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For Arimidex (Anastrozole) users, new, past, and ongoing



  • Suzyshacklechick
    Suzyshacklechick Member Posts: 27

    So day 7 on Arimidex and I take at night and just threw up my dinner and have a headache. Looks like this is normal but is there anything I can do to ease these side effects? Thank you

  • hikinglady
    hikinglady Member Posts: 625

    Suzyshacklechick that's terrible, I'm so sorry! I don't have nausea. I take my Anastrozole after breakfast, so there's something in my stomach, and a lot of hydration--juice + coffee, and water all day long, and that probably helps. I hope your MO's office can guide you on this issue. Warm wishes for a resolution.

  • ingerp
    ingerp Member Posts: 1,515

    Yes Suzy--are you taking it *with* food? I take mine with my lunch and haven't had any nausea issues. And I was a little more headachy the first few weeks but that has subsided. (I started full dose on 12/1.)

  • Suzyshacklechick
    Suzyshacklechick Member Posts: 27

    so hoping this may be stomach flu. Throwing up all night and diarrhea. Fun stuff. Thank goodness I don’t work today. They started me on One pill a day. So I guess I was started on a full dose immediately. Hoping it’s just a bug.🤢

  • WorryWartSuzie
    WorryWartSuzie Member Posts: 8

    If you can get through any side effects, which should lessen over time, the more women I talk to who are survivors without recurrence, took Arimidex. I was on Femara and recurred within 2 years. I would give my eyeteeth to have been on Arimidex based on all of the positive things I've heard from people who did get it! 

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    Suzy, I never had any issues when I started anastrozole. I take mine just before breakfast. You consider that the fillers in your pill could be causing problems and changing manufacturers could help. Or, yup, might be some unrelated bug. Good luck.


  • egregious
    egregious Member Posts: 145

    I feel like once we've had cancer, we should be exempt from getting anything else. Maybe this is not reasonable :)

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    Boy do I agree with that. I drive senior cancer patients to their appointments and was trying to make arrangements to pick up a lady next week. She had a double mastectomy Jan 22 along with ovary removal. (She'd already gone thru chemo). Then she broke her foot and had the operated on last week. Now she feels like she is getting the flu. I feel so sorry for her. That's an awful lot in a short period of time :(

  • mactaz
    mactaz Member Posts: 592

    egregious, I'm with you but as you said, probably not realistic.

    Suzyshacklechick, hope you feel better soon. I am on day 2, so assume it’s to early for anything to show up because so far so good.

  • Suzyshacklechick
    Suzyshacklechick Member Posts: 27

    I wonder if I should skip my pill today after throwing up all last night. Is that allowed

  • MexicoHeather
    MexicoHeather Member Posts: 147

    Well, you're trying to keep the medication in your system. Maybe take it with some ginger ale.

    I am a p.m. dose before bedtime taker. We've all got different schedules!

  • snickersmom
    snickersmom Member Posts: 599

    I take anastrozole - along with all the other things I take - in the morning after breakfast. I find that I need to have food in my stomach or I feel nauseous but I've never gotten sick. I don't know which pill can make me feel that way so I always eat first.

  • Suzyshacklechick
    Suzyshacklechick Member Posts: 27

    Thank you all so much for sharing your experiences. Ithink I’ll take it with a sugerfree pudding. Maybe that can be my new ritual 🤞

  • Dreamer54540
    Dreamer54540 Member Posts: 8

    I’ve been on the Anastrozole since Dec2018, first I felt sick and got headaches everyday but that went away, now I have terrible hot flashes. Why is everyone taking Claritin? I also am wondering, I had my surgery Mid Oct and my arm is still numb , does anyone know if this stays like this for life now

  • cindyny
    cindyny Member Posts: 1,292

    Dreamer54540- I too had the numb arm, felt like a rug burn down to my elbow. I would be holding it, kneading it, rubbing it A LOT. Then one day I realized it was less and less numb and finally it was back to normal. This was over a few months.

