How are people with liver mets doing?



  • momallthetime
    momallthetime Member Posts: 1,375
    edited November 2017

    First and foremost I am sending good angels for you Nina, boy I just saw your post from a few hours ago and then the last one, I hope you are being taken care of. When you have a chance please let us know.

    What if I tell you I was organizing alllll the papers that I was getting since Sept. with the ER situation, all the procedures, scans and blood tests, then ER again. We also went to many new docs, so I took out from the pile certain papers that was particular to that doc, like the 2nd doc for URO, the RO etc…and going every day to doctors, I was not putting things in the right place, and I am paying a price for it. But getting there now. There are so many discrepancies if i look at the records, starting with lesions that were seen on the first PET/CT right after dx, things we were never told. At the time i looked at this stuff, but i didn't realize what it all meant. They did not diagnose her with mets, but at the same time there were nodules in the mediastinum, something in the ribs weird. They never told us. And looking through the last records I see she had at least twice b4 blood in the urine, and I remember that, and onco never thought in looking deeper into it, they lied in the reports about a time when she needed blood transfusion saying that SHE WANTED to wait for more BT and that's why she ended up in the Er. NOT!!! And then I read your posts, and I am like how does the world go around with these people messing up like this. And so of course if I did not check in, when I do I see all these messages.

    Dani finished today her head and orbital part of the Rads, she is totally drained. She has a terrible sore throat from the rads, food is not going down well, she lost weight again, it's really hard. She can't sleep. I just came back from her house. She has a few days and then next week she starts the rads to the rest of her body.

    I wrote things up on the side, and I am gonna copy and paste here, because I had to write things down as I was reading it.

    Zar reading what you posted, my heart stopped a few times!!! NO WAY???? 25/30 lesions they could not see? And the guy that did the other biopsy how could he have missed it? Don't they look at a scan, US or CT? Oh my, how are you feeling??? And in Japan no scans of any kind were done for you to know a/t?? You musta've fallen of the chair no??? You cannot have contrast? Why was the Pet/Ct w/t contrast? And Zar – what about your numbers, IR pushed us to do the Y90 now, because he said that surprisingly her #s were still on the ok side, creatinine and all of that, and of course the enzymes, well those have been surging up.

    And what Lindalou said about the steroids, I know s/o that has it done every time, and it works gr8. Lindalou you get MY vote!

    I am reading further and I see Italy?? For real? With the fam? Oh my goodness, that's gonna be awesome.

    Which is the thread for Y90?Is the one with Trish03? If it is I saw that you wrote that it's better to wait 3 mos b4 Immnunotherapy? Really? Could you please explain?

    Re: those radiology services, it could be very interesting, just gotta make sure that they are reputable. How can you find out?

    Z what you mentioned about the palliative mindset, is so true. I believe that the wonderful RO, the last one is a good person at heart BUT she def was looking at Dani as – we'll try to spare you…And MO also, they dragged their feet.You are truly amazing, i could imagine a big ballroom and everyone is there talking and explaining one to another all that is going on, that needs to be done, that would be awesome.

  • momallthetime
    momallthetime Member Posts: 1,375
    edited November 2017

    Kandy did you mean MRI is more accurate than a Pet/CT for the liver? With the Pet/CTs have shown that Dani is ( and by now -was I hope) almost full of liver mets on the right side, on the left side somewhat less. The PET/CT lit up like a Christmas tree. ALL OVER!!! The IR said she has a "bulky liver" – hmm I am trying to figure out what that means, but the way he was showing me is that it's difficult to treat. I think MRI has almost if any radiation, so it would be gr8. BUT I am afraid if I'll mention MRI they will nix the PET/CT which I think it's so important in picking early small cancer no?? She had SPECT right after the Y90 procedure and no scans till some time in December.

    Kandy for once we would not want to be in the presence of smart and BAM yeah, that's what RO said to my DD also. Hers was marked as innumerable, and this happened in a matter of 4 weeks from 2 lesions! How are you doing?

    Do you know I don't remember ever reading about necrosis on her scans, ONLY lytic?? I

    Robin how are you feeling? What's the plan? Do you need rest? Are you able to go out? What is the expectation now that you had the surgery? When do they check if you are ok? Oh my gosh as I am reading forward, YES that's what they used for Dani, she is so petite, the nice nurse hid the cuff in her room so she should always have the small BP thingy!

