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Weekly Taxol group



  • notdefined
    notdefined Member Posts: 267
    edited June 2019

    Thanks Mncteach and ipenelope for sharing your experiences. You are making me hopeful.

    DawnS1962-Hang in there! I am right there with you! Number 8 on Thursday right? I am at the same point as you. I haven't been able to sleep as well as I would like, and haven't taken any naps. But the fatigue is there. AND the body aches for me was so bad today.

    Work got busy to the point that I had to come in the office today, yesterday, and will have to go in tomorrow and Friday. Yesterday was a huge struggle, and it doesn't help that the office is freezing! Plus I also added another time consuming task that made the day more difficult. I plan to go back to my 2-3 times a week starting next week, and hopefully I can do that for the rest of this treatment and after. I also think I started to get a UTI, which is weird, because I have been making myself drink a lot of water. It was fun making 12 trips to the bathroom today. Shocked

    Eyebrows and eyelashes still getting thinner, but I noticed arm hair came back this last weekend. Head hair not really there except for the stubble I have had throughout AC.

    Hang in there everyone.

  • DawnS1962
    DawnS1962 Member Posts: 198
    edited June 2019

    notdefined, I don't know how you can make it into the office. I work from home and still find it difficult. I have my 8th on Friday. Fatigue doesn't seem as bad tonight as it was yesterday and this morning. I'm hoping it passes. The toes on my right foot are numb tonight though.

    I see MO tomorrow and the nurse had informed me he may lower my dose starting Friday because of the numbness.

    According to my countdown clock I've got 30 days, 15 hrs and 13 minutes to go. Can't get here soon enough

  • dogmomrunner
    dogmomrunner Member Posts: 502
    edited June 2019

    Ingerp - yes, I do get headaches a lot. Sinus, tension, exertion. I don't think I get them migraine strength but Sunday was close to that. I take ibuprofen and have taken three at a time which I am sure just kills my kidneys. But hey, I am drinking all that water (and other fluids) so maybe the kidneys won't take such a hit.

    Notdefined - I am also going into work (the day after treatment which is Friday) and then back on Monday. But this was only my first treatment. Hopefully I can keep that up.

    I know some of you are on different chemo combinations from me. And those who have already gone through some chemo and are going through the Taxol have my admiration. You ladies are inspirational.

  • notdefined
    notdefined Member Posts: 267
    edited June 2019

    DogMomRunner-hope things work well for you at work. I think I am just overdoing it this week, and I felt fine last week. I am sore from working out too hard, and I think that is making things worse for me this week. I felt better going into the office a couple of days a week. It helps to connect with people. Early on for taxol 1-3 I stayed home, and I was not liking the quiet. My mind was going to dark places, and it was not good.

    DawnS1962-I don't know what I was thinking, but after this week, I am taking it easy. I have to hire someone for a position, and that doesn't really work well from home. Once I find a candidate, I will be cleared to be at home. I am also starting to get a little neuropathy in my foot. I have 32 days to go.

    Is anyone else getting severe toe cramps? I think it is related to the shoes I am wearing to work, but it is a horrible feeling. My middle toes cramp up and are stiff in weird positions.

  • DawnS1962
    DawnS1962 Member Posts: 198
    edited June 2019

    Not sure how many are dealing with the seemingly uncontrollable runny nose but I had it so bad my ear became clogged from all the mucus (I know it's gross and maybe TMI).

    I went to PCP and was prescribed Claritin and Flonase. I take both once a day and it has helped tremendously. MO was good with it and both are sold OTC. Took almost a week for the ear to clear but only a couple of days to stop the runny nose.

  • loiswb
    loiswb Member Posts: 86
    edited June 2019

    DogMom, my treatment days are also Thursdays, and some of the weeks Sunday was definitely my worst day. Sometimes Saturday or Monday worse as far as aches and just feeling rotten. I definitely agree that there is a "letdown" after the steroid wears off. I definitely am having more taste issues as the Taxol progresses (4 more to go for me!!). Try to rest when you can and hopefully you adjust as far as the HA/Nausea goes.

    Dawn--ugg--sorry you are so tired!! I hope it gets better!

