became a sore that scabbed over . This spot was about the size of a pencil eraser when it started. As weeks went by I noticed that the scab seemed to get thicker and it started hurting when it was touched.

In Oct 2010 I decided to get it looked at by my PCP. At this point the sore haad been there for at least 6 months. The breast started becoming painful all the time and it was warm and red. It looked like I had burst blood vessels along the bottom of my breast. He said it was an infection and prescribed antibiotics. He refused to let me see a breast clinic until I had taken the medication. I took the antibiotics for 2 weeks with no change. I was able to convince him to let me see a specialist because during that time I had read about IBC. I was given a diagnostic mammogram. The radiologist at that point said that it did not present as IBC but I had a lump that needed to be looked at in the same breast. They did a songram and a biospy that day and told me that the area of concern was more oval than he liked but it was probably nothing. The results came back as benign andthey put a marker in for future mamograms. Was told to return in 6 months for a follow up and to request to see a dermotologist for the sore on the outside.

I changed PCP's around this time and my new doctor wanted to do a biopsy of the area. He said that it could take a while to get in to see a dematologist and if I let him do it we could at least know what we are looking at. He did the first biopsy in 12/10. The results came back inconclusive so he asked to perform a second. The second biopsy he actually used a scalpel to cut a football shaped biopsy. This came back as inflammation. After he cut the area out it took forever to heal. I was sent to the dermatologist but of course he had cut out the area so there was nothing to be seen.

2nd mamogram done in March 2011 and told to come back in 3 years. After this appt I found out that my father's sister has Stage 3 Breast Cancer is she is only 48. I am adopted so I am just finding out his history. My aunt asked me to get my BRCA2 gene test done because she is positive as her daughter. Her father also had breast cancer.

After a few months the sore opened up again and became scabby. Whatever it is has spread to the other side (think right bottom of breast) and I now have another sore. The original area is about the size of a nickle and very purple and red. It forms a ring around the scab and the skin is very tough around it. The second area is a little smaller and about the size of a dime. The scab and skin color are the same for it. It now looks like I have burst blood vessels all on the bottom of my breast and it looks like small red spider veins all over my breast.The biopsies were painful and I don't want to go through that again if I don't have to.

I'm just wondering if anyone has heard of this or has had it happen to them. I am at a loss as to what it could be because if it was IBC I would be much sicker I think. The areas are very painful (especially when when I get cold and the nipple hardens. I think it pulls the skin and the pain is becoming unbearable.) My kids touching me has become painful. I have put neosporin and a bandaid on the area to fight any infection but all it does is cause the scab to peel away and leaves a hole. You can see into my breast when it does that. I have a special needs son so I have a hard time making time to go through all this again. Just hoping someone has a suggestion! Thanks for reading!

(Edited by Mods to remove photo. Posting pictures of symptoms is prohibited per our Community Rules)


  • Lowrider54
    Lowrider54 Member Posts: 333
    edited September 2011

    I haven't seen anything like this but it does not look right for sure.  After all you have been through, you really need to see a breast surgeon - locate a full service breast center and get an appointment. 

    In some ways, it appears like an allergic reaction to something - underwire bra and laundry detergent can do awful things.  If you sweat under your breast a lot, it is a perfect area for bacteria.  Also, if you do sweat a lot under the breast - I did - I would sometimes use an antipersperant to cut down on the wetness on my shirts - not the best idea but I have learned a lot since then. 

    I would do away with the neosporin and get some A & D oinment - lately, reactions to neosporin have been common. 

    One thing, don't equate being sick with bc.  Many times, you will feel great!  It is not a good indicator of having cancer in the breast.  I felt totally fine - all through the testing and even through the surgery - it wasn't until I started chemo that I started to feel sick.  Once chemo was finished, there was a 6 month recovery period and I was pretty much back to my old self.

    KD...don't mess around with the info on this site under the Home tab - the  Moderators have put together great info and links.  See a breast clinic - your PCP knowns lots but when it comes to the breast - see a specialist.  Perhaps a breast MRI would show more.  Mamo's are good and will pick up calcifications better, US will see a bit more but I think a breast MRI may offer you some guidance into what is going on.  Have they considered skin cancer?  It can happen anywhere on the body and would just be the location on the breast that may be confusing. 

