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Ports/tell me your pain level after placement



  • kltb04
    kltb04 Member Posts: 234
    edited March 2012

    My pain is significantly better today with the port. Still uncomfortable but better. That however is being offset by pain swelling and redness in my SNB side/site. Geez can I get a break here???

  • rjbaby69
    rjbaby69 Member Posts: 6
    edited March 2012


    I had my port placed on the left side in an outpatient surgery setting.  I had no problems during or after surgery.  Maybe took some tylenol but that was all.  Had a script for pain pills but never got them filled.  I have a very high pain threshold and I know lots of people don't.  It was placed in August of 2011.  I was supposed to leave it in there a while but I guess I thought I was wonder woman after my last chemo in December and decided to do some rearranging of my very heavy Christmas decoration boxes.  Needless to say, developed a severe infection after around New Year's and had the port removed on January 13.  The BS drained the infection before surgery then my onc drained the site twice after surgery due to fluid build up.  When they put it in, they used glue to "sew" me up.  When the BS removed it, he used stitches since my infection was so severe.  To me, it was more painful to remove it but then again, the infection was pretty bad.  I still did not take anything stronger than tylenol for the pain.  It is still a little sore but I think that will diminish in time.


  • fredntan
    fredntan Member Posts: 237
    edited March 2012

    wow it seems like more people have pain that requires script than not. I wonder if its a age thing. 

  • drwendy
    drwendy Member Posts: 3
    edited March 2012

    I'm betting not an age thing, I'm 40 and my port was awful.  It hurt vicodin-bad for at least a week, and tylenol-bad for another 3.  It sticks out on my left side a LOT and it was probably 6 weeks before a seatbelt wasn't painful.  I'm not very wussy (I run marathons) but it made me hate (and continue to hate) my port, though it got me through chemo with a few veins left to my name. 

  • exbrnxgrl
    exbrnxgrl Member Posts: 5,358
    edited March 2012

    One thing to consider is how many with/without pain were just having port placement and how many were having other procedures at the same time. Also, does the brand of port and obviously location of placement make a difference. I can see more pain if it's placed in your arm since most of us move them a lot. I don't think age is a factor either.


  • kicks
    kicks Member Posts: 319
    edited March 2012

    Good points exbrnxgrl! I was 63 when my Power Port put in and started A/C the next day. Surgeon told me it might take longer and be a bit harder as 'you're thin'. I 'jumped' him because I was NOT thin (just slightly over 'ideal') and thought he was being sarcastic. He wasn't and we got past it. So I had no pain issues and was older and 'thin'. I think (only my thoughts) how normally active you were has something to do with your experiences with implantation and after. Still have mine 2 1/2 yrs out and I never think about it being there other than going to monthly flushes.

  • kltb04
    kltb04 Member Posts: 234
    edited March 2012

    My last update on this one - day four post port and I am fine - just a little residual soreness.  Looking back, I would say the first day after was painful enough that I was sidelined (if I hadn't been from other issues already), the second day was still quite uncomfortable, but by day three it was ok.

  • fredntan
    fredntan Member Posts: 237
    edited March 2012

    I'm going to do a study at work calling past patients getting them to rate pain. I've never done a study have no idea how. will think about this later. this has given me enough data to realize that we may be undertreating our port patients pain after. talked to my Nurse manager and sheagrees it would be good to look into

  • Kelloggs
    Kelloggs Member Posts: 303
    edited March 2012

    My port surgery caused alot of pain.  My surgeon told me they had to "dig" to find the right vein.  I had alot of muscle pain for probably close to 2 weeks.  Mine sticks out like a sore thumb and is right where the bra strap falls so it still gets irritated at times.

  • marjie
    marjie Member Posts: 365
    edited March 2012

    I am small, had a port placed on the left side.  It was very difficult and painful - like being kicked in the chest by a horse!  The hospital sent me home with tylenol 3's but if I were to do it all over again I would have asked for something stronger.  It was very difficult and I had expected it to be "a breeze"

    Edited to add: Removal was a piece of cake Laughing

  • fredntan
    fredntan Member Posts: 237
    edited March 2012

    good getting mine out tomorrow.

    wished mine was under bra strap-mine is very obvious at least to me. can't wear any thing normal cut. hate it.

