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For Arimidex (Anastrozole) users, new, past, and ongoing



  • MamaOz
    MamaOz Member Posts: 239

    thanks for your info Leesa,

    Its good to touch base with you as we started on this journey the beginning of 2017...

    Your info is helpful. Will be interesting to see when the prolia starts to make a difference..

    Aside from occasionally feeling like Im 80! Im alive. So thats good!!

    Ive been trying to walk or do stairs everyday , I need to up my strength building. Tho, ive been taking an algae based calcium and 5000 vit D and am considering osteo biflex.. but thats it for now

    Keep in toich!

  • arby
    arby Member Posts: 27

    Hi! I have experienced teeth pain off and on the last 3 yrs. Always pooh poohed by dentist and onc. I'm happy to say I'll hit 5 yrs May 7 with all my teeth! But it has been a strange sensation as if the teeth have shifted and there's pressure sometimes upper sometimes lower. I'm looking forward to another new normal...hoping anxiety and disrupted sleep will go away. I often felt the pill had a caffeine like affect on my brain and it was running all night! I found that taking the Arimidex from 11 a.m.- 2 p.m.daily resulted in the most restful nighttime sleep. Every person has to make this discovery and timing on their own. Experiment. Good Luck to each one starting out. I kept up mowing a big yard and doing all the yard work with more breaks. Didn't want cancer to rob me of outdoor work which makes my heart sing! My fingers ache and I'm on a hypothyroid pill. But I believe the Arimidex causes lots of side affects because we women are not made to be healthy without our estrogen. Every system is touched by the decrease of hormones. Hang in there. Explore yoga and holistic approaches to pain, etc.I embrace this journey and am grateful for each day and all the time I've had with my grandkids. (they weren't around when the 1 st diagnosis and the 1st recurrence happened 07 and 09. "C" came back to bite me in 2014.) Grateful for life!

  • achildofGod
    achildofGod Member Posts: 1

    I was on Arimidex for approximately 5 Weeks. The brain fog was unbelievable. I couldn’t focus when driving, couldn’t hold a conversation with more than a couple of sentences and couldn’t focus on paperwork due for work. My friends and family became so concerned that they insisted on driving me to all the locations I needed to go to for work. I became very irritable because I had a hard time remembering things and felt like I had the onset of dementia. I was dizzy and had a headache that just wouldn’t leave. I never have headaches. The fatigue and body aches were another struggle. One evening, I sat on my bed and just wept. This felt worse than the surgery I had to remove the cancer and although the radiation was difficult, there was light at the end of the tunnel. My husband who had insisted that I take Arimidex, now stated, “I want my wife back! I can’t stand watching you go through this!” Needless to say, I stopped taking Arimidex three days ago and can’t wait for it to be out of my system. I may try another drug later but I need to heal for now

  • scottie719
    scottie719 Member Posts: 27

    LeesaD and MamaOz - I joined the club in early 2017 as well, and started anastrozole in July 2017. After reading so many reviews on this site about the issues with various generic providers, I also made the switch to Arimidex through Eagle Pharmacy in October 2017. I'm still somewhat stiff when I wake up, and my left index finger occasionally [and briefly] locks up during the day - but I seem to be doing better with the brand name as well. I love the convenience of using the mail delivery, but have found that I need to keep on top of refills - although that could be my MO as well. There's just been some miscommunication the last two times the script needed to be renewed, and I've learned not to trust that reorders are being processed.

  • leesad
    leesad Member Posts: 100

    Thanks for the info Scottie! I'll make sure to stay on top ofthe refills. The first order for three months came with no issue but I'll definitley watch the refills. I've been taking the brand name now for about a week. Don't notice any difference just yet but I have not been worse which works for me so far👍

  • MeganB
    MeganB Member Posts: 2

    Is it safe to use CBD oil while taking Anastrazole? Thanks!

  • MamaOz
    MamaOz Member Posts: 239

    Hopefully this wont get nixed but Yes I dont think it does any harm and helps with the aches

    I get mine medical grade fromMy gynecologist

  • toyamjj
    toyamjj Member Posts: 45

    Hey everyone!

    Starting Anastrozole May 1, anyone have any good stories to share, only hearing about the bad lol. I love to hear the truth but hoping all is not down here from here?

  • mactaz
    mactaz Member Posts: 592

    Not all bad news, you can also checkout the topic “doing well on aromatase inhibitors”. I read both threads and try to keep things in perspective. I have been in anastrozole for a little over 7 weeks. Certainly have a few SE, but have found ways to get past those issues. Sleep, melatonin- achy joints, Tylenol or Advil with exercise and keep moving. Have a few blue days but nothing I can’t handle. Take care and hope all goes well

  • Taco1946
    Taco1946 Member Posts: 630

    Toyamjj - do check out the "doing well" thread. I'll have 2 years of AI's done in May. Remember that everyone doesn't have many SE's and that we seem to react to the different ones differently. Some find that even the manufacturer makes a difference. For everything wonderful I tell you about Femora, someone will tell you the opposite. My MO continues to work with me to minimize my discomforts so speak up. Don't let anyone tell you there aren't any, but don't get ahead of yourself either. Also know that you can try another one. If your MO dismisses that idea, dismiss him/her and find someone who will work with you.

