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How are people with liver mets doing?



  • chichimaine
    chichimaine Member Posts: 89
    edited June 2015 sorry to hear you are having such a horrible time with the nausea. My daughter (29) who unfortunately also had breast cancer found the only thing that worked at all for her was marinol. The Zofran wasn't doing it. I'm not advocating smoking marijuana, but you can legally be prescribed marinol in pill form and it was the only thing that gave her half a chance to eat and keep it down. It doesn't get you high (darn it! lol!), but it certainly tames the nausea. Worth a try to ask your onc.

    Hope you're feeling better soon and can enjoy your trip!


  • tryn2staycalm
    tryn2staycalm Member Posts: 470
    edited June 2015

    CT scan showed lots of progression and another lesion on my liver.  Bone mets are very painful now so taking Hydromorh Contin slow release 12 hour 2x daily and for break through pain Hyromorphone  fast release.

    On top of the progression they found a blood clot close to my heart so had to see a Clot specialist and now taking daily injections of Fragmen.

    I also started on chemo yesterday.  Taxol weekly.


  • chichimaine
    chichimaine Member Posts: 89
    edited June 2015


    Prayers going up for you regarding not only your progression, but your pain. I will keep your girls in my prayers also as I know that this is painful for them, too. The Taxol should kick some cancer butt, but be sure to take care of yourself as it kicks our butts, too! This journey many say is a roller coaster ride, but it sounds like you've had too many downhill swoops...time for a nice long ride uphill to some easier days for you. Keep us posted...thinking of you!!

  • Kiss77
    Kiss77 Member Posts: 91
    edited June 2015

    Cathy, sorry for progression. As chichimaine wrote - Taxol will kick cancer's butt. Hang in!

  • ronniekay
    ronniekay Member Posts: 657
    edited June 2015 my prayers...they found that clot for a reason, I believe! You're meant to be here & as tough a go as it is, taxol may, as Chichi & Kiss say, kick some serious butt!'ve been through so much...I just wish we could all meet you on the OR coast to play in pixie dust :-)

    Love to all! Leftfoot...I'm worried about that single met...hmmmmm. Hope you find the info you need.

  • leftfootforward
    leftfootforward Member Posts: 1,396
    edited June 2015

    Ronnie- Pet scan was thursday and I haven't heard from my oncologist. Not good as I have a appointment scheduled to talk with her on monday. I am assuming that she is waiting to discuss where we go from here now. Still hopeful but am getting ready to discuss my options. I will let you know when I hear. thanks for the thoughts.

  • Woodylb
    Woodylb Member Posts: 935
    edited June 2015

    Cathy , so sorry for your progression and specially your pain. Do not worry about the clotbnear the heart meds will take care of it and i hope it will be resolved quickly. Like Chichi said , Taxol is a tough chemo it should hold your cancer at bay. Take care of yourself and keep us posted. Prayers and hugs.

  • ShetlandPony
    ShetlandPony Member Posts: 3,063
    edited June 2015

    Cathy, I hope you are feeling better fast. Taxol is good.

    Leftfootforward, I'm sorry you have to wait the whole weekend to talk to your onc. Maybe she was just super busy on Friday.

  • ronniekay
    ronniekay Member Posts: 657
    edited June 2015

    Leftfoot...I know xeloda's been so tolerable for you & will hope for "no news" on Monday...but Navelbine kicked my liver mets & was also just a little insurance policy!

  • Leah_S
    Leah_S Member Posts: 1,929
    edited June 2015

    Leftfoot, I'm finding Navelbine easier to tolerate than Xeloda. My TMs are way down on it and my pain is almost completely gone. So it that's in your future it could be a good thing.

    PET/CT tomorrow, so I'll see if it reflects what seems like good results.