    I am just tossing out some options...wish you the best...


  • marial
    marial Member Posts: 98
    edited September 2011

    I had an area before that looked similar but did t not have any of the vein issues..mine wss on the bottom of my breast and was a boil..had to warm compress,drain, let it dry out and happened a couple times then went away..but again, had no other of luck getting this resolved and properly diagnosed!

  • ma111
    ma111 Member Posts: 167
    edited September 2011


    This does not look or sound like my inflamatory breast cancer. Mine has no vasculararity that can be seen. It is red with pits and my nipple sinks in. I am glad your bx came back ok. I agree to have your BCRA done. Try your gyne doc, they see more breast diseases than PCP.

    Do you have any other diseases like diabeties that would prevent you from healing? I also like your new PCP better who jumped on things and did a bx, good move there.

  • dogeyed
    dogeyed Member Posts: 84
    edited September 2011

    I ditto LOWRIDER's advice, you MUST see a breast cancer oncologist physician.  Cancer Clinics and Centers are in most medium and large cities, so if you have to travel, do it.  Your regular doc can give you a referral, ask him please.  You can make yourself aware of what is in your town, and if you find nothing, find out in a larger city nearby if they have a cancer clinic.  That way, if your regular doc doesn't know these things, you can tell him.  Hospitals have oncologists, but some may not be as familiar with breast cancer, especially IBC, still you could just go to the ER and perhaps the right doc will show up.  What you need is a skin punch biopsy, it's a little different from a regular biopsy.  See, IBC is in the skin.  Sometimes an MRI will reveal IBC.  It is tough to diagnose, but a breast cancer surgeon with a group practice would know almost instantly if you have that or not, just by a clinical diagnosis.

    One thing that helps figure out what's going on is how it compares to the other breast.  I'm assuming your other one does not have broken red vessels and varicose veins too, by the way you told your story.  And you said your breast was red and warm, also painful.  So, IF your affected breast is swollen, too, much more than the other one, there is a chance you do have IBC.  Or it could be a matter of a skin sore that will not heal, and that's a whole another ballgame.  Sores like that are not normal, broken red vessels and blue varicose veins are not normal, and if it is quite swollen also, as compared to your other breast, then I think you need to see a breast cancer doctor ASAP.

    Let us know what you do and how things go. GG

  • Claudia413
    Claudia413 Member Posts: 4
    edited September 2011

    Definitely get to a breast specialist and have IBC ruled out. There are way too many doctors out there who are clueless about the signs and symptoms of IBC. I know that for a fact, personally. I only had one symptom, a slight red blotchiness on one breast and was told I had to have ALL the symptoms to have IBC. Not true! Also you can't be too young or told old to have IBC.

    I am a 4-yr survivor of IBC and a volunteer with the Inflammatory Breast Cancer Foundation. Every day I hear stories about women not being able to get a proper diagnosis and want to scream. If you have signs and symptoms of IBC, are not pregnant, not nursing, and aren't running a temperature, you don't have an infection and YOU DON'T NEED ANTIBIOTICS. This is when you insist upon having IBC ruled out since it's highly aggressive. Good luck and let us know how it works out for you.

  • KD2011
    KD2011 Member Posts: 10
    edited September 2011

    Thank you all for the advice. Looks like I will be contacting my PCP to skip the dermatologist and head straight for a breast surgeon. In all honesty, I'm just so tired of the pain. Thanks for your time!

  • ma111
    ma111 Member Posts: 167
    edited September 2011

    If your PCP doesn't let you have a referral, than go to your gyne. They can also refer you.

  • chester2010
    chester2010 Member Posts: 7
    edited September 2011

    I'm sorry you have to go through all this but I concur with the other ladies, you need to get someone more experienced to check things out and give you an MRI and skin punch biopsy.  Hopefully it is not IBC but don't let the doctors dismiss your concerns.  You are a young woman and need to be healthy and have strength to take care of your young son -- and yourself.  Something is wrong and then the anxiety wears you out too.  I hope  you'll get another opinion from a breast specialist.  Good luck and keep in touch.

