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Implants...does your "foobs" get itchy!!!



  • crossh
    crossh Member Posts: 28

    I'm 4 months out since my last surgery, final implant placement. I also have the itch you can't scratch. It feels like it's under the implant. Sometimes it's one side, sometimes the other. The more you try to scratch, the more it itches. I thought I was going to bust open my implant last night I was rubbing it so hard! It's awful. My PS also said it was nerve regeneration. Hopefully it goes away.

  • 11yrsout
    11yrsout Member Posts: 1

    Unbelievable! I'm 11 years out and have been complaining about this can't-reach itch since day one! Everyone looks at me like I'm making it up. Every single doc has shrugged at my asking WTF is going on. Yeah, I get it that it's nerve-related, but until reading all of your postings, ladies, I have never heard of someone else experiencing this! I use the same words: clawing, can't reach, happens more at night....

    So, here is the power of group therapy/forums. Somehow there is comfort in knowing I'm not alone here. Okay, so we ALL claw at ourselves until the front of our T-shirts are stretched out! What now?

    The woman who mentioned Vagisil has given me the only hope. I'll investigate this.

    No one in my life understands how agonizing this is. I'm about to have surgery to redo my implants as one has ruptured - incapsulated. I am praying that having things fixed will magically relieve the itching.

    People think that once your cancer is gone - and of course that is the #1 objective - that you're fine. My reconstruction has been agonizing for all these years. And now I have Lymphedema; a slight case compared to many, but enough to keep me from living normally and doing some things I love to do.

  • robinblessed54
    robinblessed54 Member Posts: 485

    Karen1956, I have been scratching like a first baseman just not my crotch! You can’t get to it. But here’s my story:

    I have the recalled Allergan 410 textured implants. Devil

    Yes, I am angry! I have an appointment with my PS on October 24. I am demanding explanting them and replace them with smooth ones. I believe this has to do with the BIA-ALCL. I am looking forward to softer results.


  • di2012
    di2012 Member Posts: 871

    I have the itchys (and swelling)........& also have the recalled Implants too! It began lt a couple months less 2 years after "installed in 2016.....I emailed my breast surgeon and she told me to contact my plastic surgeon....he order an MRI and showed 3 enlarged lymph nodes under lefty and 1 enlarged lymph node (righty) behind my chest wall....BUT not on the MRI when cancer was confirmed at DX. (No reaction by PS

    My Oncologist ordered another MRI 6 months later, and again at 1 year later...along with a ultrasound .....lymph nodes still there after 1.5 years......the last was in May 2017

    I saw my BS this week and although he does not think it is anything to worry about, but HE wants to remove the Implants and send everything to pathology...(righty node cannot be removed,) and reconstruct my chest, with or without TINY implant which will NOT be under my chest muscles.

    (Had to have my 13.5 year old Boston Terrier, Jelly Beans , euthanized this afternoon..I am.very VERY sad and so are her 3 " kids"....her only male dog, BUOY, looked and sniffed at her, in her little "coffin shaped " box the vet put her in for me to take her home for burial, and began whining and howling...the " girls" Chu Chu, and Vivi sniffed her and would walk away, and go look at her again and again they looked very sad.......they knew (as well as us humans) that she was having seizure more and more often, and today was terrible IT WAS time.)


  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,305

    I am posting this on several threads that might be relevant.

    I have the Allergan 410 Anatomical Textured implants. They were "installed" in 2011. I really like the implants so I determined to have some testing before jumping off the cliff. My MO ordered both a diagnostic ULS and an MRI. I went back to the radiologist who was 'spot on' for my original diagnosis.

    I had already seen both the PS and the MO and both of them said they don't see any problems, but...

    Today I had the ULS. This is a radiologist that I REALLY trust. He has seen a couple of ALCL instances out of a ton of people. I wanted an ULS to verify - and maybe an MRI follow up. In his opinion, he has seen either fluid or a mass if the patient has ALCL. He saw nothing abnormal on my films. My gut reaction is NO - I am not going to explant and I am not going to have any more surgery just now. As I suspected, my pain is likely from radiation after effects. When I pushed him for a 'survivorship plan', (my MO basically says do nothing) he suggested I come back every two years since I already had a recurrence 2 years after the original cancer & implants. He said many women come every year because they are worried and need reassurance or to have their hands held. Not a judgement, just a fact.