  • Charles_Pelkey
    Charles_Pelkey Member Posts: 99
    edited March 2012
    Mine was quite painful when it was orginally placed, because it rested right above my colarbone and, specifically, just on top of a spot where I had broken that bone years ago in a bike accident. I put up with a nagging bit of pain and discomfort on that site throughout chemo and, for whatever reason, it would sometimes cause real pain. I was quite relieved when my surgeon took the thing out. 

    I'm not sure about comingtoterms' theory that smaller folks feel it more, since I am 6'5" and 220, so I sure don't fall into that category, but the thing hurt like hell at times.
  • cowgirl13
    cowgirl13 Member Posts: 782
    edited March 2012

    Marjie, you described it perfectly--"like being kicked in the chest by a horse".

  • Elizabeth1889
    Elizabeth1889 Member Posts: 509
    edited March 2012

    fredntan, What a good idea to do a survey.  I am sure you will help a lot of people.  Good luck with your port removal tomorrow.

  • christina0001
    christina0001 Member Posts: 449
    edited March 2012

    OMG I was SO sore for over a week after I got my port. It was the worst part of all this surgery. Definitely needed prescription painkillers for a few days. I can't believe your office doesn't routinely give an rx for a prescription painkiller.

    My port is on my left side. My onc recommended getting it on the left because my cancer is on the right and she said I was getting poked at enough on the right side. However in retrospect I wish I'd gotten it on the right because it is a major pain when I drive, I HATE when the seatbelt touches my port. I am driving with my belt pushed onto my shoulder and that's not safe.

  • mamachick
    mamachick Member Posts: 154
    edited March 2012

    I thought I would put in my experience.  Had a Bard Power Port placed right side.  Pain felt like I had been punched in the shoulder for a few days, but no need for narcotics.  I was 41 at the time.  It did stick out and that was uncomfortable.  Each time my TE's were expanded it pushed the port out even further and it was very tight.  I honestly thought the the little round nubs on the port would come through the skin. Port removed in the BS office, drove myself home, scar was very painful for a very long time though after removal.

  • LuvRVing
    LuvRVing Member Posts: 2,409
    edited March 2012

    My port insertion was not painful at all.  I think I took 2 Tylenol.  It was a small one as I am pretty small, and it was on my right side.  My chemo nurse and MO were impressed by the way it was done.  The same surgeon removed it in her office under a local anesthetic and it was a little sore for a couple of days because scar tissue had built up around it.  Still, Tylenol was all I needed to be comfortable.  I wore a bathing suit and it was barely noticeable.

  • LTR227
    LTR227 Member Posts: 3
    edited March 2012

    I just had the port placed today. Its a power port and on the left side. I am in excrutiating pain in my neck and can barely swallow. I already took 2 Tylenol 3, and a Valium, leftover from my mastectomy which did not cause as much pain as this. The port itself doesn't hurt at all its all in my neck. I am very thin up top, and so they placed an "arm" port which is smaller, but whatever they did to my neck is killing me. I hope I feel better tomorrow. I wasn't told and did not expect to be in this kind of pain. 

    Editing to add that they didn't place on the right side because I had a direct implant placed and its still quite high up near my collarbone. 

  • cowgirl13
    cowgirl13 Member Posts: 782
    edited March 2012

    LTR, please call your doc tomorrow and explain what is happening.  Be sure to get pain meds.  Someone else will come by here who knows more about this.  

  • cowgirl13
    cowgirl13 Member Posts: 782
    edited March 2012

    LTR, how are you doing today?  Hope things are much better.

