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For Arimidex (Anastrozole) users, new, past, and ongoing



  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    208Sandy, tetracycline was discontinued in the last 3 or 4 years. The last couple of times I've had doxycycline I've been told it probably wouldn't work, but it did. Where are you located? Shortage Shortage and not being made seem quite the same to me from this article. Maybe in other parts of the world (Canada, UK?) it is available. BTW, before you have to try cipro, since you have many antibiotic allergies, I'd recommend a skin test to see if you are allergic to it. I had a horrid reaction to it. A bacterial infection in your toenails? Oh yuck. Did chemo cause it or did it crop up all by itself? That must have been rough. HUGS!

  • fluffqueen01
    fluffqueen01 Member Posts: 1,797

    Pink...I mentioned that oxford article to my ortho doc and he asked me to send it to him. His mom is a nine year survivor, so he has a special interest.

    Doxie...I may end up getting that shot. I feel better since you mentioned that they can give a lidocaine shot. Maybe Ill haul out my old EMLA cream too and see if it has any effectiveness. Or my compounding cream with 2% lidocaine.

    I have to call tomorrow and get the next step. I wont do surgery this year, unless something else crops up, or it is at the end of the year. My son gets married in October and I have too much to do in the next six months. No time for surgery. Ill just wear my brace if things get bad. I hope he tries some physical therapy. Most of it is managable now except that tendon that rolls and I am not sure anything is going to help that. Its a killer.

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    FluffQueen, I had a cortisone shot for a ganglion cyst. My doc didn't give me lidocaine. That would have been nice. It is doable. Not fun but doable without the lidocaine. And it worked for me. I'll ask for lidocaine if anything like that pops up again. What a wonderful little drug! HUGS!!

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178

    My pcp did my shot for trigger thumb. He put the lidocaine in with the cortisone.

  • jennie93
    jennie93 Member Posts: 263

    I'm allergic to lidocaine, of all things. I get teeth filled with no numbing at all.... that's interesting. Sure hope I don't need any of those cortisone shots!

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    Jennie93, DH is allergic to most of the 'caines. He always has dental work done without numbing. I don't know how he manages it. Nor you for that matter. HUGS!

  • doxie
    doxie Member Posts: 700

    Last week, I started using Aspercreme for my hand joint and muscle pain, and it is helping. Put an extra bit on the thumb joints and I'm good for the day. Anyone else use this? I have trouble with nausea and NSAIDs, so thought this might be a way around that. Also NSAIDs seemed to be doing nothing for hand pain anyway.

    Haven't run this by any of my doctors, yet, but don't know why it would be a problem, since I can take aspirin. Why haven't they suggested this? Anyone know of problems with Aspercreme? Though probably in a couple of months I'll come back here telling you that I've become allergic to it. That's typical. :--(

  • 1marmalade1
    1marmalade1 Member Posts: 44

    I seriously can't believe that "members" would chide others for voicing their experiences with SE's.  From time to time over the past 5 years I have wondered if these "members" are really even "members" at all.  Call me suspicious, but I have friends that have had BC, and each of us had different SE's from treatments and therapies - anyone that that tells you your side effects are "all in your head" have never had BC. 

  • iamnancy
    iamnancy Member Posts: 641

    I had surgery on my thumb almost 2 months ago...I know it worked but I am still having pain-just not in the thumb joint.. its the recovery and rebuilding the strength.. Doxie - I have used Aspercreme  recently on my hand and wrist and I think it helps for a short while.. I've even tried Icy Hot for my joints and think that helps for a short time too.. easier on the body then constant Ibuprofen or Tylenol..

  • Dogsneverlie
    Dogsneverlie Member Posts: 164

    Hi Girls,

    I have noticed my SEs are not as bad - I fell off on the glucosamine that I so recommended - I'm just not good at taking things regularly!  If I don't take the arimidex as soon as I wake up, I forget!

    At first I thought maybe it was from the oxy from surgery but I only took that for two days HOWEVER, I have been on extra strength Tylenol, 2 tabs 2x day for surgery pain so maybe that is helping?

