Lumpectomy Lounge....let's talk!
I think the Femara is going okay. I have severe arthritis in my knees and feet, so it's hard to know how much pain is from arthritis and how much is from Femara. But otherwise, no SEs, as far as I can tell.
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tyty poodles hoping your New Year is Going well 👍 I have rheumatoid arthritis and dreading that it will only aggravate it. I take methotrexate once a week to treat it. My sister in law takes armidex and is suffering fro bone and joint pain
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My sister has RA and she is also on Arimidex. I have to say. she has really had a time of it. She has pain everywhere, but her rheumatologist doesn't think it's SEs. She has some joint deformities, plus she weighs about 350-lbs so I'm sure that's a factor too.
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ooo that is painful. BUT today is the day Femara ready or not here i come
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Miko- you ARE ready- your experience will be your own; you have info but it is only info from others. Your experience will be your own. Our wonderful Peggy has a saying that I just cannot think of right this minute but it is something to the effect of "know the possible side effects but expect none"....if you DO have issues, reach out....there are often possible solutions and often pretty simple ones at that!
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tyty Happy I think I will start at 5:00 pm so i dont forget will let you all know how it goes for me. I start rads this thursday - forward and onward 👍 Tyty u all for the support
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Thanks HH. You got it right. When I asked my first MO about SEs of Arimidex, he said, "Are you expecting any?" I said, "No." He said if they happen we'll deal with them. We generally don't anticipate problems with most of the medications we take and AIs shouldn't be any different. I do think SEs occur more often with them. But wait and see what happens. And Miko, you can always try the "Drunken Raisins" to help ease any stiffness. It seems to work though I haven't personally used it.
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hi Peg yes i will try those lol tytyty
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Miko, if you need the recipe, let me know.
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tyty Peg please share👍
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Happy 2017 everyone!!
I sure like that HH ... Each of us has Our own experience! Isn't it great to have this site to come too when we need each other?
Miko..hope your doing well.
Peggy ...I may need to find out about those drunken raisins?? Did I miss something or is this like snipe hunting? Or a new wine??
Moondust...your right ..who can second guess why we all got BC? But we got it so I feel it's the luck of the draw...or unlucky
Speaking of....I made it to Vegas to be with my DS and family. Tony was on his best behavior because who can resist all those free drinks while you gamble?? I held up well even walking the crowded strip yesterday! My DIL's parents were here from Europe so we wanted to see them too. Can't understand each other but you can celebrate in any language. I even celebrated the new year with a treat at Margaritaville!
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Miko, I take my Femara at night, with my psych meds. A couple of days about my psych meds and everything starts going sideways. You better believe I don't miss them.
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Hi Ladies! I'm scheduled for a lumpectomy on Friday. I'm also on a January 2017 surgery thread and I'm the only one getting a lumpectomy out of all those lovely ladies! I started to second guess myself today. I see a few here that have a couple of this because BS didn't get clean margins? I know it's a personal decision for everyone and I really considered the dmx for a long time but in the end chose lumpectomy. Does anyone have any reqrets?
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Fighting.... I don't regret my decision at all. I was lucky they got everything and my lymph noids were clean. If down the future I have to do more than so be it but my healing has gone well as I moved on to radiation. This is a great group to help you through it all.
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Fightigirl, i startef out with lumpectomy. Then I needed re-excision to get clear margins. I was all set for rads, when my tumor threw me a curve ball and switched from not so aggressive to more aggressive. The I found out I had two gene mutations which caused my cancer. So, off to chemo I went, followed by BMX and total hyst. Now I'm a boy.
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Thanks CaliGirl55 and mustlovepoodles!
I'm told from biopsy my tumor grade is 2 and I've had the genetic tests so no worries for me there. (at least as far as genes they've discovered!) You made me laugh at the end of that and I'm so sorry you had the curve ball but sounds like you have a sense of humor which I love! What else can we do but laugh sometimes? I'm still pre-surgery and nearing 2 months since diagnosis and while I've been able to maintain a sense of humor much of the time, I'm getting real antsy right about now. I'm tired of each step and then surgery is Friday and then guess what? WAIT! The BS does believe they'll have some news by Tuesday next week. I'm just ready to set a treatment plan, ya know? I want to meet the oncologist and say ok...this is what life is going to look like (keeping in mind there might be some curve balls!)
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Miko, here is the recipe. It is not mine but others have said it really helps.