    My anestrozole was TEVA brand, and I was a raving loon to stay on that brand. Well I couldn't find it anywhere. I even called TEVA; told it was on back order. Had to take a pill, so I started taking Accord brand. Only difference I can tell, is many more hot flashes. Again, not earth shattering, and doable - but I hate hot flashes.

    Like Egregious said, isn't BC enough? I wish it were true too ❤

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    Cindy, I got stuck with the Accord brand when I refilled my rx last week. I still have about 10 days left on the ones from a Swedish manufacturer. Like you I have been adamant about getting Teva only. And I've had no problems. We'll see if that continues. Fingers crossed.

    Dreamer, my underarm was tender and "nerveless" for 13 months. My BS said that whatever your arm is like at a year is how it will be forever. Obviously she was wrong. I regained virtually all feeling. There is hope! Funny that the SLNB turns out to be the most annoying part of all this for many of us.


  • Dreamer54540
    Dreamer54540 Member Posts: 8

    Thank you for letting me know about the arm numbness. My brand is from Zydus Pharmaceutical, never knew there was a difference in brands, I’ll watch that. Hugs back!!

  • Dreamer54540
    Dreamer54540 Member Posts: 8

    Thank you for letting me know about the arm numbness. My brand is from Zydus Pharmaceutical, never knew there was a difference in brands, I'll watch that. Hugs back!!

  • Leigh22
    Leigh22 Member Posts: 9

    Hi ladies! I havent been on here in a very long time!!! Sorry but I think this is going to be long!!! I have been on Arimidex for 6 years and have decided I am DONE! I took my last pill last night!!! Yay... can you tell I'm happy!!! I wanted to get off it last year, after 5 years on it, because I had osteopenia but was told I needed to try for 10 years. Then after a newer study said 7 years was as good as 10 years on an A.I., I was told to do 7 years. I had one more year to go but I had to stop. First my internist said my bad cholesterol and triglycerides suddenly jumped way high, my blood pressure has been high this last year, and I just got diagnosed with osteoporosis. Kind of overwhelming. I have put up with the mood changes, the sex life changes, etc., but the thought of taking more drugs with more side effects was overwhelming. I was set to get on cholesterol and blood pressure meds in March, and was considering what bone density meds to take, BUT I have been having excruciating migraines that are insane and lasted 12 days this time! At Christmas, the migraines lasted 17 days!!! Thats where I'm saying enough is enough. My Mom has mini strokes, Grandma had several strokes, and I am having non-stop migraines with aura and am at high risk for stroke as it is. Ugh!!! I think I just want some encouragement that I'm doing the right thing. I'm scared. I have been on this little pill so long it's been my security blanket. I feel it is what has kept me alive for 6 years. But I feel like at least I stayed on it for 6 years. Thats a long time and by stopping Arimidex, I won't have to get on bone density meds, (apparently your bones start to build back up after stopping the drug), and with the diet and exercise I'm doing, I probably can get my cholesterol and blood pressure back to normal. And please, I hope I'm not scaring anyone new on this drug! I actually did well on it for a long time. It got better. Hot flashes were bad for first 4 months but then I didnt notice them. I did have headaches at first... probably the drop in estrogen... but started taking it at night and then no headaches. If anyone has any questions about my 6 years on Arimidex, please ask! 😊

  • ingerp
    ingerp Member Posts: 1,515

    Leigh--congrats on doing six years. I'm sure you're doing the right thing for you. That's remarkable that you stayed with it for that long--keep in mind a lot of doctors are sticking with five years.

    I wish more women would come back when they go off it--gives the rest of us hope!! Best wishes for improving health as you go forward.