  • chichimaine
    chichimaine Member Posts: 89
    edited June 2015

    Leftfoot - I, too, have had good results from Navelbine - liver mets are no longer visible on CT - and the SE's not so nearly those of Xeloda. Hoping there's not need for a change for you, but like RonnieKay says, a little insurance is always good! P.S. - I've always had scans on Friday and had to wait until Monday...makes for a long weekend...hang in there!

    Leah - Prayers for good results on scan tomorrow!!

  • mommarch
    mommarch Member Posts: 534
    edited June 2015

    Has anyone who has taken Xeloda noticed feeling depressed when going off of it for the 7 days? I was off it as of yesterday and today I am not in a good state of mind.

  • apackoftwo
    apackoftwo Member Posts: 64
    edited June 2015

    mommarch - Xeloda and I were not good friends - I was depressed the entire time taking it - 10 months - it has failed and I have now been off for two weeks and depression has completely lifted, also fatigue and pain in hip and thigh - but we are all different - and don't know how many cycles you have done. I am ready to start Navelbine next week. It could also be dose related but a change in dose did not help me with side effects. Also, sometimes there are adjustment periods on new drugs but I would definitely run it by your oncologist. Hoping you feel better soon. Susie

  • Woodylb
    Woodylb Member Posts: 935
    edited June 2015

    Leah and Kiss77 prayers and good luck for today keep us posted.

    Leftfoot , i hope you hear good news today , prayers.

  • Kiss77
    Kiss77 Member Posts: 91
    edited June 2015

    Thanks Woody!

    Today was my scan but I had no courage to take the results. Will take them tomorrow morning. I want to buy myself some peace of mind for one more night pretending there is nothing. And my onc will change (if needed) my medication next week, so I can afford one more calm night.

    Leah, good luck!

  • Leah_S
    Leah_S Member Posts: 1,929
    edited June 2015

    Thanks for the good wishes! The results should be ready by the end of this week or the beginning of next week.


  • leftfootforward
    leftfootforward Member Posts: 1,396
    edited June 2015

    So it is confirmed that it is a liver met. So after 2 1/2 years of NED I have recurred. good news is there is only one liver met and everything else is either too small or not there on PET scan. So plan is to get in to see the liver specialists to discuss if they can target it individually. I wil also talk with my radiation oncologist who did gamma knife for my briam mets. they might just do that. The met looks very vacuslar so they ight not not to surgically do anything with it, even to put in implants. We will wait to see what they have to say. If it takes too long to see them, my oncologist will start a weekly herceptin treatment for me as a stop gap. Most likely I will be starting taxol/herceptin/perjeta. So no more Xeloda for me. I am to remain on the Xeloda and Tykerb until we finalize a plan. I will get a port put in if/when it is decided to do the infusion chemo. So, not the best of days, but not the worst of days. Only one tumor that is amost too small to detect. I will take that as a victory. Plus I have options. so Wack a mole round 3 here I come.

  • Woodylb
    Woodylb Member Posts: 935
    edited June 2015


    I am sorry you are facing mets yet again. But like you said it is not so bad it could have been worse. I hope your doctors find the right way to take care of it . My prayers are with you and hope you go NED again. ((HUGS))

  • Woodylb
    Woodylb Member Posts: 935
    edited June 2015

    Kiss 77 any news ?

  • Kiss77
    Kiss77 Member Posts: 91
    edited June 2015

    Progression. To the bones. F..!

  • Woodylb
    Woodylb Member Posts: 935
    edited June 2015

    Christina , i too after the liver had progression to the bones an extensive one , and they disappeared. Bones are treatable . Take a deep breath and talk to your oncologist so he can treat you properly. I am not saying it is not upsetting but it is treatable. Keep me posted on what your onc will say. Kisses

  • Kiss77
    Kiss77 Member Posts: 91
    edited June 2015

    Woody, hugs! I'll keep you posted. The meeting with the onc is next Thursday.

  • sandilee
    sandilee Member Posts: 436
    edited June 2015

    Sorry, Kiss77, about the progression. Mine went the other way, from bones to liver. Bones have been stable for four years. They do seem to respond to treatments. Mine stayed stable with Faslodex and Xgeva.

