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Warm & fuzzy owls, goats, kitties, dogs, birds ETC. PICS &LINKS



  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited May 2015


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited May 2015

    I'll bet she is about 100, and loves pink...


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited May 2015

    And then I'll head over to Starbucks...


  • juliecc
    juliecc Member Posts: 4,360
    edited May 2015

    Good morning! Here are some smiling kitties Happy






  • juliecc
    juliecc Member Posts: 4,360
    edited May 2015

    This has been posted before but it still makes me laugh!


  • juliecc
    juliecc Member Posts: 4,360
    edited May 2015


  • juliecc
    juliecc Member Posts: 4,360
    edited May 2015


  • juliecc
    juliecc Member Posts: 4,360
    edited May 2015


  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,890
    edited May 2015

    This is for Spookie

    Image result for free pictures of cute houses

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,890
    edited May 2015

    My initials went from SAD >>>>>SAS. I prefer SAS

  • Smaarty
    Smaarty Member Posts: 2,618
    edited May 2015


    Chocolate art

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited May 2015

    And she would destroy it, little brat dog!! Cute though.

    Yummy art!!!!!

  • Loveroflife
    Loveroflife Member Posts: 4,243
    edited May 2015

    Julie, hahaha love the dachshunds and smiley cats...and Smaarty, wow to the art.

    My initial became TNT after I got married.

    Ms Chevy, do you always dolled upto go to Walmart n Starbucks?

  • Loveroflife
    Loveroflife Member Posts: 4,243
    edited May 2015

    Happy Dogs


  • Loveroflife
    Loveroflife Member Posts: 4,243
    edited May 2015


  • Loveroflife
    Loveroflife Member Posts: 4,243
    edited May 2015


  • Loveroflife
    Loveroflife Member Posts: 4,243
    edited May 2015


  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,890
    edited May 2015

    Image result for Cheshire cat smile

  • Loveroflife
    Loveroflife Member Posts: 4,243
    edited May 2015


  • Loveroflife
    Loveroflife Member Posts: 4,243
    edited May 2015


  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,921
    edited May 2015

    My Mom's initials went from BAT to BAR to BAH. Mine did not change.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited May 2015

    Why yes Loverly, I DO! Winking


  • Loveroflife
    Loveroflife Member Posts: 4,243
    edited May 2015


  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,890
    edited May 2015

    Smarrty, LOVE the chocolate art---wouldn't it be fun to go to a masked ball--how dreamy

    Image result for masked ball costumes

  • KiwiCatMom
    KiwiCatMom Member Posts: 2,337
    edited May 2015

    Ok, true story here about getting dressed up for WalMart. Those of you in the US will get this - WalMart has really good fried chicken at their deli. And good potato salad. Let's just agree on that. Anyway....I got married in Vegas because I lived there at the time. We did the incredibly tacky Elvis wedding because it was incredibly tacky. However, I did have a lovely evening gown (wedding dress) and DH wore a suit. And it was hysterically funny. Afterwards, we went to a friend's house for the reception, which was quite informal. It was Vegas at the end of June and hot as. And WalMart had fried chicken on sale - 50 pieces for like $25. I had about 350 guests, so...this was a low budget wedding, the chicken is good, so, I pre-ordered the chicken and potato salad and just needed someone to pick it up on the way to the reception.

    And no one would do it! No one! So DH and I traipse into Walmart in wedding attire (I did leave my flowers in the car) to pick up our chicken.

    Our Elvis wedding included smoke, a pink caddy (that drove me into the facility), laser lights, etc. However, the part my DH talks about is having to go into WalMart dressed to the nines to pick up fried chicken. :)

    And yes, the chicken was good. And the reception was fun.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited May 2015

    A WEDDING dress IS much better than Pajamas.... Hah! Did they congratulate you guys?

    That was funny Kiwi.... Ha! We got married at a JP in 1957.... then to his Mom's house for cake, then to our newly second-hand furnished little apartment.... THEN his Cousin, my maid of honor came over, just in time to keep us out of bed, and THEN she brought over a bottle of whiskey! They told me to take a drink, because after-all it was my WEDDING! I nearly choked to death! They laughed their butts off... I was ready to kill them both.

    So needless to say those two got chit-faced, on MY Wedding! I went to bed, alone....sniff.... and he didn't remember a THING! But we have been together for 57 years.... and he didn't do THAT one again.... Ha!

  • KiwiCatMom
    KiwiCatMom Member Posts: 2,337
    edited May 2015

    That's a great story, Chevy! Thanks for sharing!

    I must say, you haven't lived until you've been to a WalMart in Vegas. Vegas is bizarre full stop, and add WalMart and you have things you'll never unsee. :) My Kiwi husband was shocked, mortified, and amused. Especially by the very tall woman with hair to her waist, thin as a rail, 6" platform shoes and an mini dress. She bent over to look at something and her dress hiked up to reveal her Depends....then she turned around and she was like 70! Yikes!

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,890
    edited May 2015

    OMD--please don't imagine

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited May 2015

    Can't unthink that either.

  • Loveroflife
    Loveroflife Member Posts: 4,243
    edited May 2015

    Ohhhhh too late now!!!