    Robin how amazing to see how you explain e/t. I wish I would have my head straight and be able to decipher all of it. Yes, it has been difficult for D. It's been one thing after another. But as I mentioned b4, really happy she got to do some of the rads. They are giving her a break and then start to the rest of the body next week.

    You know re: the research, I feel that at least it gives me a small sense of control, there is not much else I could control. I must tell you these furry ones are the bet.

    It turns out that Dani is looking in getting a tiny one. She wants to cuddle with and give love/care when she's at home resting. Hmm she kinda told us that we'd be next of kin when she has to be away for long hours. Can I say no?? NOT. I actually always like dogs. That's what she wants, she is looking to the ones that are grow till 8Lbs. She lost weight, so this way she could snuggle with it. Open for suggestions, if you guys know of a good breeder, or a good fit.

    Claire waiting to hear about your results. Fingers crossed.

    I will ask a very stupid question how does one know if a PARP is a good venue? Re: carbo/gemzar Dani had it years ago she could not tolerate either of them, pain, prickling she got off it pretty quick.

    Jeenee thanks for the info, so glad that you are over with that part. Now the waiting.

    LindaE always thinking of you sweetie. We go back a long time.

    Grannax you had the Y90 done twice? That's about how many times IR said it could be done. And TACE could be done after that? WOW, and how bad is the progression on your liver that you think you will be doing it?

    Lulubee me and you, oh yeah, I ain't opening up my eyes for nothing! I don't like closed places, and that thing hmm being so small, I had to have MRI's a few times, and I go in w my eyes closed and out we go.

  • momallthetime
    momallthetime Member Posts: 1,375
    edited November 2017

    JFL could you send me that link? As it is right now, IR has scheduled her for mapping her left lobe and scheduling it all for Nov. 30th. One of the reasons is that December is gonna be a busy month, this doc is going away then the other, then there is Hanukah, it's a lot of fun for the kids, so she wants to be able to manage then if she pushes that off, there is Christmas/New Years so he's gonna do it earlier than we thought. Now you making me think maybe it's too soon? But he is very adamant about her doing it asap, he says it will give her better chance in fighting the rest of her body.

    And you guys are pointing out very important factors in these readings. I think some of these radiologists, are just lazy, doing their umpteenth reading, and skipping many details. I see the difference even in the same place how they address what they see. It's very frustrating if not life threatening. JFL i was already getting so scared that we mighta've missed something because she almost only has PET/CT but it's good i read what you wrote in the end, and you said that's the one you have. I really am so confused. I know that this IR is going by the PET/CT. And sometimes i don't want to ask them for MRI because then they will say so not PET/CT and she has so many bone lesions...I do believe that at the last place where she was doing the trial they PURPOSEDLY did not use contrast with the CT because they did not want to see what's going on with her, even at that CT it showed progression and they pooh pooh it away, even the Blood counts were going awry they looked away, they wanted to push her to continue the trial, say what you want, I CALLED them when the last CT showed much progression in the liver, and i said you see what I see AND THEN she said, yeah it might be to her advantage to get off it. Ok. That was just venting.

    Kaayaborg how are you feeling?

    Shetland so happy to see you around and helping e/o. it's a feel good moment. Gosh you really took the bull by the horn. Good for you. Dani is now on neratinib and Faslodex, but we won't know what's doing for at least another month.

    Hey Artist I lover the "bother" part, so right. You bother him all you want. So glad you finally got to have this one on one. About time. Great news about the scans. Now you will get good advice on Xeloda.

  • momallthetime
    momallthetime Member Posts: 1,375
    edited November 2017

    Christina you tried so hard to help your Mom, so sorry for your loss. Keep the good memories.

    Babs it really is interesting that rads hit you so hard. Is it the fatigue? So excited for your trip, it's gonna be awesome, and crib shopping, of course!

    Bluebird thanks so much, another question – is there a problem for the kids or s/o else to drink this? Is it too much if s/o does not need it? And do you drink a lot of it, because now she is being told to drink quite a lot of liquids (water…)so… And like Zar asked who knows of a good machine that does that, maybe it would be worth it for Dani. And if you could remind me the reason is because cancer cannot live in an alkaline body? And how do you know if you have too much alkaline or not, I was reading about having a balance?? So sorry to hear about your disappointment with these new quacks!! What's with these ppl??? They really don't see the urgency in any of this. It's like take-out, next! Next! I am afraid that the type of people that are needed are gone, medical schools are producing robots. Period.

