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For Arimidex (Anastrozole) users, new, past, and ongoing



  • humblepeace
    humblepeace Member Posts: 85

    Merry Christmas Everyone!!

  • thisiknow
    thisiknow Member Posts: 88

    If you have Arimidex side effects, when do they usually start? I started Anastrozole a few days ago and am waiting to suffer. How long will it take?

    Also... what happens if you miss taking that pill once in a blue moon? Does it hurt anything?

    Thanks andI hope everyone is having a wonderful Christmas evening.

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    ThisIKnow, I'm curious. Why are you expecting to suffer SEs from Arimidex? Not everyone does. I didn't. My MO at the time said, don't anticipate. If SEs show up, we'll deal with them. Perhaps that will work for you.


  • thisiknow
    thisiknow Member Posts: 88

    PontiacPeggy ...I'm expecting it because I read too much here. Ha But really, lots of folks here have joint pain from Arimidex or the generic and I sort of got the impression that the SE's can wait to kick in for a year or more. Is that true? And is it true that Arimidex doesn't seem to have the same number or level of side effects that its generic has?

  • missouricatlady
    missouricatlady Member Posts: 894

    Everyone is different, but I have found the name-brand Arimidex has less side effects for me. I purchase mine at the CVS Pharmacy at Target with the Good RX coupon for about $23 a month. I have tried TEVA, Accord, and other generic brands and the Accord would come in second place. Hope this is helpful, Lisa

  • hikinglady
    hikinglady Member Posts: 625

    My MO starts everyone on Anastrazole/Accord brand. I felt slightly tired right away, and not again after the first two weeks. My joints got a little stiff within the first few weeks, but then I started exercising every day, and that hasn’t been much of a problem. My hot flashes are almost nothing—-brief moments of warmth. I’d say that I do have side effects, and that they’re quite manageable and not a huge big deal. Some discomforts (stiffness, some aching joints) got better over the first 3-6 months. My MO says, and I’ve experienced this, that sometimes side effects show up as time goes on, and others improve and go away as time goes on. I’ve noticed that over the year on this medication, my thumb joints have gotten weaker, so I’m careful about how I open jars. That’s a bit annoying, but it’s also an Oh Well, I Can Handle This.

  • ingerp
    ingerp Member Posts: 1,515

    thisiknow—keep in mind it's often the women with issues who post. This is a very skewed sample. And if you do develop SEs, they are likely from the loss of estrogen, not the particular kind/formulationof AI you're on.

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    ThisIKnow, keep in mind that every single medication and OTC have side effects. And most of us don't expect them to happen. The same here. Thinking positive won't keep them away if they are going to happen but it helps to not anticipate something that may never happen. There are other threads here for women doing well on AIs. I used Teva generic for almost my entired 5 years. Worked for me. I hope you sail through with no SEs.


  • missouricatlady
    missouricatlady Member Posts: 894

    Good advice from PontiacPeggy (thank you)!

    Might I just add, find what works for you! Hugs, we are all in this together.

  • thisiknow
    thisiknow Member Posts: 88

    Thanks to all 5 of you for your enlightening answers. My MO started me on Anastrozole (generic for Arimidex) and after 8 days or so I don't feel anything yet. ('s too soon I suppose) She said this was her preferred AI. One good thing... I'm getting this pill for $4.71/mo. After 20 years on the hormones I threw them away after I got the path report on my lump and then immediately got hot flashes. I will not complain when those go away. Mark my word.

    Thanks for reminding me that most here have issues and that there are many out there that do pretty fine on their AI's!

  • cbk
    cbk Member Posts: 323

    It’s about age and estrogen levels in body.

    Someone that is 60s vs. 70 vs. in 50s so different.

    It’s just simple logic

  • Taco1946
    Taco1946 Member Posts: 630

    thisIknow - the thread is "Doing well on AI's." Sorry I'm not techie enough to send the link. Be certain to talk to MO about any side-effects you are experiencing though. Some of us do better on one AI than another. I switched from anastrozole to letrozole after about 8 months and I have taken a couple breaks. On both drugs, I took the generic. My MO gave me something for the hot flashes (I'm your age and wanted to be oh so them over) which replaced a mild tranquilizer that I had taken for years. That worked and didn't mean another pill. I had orthopedic problems before BC. Had a knee replaced in July and it isn't healing as fast as I expected. I stopped my letrozole for several weeks and that didn't make a difference so I've decided that I can't blame the AI. Heredity and age are probably the real culprits. Exercise as much as you can and be certain to stay hydrated, something many of us don't think about in the winter. Some have also reported reduced joint pain on a low carb or keto diets. At my age I decided I liked my ice cream too much for that but have managed to get off the few pounds I gained durning Herceptin by staying active.

  • thisiknow
    thisiknow Member Posts: 88

    Taco1946 ...thanks for the name of that thread. I'll go look for it. I do the treadmill thing every day and drink lots more water than I used to because of everybody here that says to get hydrated! So I am. My sister and her husband swear by the Keto diet. They say doing 20 toe-touches a day will prevent a stroke. Ha

    Thanks again!

  • Taco1946
    Taco1946 Member Posts: 630

    First I heard of the "toe touches" preventative! I personally think any diet that restricts food groups is hard to stick to though I just came from dinner with a 10 year old who eats only fish and sea food. I lost 10 pounds quickly on the old Atkins but certainly ballooned after. I'm now below the weight I was when I plateaued 5 years ago on WW. Not thin but comfortable where I am. I also try to remind myself that people of a certain age have more aches and pains. By the way, thisIknow, there is also a thread for ladies over 60. Pretty low keyed but very supportive.

