All Members and BCO

There has been so much sadness here again and I am sorry for everyone that is struggling and everyone that is touched by this disease. 

I have contemplated deleting my account a few times. The poor Mods probably don't know whether I'm coming or going! Sometimes the sadness or sometimes the bickering gets to be too much, but then I realize everything I have learned and gained from BCO and how willing the members are to help each other through this journey.  I am proud to be a member and proud to support BCO.

Thank you to all members and thank you to BCO staff 




  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,809
    edited April 2012

    Thank you so much for this ((((hugs))))!!! You are an amazing woman, and we totally understand the ups and downs that you feel (We feel them too!). This is what we are here for !

     xoxoxoxox Your Mods