    I try very hard to stay hydrated and exercise. Some have found that lower carb diets help the joint pain but I haven't been uncomfortable enough to make those life style changes. I gave up drinking 37 years ago and I'm not ready to give up my ice cream but that's just me. Weight gain is a problem for many and cutting the carbs certainly could help with that too. (Even after the extra Taxol weight, I now weigh less than when I was diagnosed so maybe I'm being more careful in my choices than I realize.)

    Anyway, do join us on "doing well" and take it one day at a time.

  • Suzyshacklechick
    Suzyshacklechick Member Posts: 27

    I could not find doing well post to join. Could you please post complete name of post? Thank you ❤️

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    Toyamjj, I've been on anastrozole (generic Arimidex) for 4-1/2 years. I've had few SEs. I will be done in October. My MO thinks that 5 years is enough in my case. I do take Fosamax for my bones. I've had no trouble with it either. I was diagnosed with osteopenia before I started my AI. Things have remained stable. If you find you are stiff in the joints, try regular (not D) Claritin. That seems to help. Good luck!


  • hikinglady
    hikinglady Member Posts: 625

    Suzyshacklechick Here's the link. I would call myself someone who's Doing Well on my AI. A few challenges, but no disaster. Just some stiffness. This forum thread (below) is full of lots of perspective, and has lots of positive and hopeful stories.

  • ingerp
    ingerp Member Posts: 1,515

    I'm tolerating it okay too, and wanted to add that some of us did a lower dose for a few weeks to get our bodies used to it. My pills are too small to cut in half so I took one every other day for about three weeks. It *seems* to have given us not-too-bad SEs.

  • snickersmom
    snickersmom Member Posts: 599

    I have been on Anastrozole for just about 18 months and I really can't complain about any severe side effects. I do have aches and pains but honestly don't know if that's because of the medication or the fact that I'm 72 and tend to forget that I'm not a lot younger! My biggest issue has been the Buddha belly/weight gain but I'm working on that. I am on Zoloft for PTSD/depression/whatever and that keeps me calm and somewhat sane most of the time. I will probably be on it for another 3-1/2 years or so, and that's fine with me. I'll do whatever it takes to remain cancer-free.

  • Suzyshacklechick
    Suzyshacklechick Member Posts: 27

    Thank you ❤️ I take mine at night so I sleep thru the side effects if any and am doing great . Only been in 2 months and I only get a headache once in a while. Take Valium if I can’t sleep. Have a great day

  • kimburke
    kimburke Member Posts: 3

    Hi ,

    i was on Tamoxifen for 13 months (no major side effects), did a hysterectomy in June 2018 and switched to Anastrozole (taking it for 11 months now) .I have put on weight with it as well and it doesn't seem to be budging , regardless of how many calories I burn daily. I am having a lot of joint pains mainly in my ankles and knees which inhibit my exercise routine. There is some in my fingers and toes but not as much. I do a lot of walking , jogging and aerobics. I have been swimming more so as to take the pressure off my legs. What has anyone taken for the joint and muscle pains, to be able to continue comfortably with their exercise routine?

  • hikinglady
    hikinglady Member Posts: 625

    kimburke RE: joint aches and stiffness.....NSAID's work well for me. If I'm especially achy or stiff, I take Rx Meloxicam. 1 pill lasts for 24 hours and is very helpful. If it's occasional, I take 2 x 200 mg Ibuprofen, or Aleve (Naproxen) which lasts a bit longer.

    RE: weight gain....UGH, I hate this. I do exercise for 1 hour each day. I have probably put on 6 pounds since I started Anastrozole. I lost 3 pounds over 1 month in March, by limiting simple carbs. During that time, I ate very little starch or grain carbs (even whole grains), extra protein, and no alcohol or sweet things for about 4 days each week. I ate as much protein and as many vegetables as I wanted. However, I just had a vacation, and the white rice and some piña coladas in Hawaii brought back those 3 pounds, of course! I will start my disciplined eating plan again now that I'm home. I give myself 2-3 days a week to indulge a few simple carbs and starches and alcohol, and my 'plan' is to eat absolutely correctly for about 4 days a week, which eventually did work last month, so I will try to do that again!

  • butterfly1234
    butterfly1234 Member Posts: 2,038

    I My PCP prescribed Gabapentin which helps with the joint discomfort. I take 100 mg at night. Didn't want another med to take but I really notice the difference when I stop.

