ABC Game
Minnesota State Fair
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Norway, Nova Scotia
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Oslo, Ottawa, Owahu
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Paris, Philadelphia, Prague
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Queensland, Australia
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Rome, Rotterdam, the Rocky Mountains
(topic is places you'd like to go on vacation)
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Spain (especially Barcelona)
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Toronto, Tokyo, Tuscany
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United Kingdom
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Vienna, Voyageurs National Park, Vancouver, Valencia, Vermont
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Williams Bay Wisconsin, Wyoming,
Yosemite National Park
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Sara, thanks for saying Wisconsin!
X = Xenia, Ohio
you did Y = Yosemite (I'll add Yellowstone)
Z = Zurich
new topic: containers (things that contain other things)
attaché case, ashcan, amphora
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I grew up there. (WI). Oops, Y? I don't know Why!
bundle, box, books (contain stories)
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cabinets, chest of drawers, closets, carafe
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desk, drawers, dishes
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envelope, étagère, escritoire
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fortune cookie
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granary, garage, golf bag
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house, hatbox, hard toe boots
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incubator igloo
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jewelry box
jukebox (contains songs and memories)
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Kitchen cabinets
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laundry basket
lunch box
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moving van
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oil can, olive (contains a pit), orange peel (contains an orange LOL)
topic is containers (things that contain other things)
Sara, I liked your answer of book (contains stories) very creative!
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a pit contains a fire, a pen contains sheep
If you have any kids on your Christmas list, you might want to check out the book - "A House is a House for Me" ( a National Book Award Winner) It includes everything from "a hill is a house for an ant" to all sorts of inanimate objects. I can't remember exactly, but it may have had "a book is a house for stories." When I taught kindergarten, I used that book all the time and the kids enjoyed coming up with their own ideas. Others that may be from the book or the kids are: a shoe is a house for a foot, a pen is a house for ink, a hat is a house for a head, a bottle is a house for juice, etc. I couldn't help but think that way when you presented the "container" theme. 😛
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a quilt contains batting
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rain barrel contains water