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How are people with liver mets doing?



  • kimintx
    kimintx Member Posts: 13
    edited October 2020

    Hello All!

    I sure do not get on here as much as I want to. Prayers and blessing to all! I have been doing fine. I have had 7 treatments and feel pretty good. I work everyday and hardly have any symptoms. I feel very blessed. I had a cat scan today to see how things are moving along. So, nerve wracking. I turned off my online "My Chart" because I do not want to read the results before I see the doctor on Thursday after Chemo. My doctor can no longer feel my 4 cm lump in breast or swollen lymph nodes. Also, my liver enzymes have all been in the normal range after a couple of treatments. I contunie to pray for all you ladies everyday even though I am not on here much. I love to hear your survivor stories and the words of encourgement you give each other.

  • Anewbreath
    Anewbreath Member Posts: 122
    edited October 2020

    Nicolerod you look stunning. I love the smile that fills the moment. My son will be getting married in June and I’m praying my health will cooperate with this joyous occasion. Praying your treatments are going good.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 760
    edited October 2020


    Scanxiety is o real. Hoping for good results! Sounds like everything is pointing that way.


  • leftfootforward
    leftfootforward Member Posts: 1,396
    edited October 2020

    Nicole- gorgeous.

  • leftfootforward
    leftfootforward Member Posts: 1,396
    edited October 2020

    I had to reschedule ly r my CT scan. My kadcyla treatmenrbgave jr a fever for two days well really the whole weekend. It really sucks to not be able to tell the difference between Covid and my SE from treatment.

    This appears to be my pattern however so I am 99% sure it’s treatment related. Good thing I never leave home or my car.

    Thinking of everyone

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 760
    edited October 2020


    That stinks that you had to reschedule and that you had a fever. Maybe you could get a quick Covid test now that they are available. It doesn’t seem fair to have a fever side effect from cancer treatment affect you so much. 😢

    Hope you feel better. Dee

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 760
    edited October 2020


    Are your scans this week?


  • ShetlandPony
    ShetlandPony Member Posts: 3,063
    edited October 2020

    LFF, sorry about the fever. Frustrating when you know it is just from treatment. I occasionally get unexplained fevers and no other symptoms when it is getting close to the time I need my biliary stent exchanged. After a couple useless hospitalizations and antibiotic courses, I stopped reporting them. Recently I had a morning appointment and I did not want the TSA to turn me away. I actually rode there with the air conditioning pointed at my forehead, since they use those forehead scanners for temperature. And fortunately when this happens, my temperature is lower in the morning. And anyway, they covid test me before the ERCP stent procedures.

  • candy-678
    candy-678 Member Posts: 4,166
    edited October 2020

    LLF- Sorry you had a fever and had to move CT. When is new date?

  • Grannax2
    Grannax2 Member Posts: 2,387
    edited October 2020

    Nicole I wish I could see the back of your hair, your beautiful up-do. Do you have any pics that show the back or side view?

    Candy. I have PET and MRI on October 22 and will get the results on 27th.

    Today I have the Echocardiogram for Mitral valve insufficiency. I've managed to get myself in a stew about it, not the test, the results. I think because my doc seemed concerned and I haven't been feeling well for the past few weeks. SOB, etc which could mean nothing, of course. I hope I'll get some results today but I may have to wait until my doc gets them. Grrr💞

  • 50sgirl
    50sgirl Member Posts: 2,071
    edited October 2020

    Grannax, I hope that you don’t have to wait too long for the results of the echocardiogram, and I also hope that the results are positive. I know that waiting just increases the stress level and can make us imagine all sorts of things. When I had my last echo last month, the technician told me the ejection fraction result while I was there and compared it with the previous value from March. I was really surprised, but in a good way. I will be thinking of you as you go through the procedure today and as you await results.