  • Summer91
    Summer91 Member Posts: 5

    Hi all, I started Anastrozole almost two weeks ago. After 3 days or so I became so irritable I could barely handle being around my family, and that has been followed by depression, tearfulness, etcas well. I’ve always been super sensitive to changes in hormones, but this isn’t working for me (or my husband and kids...) Did anyone else have emotional side effects, and did they get better with time?

  • hikinglady
    hikinglady Member Posts: 625

    Summer91 Yes, I had those emotional things, and it went away after 3-6 weeks, but be sure to keep in touch with your MO and PCP about this. One friend of mine needed antidepressants, and even though that is annoying, and she hadn't needed them earlier in life, she was able to stay on the AI and have its benefit by adding that to her daily meds. So, stay vigilant to advocate for what you need, and speak up, so your PCP and MO know about this.

  • Summer91
    Summer91 Member Posts: 5

    thanks, HikingLady. I’m already on antidepressants. Have been on and off for much of my adult life and had finally reached a really great place for several years when I got my Cancer Dx. I went back on then, and don’t want to have to go up! But hearing that things improved for you gives me hope. I really hope it is just an adjustment period for my body, vs A long term struggle! Thanks.

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178

    Yes!! Evil, mean, wicked, and nasty. I was even barking at my dogs. It did settle down after a few weeks, Effexor helped, with the hot flashes too. Keep your MO informed, if it’s too awful, there is other AIs you could try.

  • humblepeace
    humblepeace Member Posts: 85

    Hi Summer91,

    When I began hormone therapy (Tamoxifen). I thought I was losing it. I was fearful and full of anxiety which I had never felt to that degree in my life. Thank God it faded after about two-three weeks. Hang in there

  • Taco1946
    Taco1946 Member Posts: 630

    Only after I switched to femora at 8 months did I realize what I bear I had become. MO also switched me from one mild anti-depressant that I had taken for years to another and my hot flashes went away. Also remember that the holidays are an emotional trigger for many people and just getting back into a normal routine may even things out. But stay close and talk to your MO. Different people seem to do better on one drug than another.

  • thisiknow
    thisiknow Member Posts: 88

    Taco1946 ...if indeed your anti-depressant stopped your hot flashes, does that mean it fed you estrogen? Just wondering.

  • Summer91
    Summer91 Member Posts: 5

    Thanks for the encouragement! I see my MO this morning so hopefully we will keep on top of this. I switched to Cymbalta/duloxetine a month or so ago and it works similarly to Effexor. It was helping with hot flashes but with the anastrozole now they have increased. Maybe I will discuss a change to Effexor or increase of the Cymbalta.

    And I agree Taco1946 - I don’t think I felt an ounce of “Christmas spirit” this year, and can’t wait to fast forward to normalcy and kids in school.

  • Taco1946
    Taco1946 Member Posts: 630

    Interesting question thisIknow. I got the venlafaxine (75mg) from my MO so I haven't worried about it. Will ask at next visit. It replaced nortripline which I have taken for a number of years.

  • Leawoodgal
    Leawoodgal Member Posts: 13

    good Evening

    I have been in armidex (generic) for around 9 months with hardly any side effects. Had first blood draws at recent physical and my blood calcium level was slightly elevated from normal range up to 10.5. I have read a few articles that this can happen having retested tomorrow. Has anyone else had this happen. My diagnosis was stage 1a no lymph node involvement. Did radiation after lumpectomy


  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    Leawoodgal, Mine blood calcium has been running 10.1-10.2. My MO has not been concerned about and I did bring it up. Should be interesting to see what change, if any, occurs at my next blood work since I've been off Arimidex since mid-October.

    BTW, it is really helpful to all of us if you fill out your profile and then go to SETTINGS (in the upper right corner) and make them PUBLIC. Then they will show after each post you make.


  • Stellawt57
    Stellawt57 Member Posts: 65

    I’m wondering if any of you experienced hot flashes and tenderness at your auxiliary lymph node incision. These started 7-10 days ago. I’m 15 months post lumpectomy and have had joint pain, mood swings, anxiety, fatigue and have those managed with curcumin, magnesium glycinate, and acupuncture. I see my Integrative Dr. next week and will definitely talk with her about the hot flashes & what I can do to manage them. I had my last acupuncture treatment 3 weeks ago so my be that could be a factor. It’s just hard to believe that I have these delayed symptoms. You input is greatly appreciated!

  • ml1209
    ml1209 Member Posts: 153

    I saw my PCP this week and my fasting blood glucose was 149. I have never had any issues before. My doctor says I am now prediabetic and need to start metformin. These gifts just keep coming, don't they. I would love to hear from others if you have had this issue. I would love to control by diet if possible and skip the metformin, but my dr says this sometimes happens with anastrozole. Any advice or tips would be greatly appreciated.

  • Indianarose
    Indianarose Member Posts: 2

    I have been on Anastrozole for a little over 2 years. My major complaint with this is joint pain. I spoke to my Oncologist about this, but she just said they are all about the same. The results of a bone density test show a decline in bone density and she gave me an injection of Prolia. OMG. The joint pain from the Anastrozole was nothing compared to this. I can't wait for this to be out of my system. I am considering then taking AlgaeCal. I have read that exercise, acupuncture and Cymbalta were some treatments being used for joint paid from aromatase inhibitors. I would like to know if anyone else is using any of these and with what success.


  • bennybear
    bennybear Member Posts: 245

    I too am curious about the algaecal, would love to know what your doctors think. I am not sure if it is just a marketing ploy or the real deal. I am on weekly fosamax for my bones.

  • Taco1946
    Taco1946 Member Posts: 630

    I've been taking metformin for about 2 years. Primary said I was borderline and it was up tp me. I can't tell if it's helped the joint pain - have too much other joint stuff going on - but I do think it has helped me control my weight.