  • laurencl
    laurencl Member Posts: 203
    edited June 2019

    Had #7 today. Feel okay and know I will be okay tomorrow because of the steroids, then comes the let down.

    Dawn, I too have a constant, annoying runny nose. I take Zyrtec D, which frankly does nothing to help, but Claritin has really never worked for me. On AC I had a crazy runny eye, that went away. I also have a gross cough, you know the one where people run away from you in stores because they don’t want to catch what you have? Yep, that one. I drink Robitussin like Kool Aid😳.

  • notdefined
    notdefined Member Posts: 267
    edited June 2019

    I am feeling so much better today! Body aches have subsided, and just in time for no. 8 tomorrow. I don't get the steroids anymore, but do find I have more energy on Fridays (day after treatment). I don't have a crash day, but usually Sundays are my dark days if I am not busy. I also miscounted my days, I have 29 left!

  • ingerp
    ingerp Member Posts: 1,515
    edited June 2019

    Dawn--while Taxol may be a contributing factor to the runny nose, I can guarantee it won't clear up when you're on Herceptin only. It's funny--I was recently on vacation in Costa Rica and noticed my nose was a lot less runny. Not sure if it was the humidity? As soon as I got home (to Central Virginia--where it's not exactly dry), it started up again. A little while ago I looked up the half-life of Herceptin, and read it's something like 17 days, or approximately the three weeks in between treatments. I figure I'll still have something like 25% of my last treatment still in my system six weeks afterwards. I'm only four weeks out tomorrow, but I'm hoping it starts to clear up in another month or so.

  • DawnS1962
    DawnS1962 Member Posts: 198
    edited June 2019

    Ingerp, the Claritin and Flonase have really helped. It's only an issue now first thing in the morning and when I'm at the self checkout. God definitely has a sense of humor. When both hands are filled, nose runs like crazy.

    I'm in Virginia Beach so no stranger to that humidity. Only plus side so far is my wig doesn't frizz the way my hair always did.

  • Kkmay
    Kkmay Member Posts: 89
    edited June 2019

    Hi ladies!

    Hope everyone is doing ok.

    My mom still has very red swollen feet (she is on taxol/carbo) with dry skin and pus coming out in areas of friction. Doctors did ultrasound to check for thrombosis: negative ( thank God), doctors gave her strong antibiotics but still with no success. They seem puzzled. Any ideas what this could be?

  • dogmomrunner
    dogmomrunner Member Posts: 502
    edited June 2019

    Thanks loiswb! I hope your treatment went well today. Mine did. Although my WBC are low.

    notdefined - Yay! Rock that treatment tomorrow like you rock that wig!

    And I hope everyone's noses stop running!

  • loiswb
    loiswb Member Posts: 86
    edited June 2019

    Glad your feeling better notdefined.

    Glad that we can find some humor (nose running at checkout and wig doesn't frizz), made me smile!

    Got number 9 in the books today and apparently no Neupogen this time, woohoo.

    Feeling very tired now. Also bummed as my eyelashes have finally disappeared and I feel like I look awful. I am grateful that I don't have any appreciable neuropathy. A little numbness here and there that seems to come and go is all so far.

  • ingerp
    ingerp Member Posts: 1,515
    edited June 2019

    Dawn I've read about Claritin helping for all kinds of SEs. I take it occasionally—maybe I'll step that up. In the meantime I'm buying stock in Kimberly-Clark.

  • DawnS1962
    DawnS1962 Member Posts: 198
    edited June 2019

    Ingerp, that would be a good investment. I've got tissues everywhere. They're on my nightstand, in my bag and in every room of my house.

    I'm using Flonase along with the Claritin. So far, much better than before.

  • ingerp
    ingerp Member Posts: 1,515
    edited June 2019

    Dawn--I might give Flonase a try, although it's not like this is wrecking my life. I'm a little leery of throwing more drugs at anything--I've gone from zero pills in my life to. . . gosh. . . several. Only one prescription (the AI) but I seem to be slowly jumping on the Supplement Train (Biotin, D, Calcium, just decided to add collagen this week). I'm not seeing much in the way of SEs for Flonase but I waffle between "Ugh not another medication in my body" and "Oh hell why not?" Maybe I'll look for a generic next time I'm at the grocery store or throw one in my next Amazon cart. (And I *do* think this will resolve on its own in a few weeks/months???)