    He said I can surely have the MRI if I want, but I am confident enough of his skills that I will pass on the MRI & extra radiation for now. And I will agree with my PS that I don't need to worry so much.
  • OnTarget
    OnTarget Member Posts: 124

    I had some crazy itching of my palms and soles of my feet with my chemo, and I think it is part of peripherial neuropathy, so essentially a nerve issue. At the same time, my nerve damaged areas around my foobs was itching too, including my armpit and back of my triceps where I'm numb.

    I took Gabapentin and the symptoms went away. Not sure if that is the cure, but it helped me!

  • di2012
    di2012 Member Posts: 871

    My implants are being removed NEXT WEEK! I saw two different plastic surgeons......both want to take them out, going to the PS at UW, he is also a professor.

    No more implants but doc told me I would probably end up an A cups, (instead of a divits, like after my MX, & before reconstruction.)

    My implants intact in in their capsules, will go to pathology, and then will be rerturned to me along with pictures.

    Hopefully my pain will diminish and I will be able to use my arms again, instead of arms from elbow to hands ONLY.

    NO MORE ITCHY, NO MORE SWELLING, no more implants!

  • WC3
    WC3 Member Posts: 658

    Yes. I get an unscratchable itch on the cancer side and the only thing that seems to help is putting the surgical bra back on.

  • di2012
    di2012 Member Posts: 871

    Pick up my implants last week... at UW......they each have a home in 2 biohazard containers, with which is right and which is left......they were cleaned & weigh a LOT!!!!!

    And I weigh a lot less!



  • B123
    B123 Member Posts: 239

    So glad to find this post! I am 10 years out and started having itching on my R side which was the effected side, happens off/on through out day. Driving me crazy because I can’t itch the itch. Why is this happening? I had a breast MRI in March, all good. These implants are not what I expected. Why does it itch and how do you make it stop?

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,305

    B123 - you may or may not get an answer. This tread hasn't been active since last year.

    I don't have itching on my foobs, but I do have itching on the inside of my arm from ALND surgery.

  • B123
    B123 Member Posts: 239

    Ok will look further, thank you.

  • LovesLiterature
    LovesLiterature Member Posts: 19

    yep! Itchy foob on breast cancer side.does anyone have small bumps near armpit area by breast? I’m worried I still have breast tissue there. Had a bilateral mastectomy back in 2016. Doctors always say I have nothing to worry about, but I do. I was suppose to see my PS about this other little bump near my old lumpectomy scar, but Covid happened and they cancelled me. I literally feel cancelled.

  • di2012
    di2012 Member Posts: 871


    Do you have textured implant?

    I really feel that was my problem and shortly after my plastic surgeon removed my textured iimplants, I felt so much better.....I have no implant now, but small "foobs" made/formed from my of my own fat from my inner thighs.....they are warm.....rather than my COLD chest with big implants.....this fits my now 116lb body so much better....


  • LovesLiterature
    LovesLiterature Member Posts: 19

    hi! No, I have silicone implants. You’re right! They are cold as ice on any given, warm day. I’m coming up on my 4 year anniversary and I wish I could take them out. I actually want to go flat. My friends think I’m crazy, but I’m unsettled by the idea of cancer coming back and lurking under the foobs! The itching probably wouldn’t get better if I went flat because of nerve damage... so there’s that. I’m glad you came through a natural fake boob surgery... I hear recovery is tough.

  • di2012
    di2012 Member Posts: 871


    My implants were Natrelle brand, (also silicone, & textured), but had a texture on the outside of the implants...maybe to keep them in place. They were recalled, but the implant company discouraged having them remove if one DID NOT have any problems.

    I had to wait a month after my bilateral MX, BEFORE starting reconstruction .......(due to a post op infection for my hip area....10 YEARS previously!!!!!!) so l know what it looks like w/o implants.....2 BIG DENTS in my chest!


  • ShaneOak
    ShaneOak Member Posts: 84

    Bumping this thread.

    Really interesting reading. I’m nearly 8 years post surgery and the cancer side foob often itches like crazy still. Alcohol makes it 100% worse. Thinking I may not wait until the 10 year mark for replacements.