    Not sure but just wanted to share.  Hope everyone has a wonderful day!

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653

    1marmalade1 I had it happen to me while I was doing chemo on one of the threads…actually 3 of them ganged up on me. One even said I must not speak English as a first language because I can't seem to understand what she was trying to tell me. LOL Granted I realized these mean girls were just jerks and have them blocked to this day. I did leave the thread because others were getting very upset with what these mean gals were saying to me. I didn't want to encourage them.

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178

    Lago, I can almost guess who 2 of them are. I've left threads because of people like that. Sad.

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    One of the threads I'm on also had a gal who was extremely mean and dogmatic. The moderators finally blocked her since there were so many complaints. She knew EVERYTHING! It was very stressful.

    DogsNeverLie, perhaps this hint will help you remember your pills. The night before I put my pills in Dixie cups (using different colors of course), for morning, dinner and bedtime. I do eat breakfast so I take my morning pills with me and take them right after I've eaten. This doesn't make me perfect but at least I know if I've missed pills. Now for my Fosamax which I do find really easy to screw up, I put the pill package in a plastic glass and set my glasses around it so I HAVE to realize it's time to take the pill (it has to be taken 30 minutes prior to eating and with only water during that time). I'm so on autopilot when I get up that this was the only thing that has worked for me. I put reminders in every calendar on my phone and laptop too :) Maybe this will work for you. HUGS!!

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    Spookiesmom, sad isn't it when people get so mean and obnoxious? We all seem to try to be gentle and caring (because we ARE) and the bad eggs really stand out. Anyone with an ounce of sense knows that there are a zillion different ways we can react to each medication, surgery, radiation and chemo. Every one of us is unique. Just because I experienced one reaction doesn't mean you will experience any reaction or in the same way. Idiots! End rant :)

  • GG27
    GG27 Member Posts: 1,308

    I've had this happen & I left BCO for a time because of it. One of the SE's from letrozole was severe joint pain, to a point where my knees couldn't touch each other in bed at night, the pain was so severe. She told me to "just get over it" that it was better than dying! That isn't helpful at all. This is when I discovered that I had an allergy to lactic acid which is one of the fillers used in medications. Cheers, Dee

  • iamnancy
    iamnancy Member Posts: 641

    I have dropped off a few boards were I felt they were all so negative ... sarcastic and negative (maybe meant to be funny- I guess) but it wasn't anything I could relate to..

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178

    So true, all of you!!!! So sad too. Tough on the newbies, they get even more scared, and leave.

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653

    I'm pretty sarcastic! Loopy

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    So am I, Lago. However, I do try to watch it when doing it online (in texts etc) where no one can see your expression or I put a qualifier in so no one mis-understands. I hope someone here would let me know if I'm not being kind and supportive (and I'd be totally ashamed if I were).

  • GG27
    GG27 Member Posts: 1,308

    Oh I'm totally sarcastic!! And I try to reread in case I'm just reading it wrong, but this wasn't someone being funny, it was just being mean. When your joints are so painful that you can't stand to have your knees touching, it's not helpful to have someone tell you to "just get over it"

    I have seen a number of times when people are just being bullies. It's usually pretty good & everyone is trying to be helpful esp to newbies. Facebook is absolutely the worst!!

    I'm off to the "big city" to have lunch with a woman I met at the PS's office when we were both having recon, so I'll talk to you all later! Have a good day! (can you tell I'm feeling better?? :) Cheers, Dee

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    I was gone a few days and pages piled up! But for the trigger fingers I did have a cortisone shot from my PCP. No need to go to ortho. Although I have one, I have to see my PCP on a reg basis so it's easier for me and he's very helpful. My finger it's still ok 3 months later. My other hand has 2 but just at the catch phase so I'll wait for TX for those - no pain yet.

    Yes here are some people on the boards who just are not helpful. Just block them and let them troll. Most I've met have been very supportive. I think most of us have a weird funny bone and dry wit, but if someone is offended an apology is a great thing. And if people keep it up what are they trying to prove? I've got better use for my time.

