ABC Game
Have a nice day!
0 -
thanks! Ha, ha!
Invest in yourself0 -
invest for the future0 -
Just do it.
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keep learning0 -
Let it be.
(or... Let sleeping dogs lie.)
0 -
Make time for what counts.0 -
never say never0 -
One day at a time0 -
Put your best foot forward.0 -
Quiet calm moments are perfect for prayers of thanks.0 -
Rest, relax and recuperate!0 -
save money for a rainy day0 -
take time to smell the roses0 -
Seek first to Understand, then to be Understood.
(one of the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People)
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Love many, trust but few, and always paddle your own canoe. (Native American saying)
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Eat your Vegetables.
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Wait for your turn.
0 -
(e)Xpect the unexpected.
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be yourself0 -
add a little zest to your life0 -
Marple, tell us what the new topic is please0 -
I've not kept track of the topics. 2nd time, be my guest to make the choice. Thanks.0 -
Marple, it's easy, pick anything, we can repeat.
While you think, next topic: things to eat for breakfast
Apple fritter donuts (DH went to the donut shoppe while was sleeping)0 -
bagels0 -
croissant0 -
danish pastry0 -
eggs0 -
french toast0 -