Cytoxan Taxotere Chemo Ladies- February/March 2013
yay for you Headeast!!!!! Wishing you the speediest of recoveries!!!!
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Thank you, VirginiaNJ!
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Headeast -- so glad your surgery went well, but boohoo for the awful pain! No need to suffer in silence -- call if you need something stronger. Being able to sleep and rest without pain will speed your healing. Gentle (((hugs)))
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Pat, I had terrible nausea from Norco. The longer I took it the worse it got. That could be it.
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Headeast! Glad your surgery went well! Sorry about the pain though! Rest up and take it easy! Hopefully it won't last long and your beautiful new breasts will be worth it!!
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Thank you, TeamKim. I might call tomorrow
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Thanks for the info. I'm I used to taking norco on an empty stomach, but then my lining has been destroyed by chemo so might be more touchy now. Or, it could just be the chemo. Thanks, I was worrying myself needlessly.
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Headeast- I also took Valium after surgery as it relaxes your muscles...that and Hydrocodone and alternating with Advil worked...for the first 3 days but after that just Advil have hope! It will get better! Maybe call and get some Valium or something to add to just the pain meds..
Patalameda= That is awful you have nausea...I had it a few days ago and quit taking the Prilosec 2 days ago and my stomach seems better. I even had hot sauce today with the BEST brisket taco!!! AND I tasted it! Are you taking stomach meds?
Hope it gets better!
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hi ladies. I am a month post chemo and have developed lymphedema in my right arm and hand. I am currently running a temp of 101.4 and I am not sure what to do. Also my left TE feels very painful. I am also in PT for my back. Tomorrow I see the BS and the LE specialist. Should I just wait until then?
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SC- Do not wait.... call the PS or BS now. You have a fever which may warrant immediate antibotics. Is your TE area red and hot? If you can see that it is red, use a sharpie and draw the outline of the red area. That way you can tell if that red area is changing size.
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call now, SC. Chemo is still in your body.
Let us know what doctor says
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SC, yes, let us know. I may not be saying a lot, but I am here and care. momat927
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Hello all!
I've been through 2 TC treatments so far with another 2 to go and I am getting a Neulasta shot the day after. I started loosing my hair about a week or so after my first session and chose to have my head shaved clean rather then getting depressed at loosing handfuls at a time in the shower or while combing it. I was wondering though as it it still growing, (rather sparsely) I have been using my Venus razor to keep it cleannshaven. I know this sounds like an odd question but does anyone have a recommendation on a good razor to use? My hair is/was very thick so as it grows it feels like the plastic part of Velcro and not very comfortable when I wear caps or bandanas.
Also as of yesterday I have developed a burn/rash on my right arm just above the inside of my elbow. It literally showed up around dinner time and is a little sore but very warm to the touch and it seems to either calm down or expand as it wants. I have looked around and was just wondering if this could be part of the treatment? This is the first time I've seen this happen and it came on so fast, that it makes me a bit nervous. I plan on going to the hospital tomorrow where I get my treatments to make sure but I was hoping for some opinions on this also.
Thank you all so much!
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Welcome Susan......
I never shaved my head after I cut it to a short short boy haircut right before my 2nd round. So I can't help you with your razor question. I did wear a knitted slouchy hat more often than anything else since it kept my head warm and what little hair I had didn't seem to get caught in it.
I definitely would get that right arm of yours checked out. Do you have a port or picc line on your left side? I hope so because they shouldn't be using your right arm for any infusions/ blood draws, etc. if you have had a node biopsy on that side. Have you had any other swelling in that arm. It may mean that you could have the beginning of lymphedema or some kind of infection. Keep us posted.
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Thank you for the response! I do have a port on my left side and I do have the habit of sleeping on my right arm but as the surgery was in November 2013 I didn't think there would be a danger of lymphedema anymore., so I hadn't even considered this. I will certainly let them know at the hospital. And thank you anyway on the razor advice. This is just one of those times it isn't great to have thick straight hair. I have a feeling it will be a weekly shave with me and my Venus.
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Susan- I don't know if you are aware of the fact that one is at risk of lymphedema once nodes have been removed. Here is a link to the Step Up Speak Out LE website to give you some more info about LE. You may also want to visit the mainwebsite to read more on LE as well as the LE Discussion Forum. I had 5 nodes removed and do whatever I can to help prevent the LE with daily stretching, wearing a LE sleeve and hand gauntlet whenever I fly and do not allow any blood pressure and blood draws from my left arm. I know that it feels like one is having a crash course in how to take care of oneself and at times, one wonders how come no one told one about certain things beforehand. Althought the learning curve may seem high, you are here and trying to find out information. As for the sleeping position, I know have difficult it is to change the position that one is used to sleeping in. After surgery, I slept on a wedge pillow that I got at Bed Bath and Beyond which helped me to just sleep on my back and not sleep on my left side.
Keep us posted about your sore arm.
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Susan, the rash might be a SE of the chemo treatment. I got a rash on my TC 1 that was everywhere, and showed up in minutes. I called MO and told me to take Benadryl or Claritin. I sent him the pictures I took. In my case it disappeared the next day.
Call your MO, take pictures of it if you can.
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I confess...I did not call yesterday. My DH has supported me so much through BC I felt at least I had to give him the superbowl! I saw my BS today who immediately sent me to my PS. He gave me antibiotics, the area is red, swollen and warm. If it does not go down in 24 hours he will hospitalize me and put me on IV antibiotics. Possibility of TE coming out and having nothing there for three months.ACK!!!!
Ladies between my lymphedema, BC, complications with the TE, My dad dying of stomach cancer in October, My uncle dying of lung cancer on Thursday, my cup runneth over!!!!!!!!!
