No DX just seeing my Dr monday

I noticed a few weeks ago that my left breast was itching a lot. couldnt figure out why, the feeling made me think something was stuck in the lining of my bra poking me making me itch(but could never find anything...and then noticed the same sensation even with different bras. Then last week some time I noticed a spot above my nipple, about the size of a fingerprint. It looked kinda of like a hickey. It hasnt gone away. Thing is it hasnt really gotten worse either. That entire breast feels achy and itchy, but isnt hot or swollen. After finally googling I read some symptoms and decided to check for nipple discharge and sure enough each time I squeeze large clear/yellow drops appear. But only in this breast. I havent lactated in over 5 years(I am 32 if anyone is wondering). I made an appointment for Monday. Worried after readin this forum that even if it is something my small town DO family Dr wont think much of this. the overall unwell feeling I have throughout that breast has me worried...but without a LARGE obvious red area or heat and swelling, Im worried I may be overreacting. Im going to include a picture. I am very aware noone here can offer medical advice, I just dont know where else to share this stress worry before I see my Dr.
the scar is an old lumpectomy scar and there seems to be redness that travels up around that and then fades away through out the day. The lumpectomy showed only "pre cancerous cells" and nothing beyond the lumpectomy was necessary.
Thanks Bonnie! I am praying you are right. It is rare, and chances are this isnt IBC. I am a mom of 5 kids under age 10 two who are medically fragile(short bowel syndrome TPN dependant) The idea of my being sick( Im not even allowed to have a cold!) Today its noticeably darker and the pores on my skin seem larger. I appreciate the comments and good thoughts! I need them!0
Thanks Bonnie!
I live in a small town but have tons of easy access to larger ones, Im just outside of LA in Southern California. I didnt know with insurance(PPO) if I would need a referral. My lumpectomy was done at the VA hospital who contracted with Susan G Koman (a grant covered my surgey) I havent been seen there in years and do have insurance now.
I dont know if my glands are swollen under my arm but there is a swollen one right above my collar bone on that side. The redness seems larger but lighter today...not as light as the first pic but lighter than the second. Ive noticed its darkest when I shower so Im wondering if maybe some type of hive or dermatitis would react to heat/water?
Ive considered calling some OBGYNs monday morning to see if anyone can see me same day, for some reason Im feeling protective of myself right now and also sort of private and not sure I want to go to our family Dr my kids Doctor afterall for this. I dont know. Like you said in your first note to me this is rare and chances are its totally benign. I just feel tired and overwhelmed when I consider the alternative and wish this little spot and the ache would just go away...the deep itching and ache, part of me wonders now if its just all in my head. ofcourse when I woke up I convinced myself my shoulder and arm hurt and felt heavy, Im making myself crazy and probably for nothing.
Thanks for reading.
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Omg I should have never googled enlarged supraclavical lymph node. Ofcourse its the only one and on the same side as my affected breast. Now I'm scared out of my mind. The lymph node is as large and my two finger tips, so about 2cm.
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Thank you Bonnie.
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Well after speaking with my best friend(who is more like family/sister) Ive decided to try and get in to see an internist who is also a surgeon who my sister has a personal relationship with. My sis has worked at COH for 13yrs as a CRA doing brain and ovarian studies. She knows the breast CRAs and Docs well including Dr M who has an office near me. Im not canceling the apt with our family D.O. however, because on the chance Dr M cant see me right away I want our primary to confirm deny this lump is actually a lymph node and not something else. It feels to be oblong and the size of two finger tips. I can clearly feel all sides of it however I cant "grab it" so Im wondering if it could be something else. there is a visual fullness on that side so Im wondering if its inflamed muscle perhaps. Anyway my camera is doing something funny and casting a shadow on all my pictures. Ill share this one, Im not too sure how obvious it will be to others but the rash
has taken on a bit of a wheel/hive/Lacy appearance and spread across and around my breast/nipple area. The darkness or the rash comes and goes...I swear at some points I almost think I cant even see it anymore(save the original finger print that is always there) and then before I know its its very visible again. odd. I cant wait to see a Dr so I can stop making myself sick with worry. Hopefully they will tell me Im overreacting and have nothing to be worried about.