    I have degenerative joints, athritis, and pain from Arimidex. Who can figure out what is causing what pain? LOL. I take a daily anti inflammatory called Etodolac (generic name) and a daily pain pill - tramodol. I am prescribed 4 a day and manage mostly on 2. You do whatever gets you through the day.

    I am also allergic to abx. I can take cipro, doxycycline, daptomycin, but Vancomycin is definitely out! LOL. Scare my ortho to pieces! LOL on the other hand I've gotten through 11 sx so far (in 4 years) so there are things out there for us allergy girls. Also the IV forms seem to be better for me. I've thought it be one of the binder materials that trigger the allergy. I break out in hives. Big ugly blotches that itch and hurt all over. Take weeks to dissappear and even need steroid or cortisone shots sometimes. Not fun. Are we having fun yet? LOL

    Much love to all.

  • iamnancy
    iamnancy Member Posts: 641

    Ladies - I want to assure all of you that when I spoke of sarcastic negative people on boards it included not a one of you... you are all so helpful and we all understand we are in this together...

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540

    Whew, Nancy!

    I think there's couple reasons unpleasant things sometimes happen with online stuff:

    * in a really emotionally charged time; when you are faced with hard decisions (none of which are easy or necessarily are going to have positive outcomes), it is easy to read a personal attack when someone argues strongly against what you have decided to do. It may not be that at all. They really may be concerned about the choices you are making and aren't very good at expressing themselves in writing. What might come off as preachy or judgmental on paper, might come off as loving concern if the same words were spoken by someone looking into your eyes and holding your hand. (I have learned to tread very carefully in this area. Sometimes when a person says they are asking for input, what they really want is an affirmation that what they have decided to do is that case, if I don't agree, I try to just keep my mouth shut!)

    * And yes, there are some people who are mean and just like to stir up trouble. Social media is unfortunately an 'easy' place to do it because of the anonymity. Block those people, don't go on the threads they frequent.....they thrive on the drama, and it is the last thing anyone needs. It is rather shocking to find that people do not necessarily get more empathic to others through guess is that if you are nice going in, you'll get nicer; and if you're mean, you'll get meaner.


  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    Ruth, I think you are right. Nice people get nicer; mean people get meaner. You stated the whole situation very well. Like you, I will sometimes refrain from writing anything. I do get irked at people who know how to treat every side effect though they've never had the treatment causing the SE. Of course we have suggestions, but most of us don't pretend to know EVERYTHING there is to know about SEs and their possible treatment. When I do contribute on something I've no personal experience with, I always say that I don't know this personally but would this work for you etc.

    Now let's get on with being supportive - which we do do so darned well! HUGS ladies!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540


    This philosophy may also be helpful!

  • iamnancy
    iamnancy Member Posts: 641

    LOL - Ruth!

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    Love it, Ruth. Perfect!!!

  • jennie93
    jennie93 Member Posts: 263

    I have never happened across anyone on BCO that was anything but supportive and empathetic. We have all been through this and understand, the way others cannot. I suppose there are a few bad apples in every batch but I can say thankfully I've never encountered any here. Now Facebook on the other hand....... :-(

  • 208sandy
    208sandy Member Posts: 582

    About the cortisone shots - I've had a shot to the same hip for bursitis twice now in two years and first of all it didn't hurt because the needle is so fine I guess and secondly the shots have lasted at least the first one did for a year and the other one is now three months old and performing admirably - my PCP is the one who did them.

    As for negative experiences on the boards I get a little ticked off when I ask about se's and I have been told that I might be scaring newbies - sorry but when I have se's I sometimes have to vent because they are soooooo severe in my case - I certainly don't want to upset anyone but if we're going to have threads about tx and their se's so be it.

  • farmerjo
    farmerjo Member Posts: 239


    I have found the posting of side effects extremely helpful for me. My first MO visit is this Friday.  Based on my pre-existing conditions and what I have read here, I am going to suggest I try Aromasin first.

    For me, it's better reading the side effects here as the pharmacy inserts can be scary stuff.