Take our poll: How are you feeling as we near the New Year?
ABC Game
homework0 -
ink pen0 -
jewellery (on the girls....lol)0 -
kitchen0 -
learners0 -
history books
0 -
oops Ruth, I think you skipped a page!
M - music teacher
0 -
nurds0 -
old history books
0 -
people0 -
quiet in the library
0 -
restrictions (maybe not now but there used to be)0 -
science lab
0 -
Teachers!!!0 -
Umbrella0 -
versatility0 -
white posterboard0 -
xylophones0 -
yellow crayons0 -
New Topic..........animals you would see at the zoo.
A - Ardvark0 -
Black Bear0 -
crocodile0 -
K- Kimberley0 -
D- donkey0 -
Elephant0 -
Flamingos0 -
Giraffe0 -
Hippopotamus0 -
I - iguana
0 -
J - Jaguar0
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