    Aww Wendy that is so cute, 10 years!! Cheers cheers…it's gonna cost you a lot more when you renew it again.

    SandiBeach thanks so much for the blog, i shall try.

    Animalcrackers it's so incredible that all these stories that we read here, is happening all over the country. IMO humbly, I think it's going up like this because something is brewing, when is the next set of scans? This business that ppl have TM's in the thousands is ridiculous, because if you'd see D's scans and the RO's face you'd understand, her liver is full of lesions, there are innumerable lesions skull, some pushing into very sensitive areas in the face etc…all over the spine, I'm telling all that, because of course her TM's are elevated but certainly not in the thousands, so who is to say she doesn't have a lot of C!?

    Kaylyne that's the trial Dani was on in the first part of the year, even though she is not officially TN onco thought there is something to it, and many ladies here were very excited for it, so you it could be very good.

    Lynne you are like our guardian angel.

  • Jeenee
    Jeenee Member Posts: 91
    edited November 2017

    Kaylynne -

    Good luck with the trial! I hope it brings you good results!

  • momallthetime
    momallthetime Member Posts: 1,375
    edited November 2017

    Bluebird about the Y90 - it's different than Tace. I did read that Y90 is kinda replacing a lot of TACE. It seems to have a better outcome. I wish I could let you know soon, but I think it will be a while till we see results. a young woman i am trying to help is gonna start this trial, she has a lot of ascites, and is really not doing very well, but they are giving her adriamycin and they said that her cells should be ready in 2 weeks. Anyone ever heard of this, interested?

  • Kandy
    Kandy Member Posts: 424
    edited November 2017

    Momallthetime, MRI does do a better job monitoring the liver for progression than a PET does. But Pet is important too. My MO said he would monitor with MRI for the liver but he would still do a Pet twice a year. A MRI has no radiation, it is imaged by a huge magnet. I'm actually not doing very well. Chemo was a total flop for me, I started Ibrance. Had labs for the first time today. Everything was off. I'm getting blood first thing in the morning, hemoglobin at 5. MO said my bone marrow is not happy right now. Platelets have dropped to 48. He said I was no longer making platelets. WBC is too low. I feel pretty bad. Just to walk short distance in the house I get very short of breath, legs feel like jello, just want to sleep. Praying for all you ladies. Keep the faith

  • momallthetime
    momallthetime Member Posts: 1,375
    edited November 2017

    Kandy it could be that today you are not feeling well due to the low HGB. That could for sure make you feel sluggish. But do try to drink, it's better to stay hydrated. So what is making the hgb so low at this point? the wbc we get, ibrance does that but...what's the next step? and thanks for the info on the scans. i feel i am always trying to run after my tail.

  • zarovka
    zarovka Member Posts: 2,959
    edited November 2017

    Animal Crackers - Here's my CEA going back to the beginning. After considering your post I would say that I now believe that the jump on 12/16, when CEA went from 1.6 to 2.6 was the first sign of progression. After 3-4 continually increasing CEA's we should have been looking closely at the liver … i.e. an MRI. I can't remember if you are already getting MRI's… if they are clean I think you are okay but if you are not getting liver MRI's, I would ask for one on the side, outside the trial.

    CEA is tricky because it really isn't a reliable MBC marker ... but I learned my lesson. I think when liver mets are a possibility it needs to be followed up on with scans.

    I just got my latest CEA . Big drop after returning from Japan.... but now that I believe this TM I sure would like to see it lower.


    Bluebird - It's a fact that nobody cares about our outcome the way we do or sees things the way we do. Because of that I can't really trust anyone. At the end of the day, it's a job for them. All I am asking for is that practitioners be competent and careful and that seems to be a big ask.

    Artist - A couple people have describe the one I am moving to the way you described your recent visit with your onc. I am so hoping for that feeling that you get when someone actually read your file … what a wonder.

    JFL - For technical reasons I need the RO to look at disks before April. It's quite a project this forensic analysis. I have a shot at looking at those disks tomorrow.

    Jeenee - I am familiar with AST and ALT … they are good indicators for bone mets. But I actually forgot about it. I need to go back and look at that data again. Tks.

