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Weekly Taxol group



  • sammi2006
    sammi2006 Member Posts: 48
    edited December 2017

    Lisa- I get bad heartburn too. I haven't tried pelvis but I sometimes mix about a teaspoon of baking soda with a glass of water and drink it. It is absolutely disgusting, but seems to help with the heartburn and bloating.

  • PauletteK
    PauletteK Member Posts: 1,279
    edited December 2017

    I had bad acid reflux also Hope, Sim and Sammi, so I took Pepcid before meals and my regular meds for acid reflux. Somehow, mine did get better later on, not sure because my dose got decreased so it helped me so much.

  • vl22
    vl22 Member Posts: 471
    edited December 2017

    I had horrible heartburn/reflux. I take a extra strength Pepcid every morning and it mostly does the trick

  • Elfmcg
    Elfmcg Member Posts: 43
    edited December 2017

    i also have reflux that usually doesn’t appear as reflux until the very odd time i taste acid. i wake up coughing sometimes with burning throat. i take pepcid too.

    i’m still having stomach issues, my belly feels as if it was punched and the feeling just lingers.

  • PauletteK
    PauletteK Member Posts: 1,279
    edited December 2017

    Elfmcg- I take omeprazole, now you can get it OTC also. It works well for me.

  • cbk
    cbk Member Posts: 323
    edited December 2017

    VL22-Final taxol this week! Thinking of you! It gets really better. Believe me. I’m there only a week and a half later!

  • Elfmcg
    Elfmcg Member Posts: 43
    edited December 2017

    thanks PauletteK, i’ll try that one today. Im so looking forward to this being done, congrats VL22, almost on the other side! Have you had your rads planning scan yet?

  • gussy
    gussy Member Posts: 77
    edited December 2017

    I have had two rounds of Taxol and the side effects each time were different - neuropathy with skin peeling on hands with the first and great fatigue, muscle and bone pain/aches for a couple of days (thank you whoever came up with Claritin as a help) with the second. They all have resolved and now wondering what the next one will bring. This is the craziest drug I've ever seen. A+C was nothing compared to this - at least the side effects were consistent and I could count on it. I will be so glad to get through this and can move on to surgery and radiation. Then put it behind me forever and get on with my new life.

  • CIW
    CIW Member Posts: 57
    edited December 2017

    hey everyone

    What did you use to keep your nasal passages and sinuses moist during Taxol? My nose/sinuses seem to constantly be bleeding slightly which I know is super common. Anyway, should I get a humidifier, some type of medicine, something else?

    Gussy-sorry Taxol is giving you such a rough time!! It’s crazy how different chemo is for each of us. AC made me extremely sick and I needed days of fluid/steroids infusions following each round. Taxol doesn’t even compare. Sending you good vibes that your other rounds are more bearable!

  • vl22
    vl22 Member Posts: 471
    edited December 2017

    Elf - I am waiting for a callback on rads planning scan. I know it is just a basic thing, but it makes me nervous in the sense that I fear something will be seen that shouldn't be there.

    CIW - a humidifier and saline nose spray worked great for me.

    Thanks all for your well wishes and support as I finish up Taxol this Thursday. To be honest I am exhausted. I am also happy, excited and somewhat scared to be finished with chemo. I find it amazing that for days on end I can be super happy and positive and feel like my life is starting anew and then the next day I'm a nervous little nelly. I really believe it just comes with the territory.

    Hope everyone is enjoying this festive time of year!

  • LisaCincy
    LisaCincy Member Posts: 316
    edited December 2017

    VL22, congratulations on finishing up. That is awesome! I won't be finished til mid-February and it's like a little black cloud over my head. :(

    CIW, I am using a humidifer and nose spray as well. I can't say that it helps a ton, but I guess every little bit helps. As an added bonus, my husband's dry cough has gone away! I think it's interesting that not one site that I've visited has even mentioned bloody/goopy nose as a SE of Taxol. My nostrils are constantly lined with coagulated blood.

    Gussy, I am with you re the Taxol. AC was pretty mild compared to Taxol. The first one was easy, but subsequent ones have been much rougher. My body temperature is all over the place, and I've never slept so much in my life! Last week, I vomited for the first time since this ordeal started. I guess everyone's body chemistry is different, but thisTaxol is crazy!

