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For Arimidex (Anastrozole) users, new, past, and ongoing



  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 942

    5LuvBugs~~I met with an Oncology Resident 2 weeks ago before my MO came into the room. We were discussing the Vitamin D3 I take. I told him 5000 mgs. He got really concerned, telling me it was way too much and could cause kidney problems.

    He did say some take the weekly mega-dose for a few weeks, and then go to the 2000 mgs. When I got home and looked, I found that I indeed was taking the 2000 mgs.

    I'm really feeling the burn today from rads, but I finish today. Yippee!!! Praying it doesn't get any worse.


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 942

    I take the calcium carbonate, 600 mgs twice daily. I just buy Spring Valley at Walmart. I don't know what the difference is.

    I do know that my mother, and my older sister (8 years older than me) never took calcium and were both bent over at the waist. However, both of my mom's sisters took their calcium, and both walked upright.


  • 5LuvBugs
    5LuvBugs Member Posts: 87

    Paula Yippee for the completion of RADS!!!  What a relief for you to have that overwith....

    I am so glad you mentioned the D and Kidney's that is probably why I've been getting up 5-6 times a night and have awful pain from my back hip  to my front pelvis - I took 50,000 units for 4 weeks - finished Saturday.  Guess I better check w/Dr.  Thanks... Now I;m going to go give my poor mom a bed bath so she can be transported to the doctors office - oh I pray I don't get like my poor little 91 year old mommy - it makes me soooooo sad to see her like this... Sending Love to you girls.Kiss

  • AnnieLane
    AnnieLane Member Posts: 757

    Paula, so glad you're done with Rads! Keep using whatever creams or gels you've been using for 2 more weeks to facilitate healing.

    I take Calcium Citrate, easier on your stomach and you don't have to take it with food. When I travel, I take the Viactiv type chews because you can take them anywhere without water, but they are Calcium Carbonate.

  • Timbuktu
    Timbuktu Member Posts: 1,423

    Well, my kidneys are in trouble and the dr told me to take 4000 mg of D a day,  It does make me nervous to take so much!  My trainer at the gym takes 15,000 a day and his d is at 50.

    The Fda doesn't even check vitamins right?  Where is the FDA when you need them?

    My mother was so bent and twisted.  She was perfectly straight until she hit 80.  Then she became the hunchback of Notre Dame,  She was shorter than my 9 year old.  It was horrifying and once you see take your vitamins.

    She was very thin and  never ate well.  Didn't get much sun.  

  • brooksidevt
    brooksidevt Member Posts: 1,432

    My onc said 2,000 units of D3.  Recently had a blood test and my D scored 46, which apparently is just right, so, for me, 2,000 (1,000 twice daily) is it.  I also take a multivite which has a bit more.  I also need to start calcium, as I'm pretty near osteoporosis and sure don't want that to get worse, but not sure what kind to take.  I'm trying to get the right amount of exercise, as I'm terrified of those bone medicines:  I had a long-term lowgrade infection in a gland just under my jaw, fixed by surgery, then, a few years later, more infection issues with an impacted wisdom tooth, and, while that's also now gone, I can't help a bit of suspicion that not only were those two things connected, but that there's still a little bit of something still going on.  I seem to have a few crowns in my future, so the thought of something that could affect my jaw health is pretty darned worrisome.

    I guess this is a long way of asking what kind of calcium I should take?

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,855

    I take VIACTIV Calcium Chews plus D. The label says to take two a day, but I eat three. I like them because they taste like CANDY (20 calories per chew).

  • stellar7
    stellar7 Member Posts: 2

    Hi, my dad was a physician who leaned heavily on food nutrition, mineral and vitamin absorbtion for good health. He said to take half the amount if magnesium that you take calcium (citrate). I.e.,1000 mg Cal to 500 mg magnesium. Cal citrate is much more readily absorbed, than carbonate. My pharmacist said 10% of my 1200 Cal carbonate mg was being absorbed. I switched to Cal citrate w/ mag. I also take 3000 vitamin D a day. Just one person's experience. God bless you all!

  • stellar7
    stellar7 Member Posts: 2

    P.S.: I don't understand why some people are on Tamoxifen ( like me), and some are in Arimidix? I am post-men, 64 yrs old.

  • bren58
    bren58 Member Posts: 688

    Paula, so glad you have finished rads!

    5luvbugs, I don't take calcium but take a liquid vitamin D in drop form. 2000 -3000 IU's about 5 times a week.  My vitamin D level rose from 42 in April to over 70 when it was checked a couple weeks ago, so I guess it is working.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,855

    Stellar, do you have any bone issues? If all things are equal, then you probably should be on Arimidex as the recurrence risk is somewhat lower. ASK!!!!