  • DawnS1962
    DawnS1962 Member Posts: 198
    edited June 2019

    Ingerp, how is the AI? Have you experienced any side effects? I'm sure I'll be on one also.

    I understand about taking more meds. I wasn't on anything before being diagnosed. I take B6&B12 now when I remember.

    I don't know if you lost your nasal hairs but that just made the runny nose worse. I guess those hairs would at least slow it down some.

  • ingerp
    ingerp Member Posts: 1,515
    edited June 2019

    Dawn--let me preface this by saying that my BS + several predictor tools said that, for me, the AI is more important to prevent recurrence than chemo or Herceptin were. I was pretty committed to making it work. There are a bunch of us on several AI threads who, either with the blessing of our MO or on our own, started out at a reduced dosage. I think Tamoxifen pills are a bit larger and can be split, but the AI pills are tiny, so we started every other day for a few weeks. Anecdotally, none of us have had a particularly tough time. Yes I'm stiffer, particularly first thing in the morning or when I've been sitting for a long time, and I *might* be a little foggier--it's tough to separate a lot of these SEs from normal aging. I think I had a few headaches early on. Many women have hot flashes, or a return to them, but I didn't really notice that. My theory is that those of us who didn't have a whole lot of estrogen going into the AI probably aren't as whacked out by them. I'm 8-9 years into menopause. So--zero SEs? No. Tolerable? Absolutely.

  • notdefined
    notdefined Member Posts: 267
    edited June 2019

    loiswb-Glad you didn't need the Neopugen this time!

    DawnS1962-Thanks for the tip. I'm going to start using the Flonase. I was doing Claritin and Flonase before chemo, and even during the AC. I stopped during Taxol, because I am taking Zyrtec on the day of infusion. I thought that might be double dosing, and I just didn't want to give my liver more stuff to filter.

    4 To go! 28 days although my session in July should technically be on a Thursday, and that is the 4th. There is nothing on my schedule, so I'm not sure if it will be scheduled the Wed before or on Friday, which would add a day to this ordeal. It doesn't sound like there is any concern over my mild neuropathy. Of course my ON is on vacation until the end of this month. I know another one is monitoring my case, so I assume they would let me know if there is an issue. My liver is also cooperating. All my levels were within range, with exception my ALT. It was at 55, and the range is up to 41. Not as bad as when I was on AC.

    Chemo brain caused me to miss a pool party for my kids. I simply forgot until this morning. I was sad about it, because the kids were looking forward to it. They forgot about it to, so maybe it wasn't as big of a deal. Oh well.

    Feeling good today, and actually got some good sleep.

    Have a great day everyone! Slowly but surely we will get through this.

  • DawnS1962
    DawnS1962 Member Posts: 198
    edited June 2019

    notdefined, congrats on your numbers! I'm sorry your kids missed the pool party. Have you noticed chemo brain seems to effect short term memory more than long term? I feel like Dory in Finding Nemo🐟

    I'm not counting down any longer. MO told me Wed that he's looking to put me on Kadcyla after surgery so that would mean chemo again. it's only going to happen if they find any live cancer cells at surgery but it looks like he may expect to. I was bummed at first but I'm learning to accept it is what it is.

    4 toes on my right foot have been numb for 4 days now so they're monitoring but no change in dose yet. I have feeling in my big toe but it's really a huge toe and would require its own bag of Taxol to effect it.

    I'm so glad you're feeling better. I hope that continues. Only 4 more to go!😊

  • Mncteach
    Mncteach Member Posts: 241
    edited June 2019

    Dawn— that’s a great way to put it— I think I’ll just have everyone call me Dory :)

    My liver enzymes are up and I see the MO next week so we’ll see if I have to worry. All my other numbers are good!!! I was so excited that everything else was in normal range again! Now to get hair and taste buds back! And not being a Dory would help tooLoopy

  • notdefined
    notdefined Member Posts: 267
    edited June 2019

    Mncteach- I'm sorry to hear about the liver results. Hopefully they can normalize soon, and hope that it's nothing to worry about.

