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For Arimidex (Anastrozole) users, new, past, and ongoing



  • Timbuktu
    Timbuktu Member Posts: 1,423

    What is exchange surgery?

  • Chinneymae
    Chinneymae Member Posts: 173

    I had my TEs removed and permanent implants put in. "Exchanged" the TEs for Implants. It's called Exchange surgery. :)

  • Timbuktu
    Timbuktu Member Posts: 1,423

    Thanks!  But what are TE's?

  • BayouBabe
    BayouBabe Member Posts: 1,467

    TE = tissue expanders

  • Timbuktu
    Timbuktu Member Posts: 1,423

    Oh, thanks for explaining.  I just had a mastectomy with no reconstruction.

  • RhodyMMM
    RhodyMMM Member Posts: 278

    Timbuktu, you mentioned that you think you feel a lump. Did you get it checked out? Could it be scar tissue perhaps from where you had a drain? How long ago was your surgery? i know what you mean about always being worried. I have had a delay between my surgery and my chemo because they didn't realize until a couple weeks ago that I actually have two different types of cancer. The latest is that they found out one tumor is triple negative (more aggressive). The onc doc tells me that there is a 12-week window between surgery and when they need to start chemo. Because we are away for the next week for my daughter's wedding, it will be 12 weeks and 2 days when I start. I have found myself worrying constantly lately.

    Chickydee.....what part of the 'Burgh are you in? I live in Delmont (Murrysville area). Just curious! We are on our way to Charlotte, NC right now for my daughter's wedding in Charleston, SC on Sunday. Going to the Steelers/Panthers game tonight!

  • Timbuktu
    Timbuktu Member Posts: 1,423

    Rhody,  I have an appointment with my breast surgeon in less than two weeks so she'll check it out.  After the surgery there was a blob of fat left on the  scar, in the middle of my chest.  Underneath was a hard long strip of tissue.  The sugeon said it was fat necrosis, not dangerous and the fat blob was NOT breast tissue.  Not to worry.  

    One onco looked at it and said it had to come out.  It WAS breast tissue and should be removed.

    I went to a second surgeon and he said it was nothing.

    Now it feels as though the fat blob is a little bigger, a little more solid.  I can deny the possibility of the worst when I'm feel Ok but when I get anxious I remember how i denied the tumor for 6 months!  The surgeon I will be seeing midsdiagnosed me.  I think depression and anxiety is getting the better of me.  Being back on Arrimidex is not helping.  My surgery was over 2 years ago and this is far from the drains.

    I have never seen anyone else's mastectomy scar but mine is sloppy.  She left this blob in front and on the side is a huge blob of fat that almost looks like a breast under my arm!

  • RhodyMMM
    RhodyMMM Member Posts: 278

    Timbuktu, I also have a fat blob on each side. My BS calls the "angels wings," she said I earned them! I did read somewhere that you get those because when you have breasts the weight of the breast tissue pulls the fat forward and so when the breasts are gone there is nothing to pull them. Also, I am somewhat overweight and had fat there before. Are you anything for the depression? If not, you might want to talk to the doctor and see about getting something. There are a lot of good antidepressants out there that can really help. In the meantime, know that we are all here for you. I talk with my husband and my friends, but they don't understand like everyone here does. I try to be positive and upbeat with them, but on here I can say what I am really feeling. It's great catharsis......(((hugs))) to you!

  • sweetandspecial
    sweetandspecial Member Posts: 1,669

    RhodyMMM: I love, love, love Charleston!  I've had the opportunity to travel to Columbia SC many times over the past 15+ years and we've managed to squeeze in a side trip to Charleston quite often.

    Timbuktu: my BMX scars looked really good, probably because it was the plastic surgeon that sewed me up after placing the TEs.  If you didn't have TEs placed then there probably wasn't a PS present, right?  Sounds like your BS needs some practice.  My exchange scars are only three weeks old and already looking as if they'll smooth and fade nicely, but again, that's a plastic surgeon's work, not a general surgeon.