  • Shrek4
    Shrek4 Member Posts: 519
    edited September 2011

    Not breast surgeon. Breast cancer specialized oncologist. Unless you have a specialist in oncology surgery also specialized in breast cancer. What state are you in?

  • molola
    molola Member Posts: 1
    edited September 2011

    When my mom had IBC, there was no veins to be seen in her affected breast and her normal breast on the other hand showed the usual amount of veins.  My understanding is IBC is in the lymphatic system and thickens the skin and makes vascular system disappear. 

    So it makes me think yours is not IBC.  However, I am no expert.  Please go to a specialist to rule it out.  

  • Laura_Jean
    Laura_Jean Member Posts: 3
    edited September 2011

    Agree with what others have said - see a specialist, preferably someone who is familiar with IBC. IBC can present in many different ways and the skin can range anywhere from slightly pink to "orange peel" type appearance. You need an expert to check it out and evaluate it.

    Skin punch biopsy is usually done to see if there are cancer cells in the skin, which would lean the diagnosis towards IBC.



  • KD2011
    KD2011 Member Posts: 10
    edited September 2011

    I live in the Texas Panhandle. We have a breast clinic here that I have seen before for this problem. I had the mammogram and sonogram done there and the radiologist said that it was a skin problem and to see a dermatologist. They did a punch biopsy of the first sore and it came back as incnclusive. The second biopsy showed inflamation. The mottled, bruising, spider veins look keeps spreading around the breast with no signs of slowing down. There is a 2nd sore that has formed and the whole breast is painful. I'm at such a loss as to what to do because I keep getting shuffled from breast clinic to dermatolgosit to PCP. It's just frustrating! :) The unaffected breast looks healthy and has no big veins or broken vessels. It's just the right one.

  • HerSister
    HerSister Member Posts: 7
    edited September 2011

    Hi KD,

    Since the clinic you mentioned seems to not know what's going on, don't go back to them.  How about calling Univ. of TX, MD Anderson Cancer Center?  I know they specialize in treatment, so not sure if they diagnose, but it might be worth a call to them.  Maybe they can refer you to someone in your area (let them know about the clinic you've been seeing so you don't get referred to them) if they don't diagnose.  If they diagnose, it would definitely be worth a trip to see them (if you're not already nearby).  MD Anderson also has docs that specialize in IBC, so they really should know the symptoms of IBC.

    And, as Day wrote, you said "breast surgeon" - - everyone was suggesting you see a breast specialist, not surgeon. Unless, as Day pointed out, that surgeon also is a specialist.

    Hope everything clears up for you soon!  Please keep us posted.

  • 1Athena1
    1Athena1 Member Posts: 672
    edited September 2011


    Worst case scenario, if cancer centers refuse to see you without a dx (which they most likely will), or your PCP doesn't take it seriously quickly enough, you could always go to the ER of a major hospital complaining of pain. Once the doctors take a look they are bound to order some biopsy tests. Good luck to you - sorry to see what's going on! 

  • KD2011
    KD2011 Member Posts: 10
    edited September 2011

    I was able to get in to see a dermatolgist today. When he saw the breast he said we needed a punch biopsy immediately. He only did one of the worst part of my breast. I asked if he could do several from all the red parts but he refused. I guess I am happy to see that he took it seriously enough to do the biopsy without any pressure. I just hope that it will show anything. He did comment that the skin was very tough and thickened. He used sissors to cut the affected skin out from around the area and placed a silicone plug ti help heal it instead of stiches. It has been sent to a specialist in skin pathology so I wont know results for at least 2 weeks. Thank you all for your concern and information. Here's hoping that we get a correct diagnosis....whatever it may be :)

  • HerSister
    HerSister Member Posts: 7
    edited September 2011

    So glad it sounds as if you now have someone that knows what they are doing to help you!

    Please keep us posted.

  • Claudia413
    Claudia413 Member Posts: 4
    edited October 2011

    Yes, keep us posted. I'd really like to know what was/is going on.

  • HerSister
    HerSister Member Posts: 7
    edited October 2011

    Hi KD,

    Just wanted to let you know I was thinking about you so I popped in to see your post to see if you've updated yet.  I hope things are going well.  Hope you don't forget about us & let us know how you're doing!