    Grannax - interested in details on the attachment. Now I see they are talking about a piece of hardware the add to the machine.

    Nina - you are on everyone's mind. How are you feeling? What is going on?

    lalady - thank you for sharing your good news, particularly with regard to the jaw met. Full tilt happy dance. Thank you also for sharing your oncs perspective on abemaciclib. If you can swap in another treatment before going back to CDK 4/6 inhibitor, it seems like a good idea. Let the cancer evolve to deal with a different challenge and the CDK inhibition may be more like a new drug.

    Mom- I don't know where to begin to respond to your post except to say you are amazing. I'll start at the end and say that there are 10's of CAR-T trials for breast cancer and we should all be looking at these trials. Odds are the major cancer center near you has one or more for you to consider. Adoptive cell therapies are the entire class of therapies that involve extracting lymphocytes, expanding and activating the cells by some means and re-injecting them in the patient... and they are a lot more interesting to me than the drug based immunotherapies like keytruda. There are advantages in the adoptive cell therapies early... the most important being that you are are harnessing your immune system and multiple lines of treatment can beat up your T-cells. They don't have significant side effects there is no reason not to.

    I am so sorry Dani is beat up by the treatment but glad that she is almost through. Thinking of you guys. If you want 8-10 lbs of furry love, consider a Bengal cat. They are dog-like in their affection for humans but somewhat easier to care for than a dog.


  • rpoole1962
    rpoole1962 Member Posts: 386
    edited November 2017


    I am doing good and thank you for asking. I have a follow up with the vascular surgeon next week. My MO put me on blood thinners for 6 months. My arm looks terrible... black and blue and swollen!! It still hurts like h*%!

    When did Dani have her last Y90? You do not want to do the left lobe too soon. How are all the liver markers at this point....ALT, AST, Albumin, and Billirubin?

    I think a little dog would be great for Dani. I would stay away from dog breeders!! You can safe an animal from being put down if you adopt! I am so against dog breeding....there are too many animals in this world who don't have a home...and dog breeders create more animals just for profit. No offense to anyone who uses a breeder. I have been involved with animal rescue for years, and it pains me to see how many dogs and cats are out there looking for homes. I can also tell you that pure bread animals that come from breeders have a lot of health problems and do not live as long. Last November when the fires broke out in Gatlinburg, I was a volunteer at ground zero where all the animals were being brought into a make shift shelter set up at the fairgrounds. I walked a lot of animals who were confused and scared. We reunited a lot of animals with their humans, but hundreds remained unclaimed. I knew I was not leaving the shelter without saving one. So on December 13th I adopted Willy. He was one of the first dogs found wondering the streets of Gatlinburg dazed and confused. I am attaching a pic.

    I will be starting my PARP trial tomorrow. The oncologist who is heading up the trial, told me that there were a lot of patients responding to Oliparib. She said it wouldn't surprise her if this drug gets approved in the near future. I asked if she meant for breast cancer, and she said yes and other types of cancer as well. It is already approved for ovarian cancer.

    You and Dani are always in my thoughts!

    This was Willy's adoption pic that was posted on the shelters website!! He has brought so much joy to me in the last year.


  • Grannax2
    Grannax2 Member Posts: 2,387
    edited November 2017

    mom. I have not had progression in my liver. I have just been investigating TACE and DEBDOX in case I do have progression in the future.

    I've only had y90 once in each lobe. I have heard that once you get your maximum dosage of radiation, you cannot have another y90.

    I'm glad Dan I is making progress on the list of things she has to do. She'll have y90 on other lobe on November 30? Then that will be all done. Then the rads start again next week? How many does she have to have? Sounds like she will have finished most of this round of treatments by Christmas.

    I cannot imagine how hard it was to hear the words innumerable lesions in her liver. She has to be a very determined woman to take all this a one time. I wish you both could have a break. But, I know you have to keep moving forward.

  • rpoole1962
    rpoole1962 Member Posts: 386
    edited November 2017

    Claire, so happy for your great results!!