  • Elfmcg
    Elfmcg Member Posts: 43
    edited December 2017

    i know VL22, i have little moments like that myself, but from what i hear, it's not that kind of scan,it concentrates on the area to be treated, and i'm sure you will be absolutely fine

  • Indigo29
    Indigo29 Member Posts: 87
    edited December 2017

    VL22 congratulations on finishing your chemo treatment; another hurdle over and done with. When I finished, one of the things I really looked forward to was getting my taste buds back - I really didn’t appreciate them till they were gone!!. Re the scan, Elfmcg is right; the scan is just a mapping and measurement of the area that is to be radiated so please don’t worry. I found that my radiologist whom I saw every other week was always happy to answer any of my concerns and even gave me a picture of my boob and where the radiation was going to go!!

    CIW and LisaRXCincinnati I too had the bloody goopy nose. Saline drops were the only thing that helped.

  • Elfmcg
    Elfmcg Member Posts: 43
    edited December 2017

    PauletteK, i got the omperazole, just wondering how many mg’s you take per day?

  • PauletteK
    PauletteK Member Posts: 1,279
    edited December 2017

    Elf - my omperazole is 20mg, on the bad day I took it twice a day. Or I took omperazole in the morning then take other in the evening. Two 20mg did the job for me.

    For dry nasal and bloody nose, I use nasal gel at night, spray during the day, yes I put the humidifier in my bedroom. I had bloodynose so bad I have to se a specialist for my sinus. Also do not blow your nose until things are under control.

    I do think our body immune system is so low after AC so we have all these SE from taxol. One more thing about taxol is UTI, I drank cranberry juice and later on I took cranberry pill to avoid UTI. Taxol is unpredictable that made it hard for me. The neuropathy was the biggest problem I got.

    Good luck to everyone.

    VL22 - congratulations ..... 🎉🎊 so happy you finished this milestone, meet you in radiation thread.

  • CIW
    CIW Member Posts: 57
    edited December 2017

    Hey sisters!

    Asking for extra prayers the next few days. I have a CT scan of my brain tomorrow to make sure I don't have brain mets. I've been having a droopy eye and headaches ever since I started taxol so they want to make sure. I am not super worried about it, but I still do have some nerves. I am sure it will be worrisome waiting to hear back. I'd love some prayers and positive thoughts sent my way that my symptoms are just a weird manifestation of taxol or my Lyme disease. Thank you <3. I just graduated nursing school a week ago and I so badly want to work as a nurse and not have brain mets as an added complication!!

  • vl22
    vl22 Member Posts: 471
    edited December 2017

    CIW - will definitely keep you in my heart and thoughts.

    Paulette, Indigo and others - thanks!!!

    And for those still going through chemo - chin up! It must be very tough to have to do this during the holidays and boy do I know how easy it is to go to a dark place, but you’ve got this! It seems like it will never end and then it’s over. I marvel at our strength, truly

  • kmajor
    kmajor Member Posts: 68
    edited December 2017

    CIW ~ You are in my thoughts and prayers. Congrats on graduating nursing school.

    VL22 ~ I'm finishing up tomorrow as well I'll be going in for #12. I don't know about you but I'm happy and scared at the same time but ready to move on to the next step.

  • PauletteK
    PauletteK Member Posts: 1,279
    edited December 2017

    CIW, I’m praying may God take you under his wings and protect you so you have a good brain report.

    - in Jesus name Amen.

  • Indigo29
    Indigo29 Member Posts: 87
    edited December 2017

    CIW keeping you in my thoughts and prayers . Congratulations on graduating from nursing school.

    Kmajor congratulations on finishing your taxol treatment tomorrow. I think after taxol 8 I was ready to be over and done with it

  • voilalia
    voilalia Member Posts: 37
    edited December 2017

    CIW - As another Lymie, I am sending light and love your way for a clear brain scan!! There are certain SEs during my AC treatments that I can't tell if it's the AC or if it's Lyme... but it's all too familiar from years of Lyme. My heart is with you.

    I'm just joining this thread - I start Taxol #1 in 12 or so hours after finishing up DD AC two weeks ago. I was reading up on everyone's experiences for the past month or so, getting some questions answered. You all have posted some good advice. One thing I haven't really seen here - icing fingers (and possibly toes) during the infusion. Does or did anyone here do that?