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Hi hope you get good news gillie!
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Thank you!
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Oh NO! Someone help! My appointment isn't until 230. I woke up with my RIGHT side(neck) very swollen! The supraclavicular enlarged node and breast rash is on my left side. What the heck????? Also last night before bed I noticed my right arm was swollen(but went down over night) why would my right side start swelling now?
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OKAY update.
So I saw our family Dr and he was very concerned. He said the supraclavicular node was "the size of an olive" and sent me straight to the hospital for an ultrasound. They DID find a mass in my breast very near the initial red spot. I feel like they may have found two masses but I dont know, actually I dont even know if the mass was a cyst or something more. When she was done she told me not to leave the RAD needed to see the images first. So I waited and they called me back to ultrasound the clavical...heres the interesting part---she did NOT see anything?!?!??! I have a large OBVIOUS hard lump and she couldnt see it??????? Anyway they told me they were sending my results to my Dr right then and to contact them tomorrow for results and to schedule a mamo.
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The fact that you are now having inflammation on the opposite side sounds like a good sign to me that this isn't IBC. But, you are doing the right thing to get this checked out. I know it is hard not to worry but remember, IBC is rare, and most likely you do not have IBC. Keep us posted.
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The Dr felt the inflammation on my right side was insignificant and probably just due to my coming down with a cold.
I am just so confused as to why they didnt see the lymphnode(???) above my clavical. My Dr and I can clearly feel something there, why wouldnt it show on ultrasound?
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Hey Bonnie,
Let me clarify, my doctor was VERY concerned with the supraclavicular node and stated it was hard/fixed and the size of an olive. He was UNconcerned with the swollen lymph node on the side of my neck(opposite side) and felt that was related to a cold/etc. He sent me immediately to the hospital for an ultrasound and they found a mass at the area of my initial redness that seemed alarming to the tech who told me not to leave until shed shown the results to the radiologist(who had her do a second scan to include the supraclavicular area) it was the second scan that has me puzzled as she couldnt see a mass or lymph node(in the area above my clavical) during the scan. I can clearly feel it, as could my Dr so Im confused and questioning myself/my dr/the tech...what could it be hard fixed lump that isnt registering on the ultrasound? odd.
Dr is ordering a mammo and then referring me to surgeon based on symptoms irregaurdless of ultrasound results.
Im feeling anxious, I should atleast have ultrasound results tomorrow. Curious to find out if the findings were for a cyst or solid. My impression was the later, but, who knows!
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I'm just so anxious. I haven't slept good the past two nights and this morning I called the Drs office who confirmed the results of the ultrasound were received last night. They were but said the dr is with patients(the nerve!) All morning and would look at the report this afternoon and call me before end of day. END OF DAY feels like a lifetime of waiting right now. I don't want to over react, I just want them to tell me this was just a scare and everything to go back to normal.
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I have no idea what to make of this update, but ill share it none the less.
So the spots they saw are only cysts(yay!) I guess there were several of them and the largest was around 5mm. So not very big.
The frustrating note from the radiologist stated the lump I can feel above my clavical he is a vein. How can that possibly be? Its large oval/smooth and hard. It feels nothing like a vein and how could a vein be that large/hard and not seem concerning????? Extremely confusing.
The rash is still present, though its looking more like the first picture again with a redness that comes and goes around it. There are still drops of some kind of yellowish fluid when I squeeze and other than that...I don't know what to think/feel anymore.
He gave me a referral for a mammogram. I will call tomorrow morning to schedule.0 -
Thank Bonnie!
After mammo dr still wants me to see surgeon based on rash and edema in that arm. I still feel befuddled about that bump, lol. I suppose if the ultrasound showed a vein not a node then ill take it(since the alternative is obviously no good!) But I admit I'm not convinced. Time will tell! Packing the kids up for the Holiday weekend and going RVing. Take care you are an invaluabe source of light and love for this community!0 -
Hi Gillie bean: Sorry to hear about all your concerns but hope you have a great holiday weekend with your kids. Make sure you keep on top of things when you get back though so that you are satisfied that nothing is wrong. Hopefully the rash will disappear when you get away and can stop stressing. Have fun. Keep safe.