ABC Game
umbrellabird, uakari monkey
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vole vampire bat
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woolly mammoth, wolverine
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X-ray tetra
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yak, Yorkie, yellow-bellied sapsucker
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New Topic: (since it's about that time) things you need to get when it's time to go Back to School
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Algebra book, art supplies,
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books, bookmarks, book covers
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crayons, class ring, choir robe, cheerleading outfit,
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dry erase markers and boards
dunce cap (historical, did they really do that?)
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economics notebook, egg salad sandwich in lunchbox
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Fancy pencil set to impress your classmates
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Yes, they did make kids wear dunce hat in the way olden days
gym bags, gym shorts, geography books, graph paper,
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Hampster food
“Hundredth Day” display (kids: pick your theme and start collecting stuff now!
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ink pens
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Jansport bookbag (I love that brand!! They wear like iron!!)
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Kleenex, knapsack
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lined paper, library card, lunch ticket,
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markers for art
magnifying glass for science
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number line
no gum, no toys, no phones
nice apple for teacher
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organizer, orange for lunch, old books
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pen, pencil, paper
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quill pen (if you went to school in the 1700s), quiet in the library!
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reading glasses
red pencil, red eraser
The 3 R’s
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Seventh grade syllabus, Science book, school song,
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teachers, tablets, texts
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unconditional love of learning
unit blocks
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vocabulary list
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workbook, writing paper
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xylophone practice for the band, x-rays for sports injuries, (e)xtra credit