    Z- I am excited to see your CEA drop so much since your treatment in Japan. Are you saying your marker was going up that much and your MO did not scan to see what was going on? BTW...nice graph!! I know markers are not reliable for a lot of people, but mine are spot on!! And if I have big rises, I always get a scan to confirm progression. I get my marker tested weekly since the mets have gone to my liver. And they are going up again, since I have been off treatment for 6 weeks!! Getting markers checked weekly can be a double edged sword. They can bring me peace when they are dropping and increase my stress to see them rising. I was wondering if the mets being seen in your liver could be dead tumors. If they were there before Japan, then maybe the treatment in Japan killed them, and that is what is being seen in the liver....scar tissue!!

    GrannaX2, How much time between lobes for Y90?

  • lalady1
    lalady1 Member Posts: 530
    edited November 2017

    Momatt - sending you and Dani much love. Rooting for rads to work for her. Robin! excited to hear how your new meds are going, please keep us posted. JFL - you and I are still on A-train. Hoping it knocks out the sneaky liver mets. Z - your CEA is going the right way! Interested to see how they explain the new WTF liver mets. Hoping it's dead tissue like Robin mentioned. I'm now rethinking that with most of my bone resolved I could try immunotherapy to focus on liver. Japan or Germany sounds fine. :)

    Claire - heading for big chair tomorrow

  • Bluebird-DE
    Bluebird-DE Member Posts: 1,233
    edited November 2017

    Speaking of our doctors and what they want for us. This is the breast cancer specialist assigned to me at Goshen Centr for Cancer Care. His information reads hopeful, that I will be in great hands and I will appreciate the time he spends. It all remains to be seen. So far it has taken them from Thursday before last to this morning to assign me an appointment time for next Wednesday. About three weeks to get in. And the intake said it was according to severity of the case. Which seems to mean my case is not so severe????

    Just read the last three pages, I learn so much here. For all you struggling with health and anxiety over health, I have been there. Sleepless nights and angry days. I wish for all of us a deep peace in what we are going through, if only that be possible.

    Still on Xeloda, I start another cycle tomorrow.

    Ultrasound revealed a nodule IN my thyroid, perhaps why I cannot talk or eat so much. I trust GCC will get to the bottom of that too. Removal of my thyroid is the best I can hope for, it doesn't work at all anyway.

  • Jeenee
    Jeenee Member Posts: 91
    edited November 2017

    Zarovka -

    CEA is used as a very general marker. My Onc does not pay too much attention to it unless he sees progression in scans as well since, apparently, it can be elevated with other forms of inflammation. Do you get another screening?Ca-15-3 is also commonly used with breast cancer.

    - Jee Nee

  • Jeenee
    Jeenee Member Posts: 91
    edited November 2017

    BTW Zarofka-

    Just reread and realized your markers had dropped dramatically recently and that it might be due to treatment you received overseas. That's fantastic news. You probably already mentioned this, but if scans or other tests show the treatment worked, CEA may be a pretty decent, reliable marker for you.

    - JeeNee

  • Grannax2
    Grannax2 Member Posts: 2,387
    edited November 2017

    rpoole. I had about 5 weeks in between lobe procedures.

    I go see my MO on Thursday. I plan to ask her about which type of testing she usually uses for finding information/ mutations that might be useful for deciding on TX in the future. I think she uses Foundation One. What other ones are there? Is one better than another?

    I'm pretty sure she will order my PET for December. I'm hoping I'll still get good results from Ibrance/femara but I want to be prepared if I get progression. Everyone here has inspired me to have some ideas in my " back pocket" (as Z always says). It certainly has helped Z to make decisions quickly during a difficult time. I will start my eleventh month of TX on Friday.

    What is typical second line TX after fail on Ibrance/ femara?

    Meanwhile, I got to see my grandchildren last Saturday. Man, a six year old boy can wear a Granna out real fast. 👦 And, the preteen has a boy texting her mother's phone at all hours (she does not have her own phone, thank God). 👩 Things are constantly changing with my son's family. With two kids growing and changing so fast, they have to adapt just as fast. I'm glad that job in for younger people.👵 💓

    PHOTOGIRL-62 Member Posts: 274
    edited November 2017

    Hi Everyone!!! I’m in Joberg South Africa waiting for my 16 hour flight home. I’ll catch up with all of you when I get home. Not much service in the bush. Thanks for all your kind comments on my photo. I’ll post some of Africa after I sort them out. I needed to be in touch with everyone I’ve been scared without all of you!!! Sending my hugs to all of you. One photo I took of an Acacia Tree in Etosha Namibia. Peaceful but there were 3 lions resting peacefully too! Hugs to all hope everyone is hanging in there!! Anitimage

  • Jeenee
    Jeenee Member Posts: 91
    edited November 2017

    Photogirl - Wow! This is just so cool! I am awestruck. Thank you for sharing this image.