  • proudtospin
    proudtospin Member Posts: 4,671

    I am 64 as well and my docs only give tamoxifin to folks my age if they complain on side effects of AL but first they swith the AL as there are 3 to chose from.  The head onco at my hospital said the side effects of tamoxifin are much worse than anything from the ALs

    yeah, you want to read up

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653

    stellar7 there could be many reasons why you get Tamoxifen instead of AIs. How's your bone density? If you have serious osteoperosis your doctor might feel Tamxoifen is better than putting you on an AI with some of the bone building drugs. At one time there were not AIs so everyone got Tamoxifen.

    My suggestion is to ask your doctor. S/he should answer that question for you.

    Sorry been really busy. Our kick off breakfast for the Making Strides walk is Wednesday! Just popping in.

    Congrats to all that are celebrating.

  • Easydancer
    Easydancer Member Posts: 25

    Question: 4 months in with Anastrazole. Had muscle and joint aches and pains, under control with exercise. other SE's okay now. Now I am getting a headache every evening and having trouble sleeping everynight...go to sleep, wake up and semi-sleep the rest of the night, then need to nap in afternoon.

    Anyone have suggestions? The headache is particularly troublesome. Will it also pass in a month or two? If so, I can deal with it. Taking Melatonin at night to help sleep...helps a little. Taking Exedrin for headache...also helps some.

    I want to keep taking the Anastrazole for at least 6 mos as I understand it is the best to ward off recurrences. If I really can't tolerate it then I will consider alternatives. See my MO August 27.

    Suggestions from more experienced users are welcome.

    Thx, Patti

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 942

    Here's some info from the makers of arimidex.


  • sweetandspecial
    sweetandspecial Member Posts: 1,669

    Easydancer: I find that while melatonin helps me GET to sleep well enough, it doesn't help me get BACK to sleep when I wake up in the night.  If I wake up with melatonin I'm wide awake and have trouble dropping back off.  I use OTC sleep aids like Tylenol PM, Simply Sleep (by tylenol) or Unisom.  With any of these I fall back to sleep much easier than with melatonin.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,855

    Easy, have you tried taking it at a different time of the day?

  • proudtospin
    proudtospin Member Posts: 4,671

    I know this is off the wall, but when I get headaches, they are mostly cause I am dehydrated.  Means I got busy or whatever and did not drink my quota of H2O.  I do confess to taking allergy meds which dehydrate but....worth a try, drink up some old water!

    if the headache goes were dehydrated

    wonder if that could be caused by one of your meds?

  • Easydancer
    Easydancer Member Posts: 25

    Sweetandspecial...That is a good suggestion, I will try alternatives to Melatonin...just cannot get a good night's sleep through the night.

    Ruthbru, No, I have taken it in the morning since I started it. Maybe I should try it at night...for some reason I was afraid that it might keep me awake but I guess that is happening anyway!Foot in Mouth so nighttime might be a solution. I will start that tonight and see if it helps. Thanks for the suggestion...I could always try noon or evening also, although I always take all my meds am or pm--1/2 & 1/2...force of habit I guess...that way I remember them. I'll switch some around. Cardiologist told me to take BP meds at night as they will make me sleepy! (really! that is so not working), so I'll switch Anastrole with something else. See what I can work out.

    Thanks girls. I will try anything as I really want this to work in the worst way.


  • lezza13
    lezza13 Member Posts: 579

    Hi Ladies

    Onc wants to switch me to Armidex or its generic. I am now on Tamoxifen but am in menopause.  What are some of the SEs and should I make this switch?  I don't want any more joint pain than I have now.  Any comments appreciated.  Thanks

  • RhodyMMM
    RhodyMMM Member Posts: 278

    Proudtospin, great point about the dehydration. I also get headaches when I don't drink enough fluids. I have not yet started my Arimidex (STILL waiting for verified test results) but I am definitely trying to make sure that I bring bottled water to work every day to drink mid-day.

  • kjiberty
    kjiberty Member Posts: 687

    Easy...I sell Humana in ILL.  I have over 1600 clients.  I love my clients--I love my job.  Love helping people!  :)

    I am so glad you are happy with it.  

    I take arimidex in the a.m.  Have some sleep issues, but have for the past 8 years (menopause).  Some nights are better than others.  

  • sweetandspecial
    sweetandspecial Member Posts: 1,669

    Lessa13: I've had a handful of SEs that have mostly resolved themselves now.  I started taking Arimidex early December 2012 and within a month had some trigger thumb problems. Cleared up in one thumb then the other one acted up and I couldn't bend it for 4-5 months.  A couple weeks ago that magically resolved.  Also had some abnormal fatigue for several months that has also now pretty much resolved.  I still don't sleep well but that was a pre-existing isue for me anyway.  My feet are a little stiff in the morning and after I've been immobile for any length of time but they loosen up quickly once I'm up and walking around.  If MO feels Arimidex is a better fit for you now you should definitely give it a shot.  You may be one of the lucky ones with mild or even no SEs Smile.

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653

    sweetandspecial & Easydancer I  had trouble getting back to sleep too. I started wearing a blinks sleep mask (by Bucky). Problem solved. My NP told me to take it in the morning so I wouldn't have sleep issues.