    LeftFoot, I am sorry that you were unable to have the CT as scheduled. COVID has turned our lives upside down (or sideways at the very least). How soon will you have the CT?I am like you. I never leave my house or car either except when I go to my MO’s office. It is sad to think that a trip to the doctor’s is my big day out! Lol.

    Hugs and prayers from, Lynne

  • candy-678
    candy-678 Member Posts: 4,166
    edited October 2020

    Grannax- Sorry you are feeling poorly. Hope the echo results are ok. Hug.

  • nicolerod
    nicolerod Member Posts: 2,877
    edited October 2020

    dee no we actually just changed them yesterday they are now friday Oct 23 results Monday 26th.



    here ya go


  • nicolerod
    nicolerod Member Posts: 2,877
    edited October 2020

    here's a couple more from the big day




  • HopeandGratitude
    HopeandGratitude Member Posts: 520
    edited October 2020

    Gorgeous Nicole. Everyone and everything looks beautiful!! You must have been so happy!!!

  • nicolerod
    nicolerod Member Posts: 2,877
    edited October 2020

    Yes Hope very happy and it was seriously the best wedding I have ever been much fun. Everyone had so much fun.

  • seeq
    seeq Member Posts: 1,163
    edited October 2020

    Nicole, your son is so handsome and his wife is truly beautiful. Love the updo. I've never gotten more complicated than a French twist with my hair. Lol

    Grannax - hoping for quick and good results from your echo. It's so frustrating having to wait.

    LFF - I'm sorry you had to reschedule your scan. It's bad enough waiting for scan day in the first place, let alone having it pushed back.

    Kimintx - it sounds like things are moving in the right direction. You have waaay more self control than I do - there's no way I could NOT look at test results if they were available to me! I'd go crazy.

    I got a little good news today - my TMs dropped about 450 points after spiking right after treatment. It's the first indication I've had that this treatment might be working . Liver enzyme results were in last week - and were up - so MO moved my scan up to tomorrow, and my follow up appt to Monday. Trying to just breathe. Planning to visit my daughter, many miles away, next month.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 760
    edited October 2020

    SeeQ- Great news! Enjoy your good report.

    Liver Biopsy today for me. It will be my 3rd one. I won’t meet the IR until just before procedure. I hope they listen to me about which tumors have been locally treated so we biopsy the right one.

    Staying in a hotel tonight for the first time since covid. I report at 7 am for 1st dose of the trial drug.


  • HopeandGratitude
    HopeandGratitude Member Posts: 520
    edited October 2020

    Dee - Right there with you in spirit for the biopsy. Will be saying prayers and sending hugs your way. Pamper yourself after this. Waiting on results is hard, but hopeful they provide helpful infirmation

  • BevJen
    BevJen Member Posts: 2,341
    edited October 2020


    Thinking of you. Hope it all goes well.

    If you are getting the trial drug this morning, does that mean you're in the trial now? You had indicated that you were still on the fence.

    I'm looking into trials now as well, and now I see what you are saying about how complicated it can be. Even the info on sometimes doesn't tell the whole picture.

    Just curious -- how far is Sarah Cannon from your home? I am looking at one trial in Pittsburgh, which is almost 4 hours from my home in suburban Maryland. It's a super duper trial, but I don't now if it's good to be that far away from home base.

    Good luck!

  • Grannax2
    Grannax2 Member Posts: 2,387
    edited October 2020

    Dee. I'm sure the BX is over by now and that they got the right one. Most of all praying that it gives usable information for TX.

    Nicole Your son looks like a movie star! He is so handsome. Your up do was perfectly done. Very pretty. They must have had a very talented photographer, such awesome pics.

    I had my echo and I know nothing. Sometimes I can read the tech, not this time. So, yes, I wait. They are faxing the report to my doc. Yes, 50's girl it does increase stress. Sometimes it feels like I've been waiting on results for half my life. Twenty eight years of waiting for results is almost half my life. You'd think it would get easier. UGH💞

  • seeq
    seeq Member Posts: 1,163
    edited October 2020

    Dee, I feel confident you kept the IR on track. I hope they got everything you need for testing. And good luck with the new trial meds.