  • Leigh22
    Leigh22 Member Posts: 9

    Thank you Ingerp! I think I am doing the right thing, but I was plagued with second-guessing and doubts and to be honest, fear last night. But I think my body is telling me it's time to stop, though. Also, it's good to mention that my DEXA scan in 2012 showed I was already in Osteopenia, so that's why I am already in osteoporosis at 6 years. I am very happy I was able to take it that long. Honestly, I would have stayed on it longer if it weren't for the new migraine headaches. Apparently I am a very "high risk of coming back" case because of 1 node positive, cancer in both breasts at same time, and HER2+ so my ONC has never wavered in wanting me on it for 10 years. So last year I got a 2nd opinion and he said with new studies, 7 years has same benefit. I have already started a diet that helps keep your estrogen levels low, and also builds up your bones... tough balance.

    Also last year I was sent to an endocrinologist to put me on osteoporosis meds... she had me urinate in a jug for 24 hour period. Turns out I had over 500 mg calcium in my urine. I have Hypercalcicuria, hereditary condition passed from fathers. Explains why I already had osteopenia in 2012 at 52 years old. I retained salt and always get puffy, but the calcium was leaching from my bones and out my urine. She put me on a diuretic to make the salt go out and the calcium stay. Also was given a shot of Prolia for bones 2 years ago. I k ew nothing about it. I usually do my research but trusted my Dr. It was horrible for me... stiff, painful neck for a weeks, constant runny nose and catching every sickness around, and a general feeling of bot being well, and jaw aching and pain. It was worse than the AI for me !!! So I had no more of that!

    I can say that the hot flashes were intense for the first few months on Arimidex, but then after 4 months they subsided, less intense and less frequent. It took me 2.5 years to get my energy back from chemo in early 2013. I did not get any joint or bone pain. Only the last 2 years have I noticed any slight thinning in my hair. But I have very crazy thick hair so it wasn't a big deal and it's not noticeable. That avatar is me a month ago so my hair is good. I did notice mood swings on this drug. No problems with sleeping tho. Gonna admit it did take the sex drive away and there were dryness problems. The product called "Pink" was great.

    Whenever I would think about stopping the drug, I would think I can fix my bones and cholesterol,... I can deal with that... but I did not want to deal with cancer again. That, to me, was way worse and I was going to do everything I could to keep it from coming back. Sorry again this is so long!!! Think I needed somewhere to unload! Lol

  • magari
    magari Member Posts: 335

    Can't remember who asked up thread why everyone is taking Claritin, but the answer is that it can be helpful in reducing joint pain.

    My oncology PA said it's completely harmless and fine to take daily indefinitely. So I take a generic version every morning. Along with Naproxen (also for aches and pains) and Omeprazole (to protect my stomach.)

    I take my Arimidex before bed, along with 3mg Melatonin and Ativan (for sleep) and 37.5 mg Effexor (for hot flashes). The latter were getting better for a while, but have been more frequent in the past few weeks, so I may increase that dose to 75 mg. (I've been on Arimidex for 8 months at this point.) I see my MO on Friday and will ask.

    My other main side effect these days is uncomfortable gas/bloating. I've been to a GI specialist, and tried a low FODMAP diet, which didn't seem to make much difference. He said it could be the Effexor, so I will also be asking my MO if there's an alternative to minimize the hot flashes.

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    Magari, my PCP told me to stop taking Prilosec IMMEDIATELY about a year after I had started anastrozole. She was new to me and said that Prilosec damages bones and what with Arimidex possibly doing the same thing, don't take it. I switched to Pepcid which she said was fine. I also take generic Fosamax. So far no change in my bones has shown up after 4-1/2 years (mild osteopenia). I recommend that you check with one of your doctors about taking Prilosec or just change to Pepcid on your own. I've also been taking Claritin for several years. Since it doesn't help my allergies, my PCP said I could take Benedryl too with no problems (and there haven't been any).


  • ingerp
    ingerp Member Posts: 1,515

    Leigh--I love your posts and you look beautiful!! Come back any time. :-)

  • snickersmom
    snickersmom Member Posts: 599

    My anastrozole is Accord. I don't really have awful problems with it. Hot flashes once in a while but they don't last very long, some joint pain, and that's really about it. Saw my MO and BS yesterday and my MO said to take Claritin and see if that helps my joints.

