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Pain from Latissimus Dorsi Flap Surgery



  • nash
    nash Member Posts: 146
    edited August 2019

    Hi, Bonnie! I’m sorry you’re in the same boat, but glad to meet you

  • thephatgal
    thephatgal Member Posts: 2
    edited March 2020

    Thank you all for posting your results. I am new to the site, but am a 25 year survivor. Had a Bilateral Mastectomy at 33yo, with reconstruction in 1995. Capsular contracture of one within one year, replaced with good results. Revision of both in 2009 due to Capsular Contraction, and again this past October.

    October 2019 - Revision.

    Two weeks after revision, I was back in Surgery for a Seroma. A week later, I burned the skin of the right breast with a heating pad, which eventually led to a hole and Implant was exposed. PS thought he could suture it, but after three tries, I ended up back in Surgery - he washed it out, sutured wound from inside, and placed a smaller implant in. One week post-op was yesterday, and a foul odor was emitting from underneath steristrips...yep, infected.

    So he gave me a local, pulled the implant, replaced the drain, and wants to do a D Flap in 6 weeks.

    Sounded good to me, until I read the complications. Complications that seem to be highly understated! Right now the only pain I have is at the new drain insertion site. my chest actually feels better than it has in since the first set of implants. I always had a tightness under my breasts, where a normal bra band would sit, and it’s gone! It wasn’t a constant pain, but it was sometimes necessary for me to pull my bra away so I could take a deep breath.

    Again, thank you for sharing your stories. I am so sorry that so many of you are living in constant pain. So not fair!


    P.S. He gave me Levaquin for the infection. Oh hell no! Read the warnings from the FDA - scary stuff!

    P.S.S. DO NOT USE HEATING PADS!! No matter how low of a setting, your loss of sensation and thinned out skin will most likely burn. Please share that info, as I was this doc’s 3rd burn patient!

  • thephatgal
    thephatgal Member Posts: 2
    edited March 2020

    Proof that it’s not you!


    The musculoskeletal consequences of latissmus dorsi breast reconstruction in women following mastectomy for breast cancer

  • jaybird627
    jaybird627 Member Posts: 1,227
    edited October 2020

    Sorry JO-5, I'm doing okay at almost 1year post lat flap. But I do have the iron band feeling from my mastectomy. I have good range of motion. I did a lot of lat flap exercises before the surgery. I lift light weights. I'm very physical and am in good shape upper body wise so maybe that's why I don't have any issues (yet). I hope you find some relief. Perhaps a physical therapist can help? Acupuncture? Chiropractor? Good luck!

  • jaybird627
    jaybird627 Member Posts: 1,227
    edited October 2020


    I, too, have scoliosis but it's not that bad. I haven't noticed any more curvature or pulling. I swear by my chiropractor and I've used an acupuncturist in the past but don't use one now mostly because I now live in a different state from her. I wish you luck in finding pain relief. My OT/PT was helpful in giving me numerous stretching exercises as I have more mobility in my R arm than my L arm (lat flap on R side) but I am not consistent in my stretching. lol.


  • buttonsmachine
    buttonsmachine Member Posts: 339
    edited October 2020

    JO-5, slightly different situation, but I am also dealing with chronic musculoskeletal pain issues partly due to the very extensive surgeries I have had (chest wall resection and skin graft). My doctors have said that when there is a lot of trauma to the area, as there is with our bigger surgeries, the muscles are in a state of constant contraction to try and "protect" the injured area. This leads to the muscles getting more and more hurt over time, and it can develop into a chronic problem. My doctors said this happens with some mastectomy patients, and those like us who have bigger surgeries.

    I have recently been referred to PT and have been given a regimen of muscle relaxers to help things calm down some. I do not know yet if these things will be successful, but I hope they will. I hope you find some answers, please keep us posted on how you're doing. Best wishes.

  • anothernycgirl
    anothernycgirl Member Posts: 821
    edited October 2020


    I never wear a bra because of the discomfort/pain on the lat side. Even the softest bra doesnt work for me. I wear a camisole or tank top or T shirt under my blouses/sweaters. That side also tends to spasm if I move in a certain way, or even get too cold. Perhaps the cold problem is because the implant, even though a small one, tends to feel cold.

    The lat side is much more of an issue for me than the non lat side.

    Wishing all here the very best.

  • CTLMom
    CTLMom Member Posts: 15
    edited October 2020

    JO-5 I've been reading your recent posts and just wanted to say I totally understand your frustration with your pain and physical limitations due to the pain and tightness. You can read my ongoing plight in different spots on this community site. In a nutshell, at this point after multiple surgeries, radiation damage, and later lat flap surgery I am in a chronic state of pain and tightness. Looking for answers and finding relief is an ongoing process for sure! Being shuffled from one specialist to another is tiring but so is the constant pain. Like you and others I have given up on bras. Even the softest ones drive me crazy after a while. Soft tee shirts seem to be the go to thing to wear. I'm so sorry you have to deal with this situation. Hopefully between all of us here we will be able to find some answers and direction!


