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  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Posts: 6,340

    Poodles, right decision to go, but I'm so sorry you have to. Your poor Mom can't buy a break. I know she'll be a bit more anchored with you there. I can't believe that the stent moved. I had one once for several weeks and it sure as heck didn't move. Of course I was 25 years younger and more firm (:) ) Let us know if we can do anything to help besides sending love and hugs.


  • And now for a bit of levity...DH and I are watching the men's Olympic diving and I swear every one of these guys gets out of the pool and adjusts his junk right at camera level.  If we were playing beer pong, I would be winning.

  • Peachy2
    Peachy2 Posts: 319

    jdfly, praying for good biopsy results for your daughter!

    Dara, sorry I missed the ride along in your pocket. Hope your treatment went well today. Like Happy Hammer I lost my hair right at day 18, and I also didn't have it shaved or buzzed. I just kept tucking what was left into the wig cap and let it go on its own. Do talk to your MO about Taxotere. There are a couple of women on the Hair, Hair, Hair thread whose hair is not growing back at all well after Taxotere, and there are a few lawsuits. My sister in law had Taxotere and her hair grew back, but not her eyebrows.

    Poodles, you always make me laugh! We are watching water polo. So many Speedos. Hope your mom turns the corner soon!

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Posts: 6,340

    Poodles, we may be older but we sure aren't dead! I'll look, too :)


  • tsoebbin
    tsoebbin Posts: 199

    OMG... I drove today! Freedom!!!

  • Peachy- I did Taxotere one said anything at all abt hair never coming back when I signed the papers abt all of the other horrific possible SE's......have seen so many with this prob since then,.  Ugh...BC stinks, SE's stink, worrying abt every little thing stinks....just have to keep our sense of humor and be there for one another.  Having a bad night tonight...sorry.

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Posts: 6,340

    Traci, YEAH!!! I'm happy for you. Not being able to drive is terrible.

    HH, You are allowed to have a bad night. You've been through a lot. Everything is scary and while it isn't always foremost in our thoughts, there are times those worries stand front and center. I'm here for you. I'll listen. We ALL will listen and are here for you. Many hugs!


  • LovesToFly
    LovesToFly Posts: 705

    all my hair is coming back after taxetore, but I too have heard that. It's quite rare but.

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Posts: 6,340

    I noticed something today that surprised me. I met with my new MO today. I guess I was nervous about it because my BP was rather high (for me). When I undressed, I noticed that I had sweat through my blouse. I've never done that before from nerves. Then I realized I had sweat through ONLY on my RIGHT (non-BC) side. I think that's weird. I mentioned it to the MO and he thought it was peculiar but mentioned it might be an SE of rads. I suppose it's possible. Well, hell, anything is possible in our world. Now I'll pay attention to see if I do sweat from either nerves or heat on my left side. Anyone else have this happen?


  • chisandy
    chisandy Posts: 11,463

    Actually, Peggy, I won’t be getting torics. Turns out my astigmatism is not conventional (misshapen cornea) but lenticular (irregularities in the curvature of the lenses themselves). So replacing my natural lenses with plain single-vision ones would cure my astigmatism. Medicare (and supplements) only pays for single-vison non-toric lenses. I’d briefly considered going out of pocket for the newer lenses that correct for both reading and distance, but found out that they do so via concentric circles etched into the surface, and actually increase glare at night. I do a lot of night driving, so that’s not for me. Besides, my reading correction is not for hyperopia (farsightedness) but presbyopia (age-related deterioration of the ability of the eye muscles to focus). So I will get distance correction, and for reading will be (eventually, once the other eye is done) able to use drugstore readers. For the interim between surgeries, I will have either a blank lens or one with my reading correction in its lower third installed in my spare frames. Some people just remove the lens from their glasses on the operated side, but that would look just plain weird. (And I still wouldn’t be able to read without switching glasses up & back--or putting on a pair of readers missing the lens on the un-operated side over my prescription glasses).

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Posts: 6,340

    Sandy, we DID pay for the torics for DH when he had his surgery. I think it was worth it. He had both eyes done about 3 weeks apart. He then wore readers. I wouldn't like the concentrics either. Definitely important to have good night vision. Good luck figuring out how to juggle the good new eye and the undone old eye!


