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Being treated for mastitis - advice would be so grateful!!

Beachgirl2 Member Posts: 22

Hi everyone . I'm new to this forum and hoping someone will be able to give me some advice. 

I'm a 29 year old healthy female, no children, I noticed a pain in my right breast over Xmas but didn't think anything of it. 3 weeks ago I realised that my right breast was also swollen. The pain is a mixture of burning pain and sharp pains. I cannot feel any lumps but the breast is firmer at the top right hand side. I do not have any nipple discharge  and no rash. 

I went to the doctor on Monday and have been given 4x500mg flucoxolin antibiotics a day for 7 days. So far the swelling or pain has not changed. 

So I was wondering how anxious I should be about this? Should I not be worrying as I don't have a rash which is a symptom of ibc? Doctor did say to go back next week for a referral to the breast clinic for an ultrasound if the symptoms don't go away but I don't know how worried I should be :(

I thank anyone in advance for any support or advice :) xx xx 


  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,798
    edited January 2014

    Hi Beachgirl2, It is unlikely that it is cancer, but we are pleased to see that you appear to be in good care with a physician. 

    We are thinking of you, 

    The Mods

  • Tomboy
    Tomboy Member Posts: 2,700
    edited January 2014

    i will tell you, it doesnt do any good to worry in advance! moderators are spot on, to tell you you are doing the right thing by taking steps seeing doctor, to find out. ask the doc all the questions you need to, and good for you, for finding, so quickly!

  • Beachgirl2
    Beachgirl2 Member Posts: 22
    edited January 2014

    thank you both Nerdy Xx

  • Beachgirl2
    Beachgirl2 Member Posts: 22
    edited February 2014

    Hi all, I went back to the doctor yesterday as there has been no reduction to the swelling and still painful. I was given another week of antibiotics as I mentioned to the doctor that I thought the pain wasn't as bad over the weekend but today now I have constant pain again all day so it's making me doubt if it's an infection. My breast is firmer than the other and I can feel a difference on the top outside of my breast ( not a n exact lump but def a mass ) not sure if I should take the doctor up on the offer of referral to breast clinic? 

  • ziggypop
    ziggypop Member Posts: 276
    edited February 2014

    Hi beachgirl, 

    I would go ahead and take the referral to the breast clinic - sometimes you can't get an appointment right away, so if you get the appointment set up & things improve then you can cancel it (make sure to call to cancel as there are always people wanting appointments earlier than they can get them) - and if things don't improve then you can have it looked at. It's really unlikely to be IBC, but ruling it out is a good idea. 

  • Beachgirl2
    Beachgirl2 Member Posts: 22
    edited February 2014

    thank u ziggypop, I understand waiting lists can be long for these types of things and hence why I opted for another week of drugs as don't want to take up a place unnecessarily :( maybe I'll give it until my appointment on Monday to see how things are. Thanks for the reply ! X x

  • Beachgirl2
    Beachgirl2 Member Posts: 22
    edited February 2014

    Hiya, finished my 2nd round of antibiotics and no change, pain has actually got worse and is constantly feeling tender. My doctor has sent a referral through now. Still no redness or rash so im hoping its nothing serious but want to get to the bottom of it - as the antibiotics havnt worked - any one have any suggestions on what else it could be? THANK YOU. 

    I have private medical care but not sure whether i should wait on the NHS for the referral or pay my excess to go private?  

  • Faith316
    Faith316 Member Posts: 1,088
    edited February 2014

    Ask for it to be biopsied.  Then you will know for sure.

  • kareenie
    kareenie Member Posts: 97
    edited February 2014

    it may not be ilc but just  so you  know ilc invasive lobular carcinoma often presents as a thickening or hardness not a discrete lump. ii would continue to pursue the referral to breast center to rule out cancer.oops meant to say it may not be ibc. sorry  cant edit when typing on this stupid phone.

  • Beachgirl2
    Beachgirl2 Member Posts: 22
    edited February 2014

    hi everyone, thought I would quickly update. Decided to use my private insurance and got an appointment today - seen a consultant, he examined me and said I have costochondritis! Which us inflammation between cartridge connecting my rib cage and breast bone! Symptoms of that don't appear to be what I have been experiencing but I guess he Is the expert? I didn't have a scan but left there thinking why I didn't and would have preferred one just for peace of mind but again he would have asked me to have one if he was concerned? Not sure how to feel....relief? Confusion? Embarrassment? :(

  • AmyQ
    AmyQ Member Posts: 821
    edited February 2014

    I don't mean to worry you Beachgirl2 but my initial diagnosis was costochondritis and 2 months later BC confirmed by biopsy. Did you go to a breast center?  I know you are young and this unlikely BC but I think costochondritis is one of those diagnosis used when the docs don't really know what else it could be.  I am sorry to dump this on you but I'd pursue with another specialist given your symptoms. Good luck - 


  • Beachgirl2
    Beachgirl2 Member Posts: 22
    edited February 2014

    hi Amy, thanks for the post, I hope you are well? .. I was just left really confused as when I googled it I was thinking...nope, nope, nope I havnt got any of those ... Ie rib pain, pain breathing, heaviness. Just doesn't feel right. If u don't mind me asking what were you initial symptoms Amy? At the moment I'm thinking to take ibuprofen like he suggests and if it gets worse then It must be something else ? Thanks so much for your help, it really helps chatting on this forum x x 

  • AmyQ
    AmyQ Member Posts: 821
    edited February 2014

    I had severe pain and tightness in my ribcage and at one point I couldn't even lift my arm.  I was thinking it was more like gallbladder as it was under my ribcage.  I went to see my physician but could only get in to see PA who ordered scans of my gallbladder.  That was normal so she dx costochondritis.  The pain eventually went away on its own but I was due for a mammo so went in and they found the BC in the same area. BC doesn't usually cause pain but my body was definitely trying to tell me something. The PA was dumbfounded when she heard. I know you are very young but I don't think it would be unreasonable to get a mammogram or at least a second opinion.  What you are describing doesn't sound like costochondritis. 