  • debbie6122
    debbie6122 Member Posts: 2,935
    edited March 2012

    fran- I think its a great idea what you are doing to advocate for those of us who do or did need the pain meds some Dr. dont have compassion and dont think you need more than a couple aspirin for it. Im small boned too had port placed on left side just below my colarbone, it had 2 ports connected but not sure what it was called. Mine was placed the same morning as my MX so dont remember too much of that morning but it was uncomfortable for me at times and had to take a pain pill every once in awhile couldnt wait to have mine removed. My DD had hers on the left side and had much pain with hers, she had asked for pain pills and they treated her as if she was a drug addict i was so mad at her onco for treating her this way. Hope your pain is better and you are doing well



  • LTR227
    LTR227 Member Posts: 3
    edited March 2012

    HI Everyone,

    Well I went back to the hospital today and they took another photo to make sure the port was placed correctly, and they are insisting that it is. I said I still can not bend down, raise my arm, swallow, burp etc. without it jabbing my neck and up my vein. The doctor says they used the smallest catheter and the smallest port, and that I need to let it heal. It's been 4 days and I still have to take Motrin and Tylenol to have some relief in my neck. I start chemo on Thursday and hope it will be better by then. Here's a pict of my daughter and I. Can you see how its at the base of my neck and collarbone? Is this where everyone's port is?


  • fredntan
    fredntan Member Posts: 237
    edited March 2012

    wow you guys are beautiful. thats how everyone elses should be looking or at least all the ones i have seen. my docs just make needle stick at base of neck. looks like yours made little insicion? I can't see well or spell for that matter. the port is tunnelled under the skin and at the base of neck is where catheter goes into vein. hope you feel better soon. you can ask for some numbing medicine-just get your doc to call in script for you-and just apply half hour before chemo starts

  • debbie6122
    debbie6122 Member Posts: 2,935
    edited March 2012

    Beautiful picture of you and your DD (Dear Daughter) Mine was about where yours is too

  • LTR227
    LTR227 Member Posts: 3
    edited March 2012

    Thank you so much!! I'm glad to know the placement seems right. Chemo starts in a couple days. 


  • puce
    puce Member Posts: 26
    edited March 2012

    Wow, what a beautiful picture!

    My port is lower.  I had a power port done in July.  Still sore once in a while.  One side is sticking out.  Bra straps still hurt after a long day.  Scar on base of neck, about 2 cm, scar on port was ugly for a while, healed slowly now faded but still pretty big.  Bigger than SNB.

    I was awake for my port placement.  They gave me drugs but I could hear everything that was going on.  I cried and my blood pressure rose, that is how they figured out I was awake.  I was so scared after that, that no matter how much they gave me, I didn't go under.  A fellow did the procedure and I heard all her sighs and hesitations.  Attending took a phone call and I waited...awake.  I was PISSED.  Someone pricked themselves and I needed to give blood to prove I didn't have AIDS.  OMG, it was the WORSE experience of my life.  Worse than the BMX with DIEP.  At least the team was respectful and professional then ans I was asleep!

  • debbie6122
    debbie6122 Member Posts: 2,935
    edited March 2012

    Puce- Oh what a terrible experience for you, I would of been pissed too. Are you able to go under during surgerys?  Sorry you had to deal with that. Thankfully i dont remember mine

  • puce
    puce Member Posts: 26
    edited March 2012

    I don't know why I didn't go under in the first place.  I had conscious sedation for D&C after miscarriages and I don't remember anything.  I don't know how they messed up my port surgery but it seemed liked everyting went wrong.  At least I got a port and my chemo so I shouldn't complain.

  • holdontohope
    holdontohope Member Posts: 44
    edited March 2012

    When I had my port placed in 2008, it was put on my left side (cancer was on right side).  I was told to take Tylenol if I needed it.  Well, I needed more than Tylenol.  I couldn't sleep for two nights because of the pain.  I am thin, so the port stuck out quite a bit.  I finally called my breast surgeon and she prescribed painkillers.   I will need another port soon (had first one removed after cancer treatment ended) and I am dreading it. 

  • debbie6122
    debbie6122 Member Posts: 2,935
    edited March 2012

    Holdontohope- ((((((hugs)))))) If you need more than tylenol i would demand i just dont understand why some Mo's dont give pain meds when needed. Arghhh!