  • nonahope
    nonahope Member Posts: 695
    edited December 2017

    CIW...You are in my thoughts and prayers for your upcoming scan. Hoping you will soon be using that nursing degree!

    kmajor...Congrats! Your sliding in to home plate...I hope the future holds everything good for you!

    voilalia...I will have round #4 Taxol today. I have never iced my fingers etc., but I think some people have. I've never had any major issues thus far with Taxol. A bit of achy joints the first time, but nothing significant. Good luck to you...I hope you find Taxol an easy treatment.

    KB...So glad you are doing well. These are the reports we love to hear.

    As I said, Taxol #4 today and, I think, my X-Geva injection. Taking some cookies for my onco and chemo staff.

    Wishing all a great day!


  • CIW
    CIW Member Posts: 57
    edited December 2017

    thank you thank you everyone for the thoughts and prayers! I’ll definitely let you all know what I find out from my scan. They also think I might have myasthenia gravis. Or it could be a strange Taxol side effect. So much to consider. I know a brain met is unlikely but I can’t help but be worried.

    Voilalalia- I ice my fingers and toes during Taxol. So far neuropathy is minimal but tomorrow is treatment 6 and I have plenty to go so I can only speak from my experience on the first half of treatment. Good luck with Taxol! These chemo drugs seem to affect us all so differently.

  • LisaCincy
    LisaCincy Member Posts: 316
    edited December 2017

    Good luck with the brain scan, CIW. You will be a much better nurse for this experience.

    Finished #4 Taxol yesterday. They reduced my dosage by 25% because of severe SEs including fevers, fatigue and neuropathy. Doing okay today and hoping for a much better week!

  • sammi2006
    sammi2006 Member Posts: 48
    edited December 2017

    CIW- from one nurse to another-congratulations!! Finishing school school while on chemo is hard! I hope everything goes well with your scan and am sending positive vibes your way.

    Has anyone had thier liver act up while on taxol? My liver enzymes have been elevated each week, and each time the doctor says it is normal, taxol causes this, and that he isn't worried about it so I thought things must be fine. This morning he walks in and says they are higher. He is having me get an ultrasound of my liver. What makes me nervous is that he looked nervous. He kept saying it must be transaminitis from taxol.

  • vl22
    vl22 Member Posts: 471
    edited December 2017

    sammi - I had elevated liver enzymes, which I found on my bloodwork. My MO never mentioned it. When I looked at all my numbers I could see that it was right after first Taxol that they started going up and if you look at SE’s for Taxol it is on the list. All that chemo is processed by the liver.

    I understand being nervous, but chances are it is an SE that can be handled. My numbers were out of range, which scared me because before Taxol they were low in range. MO will check blood in 3 months.

    Best wishes and keep us updated

  • PauletteK
    PauletteK Member Posts: 1,279
    edited December 2017

    voilalia - I iced my fingers and feet during three hours taxol, I have long infusion due to reaction. I used frozen peas to ice my fingers then I used ice socks from Amazon for my feet. I did this for neuropathy and I don’t want my nails to lift.

  • voilalia
    voilalia Member Posts: 37
    edited December 2017

    Thanks, Paulette! Finished Taxol #1 today and I soaked my fingernails in ice/ice water. I didn't feel like dealing with my toes. The nurse, who didn't know of anyone at the Cancer Center ever icing fingers (or toes) gave me a recommendation from one of her patients who swore by Donebroro. It is a "soothing soak" marketed for rash relief, but the patient used successfully for neuropathy. I'm going to give that a try - nothing wrong with a soothing soak, anyway! And if it helps with any rashes, all the better. I hope that your neuropathy keeps improving - I'm following you closely!

  • PauletteK
    PauletteK Member Posts: 1,279
    edited December 2017

    voilalia - my neuropathy is getting better daily, good luck on your infusion.

  • bjquilter
    bjquilter Member Posts: 23
    edited December 2017

    Hi All

    Just finished taxol #8. My new side effect is tight slightly burning redness on the back of my hands. Is this the start of neuropathy?

    This dose of chemo has been the hardest so far. I told my husband that I could actually feel the effects as we were finishing the dose. That had never happened before. I'm scheduled for surgery 2 days after my next treatment to reposition my port Not looking forward to that since days 2 & 3 are becoming harder for me to function.