Drunken Raisins'-a natural arthritis remedy
To prepare gin-soaked raisin, first empty one box of dried white raisin in a shallow container. Only white or golden raisin should be used for this recipe. Then pour enough gin into the container to cover the raisins.
Cover the container ( but not with plastic, a kitchen towel is good) and keep it covered for 7 – 10 days on the to allow the raisin to steep in the gin (sitting out, not in fridge).
Allow all the gin to evaporate to leave gin-soaked raisins in the container. These raisins keep well when refrigerated. The popular advice is to take nine of these "drunken raisins" every day. Most users report improvements in arthritis symptoms between 1 – 8 weeks of using this remedy.
Why it works:
1. Golden raisins- the ONLY type of raisins worthy of the recipe- require sulfur or sulfides in their processing to make them golden. Sulfur is an active ingredient in 2 effective natural arthritis supplements: glucosamine sulfate and chondroitin sulfate. Golden raisins come from sultana grapes and are cultivated under the name Thompson seedless grapes in the United States.
2. Sultana grapes contain proanthocyanidins which are thought to help fight infections and reduce inflammation. Grapes also contain resveratrol, a powerful anti-oxidant that is being studied for many of it's disease fighting properties.
3. Gin is flavored with juniper berries and juniper berries contain Terpinen. Terpinen has anti inflammatory properties. The essential oil that is in juniper berries contains more than 100 compounds including myrcene (an anti oxidant), catechins (anti-oxidant), and flavanoids (anti oxidant). Test tube studies have shown that juniper berries can inhibit prostaglandin synthesis. Prostaglandins help mediate an inflammatory response and increase the sensitivity of nerve endings to pain. By inhibiting their production, a reduction in pain can occur.
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FighinGirl, Welcome! I think you'll find this is a great thread. Warm, welcoming, comforting, informative and funny. Since BC effects all aspects of our lives, we share those things, too. I'm certainly glad I had a lumpy. When I was first diagnosed, I was sure I'd need a mastectomy but my BS said not necessary. One thing that virtually everyone here has said is that with a lumpectomy you still have your breast. Once you have an Mx, it's gone and you can't get it back. But if a mastectomy is necessary down the road you still have that option. Best to start out "small." Some of us have had to have 2nd and even 3rd surgeries to get clean margins. But I think all think it was worth having an Lx first. You've also discovered the biggest lesson of BC - WAITING. In a way, that's good at the beginning so you can learn everything you don't know and explore all the choices. Of course, waiting sucks. The longest wait is for the path report post-surgery and for the Oncotype test results (that often determines the need for chemo - you will likely want one done).
While doing all this waiting, I recommend you read Dr Susan Love's Breast Book which has everything you wanted to know about BC and treatments, etc. It's excellent. There are other books that are helpful but that is the one I prefer.
Ask your questions and we'll do our best to answer them!
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Poodles, I doubt anyone is going to mistake you for a boy You're far too feisty!!
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tyty Caligirl -such a wondeful pic , you all look so happy 👍 Took my Femara last nite and promptly got the flu this morning YIKES
Tyty poodles yes decided to take my pill at nite 👍
Tyty peg as soon as i feel better will make a batch of raisins yahooo
Fighing- yes i do not regret having a lumpectomy followed by rads which i start this Thursday, got my temp tattos on my back and ready to go
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I too take my letrozole at bedtime. There was a recent study saying the antidepressant Cymbalta (also used to treat fibromyalgia) helps mitigate the joint pains from AIs. I take the similar Wellbutrin (and have for years) to combat carb cravings and because depression runs in my family (dad had it, I had PPD, son has—knock wood, in remission from—it). I think the Wellbutrin may be why I'm not getting joint pains. Unfortunately, when I was putting together my pill pouches for my 8-day trip, Wellbutrin was the one I forgot. So my backache has remained at the “sore but not crippling" stage. Went back on Wellbutrin on Sat., so it's gonna take a few days to build up blood levels again.
Housekeeper flew to AL for Christmas the day before our trip. She came down with strep and an ear infection, and flew home today, a week later than expected. Mon. we left NY—Bob for home, me to DC to visit my sis. Bob came down Tues. with what he thought was a cold but didn't tell me till Fri. night, when I was leaving DC for home and he was about to check into the hotel down near his main hospital to get a head start on work 12/31 in order to make our NYE dinner & party. Sat. night he admitted how sick he felt & for so long. Today he went to urgent care before heading to work—and found out he has walking pneumonia! He is “resting" by cancelling office for the week, just making rounds instead….at 3 different hospitals. He's not supposed to take his codeine cough syrup & drive, so he's taking it at bedtime and Mucinex DM during the day. He's also on Levaquin, but may change abx pending the result of the culture they took. (No, he didn't get his Prevnar shot nor Pneumovax booster).