  • Beachgirl2
    Beachgirl2 Member Posts: 22
    edited February 2014

    I am glad it got spotted and you were able to get treatment Amy. I will try and post a pic now see if u think one is larger than the other as I'm beginning to think it's all in my head!! It also hurts to touch my breast ( no where near my ribs!! ) 

  • Beachgirl2
    Beachgirl2 Member Posts: 22
    edited February 2014


  • AmyQ
    AmyQ Member Posts: 821
    edited February 2014

    Of course I am not a doctor but to me your right breast looks slightly larger than your left.  Did you go to a breast specialist?  If not and you continue to have pain and swelling, I would recommend it. 

  • Beachgirl2
    Beachgirl2 Member Posts: 22
    edited February 2014

    yes that's the one I'm having the pain in. I'll keep an eye and maybe start writing it down so I keep track. Yes he was a breast specialist at breast clinc. Thank you Amy for posting :)

  • Beachgirl2
    Beachgirl2 Member Posts: 22
    edited February 2014

    hi Bon, thank u for your response - can I ask how quickly did u get the other symptoms? I'm still having daily pain and it's getter more painful when I touch it. No other symtoms yet apart from the pain and the swelling. I'm convinced it's not costochondritis though!! Had another appointment through for 8th April so I'll get a 2nd opinion then x 

  • Beachgirl2
    Beachgirl2 Member Posts: 22
    edited February 2014

    also did u get any redness? X x 

  • alicki
    alicki Member Posts: 85
    edited February 2014


    I don't know what you have but I had similar symp to yours (swelling and pain) + I had mild peau d'orange + fatty lymph nodes.

    3 MRI didnt show anything, skin biopsies neither, I got so infuriated with the testing process, that I went and got my breasts reduced from E size to C size and demanded that they analyse everything they removed.

    THat's when I found out I had fibrocystic breasts, Hyperplasia of the cells and skin (which was causing the thickness in the lower quadrant), adenosis, fibroadenomatosis, duct ectasia, aprocine metaplasia etc

    My breasts had always been red so that was not a criterion. THree docs said I  had mastitis one doc didn't, no I didn't. I had a built up of fibrocystic changes and  small cysts bursting out at the same time which was causing inflammation. I did have one red spot which turned out to by lymphocte infiltrate.

    Your condition could be anything including fibrocystic changes. I have taken off 500g off left breast and 400g off right so I'm guessing that there's still some of the weird stuff there although the problem with my breasts was in lower quadrants

    3 MRIs, 1 mammogram and countless ultrasounds failed to show the condition I have. I got a big core biospy (breast reduction) and AT LAST we found out.

    My recommendation, don't wait until 2nd April and if you can, get yourself to MD Anderson, where they will figure out what's wrong with you. I didn't go to the US but I didn't send my reports there to be assessed. If this is IBC, it needs to be taken care of fast. But from what you describe, this could be anything




  • Beachgirl2
    Beachgirl2 Member Posts: 22
    edited February 2014

    hello Bon and hello alicki. Thank u for sharing ur story with me. I have  continued to have the pain and continued my photo diary to see if swelling gets better. I've attached one of this evening, I accidentally rotated the photo so that it was upside down and was amazed how much more I could see that there was a definite diff in size- what do u guys think?? Still no rash or pinkness or change to nipple in the breast but still have the pain and becoming increasingly painful when I come into contact for example my dad hugged me on the weekend and it was so sore :( not sure whether I should ring the clinic and ask for another appointment or whether it's the Costochondritis that he said it was in the first place. This site has helped me immensely so far x x thank u!!


  • Beachgirl2
    Beachgirl2 Member Posts: 22
    edited February 2014

    hi bon yes it's a mirror shot so looks like the opposite to my previous photo but it is the same breast. Mine have never been diff size and my other half agrees xx

  • schoolmom
    schoolmom Member Posts: 327
    edited March 2014

    Question, I had a dark pink/purple discoloration of the affected girl 18 mos after lumpectomy, chemo and rads.  It faded away within 2 days.  Should I be concerened?

  • Faith316
    Faith316 Member Posts: 1,088
    edited March 2014

    If it went away, then you need not be concerned.  If it was IBC, it wouldn't just disappear on its on.

  • fayth
    fayth Member Posts: 1
    edited March 2014

    Just thought I would jump in. 

    My symptoms of mastitis like pain were also always treated with antibiotics. I had 2-3 flare-ups and never suspected cancer. This past November, it flared again. Shooting pain in nipple, swelling, hot, overall discomfort. My 'new' doctor ordered a mammogram and it confirmed 4cm area of DCIS.

    Please, have imaging done. I always thought it couldn't be breast cancer, but I was wrong.

    PS, my initial Ultra Sound did not pick it up. Only showed on Mammogram.

  • schoolmom
    schoolmom Member Posts: 327
    edited March 2014

    I just had a ct in february and a pet in january and it did not show anythng.  mammo in sept was good.  thanks for the nfo