    Does anyone have increased anxiety from the Arimidex? I can't tell if it's normal for all the ups and down of my BC journey or if it's from the medication or both. It's something I'm dealing with in light of my new challenges and decision making options. My insomnia is really bad and has been since my DX. Anyone have any suggestions?

  • snickersmom
    snickersmom Member Posts: 599

    Most of us take Claritin (regular, NOT D) and it does seem to help with joint aches and pain. Don't know why, it just does.

    I take mine in the morning and it doesn't bother me. I take everything in the morning and it never occurred to me to take the AI at night.

  • lala1
    lala1 Member Posts: 974

    kimburke--I took supplements to get me through the joint and muscle pain. Not sure exactly which one did the most but here's my list.....turmeric (I took Gaia brand. Be sure it has the black pepper in it.), ginger, 5000IU Vit D, and magnesium glycinate. Each of these on it's on has shown to help with the pain. I took, and still take, all of them and combined with exercise including yoga, feel great!

    Oh, and as a side note, once I started taking olive leaf extract 4 years ago, I haven't had a single cold! Bonus!!

  • toyamjj
    toyamjj Member Posts: 45

    Thanks for responding, Happy to hear others experiences! And thanks for the tips on how to keep SE at bay. Im taking notes.

  • gussy
    gussy Member Posts: 77

    Has anyone done any research on the testosterone + anastrazole pellets as a treatment post breast cancer? I have done some and it does seem to be an option. My primary phys. does do pellets for estrogen and testosterone so am going to ask about it.

  • ed111
    ed111 Member Posts: 54

    Hi, I just started Anastrozole today, as my Drs are willing to try it as neoajuvant therapy (I'm still 1a small IDC, but have some odd 'non-mass elongation' that "fluctuates" in size on different MRIs, so instead of going for a big surgery, we give AI a try). My question is about fasting. I'm big on naturopatic means, supplements, vit C infusions, diet, juices etc. I fast 3-7 days every few months. As fasting reboots immune system, it's especially good with cancer. Did anyone try water fast while on AI?

  • MexicoHeather
    MexicoHeather Member Posts: 147

    I don't think you'd have any problems on the water fast. I'm taking it at night, and have taken it while fasting before. Was that a lumpectomy then AI, ed111? You've made me thirsty for some juice Happy.

  • dtad
    dtad Member Posts: 771

    Gussy..yes I did do research and I even contacted the doc that initially endorsed it. However before I found a doc that would do it in my area I found out that my tumors could also be testosterone positive and it scared me into not doing it. IMO at some point in the future we will hear a lot more about it. Might be a long time though :(

  • Tappermom383
    Tappermom383 Member Posts: 401

    I have been lurking but haven't posted in a long time. Here's my question: Does anyone else find that their SEs from anastrozole come and go? My knee pain is fairly constant. I do take regular Claritin (generic) every day. I was experiencing a lot of dizziness but that seems to have subsided. My dry cough is also much less now

    New is insomnia - I fall right asleep but wake up two to three hours later and am awake for hours. Last night I woke up at midnight and was still awake at 5 a.m.

    I've been taking my anastrozole at night. I'm going to skip tonight and start taking it in the morning as of tomorrow; we'll see if that helps.


  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    TapperMom I've always taken my anastrole in the morning. When I was about to start it, nearly 5 years ago, someone mentioned here that it kept her awake. It doesn't keep me awake anytime. I also take Claritin with dinner. Since it doesn't help with my allergies at all, I take Benadryl - now 4 times a day. Just one capsule each time.

    Come October, I will be done with my 5 years and stop. My MO doesn't want me to continue on. Says with my Dx, there is no reason to and more reasons to stop then. Kind of scary but I trust him 100% (unlike the MO I had in Michigan). I am looking forward to seeing what changes when I do stop. And if he thinks I should continue with Fosamax.


  • cindyny
    cindyny Member Posts: 1,292

    Tappermom- I take it at night and at first I had insomnia. I'd sleep for a few hours, then wide awake for a few, then crawl back to bed for more sleep. Thankfully I was retired, but it still blew my day. That stopped after a few months.

    Now here I am 14 months out from start, and I'm waking after 4-5 hours of sleep, I'm lasting until 6PM, and then crawling in bed for a 2+hour "nap." Messing up my days (and evenings), again. I'm hoping its just a fluke and will dissipate soon. You have nothing to lose by mixing up the time you take it.

    PontiacPeggy- only 6 months left of taking AI! I can't wait to get there, but I understand being kind of scared too. This AI is our insurance against reocurrance. We can count on you to let us know what changes occur, and I'm hoping they're all good!

    Happy Easter to all those who celebrate it.

  • beep7bop
    beep7bop Member Posts: 45

    just started this anastrozole yesterday.  also 50,000 u vitamin D for 12 weeks