    Take care & please update when you can. 

  • KD2011
    KD2011 Member Posts: 10
    edited October 2011

    Sorry, I have been in Fort Worth with my son (about 6 hours from where I live) running tests in the hospital. I have my follow up appt on Wed so I will definetely be back with an update. I hate the stories that just end and you never know what happens! :) Thanks for the thoughts!

  • Laura_Jean
    Laura_Jean Member Posts: 3
    edited October 2011

    Hope your tests turn out well.

    Laura Jean 

  • KD2011
    KD2011 Member Posts: 10
    edited October 2011

    Well, I am no closer to finding out what is going on than I was a month ago, The newest biopsy of the 2nd ulcer came back as inflammation. The DR said whatever is happening the inflammation is a direct result of something going on deeper in the breast tissue. What does that even mean? So I mad, pissy, and depressed because I had hoped that this would be an answer for me. He gave me cortisone shot to help with the inflammation and man does that sting! I asked him if the constant inflammation could be caused by IBC and he just shortly told me he knew what that was and that I am now out of his scope of care. I go to my PCP tomorrow and will ask for a referral for a breast specialist. I'm tired of people not knowing what's going on! Anyone have any insight as to what is causing the inflammation? Still have the deep red/purple "bruising" along the bottom of the breast, the breast is very painful (even my toddlers touching me causes tears), the original sore has gotten worse with it's scabbing and the biopsy site actually looks good at the moment. Breast is still at least a cup size bigger and it is crazy itchy ALL THE TIME! Thanks for your support! It's nice to know that hopeful someone out there has dealt with this!

  • KD2011
    KD2011 Member Posts: 10
    edited March 2013

    I wrote this many months ago (feels like forever) and have yet to have an answer. My PCP made the statement today that I have no more time in waiting to figure out what this is. He is sending me to MD Anderson for an answer. I have seen at least 10 doctors and countless medications. The pain is so bad I am now on Hydrocodone every 4 hours. Not really sure what I'm expecting but maybe someone has seen this before or has a general idea what it could be.

  • worriedwifetoo
    worriedwifetoo Member Posts: 1
    edited March 2013

    Kd2011 I saw your pic, I am so sorry you are going thru so much pain and not knowing what the problem is. It could be anything from IBC, an infection, to a spider bite. I can't give you any answers but I am praying for you. Please keep us posted. Worriedwife

  • brunetteAngie
    brunetteAngie Member Posts: 1
    edited July 2013

    well i know this was posted a long time ago, but from what i read and saw, this looks like inflammatory breast cancer... If you search it up and look at pics it looks just like this...

  • exbrnxgrl
    exbrnxgrl Member Posts: 5,358
    edited July 2013


    Though the op is old, I caution anyone with questions to see their doctors ASAP. Online diagnosis or speculation based on a photo posted to non-medical professionals is a bad idea.

  • KD2011
    KD2011 Member Posts: 10
    edited August 2013

    No I haven't had any types of scans. The dr was so sure it was a fistula and with surgery it would heal . Needless to say after the first 3 weeks it stayed closed it reopened. Back to square one with everyone. Had a vacuum assisted biopsy Monday that pulled out a regular tan biopsy and 2 black pieces of a biopsy. I'm having hell getting anyone at all to listen to me. I've just sort of given up .

  • Elsie0203
    Elsie0203 Member Posts: 1
    edited August 2013


    To your knowledge can periductal mastitis affect both breasts at the same time?  The rash and pain has spread to the other breast in my case though not as severely.

    Many Thanks and Good luck

  • KD2011
    KD2011 Member Posts: 10
    edited August 2013

    I have not had it happen to me. It's been the same breast for 3 years. I've been unsuccessful finding much information on the whole subject unfortunely.

  • ButterflyLady
    ButterflyLady Member Posts: 9
    edited August 2013

    I am so sorry that you are still having to deal with this.  I can't believe that in all this time, nobody can figure out what is going wrong.  I know you must be terribly frustrated.  I know I would be.  I would push for a scan to be done and see what that shows.  It is horrible that the doctors aren't doing more to help you.  You are in my prayers.