ABC Game
Justice and July
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Kith and Kin getting together for the 4th of July celebration
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Labor Day
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muggy weather, military men (and women) marching in parades
Topic is things that have to do with the 4th of July and/or USA.
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Old Glory
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political parties
4th of July party
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Quinoa salad at your 4th of July picnic
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Red, White & Blue
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Stars and stripes
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Thomas Jefferson
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United States
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Waving the flag
Wonderland of national parks
Washington DC
Washington Monument
George and Martha Washington
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eXciting fireworks 💥
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entertaining, exciting
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yard parties
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Zipper Cake: A type of fireworks often used in the finale of a fireworks show. (google) I don't know if I've ever seen it.
New topic: Things you might find in a garage sale.
Starting with A: Analog clock, Antique lace thingies to put on the arms of overstuffed sofas, Ant farm
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Baking pans
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cake pans
coffee mugs
cereal bowls
children's toys
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dog toys, dolls, darning needles, a duvet, a dulcimer, a desk
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an exercycle
Edgar Degas print (faded)
a set of eggcups in original box (unused)
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Foot ball, futon, foot locker, foosball table, finger puppets, foot bath
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galvanized bucket
garden gnome
guide book to Greece cica 1995
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Hats, hammers, handkerchiefs trimmed in lace, hamster cage, honey jars, hack saw, horse shoes
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icecream maker (hand cranked)
igloo salt and pepper shakers
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jackets, jelly glasses
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KISS records, knick-knacks, kites
Topic is things you might find in a garage sale
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icecube trays
Icecream maker
Iguana tank
Ink pens
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lobster forks