  • momallthetime
    momallthetime Member Posts: 1,375
    edited November 2017

    Zar I get what you are saying about the CEA, I don't think they pay attention to a/t. You'd think in their profession they would be sensitive to those things, but it seems to me that there is complete obliviousness about the whole thing. I will tell you reading over and over accounts of docs that get seriously sick, they cannot get over what goes on in Hospitals, and the pain and loss that their patients went through. Let's just say they see the world with a different lens.

    Did you get to see more CD's? The AST/ALT/ALK Phosphate – and MO also checked for GGTP – creatinine those are I think the blood tests most related to the liver.

    Willy is adorable!!Very cute- it's a beautiful thing to take care of these lost animals. What breed is he? How big is he? She was thinking from a breeder, because we thought they would be better cared for, but now you are saying it's not so. And Robin can I ask you how do you know about the adoption stuff what the dog went through before getting there?

    This trial sounds very promising. Looking forward in getting your news about it. How often do you do BT for it?

    Robin, you think it's too soon for the 2nd phase? IR wants it actually close one to the other, I was asking him if it could be done in January but the way he told me that way you get the liver lesions down and the rest of the body could function better. It sounded good but what do I know. It sounded so bad when they saw the PET/CT and the #s were going up so fast, that we felt a real pressure to have this done asap, so I didn't really shop around, MO recommended him, there are more superior IR right in the same office but it would have taken a few weeks to see them, and what shall I tell you I got scared. I know how other docs don't like to finish the job of the 1st, and I do think it's best if she stays within her circle of docs in case…so…it's kinda – unless it's a real no no

    How do we know who is a good candidate for PARP inhibitors?

    Grannax only forward. I cannot even explain to the "average Human" what she does every day, it's weird when you tell people yeah, I've been going to docs or scans or BTfor the last hmmm forever all the time. Grannax how long did it take you to see the results from Y90? Weeks/Months? Grannax did you also had nausea/vomiting after the procedure? So hers will be just about 4 weeks. And good that the kids keep you on your toes.

    Claire so happy for you, it took awhile. Good luck going forward.

    Bluebird what seems to me is this is a GOOD business, that's clear.

    Anita just a dream, thanks for transporting us.

  • hartrish
    hartrish Member Posts: 290
    edited November 2017

    kandy: sending prayers your way to feel better and for getting your blood counts back up.

  • babs6287
    babs6287 Member Posts: 1,619
    edited November 2017

    Lalady great news!!!! Celebrate🎉🎉🎉


  • Grannax2
    Grannax2 Member Posts: 2,387
    edited November 2017

    mom. I was very surprised that we saw the results within three months. I had the procedures on April 16 and May 24, my next scan was August 3. It showed no uptake in liver mets. Evidently, it can take up to 6 months to show results. Hoping for quick results for Dani.

  • Wendy3
    Wendy3 Member Posts: 872
    edited November 2017

    Momallthetime that goes for me as well I hope for quick great results for Dani☺️

    Anita welcome home love the picture looks hot there.

    Lalady always good for everyone's soul to hear some great news🎉 Congrats.

    Scan tomorrow mixed feeling about this one. My onc has been adding my head into the mix last three CTs not keen on this I have no symptoms and when I ask friends here they don't get why either. Any ideas?

  • rpoole1962
    rpoole1962 Member Posts: 386
    edited November 2017


    I didn't realize Dani's Y90 procedure was already 4 weeks ago. GrannaX2 said she had 5 weeks between procedures, so I guess one week will not make any difference.

    Willy is a 10lb Terrier mix. I don't know what his story was before being found in the streets of Gatlinburg. I do know that he was someone's pet. He was an immediate loving lap dog. There was so much chaos at that time, as dogs were coming into the shelter by the dozens. A lot of them had burned paw pads and a lot of burned cats. Every animal had an intake form on their cage with date found and location. They only gave owners 2 weeks to claim their dog because they had to make room for the new ones coming in. The TV stations were telling people who had lost an animal to head down to the ground zero location. As far as breeders go, some breeders keep the animals in deplorable conditions. I am not saying all breeders, but a lot of them. Just google purebred animals and health problems.

