ABC Game
lane change and cutting you off0 -
loud ........boom de de boom de de boom bass music.0 -
Playing their Music so loud it rattles the windows in YOUR car.
0 -
LOL Senga!
Nodding off. Pull over if you're tired!
0 -
open container0 -
Police cruising at 1 MPH under the posted speed limit and daring you to pass them.
This actually happened to me on I-25 going through Cheyenne WY. I did not pass.
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good for you, it might have been their lunch hour. lol
Quebec Provincial Police.........never ever upset them..........0 -
Running Red lights.
0 -
skidding to a stop
0 -
road rage incidents happening around you...happened to us on the interstate...scared the crap out of me.0 -
texting.0 -
using their horn unnecessarily0 -
washing their windows and the spray lands on your windshield when driving behind them0 -
watching x-rated movies while driving (yes, it's a stretch!)
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people who won't yield0 -
zipping across lanes
New topic: reasons to go to the doctor
Aches and pains0 -
bladder infection0 -
cardiac problems0 -
Depression0 -
ear infection0 -
fungal infection (lol, not sure where)0 -
0 -
herniated disc0 -
0 -
jaundice0 -
kidney stones
0 -
lead poisoning0 -
menopause0 -
nose bleeds
(We better do a happy one once we are done at the doctor!)
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Ovarian Cyst -
(A reason I've gone to the doctor in the past)