    Fat blobs under the arm can be fixed with a revision surgery by either excising the extra tissue or lipo-suction. My PS prefers excision for the best results and will be doing that for me later this year.  Just because you 'earned' those 'angel wings' from being treated for breast cancer doesn't mean you have to live with them.  My PS waits a few months to let things settle and then is willing to clean up the yucky, fatty, fluffy, kinda wrinkly, unsightly stuff.  Whippemom told me it's a very common revision surgery.  Oh, and it should be covered by insurance because it's part of the whole reconstruction process.

  • Timbuktu
    Timbuktu Member Posts: 1,423

    Thanks guys.  You are really the best!  No one else knows the way you do!

    I have a hunch that it was the resident who must have closed me up.  And yes, I am overweight so when I showed the surgeon the extra breast under my arm she said to lose weight, which I sorely want to but then I think I'll just have a smaller breast under my arm.  She said if it really drives me crazy she'll go back in and fix it.  But in the interim I've sort of gotten used to it and I really don't want more surgery!

    Well, if it turns out to be nothing I'll be happy with the fat blobs!  Tongue Out

  • bren58
    bren58 Member Posts: 688

    We are heading to Charleston in 3 weeks! Our first trip since the start of this whole thing a year ago. I can hardly wait! I have never been and am really looking forward to it.

    Rhoddy, I hope the wedding is wonderful! Congrats!

  • chickydee
    chickydee Member Posts: 15

    Hi Rhody, I'm from the South Hills area ~Venetia. Hope you get to see a better game tonight. A wedding in SC sounds wonderful, especially your daughter's. Congratulations! I'm sure you'll enjoy it to the fullest.

    Timbuktu, I have an "angel wing" but my BS calls it a "dog ear". I hate, hate, hate, it! It pops out of anything sleeveless and looks terrible. The BS said she could remove it but I would have to have drains again. Hmmm drains or flap of skin??? And by the way I lost 50 pounds after all my treatments and that stupid "dog ear" never got any smaller.

  • sweetandspecial
    sweetandspecial Member Posts: 1,669

    hmmm....I didn't think to ask about drains for the underarm boob removal.  I'll still have the procedure even if it requires drains though.  I'll ask him at my next visit but it's not until September 12.

  • Chinneymae
    Chinneymae Member Posts: 173

    Well I'll be heading back to Charleston tomorrow for my MO appointment. I will be telling her I've stopped the Arimidex. She ain't gonna like that. I'm planning on asking her about DIM or I3C. I hope she doesn't write me off.

  • Pbrain
    Pbrain Member Posts: 773

    Tumeric is used as a coloring agent in junk foods (think orange like cheese-its and cheese doodles).  So I'd try that first (not!  just an excellent excuse to eat the fun stuff).

    Roberta, I work with a pair of judgemental and ignorant women.  Sadly enough, one lost her mother to breast cancer.  But they have made fun of me behind my back during this entire ordeal.  I ignore them.  They aren't worth my concerns.

    Oh and Chick and Rhoddy, I lived for 2 years in Beechview during a fellowship at AGH.  Born to two Mt. Lebo parents at St. Clare way back in the day :-)  I love the 'burgh!

  • blessings2011
    blessings2011 Member Posts: 1,801

    Thanks, Chris13, for the turmeric info!

    Although I have to admit....I could take Pbrain's advice and just get one o' them ginormous tubs of cheese doodles from Costco and maybe it would do the same thing? Tongue Out 

    (Ugh... feeling queasy just thinking about it...) Will definitely try the natural stuff first, Pbrain!)

  • janemachado22
    janemachado22 Member Posts: 1

    Hi!!!  I was just diagnosed with metasticised BC to my lungs on July 1st.  My ONC advised me to have my ovaries removed as they were still producing estrogen and I am ER/PR +.  He them put me on Anastrozole. 