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Oh SC - so sorry for all your troubles. I hope the antibiotics work.
Susan - I too had really thick hair. I didn't totally shave my head clean either - just cut about 1/4" long. I think it was much more comfortable w/o razor stubble. I used a lint roller morning & night to remove whatever small pieces came lose. Do check out the LE site. It can happen anytime forever. Let us know what the doc says.
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SC- Many many hugs and lots of support coming your way!!!! I'm so sorry that life has dealt some hard times for you in addition to the dealing with your diagnosis. I know it is a lot and sometimes you just wonder how much more of these kind of things will be coming my way. Sending many positive healing and calming prayers, thoughts and energy.
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Thank you melrose and minus...some of this stuff is so hard!
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SC--- Hang in there!!!! There will be better days ahead for you..... just have to believe.
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Oh SC, I'm so sorry. This thing is fricken hard, and other bad stuff happening at the same time is just not right.
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thank you everyone for your posts. I was really afraid it was lymphedema ended up going to the hospital and had to go to the ER, as it turns out I have a case of cellulitis from a bug bite on my stomach! I know it is warm in my house but how I can get bitten by a bug in the middle of one of my state's coldest winters in the history of the state is beyond me! The Dr and nurse had no idea how I also was bitten on the stomach yet the cellulitis is on my right arm but there is nothing showing any infection between the two.
I know I haven't been near anything as serious or bad as the treatments or after effects so many others have had to deal with but seriously!?!?!? Isn't the chemo and the cancer enough? Sheesh!
Anyway, thank you all again. I rarely post but I've been reading through many of them and I cannot tell you how glad I am to have this resource and all of your experiences to help me along the way.
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That sounds awful to get bitten by a bug and cellulitis in arm!
I had cellulitis in my arm after 1st infusion and icing it helped the pain! Also antibiotics, took about 2 weeks to get rid of it though...
Sc- so sorry for all you are going through. I am seeing PT on Wednesday and my armpit area is swollen a little and my arm hurts/zings with pain when I wear my old shirts or anything tight in armpit area...hoping it's not lymphedema also...I only had 4 lymph nodes taken.!
I got my port out today...It is stinging and sore but I am SOO glad to have it really bothered me...I always was worried of touching/bumping it...
I feel I'm paranoid now...they x-rayed my port before removal and then after and I saw a black area in axillae and worried it was huge swollen lymph nodes and cancer again! I didn't ask and worried about it later...just paranoid I'm sure as no hard areas and it was like whole armpit area...probably normal...HATE that every test/scan/xray now is potential worry for me...where in the past would NEVER have thought about it..
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Hi Ladies, I am going To VenT (some of my leTTers only do CapiTals so sorry abouT THis Crazy FonT)
I am in a HoTel. No power for Two days, floods in Two rooms. CHemo CanCelled beCause dr. Has No Power. I Took my STeroids!!!!!
Are we HaVing fun yeT? Okay, I said iT. UgH. LoVe To all. momaT
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Momat - I am so sorry. This weather is terrible and everyone in your area has been without electric in this frigid weather. A friend of mine who lives in Blue Bell just got her electric back on so hopefully you will too. I have been wondering about doing chemo in the winter with the potential weather delays. I asked my MO what would happen and he said it gets rescheduled asap. He said it is not ideal but it's OK. Honestly, if we have to go through this I want ideal chemo. I want every shot at it being as effective as possible. The electric is coming back on in your area. I hope you are rescheduled right away.
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Momat- That SUCKS!!! Good grief! I hope you get power and floods sucked out asap! AND your chemo...weird to wish for that isn't it?
We had snow in Dallas area today and schools closed, crashes, unreal! We got like an inch! I cannot imagine what real snowstorms are like!
Good luck!
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Susan0369-glad they found it to be
cellulitis. From a bug I hope the scans come back
fine. I get so nervous before the
x-rays/scans now. I just freak out that it will be bad news.momat927-no power sucks. Just think of taking the steroids that you
will be able to stay up and read books by candlelight. I thought having chemo in the winter won’t be
bad, but after all the snow and issues sometimes I was wrong. Hopefully, you
will get your chemo soon.Warrior_Woman I hope you are feeling better. I know you are a runner, so do you have any
runs planned in March or Feb?SchoolCouns… I hope you are doing
better. I hope your lymphedema gets
better.MinusTwo-What rads are you getting?
Headeast- I hope you are doing better from your surgery. The lymph node remover hurt worst to me then
the breast surgery.PatAlameda I too get the late nausea and I’m two weeks
from last chemo. I also have nose bleeds.I
got some awesome news today, my Mammo came back clear! I don’t have to do the 7 weeks of radiation
or the week of radiation. I have two
doctors who are thinking outside the box and will give me inter-breast radiation
during my reexision for my margin. Happy
Dance!I had to promise that at the
first sign of trouble or if the cancer came back they could take my
breast. I’m just super excited. I am 36 years old and I had one radiologist
say no to radiation because my tumor is over my heart and he suggested I loose
my breast, another say no boost, and a third say no boost because tumor over my
heart. I found one willing to take the
risk of the new radiation they give to people over 45. I kept arguing that since they are taking my
ovaries and I’m going on an aromatase inhibitor for 10 years, why wouldn’t you
do the inter-breast radiation. I’m
finally seeing a light at the end of this journey. I still have major peripheral neuropathy in my hands and feet, but they say give it time it will go away. I hope so.I am realized today that my cancer even
though it was what my mother had at 33 is not the same treatment my mother had
in 1980. I’m so freaking happy.I hope all you ladies get good news. Stay warm and rested.
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FairyDogMother, that is great news! Yay!