    I've heard good things about Xeloda, too. Let us know what you and he decide. Hugs to you!

  • Countrygirl1225
    Countrygirl1225 Member Posts: 4
    edited June 2015

    I have secondary liver mets. I was on Xeloda for about 6 months - no improvement and on Doxil infusion now. Second round will be end of this month. Very tired, bloated, very little appetite. No other problems so far. Does anyone have any ideas to get rid of the bloats  Had to purchase elastic waistband slacks.. lolo. I am 67 years old and still working as an Office Manager.Scared



  • Kiss77
    Kiss77 Member Posts: 91
    edited June 2015

    Welcome Countrygirl ! Sorry to see you here but glad you found us. I have no idea about the bloats but wanted to wish you luck on Doxil. Were you stable on Xeloda or it failed?

  • ronniekay
    ronniekay Member Posts: 657
    edited June 2015

    Dang...the wind just went outta my sails. Sorry to be a bit of a downer, but I wonder when we can be assured of no progression, of mets being only the name of a baseball team from New York.

    Leftfoot...hoping you get the info you need to move ahead soon. If necessary, we know taxol/herc/perj has had great success for so many....Woody! Many (of us) on the herc/perj regimen are doing well. Just gotta get thru the taxol part. So glad nothing else showed xeloda did well for a while...but not long enough. I can hear your strength..we'll keep the batteries stocked on the whack-a-moles!!!

    Kiss..I was blown away when my onc said-liver mets. I seriously said, "Isn't it supposed to go to my bones?" (And no where else, right Sandilee!!!). This game doesn't play fair!!! I'm sorry for your stinks.

    Prayers for all of us...wishing for good scans...and the right regimens to save our lives.

  • Woodylb
    Woodylb Member Posts: 935
    edited June 2015


    Welcome and sorry at the same time you are joining this club. If the bloting is excessive you should discuss it with your onc for further investigation if need be. Otherwise i wish you good luck on doxil amd may the Lord be with you.

  • Freygea
    Freygea Member Posts: 217
    edited June 2015

    I am determined not to google Liver mets. I was told I have liver mets,lung mets and spleen. To be honest the liver mets scare me the most out of everything. I have no sx (that I am aware of). I need to ask him the size and how many. Just was not ready to hear that last week. I am doing low carb and am supposed to start the Herceptin,Prejeta,Taxotere Thursday. (Been delayed twice now bleh..but that is another story).

    Do you ladies have any suggestions on any lifetsyle changes I should do because of liver mets?

  • sarahsusername
    sarahsusername Member Posts: 16
    edited June 2015

    Hi there,

    My mom has mets in her bones, liver & malignant pleural effusion (fluid around her lungs). Due to the effusion, she hasn't been able to have a petscan since January so a lot of the changes in treatment are gauged by her pain, some nodes near her neck (getting larger or same size, etc) and the fluid reaccumulation in her lungs.

    It is frustrating (to say the least) that we are unable to have any scans to see what is going on inside her body and to decipher if her symptoms are cancer related or treatment related -- to figure out really if she has gotten better or worse.

    What's interesting though is with the influx of some pain subsiding and some pain getting stronger in certain areas -- the pain in her liver is gone. There was a time a couple of months ago where it crazy painful for her. Is this a good sign? The bloodwork for liver function has come back good. But since we don't have the scans, I just don't know..

    Thanks so much for any and all advice!



  • diana50
    diana50 Member Posts: 253
    edited June 2015

    Just wanted to drop in and say hi. Only wishing good scans and blood work to all. No updates. Had 2nd Lxempra last week. Nasty chemo. Hope it works.

    I guess if blood work and liver enzymes ok then liver still functioning. I am still wsiting on consults IV dura lesion in head. Sigh

    Hold on. Pray for good results. Eat cheese. Only good wishes for all. #cancersucks. #lifer.