    I have been on this for about a month now and do not seem to have any side effects.  However I have been feeling pressure on my chest over my heart.  Could this be heartburn (I've never had it before) or a side effect?  I had an EKG done and that is all fine and just had a chest xray done today.

    Just wondering if anyone else has had this kind of side effect from Anastrozole.


  • Timbuktu
    Timbuktu Member Posts: 1,423

    I've been feeling a tightness around my chest.  It's scary.  I'm hoping it's just palpitations/hot flashes.

  • iamnancy
    iamnancy Member Posts: 641

    janemachado - I have heartburn - I already have GERD/ acid reflux- but it hasn't bothered me in a long time - now I get it at night -and I am sure its the medication..

  • WaveWhisperer
    WaveWhisperer Member Posts: 557

    Bren and others, I live in Charleston. Send me a private message if I can help you in any way while you're there. I'm out of town now and will be out of the country Sept, 7-14. I'm going through all the SE of Arimidex and, now, Aromasin--insomnia, bone and joint stiffness, trigger fingers, hot flashes and night sweats, weight gain. Not fun but I'm sticking with the AI's as my best defense. Been on one of them more than a year,

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653

    janemachado22 I had heartburn/gerd from chemo. I was on 2 meds for it by the time I finished. Also, regarding the ovaries coming out. If you have any doubts I would get a 2nd and/or 3rd opinion. If you're on Anastrozole it sounds like you are now in menopause so your ovaries are producing much much less and will continue to produce less as you get older. This is really a call for the MDs but there are different thoughts on that. It also depends on your specific medical history.

  • RhodyMMM
    RhodyMMM Member Posts: 278

    Pbrain and Chickydee....too bad about them "Stillers" last night. I know it's just pre-season, but I hope it's not a sign of how the season will be.....we were going to go to the game but there was still too much wedding prep to do, so we watched it at my daughter's house. I'm not a native Pittsburgher, but we have been there for 18 years and it feels like home!


  • Pbrain
    Pbrain Member Posts: 773

    Hi Jane, I'm another Jane Cool  I find I need prilosec or some other proton pump inhibitor medication since I started arimidex.  I didn't connect the two though.  I started the drug about 4 months post final chemo and I had been off of the heartburn medicine for about two months.  I had terrible heartburn off and on during chemo, so I took it everyday.

    I'm going to go check the product's package insert so see if heartburn was a side effect because it is driving me nuts!

    Rhody, I hear the teams do a lot of practicing of moves and plays during the pre-season since it doesn't count for anything.  I hope yins have a good season, but I'm currently rooting for my Colts ;-)

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653

    Pbrain I assume you went off the Prolosuc slowly after chemo. If you didn't that could be the problem. You just can't stop those drugs. I must be a slow withdrawal or you'll have even worse heartburn. I also take all my pills with food unless stated otherwise.

  • Pbrain
    Pbrain Member Posts: 773

    Lago, yeap, I knew that and was careful.  I didn't want to just stop taking them because I was also worried about hives which I seem to be getting all the time now (did you know long-term use can stop chronic hives because of the histamine 2 inhibition?).  But I knew they also became a bit "habit" forming in that if you take them all the time you will have much worse heartburn if you stop, so I wanted to do it slowly but get off of them since I think I'd only used them one time in my life before chemo.

    Stay safe in the storms.  It is beautiful and sunny here in Indy but we need rain!

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653

  • Timbuktu
    Timbuktu Member Posts: 1,423

    Even that dramatic photo does not convey the violence of the storm.  A neighbor's tree fell on her car.

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178

    Where was that taken?

  • iamnancy
    iamnancy Member Posts: 641

    lago -that picture is so awesome!

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653

    The picture was taken from my window (Chicago) in the 2nd bedroom which is my study… and where my computer is located. I live on the 17th floor. I have some other pictures that I might post tomorrow of the storm leaving. Some from the south side of the city.