  • darab
    darab Posts: 894

    Hi all, can't thank you enough for all the well wishes for yesterday. My pocket was hopping and partying all day!! All went so much better than ever anticipated. Had no problem with labs or the IV (I have no port for chemo) and all went off without a hitch. CoH has little private rooms for longer infusion patients, with big TVs, big windows, and beds for patients, chairs for visitors. I had a whole chemo bag packed but didn't use any of it. Nurses kept coming around offering snacks, sandwiches, etc. No reactions to anything so far, but the nurse said my regimen can take a couple of days to have SEs set in. Keep your fingers crossed. I go back today for my Neulasta shot.

    jdfly,(and poodles,) I can't believe your experience with the wound. I'm so very sorry and hope it heals quickly. Good thoughts also for your daughter and mom. It's very scary when close relatives have cancer.

    Sandy, hope the allergies clear up. I know they can just make us miserable and then put your eye, etc., on top of that! Gosh, it does seem like it never rains but it pours!

    Hope everyone else is doing well, recuperating or just enjoying summer. We've been having issues with fires out here.. no surprise, especially as dry as everything is... what ever happened to El Nino?

    And Jill, note to self... don't google taxotere lawsuits AFTER infusion. Glad to hear your experience and sure hope I'm the same. (But I appreciate the "heads up":-) )

  • Myraknits
    Myraknits Posts: 191

    Poodles, could it be just coincidence that one of the US divers is named Steele Johnson?😉😂💃💃

  • tsoebbin
    tsoebbin Posts: 199

    Glad to hear you're feeling well today Dara. 😀

  • Myraknits,

    STEELE JOHNSON? What is wrong with his parents?? I just snorted Diet Coke through my nose!

  • Myra- too funny!

    Poodles- hope your mom gets better quickly!  Bet she will feel better just having you there.

    Dara- Glad you're doing well. Not only did I have Nuelasta after each infusion but, was told to take a Claritin and Alleve for 5 days starting day of each infusion.  Taxotere can be a bear.  Was it a choice about the port or did you not need it? Hugs.

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Posts: 6,340

    Dara, so glad yesterday went well. You have to be relieved. Now take care and be alert in case SEs do pop up.

    I have no clue why parents come up with these unusual names. Steele Johnson isn't one I'd saddle my kids with.

    Met my new PCP today. He seems okay. I think my MO is much better. We'll see as time goes by. At least I have doctors in place if I need them.

    Very cool and rainy here - sweatshirt and jeans time for me.

    All excited #1 son and DIL have their flights to come visit for Christmas. It will be the first time in nearly 25 years that I will celebrate with both sons and DILs. I am excited beyond containment.


  • chisandy
    chisandy Posts: 11,463

    I had high school classmates named Raina Abril, Shanda Lear and Immaculata Concepcion!

    Maybe “Steele Johnson" was an aspirational name, to ensure that the family line would continue; or maybe thought their son would choose a different endeavor, such as urology (or another path to fame involving a different sort of “water sport”)?

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Posts: 6,340

    Sandy, Groan. How unkind of their parents. Not only did I consider how my sons' names could be corrupted by schoolmates, I considered how it would sound if they were President. AND if their initials made something unacceptable.


  • darab
    darab Posts: 894

    Just got back from getting neulasta injection. Next time will just use the body pod and save a couple of hours of driving. Just for "fun" looked up the price of the shot w/o insurance. Online had coupons to support the price and do you realize that one shot is $5,590.62??? That is insane! HH, my nurse today asked what I know about neulasta and I mentioned the Claritin. She was so surprised and excited. She asked where I heard about that and then said she just swears by it but so many doctors just pooh-pooh it. Isn't Claritin better than Norco or another narcotic? I took mine today.

    I've been laughing all day with the Steele comments. Too funny! Geesh, I wonder if he has a sister and what the parents named her!?

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Posts: 6,340

    Dara, does your insurance cover the body pod? That is insane for the Neulasta. I assume you mean that Claritin helps with Neulasta SEs, right?

    I can't begin to contemplate what Steele's sister's name is.