    Grannax, again hoping the wait is short, the results are good, and you don't make yourself too crazy during the wait.

  • moth
    moth Member Posts: 3,293
    edited October 2020

    Dee, I hope your biopsy was smooth sailing!

    Granna, fingers crossed for quick and excellent results of your echo.

    I had labs today - everything is good. Albumin is just 1 pt shy of normal, liver enzymes all normal. My liver appears to be continuing to heal, yay.

    I have a CT on the 23rd. Feeling hopeful about it given the good labs and lack of any concerning symptoms


  • ShetlandPony
    ShetlandPony Member Posts: 3,063
    edited October 2020

    Dee, new drug and a liver biopsy on the same day?! Waiting to hear your report when you are up to it.

    Also waiting to hear about your echo, Grannax2.

    Moth, I am optimistic for you, too! Imagine if this chemo + immunotherapy gives you a huge, long remission! I mean, this is why they have worked so hard on immuno, and we know it is especially good for TN.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 760
    edited October 2020

    thanks all for the well wishes. Biopsy went good today and CDK 2/4/6 drug tomorrow. Got the ok to treat yesterday!!

    Whirlwind week.


  • Grannax2
    Grannax2 Member Posts: 2,387
    edited October 2020

    Dee, you are our action girl. You get things done.

    Thanks girls for waiting with me, maybe today I'll get a call. My doc usually calls me before I see it on my portal.💞

  • arolsson
    arolsson Member Posts: 94
    edited October 2020

    Elderberry- my CT is tomorrow. SCANXIETY big time. Blood work ok but my hemogloben just sticks around 9 which is plenty low to feel woozy but not low enough for a transfusion. Still glad I haven't needed a dose reduction.

    Wrote to the Y-90 doctor, she doesnt know if its a good idea to do Olaparib together with the Y-90 so wants to wait. Seems to me like together they would be a great 1-2 punch for my liver tumors which sound HUGe compared to you guys---11 cm.

    No point in worrying about next steps until I get my scan results--November 5. Why it should take a month to read a scan is still a mystery to me...but at least my superexpensive Olaparib (Lynparze) is covered. And it's Friday tomorrow...

    best to all, good to hear how you all are doing. /AMY

  • moth
    moth Member Posts: 3,293
    edited October 2020

    has anyone heard privately from thrivingmama? She posted in April about progression & was last logged seen on the boards in July. Worried about her.

  • seeq
    seeq Member Posts: 1,163
    edited October 2020

    arolsson, I'm right there with you. My largest tumor is 11.8 cm. I'll be very interested to hear what local treatments will be suitable for a larger tumor. I briefly broached the subject of local treatment with my MO, but I don't know enough to ask intelligent questions. Mostly, I wanted to plant the seed. I need to educate myself a little more, and I'm still adjusting to the diagnosis and figuring out the basics. I'm hoping the Verzenio will shrink it to a more manageable size.

    I hope your CT goes smoothly tomorrow. A MONTH for results??! I'd be a basket-case, for sure!

  • arolsson
    arolsson Member Posts: 94
    edited October 2020

    Thanks SeeQ

    darn it, really struggling this time. I mean, how many times have I walked down those corridors alone to do a CT, and they couldn't have been nicer, but I feel like I want to crawl into a hole. Maybe because it could be my last, dunno.

    Went into Susan love's home page, usually a great source for info, now completely taken over by "Boobies and booze" . Another decent source lost. Have contributed to MetUp and DES action who seem to avoid pinkwashing and big donations from Big Pharma. A reminder that I would never be here if it wasn't for Eli Lilly racing to market with a synthetic estrogen which was supposted to eliminate miscarriages. Be careful, careful folks. Have asked mods for info about why they still accept money from Lilly Oncology but no reply yet...