  • kdrhoton
    kdrhoton Member Posts: 2

    I also have itching from my implants! The itching started on day 1 and that was 12 years ago. I had the implants replaced by a different surgeon 5 years out thinking maybe there was some scar tissue causing issues, but nope! I had them replaced and the itching continued. He didn't see anything wrong when he replaced them. I really feel that I must be allergic to silicone, but I don't know. My doctor acted like I was the only one with this itching problem. Good to know that I am not the only one. I'm thinking about getting my implants removed and considering a DIEP flap. How are you doing now?

  • kdrhoton
    kdrhoton Member Posts: 2

    I also have itching from my implants and it's worse at night. My allergist said that it's possible that I am allergic to the silicone. He said it's normal to suffer more from itching in the evening. It drives me crazy. Seriously thinking about getting a DIEP flap and have these implants removed.

  • LisaK12
    LisaK12 Member Posts: 18

    I have this too. I was wondering whether it's possible to be allergic to the AlloDerm or something else associated with the silicone implants.

  • WC3
    WC3 Member Posts: 658

    I occasionally get an internal itch that can't be scratched but in my case I think it's the implant irritating a nerve in my chest wall. It's usually at night and it drives me crazy but putting my surgical bra on sometimes help. I think because it repositions the implants.

  • tb90
    tb90 Member Posts: 290

    I have the same occasionally internal itch that cannot be relieved and mostly in the evening. But I did not have reconstruction! Is this possibly something to do with nerves? Like phantom pain, etc following a mastectomy. Just adding this in case this has nothing to do with the implants at all.

  • Minlinthemomof5
    Minlinthemomof5 Member Posts: 1

    So glad I found this site. I am 4+ years BLM. Just today I started having itching on my right foob that felt like it was coming from the inside. Hard to explain to husband and daughter. They thought I was nuts. Nerve regeneration sounds most likely. This is going to make me crazy. I’m calling my PS in the morning to make plans to get these things out. I have been wanting to for a long time because on top of this new thing, the last few yearsI have had chronic hives. I will break out with them every day unless I take double doses of anti-histamine. I never had hives in my life until about a year after my implants. Also within the last two years I have developed ocular migraine’s which I never had before. May or may not be caused by the implants, but I have had my suspicions for a long time. Now with this new itching problem it pretty well makes up my mind. I should add that I have the textured silicone implants. When I had my mastectomy I wasn’t going to get implants, but a couple of my friends talked me into it. I will check back on this thread from time to time and let y’all know how this turns out for me.

  • rebrod
    rebrod Member Posts: 1

    Hi, I am new to the forum. I too have suffered from numbness and the extract same itchy sensation you describe. The itching feels like it’s behind the implant, where you can’t reach it or alleviate the itchy sensation. The itchy sensation began almost immediately after my surgery, and comes and goes. I have used Atarax and it helps but knocks you out. It also helps with the anxiety the itchy feeling brings on since there is no way to relieve it. I have saline implants in, under the muscle 10+ years. Thinking of having them removed.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606

    Just coming back with the new forum, this showed up as unread. Thanks for everyone's input.

  • mauren0
    mauren0 Member Posts: 1
    edited August 2023

    @Lula73 Vagisil for the win…OMG your post has saved me. I had the worst itching around my breast. I’m 6 weeks post op and all I wanted to do was scratch. It’s a combination of itchy and burning. It’s horrible and nothing would help, no cortisone, anti itch lotions, calamine or Benadryl. NOTHING. I saw your post and I gave it a try last night and omg, NO MORE ITCHY. I slept the whole night, and today I put some more on the morning and went to work and nothing, no pain, no burning, no itching. Thanks so much !!

  • I totally embarrassed myself, I was taking an online class… didn’t realize I could be seen!

    I was scratching like a madwoman! LOL

    Im 11 years out but these implants are 6 years old, still itch sporadically.

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,558

    @katherinethe1st kind of funny! We've all done things like this! Thanks for joining us, and for giving some comic relief!

  • lillyishere
    lillyishere Member Posts: 786

    Internal itch comes and goes. It happens in stressful situations. Yelling at the kids while scratching myslef like a monkey. Help!