ABC Game
zinfandels (type of grape) ๐
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gruelling , gross
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hazy, hot & humid
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ice cream cones
ice cream truck
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July, and this year, June
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kayaking, kick boards (for the pool!) & keeping it cool!
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lemon ice, lightning storms, lightning bugs (aka fireflies)
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motorcycle rides, mountain climbing, morning coffee outside
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Night walks or sitting around on the porch after the sun goes down
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outings to the beach, , outdoor dining,
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the pool, the porch, a Panama hat
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quite unbearable
a quick cold shower is in order
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I'm roasting & red-faced but my roses like it.
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Swimming pools
Sultry, Sweltering weather
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tough tenacious tan
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ultra-strength underarm deodorant and sunscreen
staying underneath an umbrella at the beach
umbrella drinks
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Water, waterm
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voracious mosquitoes
vigorous baseball players
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water park, Wisconsin Dells, watermelon
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XERIC-An ecological term used to describe anywhere extremely dry or arid. If it's xerothermic, then it's both dry and hot. (thank you, google)
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If I knew anyone with a Yacht, I'd be on it!
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Zinnias seem to like the summer heat.
Now in honor of Independence Day, let's list things that have to do with the 4th of July and/or USA.
American as Apple pie
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bombs bursting in air, banner (star-spangled), backyard BBQs
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corn on the cob
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democracy (at least that's the hope)
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eagles, Emancipation Proclamation
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Fourth of July
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Grand Ol' Flag
Garden parties
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Hawaiian Monk Seals - found only in the USA.
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Independence Day, Ike Eisenhower