    DawnS1962- yes, I'm noticing more of an impact on my short term memory. I usually have a great memory. I am on a project at work, and i have remembered things about the project that others forgot about. I hope that I can retain those memories! That's interesting that your MO already thinks that more chemo is needed. Did he do a scan? I don't how they would know without one.

    Re: neuropathy, it sounded like they wouldn't reduce for me unless it spreads beyond my toes, or if it is impacting my balance. Gratefully it is not at that point.

    Sporting fake eyelashes today at work. Not too bad, but it took a while for me to put them on. I will not be doing this everyday!

  • loiswb
    loiswb Member Posts: 86
    edited June 2019

    My July 4th infusion has been scheduled for the 5th, not that anyone else's necessarily will. As far as memory, I mostly find that I am forgetting names/taking much longer to retrieve them, and I am normally a big list person, so on the way to work or something I make a mental list for something and when I go to write it down I can't recall everything. And I have been misplacing things like my keys, phone, etc. a little more than usual, but that also happens with stress and I have a bit of that too! Got pretty good sleep last night, that always helps!

  • DawnS1962
    DawnS1962 Member Posts: 198
    edited June 2019

    notdefined, we won't know anything till surgery but MO does a breast exam every visit. There is still a hard lump near the nipple. He doesn't know if it's "live" or scar tissue. My breast looks weird. It started with a small indentation just right of the nipple. It's deeper and wider now. I was never expecting the chemo to eradicate the cancer. It's shrunk from 3cm to 1.7cm but it's still there.

    loiswb, let freedom ring!!😊

    Mncteach, Dory was loveable🤗

  • ucfknights
    ucfknights Member Posts: 91
    edited June 2019

    hi girls! My mom is on taxol #5 right now, #6 on Tuesday. When did you notice Theeyelashes and eyebrows falling out?! Thanks!

  • dogmomrunner
    dogmomrunner Member Posts: 502
    edited June 2019

    I got my hair cut short today. It was all one length and just below my chin. Now it's more of a shag. One thought I had was what if I lose the hair on the head, the eyebrows and eyelashes but the menopausal chin, nose and lip hair continue to grow. That would suck.

    I hope all of you ladies are doing wellthis Friday evening

  • DawnS1962
    DawnS1962 Member Posts: 198
    edited June 2019

    DogMomRunner, I haven't lost any hair on Taxol except lashes. The hair on my head is actually growing back. It's growing back slowly, blonde and wispy but still growth.

    The hair above my lip as well as my chin are growing back too. Nowhere else though.

  • notdefined
    notdefined Member Posts: 267
    edited June 2019

    ucfknights- I noticed right around no. 6. that eyebrows became thinner. I still have some brow hair, but it is really patchy. I still have a couple of lashes too, but they are almost all out.

    DogMomRunner-Lol! I have been growing a little fuzz during the taxol too. I lost my hair during AC. Hopefully, it stays for you.

    loiswb- I normally lose my personal belongings, so it's hard to tell if that is happening to me too. DH likes to poke fun at me about my constantly misplacing things. I haven't notice any more than usual.

    I survived my tough week, and am so ready for the weekend. Hope you are all able to enjoy it despite SE's.

  • ingerp
    ingerp Member Posts: 1,515
    edited June 2019

    FWIW—I don’t think I ever completely lost my eyebrows. And by the time my eyelashes came out, there were already baby ones growing back in. As my MO said, for the lashes it’s like the new ones push the old ones out. And a heads up in case you haven’t heard, there’s a little more fun coming down the line. Chemo resets lashes to all be on the same growth cycle so many women lose a lot of lashes again about four months PFC, and then eight months out, . . . . It’ll be less each time but will likely take a while before they get back to the normal scattered lose-one-here-and-there that’s normal.

  • Mncteach
    Mncteach Member Posts: 241
    edited June 2019

    I didn’t lose all my brows either and my upper lashes still look normal but have lost most of my lower ones.