Our son Gordy has also “failed to launch," but the difference is he dearly wishes he could move out and have his own place. He's 32 and a talented improv actor, writer and director with a BFA in Theater….not the most marketable skills in this economy, nor the most lucrative even when employed. He got my “humanities" rather than Bob's “STEM" gene. And the “trades" are not an option: he was dx'ed at age 5 with sensory-motor-integration deficit and dyspraxia (yup, my “klutz" gene), so he is great with his brain & mouth but not his hands. He may go for a masters in creative writing, English or education so he can get a teaching credential (but even teachers are being laid off and many must moonlight). At least we'll be able to set up a trust for him, and if we move, just give him the house rather than sell it. And I'm in no hurry to be an empty nester. But Bob doesn't understand that one can't just go get trained for fields in which one has no aptitude. I am simply grateful that he doesn't have the serious physical and developmental disabilities requiring specialized care that some of you here must deal with. And because he suffered a very serious depression in his teens, I consider every day we have him as a precious gift—even if he can't pay for his share of expenses.
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Fightingirl, welcome! I had a lumpectomy & then a re-excision to get good margins. Followed by radiation. The 2 surgeries had a quick recovery time. I don't regret the decision. But the waiting stinks! We all feel your pain. Try to stay busy as you wait so your mind doesn't go to dark places. Sending positive vibes your way!
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Sandy, So Bob is exposing all his patients to his bug? Guess I don't think that's really wise. I still haven't had a Prevnar vaccination. I've had several Pneumovax ones over the years. Hope you don't catch the bug.
I understand completely why you don't push Gordy out of the nest. As long as it is an arrangement that works for you, then it's cool. And you are so right that Gordy won't succeed in professions he is not suited for. Let's hope he gets "discovered" soon and hits the big time in Hollywood!!
I take my Arimidex in the morning. Someone said on that forum that it kept them awake so they take it in the morning. So that's what I did since I needed every minute of sleep I could steal at the time. I have no trouble sleeping at any time so, for me, the timing likely doesn't matter. But it works for me to do mornings.
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Oh geez. Just spoke to my mother and she is weird as shit. Not making sense. She told she was hurting in the chicken and dumplings. Cant carry on a conversstion, kept putting the phone down. Told me two peoplr were fighting in her living room, then realised she was watching TV. She fell last night at 3:30am, refused to go to ER. My money is on Stroke or TIA. She has a-fib and had to go off her blood thinner a month ago due to severe kidney bleeding.
Just now heard from my sister--they're in the ER. Mother cant spell her name.
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Poodles, Oh no. That's really scary. You must be frantic! Thank heavens your sister is nearby. And very glad mom is in the ER where she definitely needs to be. Are you going to be with her or waiting to see what is going on? Many hugs to you and prayers for your mom. It sucks.
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hi ladies!! I have 3 wire locs and lx with recon later this week. I had a vasovagal reaction and fainted during the stereotactic core biopsy, so my mind is racing wondering if ill do the same thing for the loc. ive already upped my Lexapro dose and ill take some Ativan that morning, but if any of you have other tips, please share them!!!!
thank you all - this board has been a really lovely surprise of support and wisdom!!
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I'm waiting. I live 450 miles away, so I couldn't be there before 5am anyway. I have a sister in the ER with her. Another will be coming on after 1pm tomorrow. And my 31yr old niece is headed that way now and will spend the night there . So for now everything is covered. The one coming on tomorrw plans to stay until Sat. I may end up also going down, depending on how things go
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Poodles, that sounds wise. I know you are far away. That makes it so hard for you. At least you have sisters and niece there. Prayers.
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AnnoyingBoob, Welcome! You've come to the right place. I don't have any words of wisdom or help for you. Sorry about that. Scary thing. They loaded me with Lidocaine so the locs weren't bad (and I'd had a terrible experience 10 years ago, swearing I'd never have another - yeah, that worked out just fine, didn't it?). Just make sure they know of your previous reaction so they can be prepared.
While waiting for someone who can actually help you, would you mind filling out your profile and making it PUBLIC via the Settings? Put in all the information you have now - you can update it. Also, let us know where you are located. We could be nearby!
Good luck with your locs and surgery and glad you found us!