  • buttonsmachine
    buttonsmachine Member Posts: 339
    edited October 2020

    It's really hard that so many of us end up in chronic pain from these big surgeries.

    The only "bra" I have been able to wear without it causing pain are the Rhonda Shear "Ahh Bras." The reversible body bra is my favorite.

    JO-5, I know what you mean about PT making things worse - that has happened to me a couple times too. I have found that even really good PTs do not appreciate how easy it is for us to irritate these areas.

    For example, recently I had to have a spinal tap, and it left me bedridden for about two weeks. Even just lying down so much really hurt my cancer/surgery side! I was having shooting and referred pains that were a 6 or 7 on the pain scale due to the muscle spasms and tension. My "good" side is fine. It just goes to show that once we have had these big surgeries, even seemingly small or normal things can really hurt us, even years out from surgery.

  • anothernycgirl
    anothernycgirl Member Posts: 821
    edited October 2020


    I'm so sorry that you are dealing with such pain, even after so much time. Can you go without a bra? Seems like you might be more comfortable without one even if the non-lat side would be needing a bra. I understand your feeling about not wanting to undergo further surgery. I have textured implants, which have been shown to be risky and should be removed, but I dread the thought of another major procedure and risk of another infection.

    I remember that you had healing issues, as I did, due to radiation and infection, - but why was a lat flap needed rather than just skin graft? I had both, but I think the lat was for the implant.

    Some people seem to do just fine with their lat, even with all every day activities and gym workouts. I wonder why some of us remain so uncomfortable.

  • anothernycgirl
    anothernycgirl Member Posts: 821
    edited October 2020


    You have been through so much. Sad

    Do you live in/near a big city with many medical facilities? I HOPE you can still find a dr that can help with pain management. Since you dont do well with most meds, isnt there a way to lessen the pain locally?? A topical or local pain reliever? The thought of an injectable would make you cringe, but if it is an option, it might be worth it? Drs treat arthritis, bursitis, back pain, etc with injections that hurt at the moment, but do alleviate pain for a long time after.

    I understand your desire to feel good about appearance, but I'd opt for loose tops, scarves, vests, anything rather than wear a bra!

    Sending best wishes from NYC

  • CTLMom
    CTLMom Member Posts: 15
    edited May 2021

    I posted this on another topic as well...

    I haven't been on in a while so I wanted to update my continued nightmare. Due to someone's stupidity I got Covid at the end of February and was really sick for a couple of weeks. My son got it and unfortunately was with my dad before any of us knew we had been exposed. My dad got really sick as well and went into the hospital on 3/6. It was touch and go for a while but he was eventually move to a long term acute care hospital for intensive pulmonary and physical rehab. He was having some improvements for a while and then suddenly went downhill quickly due to pulmonary scarring from having had Covid pneumonia. Long story short-he passed away on 5/15. I feel like I have been punched in the gut over and over again. I am still trying to get everything done and settled while grieving at the same time. We were very close, which makes it all that more difficult. My dad was super neat upstairs in his house but a pack rat in the basement. It is going to be a long time before I can sort through everything to say the least. My mom passed away a few years ago and I am an only child so it is all on me.

    Needless to say I have not been able to focus on my own pain issues over the last few weeks with my dad's situation. I have not been in for PT and I am really feeling it. She is so booked that my next appointment isn't for another couple of weeks! I had to cancel my appointment with the surgeon and I'm going to reschedule my next one because I am not ready for it. The funeral is next week and it is just too much for me to have that and such serious discussion with my doc while my brain is so scattered!

    Also, I wanted to ask if anyone has noticed that the shoulder on the same side as the lat flap surgery is higher that the other side? I have noticed that it is more pronounced lately as well as my spine/paraspinal muscles feeling like they are pulling more to one side. It feels like things are getting tighter for me. I know the massive stress is not helping either...

    Sorry to be such a downer today but sadly this is my reality right now.


  • buttonsmachine
    buttonsmachine Member Posts: 339
    edited May 2021

    CLTMom, I just wanted to say that I'm sorry for all you have been going through lately. It's a lot for anyone to go through, and I'm sending prayers your way.

    As for the pain issues, I don't have quite the same surgery but I also have asymmetry of my shoulders. I think it happens with the bigger breast cancer surgeries. (I had a chest wall resection with a skin graft to close the site.) I definitely have chronic pain and pretty bad flare-ups of pain if I overdo it. It doesn't take much to overdo it either. I think getting back to your PT and going very slow is a good idea.