  • chisandy
    chisandy Posts: 11,463

    Glad all’s going well, Dara. I have decided, after reading that Prolia can cause severe bone pain (even more so than Zometa) and as a biologic can immunosuppress, I’m gonna suck it up and schedule Zometa for a date when I’d have nothing to do for the few days I’ll feel flu-ey. I currently take OTC generic store-brand Zyrtec (cetirizine) for allergy because it’s broader-spectrum (pet dander & mold spores as well as pollens) than Claritin--wonder if it’ll work as well as Claritin (loratidine), the same class of non-drowsy antihistamine? Maybe it’s so often recommended because loratidine is more widely available and a bit cheaper than cetirizine? I wonder if I should substitute Claritin for a week before & after the Zometa, or if adding it to the Zyrtec would cause a dangerous synergistic CNS-depressing enhancement of the two antihistamines.

  • tbalding
    tbalding Posts: 383

    Dara, so glad it went well! Hoping you have no se.

    Peggy, exciting news that all your family will be together!

    Myra, you made me laugh out loud! Had to share with DH because he wondered why I was laughing.

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Posts: 6,340

    Sandy, sounds like you've made a good decision to go with Zometa. Do you just need to take an antihistamine? Anyone? I take Benadryl. NOTHING else helps me. And since I just started on BP meds, can't take decongestants which I don't like anyway. I sometimes get sleepy from the Benadryl but when my allergies are bad I'm often sleepy so it doesn't matter. Claritin does make me less stiff when I get up in the morning (though I'm not bad). I think it's too bad I can't take both but my pharmacist told me NO!! Damn! I wouldn't take Zyrtec and Claritin together but check with your friendly pharmacist and see what he says.


  • LovesToFly
    LovesToFly Posts: 705

    glad it went well Dara! I did the Claritin and out of my six chemo cycles, I only had bone pain one of them. I believe the Claritin helped a lot!

  • Molly50
    Molly50 Posts: 3,008

    Steele Johnson, lol!! Dara, how often are your infusions? Maybe, if I am without drain, I can visit you during one. I am down to one drain!!

  • Hello ladies, just saw my OC earlier today for a 8weeks Taxol follow up. She said I need to be off 3 weeks after chemo before surgery. This kinda worries me about BC in whole 3 weeks. Does anyone also do the same? One lady on another post had hormone therapy two weeks prior to her surgery. Maybe that's what I need.

  • moondust
    moondust Posts: 207

    I apologize in advance for no comments, but I have to pack for my final chemo which is tomorrow at 9:30 PDT!! I can't believe it is already here.

    Dara, I'm so glad everything went well for you. You are getting exactly the same chemo I have been having. I hope you do as well as I have done so far. My hair came out in handfuls on Day 17. Before that, your roots will start to be very sensitive and painful when you brush your hair. You'll know when it is about to happen.

    Everyone else, hang in there! Houston2016, three weeks is nothing to worry about when it comes to having the surgery. The chemo has knocked down your cancer and it will be very slow to start dividing again. It's much more important to be recovered from chemo so you won't have any healing issues with the surgery.

    Good night all!

  • PlanB58
    PlanB58 Posts: 87

    Hi All!

    Been away for weekend and now catching up.

    Dara glad your day yesterday went well and sending you positive thoughts.

    Moondust Yay your last one! Congrats!

    Trish I am still so easily fatigued it is discouraging! I'm glad I got on here tonight cause I was having a teary time! Seems like one step forward and then backwards! Peggy thanks for your comments perspective is always good!

    Welcome to the newcomers this is a wonderful place!

    Prayers and positive thoughts for all

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Posts: 6,340

    Houston, Welcome! You're definitely in the right place now. I had over 6 weeks between diagnosis and surgery. I did not have chemo so can't comment on that. I suspect you'll be glad to have had the 3 weeks between chemo and surgery. Gives your body a chance to recover from chemo.

    Moondust, YEAH!!! Did you think you'd ever make it to your last chemo? Wonderful!! Then you can work on growing hair and feeling much more normal!

    PlanB, Don't worry about the fatigue. It WILL go away. It just takes much longer than you think it should. BC wreaks havoc with our emotions, being teary is okay. Read a few more of Sandy's travelogues and think of all the good food and wine - that should help lift your spirits a bit! Then pop open a wine and have some chocolate and feel mellow!
