ABC Game
yellow pencils, yogurt snacks, yellow highlighters, yarn for the hair of "this is me" cutouts
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ziplock snack bags
New topic: Things you might pack for a five week vacation.
A: allergy meds, all-weather jacket
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bathing suit, ball cap
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cami, camera, checklist
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deodorant, dental floss
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extras of everything (I am a terrible packer!)
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friends, fig newtons
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glasses case
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hormone blocker, hair brush
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iPhone. (You can mute it if you really want to get away from it all, but you might need it to play the games in the middle of the night if you can’t sleep.)
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jacket, jammies
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KY jelly
and maybe a pair of khakis
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mascara, money, magazines
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nightgown, notebook, necklace
needle & thread, necessities
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Oil of Olay
orange slices for snacking
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purses, powder, pocket change
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A roll of Quarters is always handy on a road trip.
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road map
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shoes & socks, sandals & sneakers, a sweater & a swimsuit, all in a suitcase
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toothbrush, toothpaste
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Vanity Fair Magazine, Vaseline, Kurt Vonnegut novel
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Werther’s candies, wallet
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if I was on Xanax, I'd bring a 5-week supply.
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yoga mat
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Ziploc baggies.
New topic: six-letter words
apples, abacus, active
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badger , builds, babies, bummer, Batman, bridge, burger
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carrot, candle, cougar, cradle
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dragon, Denver, donuts, drinks, dugout, double, drawer