    PARP inhibitors are a good treatment for BRCA breast cancer. I was accepted on this trial because I have a mutation that is closely related to BRCA. They are expanding trials to include all kinds of cancer and are having great results. The first 2 cycles on the trial are pretty grueling. I go on Wed & Fri to the cancer center to get blood draws. On Wed I get a CBC and then they do a 2nd draw for pharmakinetics, and then I see the trial oncologist. Believe it or not this took 3 hours today, mostly just waiting. At least they put you in a room with a bed, recliner, and TV. Fridays are the worst day....I go from 7am to 7pm! They will do a CBC and then several PK draws throughout the day. They are looking at how you metabolize the drug and so forth.

    When are they doing Dani's 2nd Y90?


  • zarovka
    zarovka Member Posts: 2,959
    edited November 2017

    Bluebird - as a counter example from here in sunny NM, the first appointment I could get with my new onc of choice was 8 weeks out.

    Jeenee - I am aware the CEA is not a very strong marker for breast cancer, generally speaking. My April scan report was supposedly clear despite the small increases through the spring. For these reasons I chose to continue to ignore the small increases in CEA and then the big increases later in the summer. I am largely in control of my scan schedule and delayed my scan to September. I'm slowly figuring out that there were problems with both the quality of the april scan and the april scan report. I had significant progression in April and was not told. CEA is looking like a reliable marker for me at the moment. I also believe that if anyone is seeing the steady upward march in CEA they need to check and double check their scans and how they are being monitored.

    I posted my data for animal cracker. After my experience I believe she needs to pull the string on her rising CEA markers.

    Grannax - I had foundation one done but I am learning that Caris Molecular Testing is the stronger test. They look at immuno-histochemistry, for example, which is entirely absent from the F1. Requires a bit more tissue.

    Hi Anita - I am on the edge of my seat for a lot more pictures . Welcome back.

    Wendy - I think she just doesn't want to miss progression to the brain. I would also like to see it caught early if it happens. I am glad you head is in the scan.


  • momallthetime
    momallthetime Member Posts: 1,375
    edited November 2017

    Grannax thanks so much for the info. I know someone that had Brachytherapy for Prostate cancer, and it took a few months and there was much lower PSA. So I thought this should be pretty much the same, JUST WHO has the patience to wait???? Oh gosh!!

    Wendy sweetie, you know I'm just talking as a lay person, but for the skull/brain usually MRI is recommended, that I could tell you. It's def the best modality. And you don't get the radiation to the head. To be honest I never heard of a CT. The brain thread ladies also always had MRI. Could you ask doc to do MRI for the head and e/t else CT? I'd say maybe because you had progression b4, and BC does progress to brain, of course not always but it's a possibility so I guess they wanna check.

    Ronnie, the mapping for the procedure is tomorrow. But the actual Y90 will be done at the 4 week mark, short 3 days. So you are right it's only been 2 weeks.A

    And that's great info on the doggies, thanks so much. And my hats off to you, it's really a beautiful thing that you took Willy in. He is a beauty. Oh, one can only imagine how frightened these animals were.

    I am going to look into this proximity to BRCA.

    Zarovka yeah, i am really upset that Dani had the biopsy not long ago, and she could have Caris done. I feel so bad that they messed you up.

  • Nina27
    Nina27 Member Posts: 20
    edited November 2017

    Hi my friends,

    I went to see my onco yesterday morning and she sent me for an ultrasound, it seems to show that something is blocking the bile duct and another duct in the right kidney (both liver and kidney are battling). Anyhow the ultrasound wasn’t diffinitive so I am booked into hospital for a ct scan for a better look. We are hoping that we can just put a stent in the ducts and get the organs working better so that I can go onto new chemo. Thank you for all your thoughts and prayers.

    Nina xx

  • zarovka
    zarovka Member Posts: 2,959
    edited November 2017

    Nina - Thank you so much for checking in. I think you have a manageable problem but it is urgent that these ducts get opened up. When do you have the CT scan?


  • Jeenee
    Jeenee Member Posts: 91
    edited November 2017

    Hi Nina,

    Thanks for checking in. Glad you are stable and getting care. Hope the new chemo works for you. Wishing you some comfort and that you are well enough to get out of there soon.