  • MamaOz
    MamaOz Member Posts: 239

    thanks Leigh

    For sharing.. its always nice to hear from those of us farther along.. vongrats on making it 6 yrs on the Arimidex

    Ive been on it 1 1/2 yrs. the aches and dryness issues

    My cholesterol has already spiked! And Im trying to get control..

    I have osteopenia bordering osteoporosis. I took my first generic boniva last month

    Ive been fighting it for a year.. I think its made my aches worse.. so I may stop .. I thought about prolia but figured it was better to try a month long med instead of 6 mo

    In case the side effects were bad

    Its just crazy trying to balance it all to stay healthy!!

    Lately ive been feeling like I have ear aches but my pcp said my inner ears looked ok.. which was dissapointing as I hoped it was an ear infection

    So Im a bit worried.. my 6 mo with my MO is in a few weeks

    Again thanks for sharing and all the best!

  • FaceForward
    FaceForward Member Posts: 9

    Egregious - I think it's unanimous! We all agree with your statement that we should be exempt from dealing with any other health problems. Thank you for vocalizing that. 👍

    I too was wondering why everyone was taking Claritin. Thanks for those answering that it's for bone pain. How/why does that work? Will any antihistamine work that way or is it just Claritin? I remember hearing some reports that regular use of antihistamines have been implicated in Alzheimer's disease but would have to find that info again. ALZ is what took my mother but I haven't been keeping up with that research lately.

    Tomorrow afternoon is my MO follow up appt. We'll decide then which AI I'll be on. I'm dreading it. Once the AI is set, I'm suppose to meet with my bone health specialist again. I'll need to do a 24 hour urine collection and then we'll decide which bisphosphonate I'll take to counter the side effects of the AI's to prevent a cancer return.

    Somehow this all makes me think of the old nursery rhyme, The House That Jack Built. This is the dog that worried the cat that killed the rat that ate the malt that lay in the house that Jack built. One thing (one pill) leads to another and I'm just dreading all of it. After a few short days of feeling good, tomorrow I go right back to being a patient again. Forget about the cancer, the stress alone has probably shortened my life by 20 years at least!

    OK. Enough venting. 😶

  • hikinglady
    hikinglady Member Posts: 625

    FaceForward Ha ha about the House That Jack Built...

    I've been on Anastrozole for 3 months. I do have osteopenia, so I have Zometa infusions every 6 months to help with bone density. The first infusion made me feel as if I had the flu the following day, and then I was fine after that, so I'm not dreading the next one. I certainly appreciate the convenience of not having to deal with a bone medication as an additional pill.

    I have no bone pain, but I have some joint stiffness. I have hand neuropathy, but my MO says it's a residual chemo effect, and probably is not due to the AI. I have Not Bad hot flashes--noticeable but not awful and not often. If my joints are achy which is sometimes, I take an NSAID, like Ibuprofen or Aleve, or Rx Meloxicam. I already had some arthritis, so this isn't much worse. Exercise helps a lot. The stronger my muscles are, the less my joints complain.

  • snickersmom
    snickersmom Member Posts: 599

    My MO told me yesterday (and many times before that!) the more exercise I get, the better I will feel. Well, I already knew that!!! Just have to start doing it. I can't take anything like Fosomax, Boniva, etc. because of the tumor I've had twice in my jaw, which is not related to cancer. I have to stay away from the biophosphates. My Dexa scans have been really good, so for now I don't have to do anything but make sure I get plenty of calcium. More pills, more pills, more pills. Seems like one thing leads to another and you hit the nail on the head, FaceForward! It is just like the house that Jack built!

  • magari
    magari Member Posts: 335

    Peggy - Thanks for the heads-up! I will definitely speak to my MO about switching to Pepcid. Lots to keep track of still....