    Lezza13 I've always been on Anastrozole (generic Arimidex). A friend of mine made the switch and she said her hot flashes were not 1/2 as bad and had less joint pain with Anastrozole.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,855

    A friend of mine said she had much fewer & less intense hot flashes with arimidex than tamoxifin too.

  • blessings2011
    blessings2011 Member Posts: 1,801

    Oh, Ladies, thanks for all the encouraging words.... and many hugs to those of you who are suffering side effects, going through trying times, and especially those of you who are caring for elderly parents. You deserve extra, EXTRA hugs.

    Actually, I am feeling SO much better today... I fired my Primary Care Doctor this morning, and switched to a young woman physician who is a "team player" in the truest sense of the word.

    We discussed my increasing spikes in blood pressure. She told me to get rid of my handy battery-powered wrist monitor (useless, in her opinion) and stick to the manual pump-and-stethoscope monitor that I have.

    This morning when I woke up, my BP was 177/95. Not good. I got it down to 162/88 though, which was better. I've never had high blood pressure in my life, and in fact, my BP has been closer to 108/68 for the past year. This represents a dramatic change, and if left untreated, can result in significant heart damage, or even stroke.

    We discussed the use of blood pressure medication, and I told her my plan was to see my MO soon and request a drug vacation. If the BP started going down when I was OFF the drug, then there was no reason to start BP meds. She agreed. I was also pleasantly surprised that she agreed that high blood pressure was a side effect of Anastrozole.

    I made up a list of SEs that have spiked in the last few months or weeks, and ranked them in order of severity. They are:

    1. High blood pressure

    2. Joint and muscle pain (not "stiffness" or "discomfort" - I'm talking "Hurts so bad I have to use a cane or a walker and take Norco" pain.)

    3. Vaginal Atrophy, Pain, Itching, and Bleeding unless I use Premarin Cream daily

    4. Bladder Issues, including pain, frequency, almost to the point of  incontinence

    5. Trigger Finger and Trigger Thumb (and beginning pain in feet)

    6. Weight Gain (20 pounds in 3 months)

    7. Clinical Depression

    Here is what I DON'T want: to take a different prescription medication for every single side effect of Anastrozole. Yes, they might help, but at what cost?

    I will be seeing the MO on Friday... all indications are that due to the high blood pressure alone, I will almost certainly be given a 1 - 2 month reprieve from taking the Anastrozole, and if my BP lowers sufficiently, then I may be taken off the drug entirely.

    Will keep you posted.

    Dx 9/15/2011, IDC, <1cm, Stage Ia, Grade 2, 0/3 nodes, ER+/PR+, HER2-Surgery 12/05/2011 Mastectomy (Both); Lymph Node Removal (Left); Reconstruction: Tissue expander placement (Both)Surgery 08/22/2012 Reconstruction: Breast implants (permanent) (Both)Hormonal Therapy 09/05/2012 Arimidex

  • Timbuktu
    Timbuktu Member Posts: 1,423

    Blessings, I have had all of the same side effects.  I am on an extra bp pill and that has worked to keep the bp down but as you say, everything has a cost,  My one month vacation is over today.  I dread going back on something but what's the alternative?

  • iamnancy
    iamnancy Member Posts: 641

    My thumb joints hurt, my feet hurt and I am so fatigued ..sometimes I feel like my feet are going to go out on me.. I have like a cold flash on the back of my neck.. all this and yet some days I feel great - no SE at all.. anyway, my raisins will be ready this weekend so I'll be taken them starting Saturday.. see if they make any changes in my aching body.

  • nbnotes
    nbnotes Member Posts: 338

    IamNancy - Definitely stick with the raisins even if you don't see any changes immediately.  After 4 days, my wrists didn't hurt as much when waking up, and after about 1 1/2-2  weeks, I suddenly realized that I wasn't as creaky & shuffling when I got up from sitting a while.  I still have some other joint pains, but I've read it can take up to 4-5 weeks to see full effect.  Plus, I figure if only some of my joints are helped it is still better than not taking them.

  • ClaudiaMetz
    ClaudiaMetz Member Posts: 136

    Haven't been on the boards for a while.  I had to go back to dermatologist for my autoimmune skin condition.  My rash was so bad.  He put me on Methotrexate for the rash and to keep the muscle issues at bay.  I had a blood test when I started and have had one last week.  As the nurse put it "everything looks okay".  I know with this medicine it can cause fatigue.  I also know the Arimidex can cause fatigue.  I am so tired that I could fall asleep while I am sitting up (that is until I go to bed).  I am so sick of going to doctors and having them put me on more medicine.  My rash is better (maybe due to ointment); however, my skin is so dry and my scalp itches so bad.  I am trying to hang in there and trying  to continue with the medicine (take it once a week and it is a starting dose).  I see my dermatologist in a month.  I feel like I am running in circles.